1,326 research outputs found

    Automatic region-of-interest extraction in low depth-of-field images

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    PhD ThesisAutomatic extraction of focused regions from images with low depth-of-field (DOF) is a problem without an efficient solution yet. The capability of extracting focused regions can help to bridge the semantic gap by integrating image regions which are meaningfully relevant and generally do not exhibit uniform visual characteristics. There exist two main difficulties for extracting focused regions from low DOF images using high-frequency based techniques: computational complexity and performance. A novel unsupervised segmentation approach based on ensemble clustering is proposed to extract the focused regions from low DOF images in two stages. The first stage is to cluster image blocks in a joint contrast-energy feature space into three constituent groups. To achieve this, we make use of a normal mixture-based model along with standard expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm at two consecutive levels of block size. To avoid the common problem of local optima experienced in many models, an ensemble EM clustering algorithm is proposed. As a result, relevant blocks, i.e., block-based region-of-interest (ROI), closely conforming to image objects are extracted. In stage two, two different approaches have been developed to extract pixel-based ROI. In the first approach, a binary saliency map is constructed from the relevant blocks at the pixel level, which is based on difference of Gaussian (DOG) and binarization methods. Then, a set of morphological operations is employed to create the pixel-based ROI from the map. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves an average segmentation performance of 91.3% and is computationally 3 times faster than the best existing approach. In the second approach, a minimal graph cut is constructed by using the max-flow method and also by using object/background seeds provided by the ensemble clustering algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate an average segmentation performance of 91.7% and approximately 50% reduction of the average computational time by the proposed colour based approach compared with existing unsupervised approaches

    A New Approach Based on Quantum Clustering and Wavelet Transform for Breast Cancer Classification: Comparative Study

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    Feature selection involves identifying a subset of the most useful features that produce the same results as the original set of features. In this paper, we present a new approach for improving classification accuracy. This approach is based on quantum clustering for feature subset selection and wavelet transform for features extraction. The feature selection is performed in three steps. First the mammographic image undergoes a wavelet transform then some features are extracted. In the second step the original feature space is partitioned in clusters in order to group similar features. This operation is performed using the Quantum Clustering algorithm. The third step deals with the selection of a representative feature for each cluster. This selection is based on similarity measures such as the correlation coefficient (CC) and the mutual information (MI). The feature which maximizes this information (CC or MI) is chosen by the algorithm. This approach is applied for breast cancer classification. The K-nearest neighbors (KNN) classifier is used to achieve the classification. We have presented classification accuracy versus feature type, wavelet transform and K neighbors in the KNN classifier. An accuracy of 100% was reached in some cases

    Learning from seismic data to characterize subsurface volumes

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    The exponential growth of collected data from seismic surveys makes it impossible for interpreters to manually inspect, analyze and annotate all collected data. Deep learning has proved to be a potential mechanism to overcome big data problems in various computer vision tasks such as image classification and semantic segmentation. However, the applications of deep learning are limited in the field of subsurface volume characterization due to the limited availability of consistently-annotated seismic datasets. Obtaining annotations of seismic data is a labor-intensive process that requires field knowledge. Moreover, seismic interpreters rely on the few direct high-resolution measurements of the subsurface from well-logs and core data to confirm their interpretations. Different interpreters might arrive at different valid interpretations of the subsurface, all of which are in agreement with well-logs and core data. Therefore, to successfully utilize deep learning for subsurface characterization, one must address and circumvent the lack or shortage of consistent annotated data. In this dissertation, we introduce a learning-based physics-guided subsurface volume characterization framework that can learn from limited inconsistently-annotated data. The introduced framework integrates seismic data and the limited well-log data to characterize the subsurface at a higher-than-seismic resolution. The introduced framework takes into account the physics that governs seismic data to overcome noise and artifacts that are often present in the data. Integrating a physical model in deep-learning frameworks improves their generalization ability beyond the training data. Furthermore, the physical model enables deep networks to learn from unlabeled data, in addition to a few annotated examples, in a semi-supervised learning scheme. Applications of the introduced framework are not limited to subsurface volume characterization, it can be extended to other domains in which data represent a physical phenomenon and annotated data is limited.Ph.D

    Novel CBIR System Based on Ripplet Transform Using Interactive Neuro-Fuzzy Technique

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    Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system is an emerging research area in effective digital data management and retrieval paradigm. In this article, a novel CBIR system based on a new Multiscale Geometric Analysis (MGA)-tool, called Ripplet Transform Type-I (RT) is presented. To improve the retrieval result and to reduce the computational complexity, the proposed scheme utilizes a Neural Network (NN) based classifier for image pre-classification, similarity matching using Manhattan distance measure and relevance feedback mechanism (RFM) using fuzzy entropy based feature evaluation technique. Extensive experiments were carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed technique. The performance of the proposed CBIR system is evaluated using a 2 £ 5-fold cross validation followed by a statistical analysis. The experimental results suggest that the proposed system based on RT, performs better than many existing CBIR schemes based on other transforms, and the difference is statistically significant
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