13 research outputs found

    Verfahren zur Inhaltsadaption von Darstellungselementen

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    Dieser Bericht gibt einen Überblick über bekannte Verfahren und Technologien zur automatischen Adaption von Darstellungselementen für mobile Endgeräte, wobei der Schwerpunkt bei Verfahren zur Adaption von Bildern, Videos, Webseiten und Audiodateien liegt. Ziel ist es, basierend auf den Eigenschaften des Endgerätes und den Interaktionsmöglichkeiten, geeignete Darstellungsformate automatisch abzuleiten. Als mögliche Endgeräte werden Mobiltelefone, PDAs, Tablet PCs und Notebook PCs betrachtet. Ein guter Adaptionsalgorithmus sollte eine computergestützte Umformatierung von nur einmal bereit gestellten Inhalten für die verschiedenen Formfaktoren, Auflösungen, Bildschirmgrößen, Interaktionstechniken (Maus, Stift, Touch-Screen usw.) und Netzbandbreiten unterstützen

    SMIL State: an architecture and implementation for adaptive time-based web applications

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    In this paper we examine adaptive time-based web applications (or presentations). These are interactive presentations where time dictates which parts of the application are presented (providing the major structuring paradigm), and that require interactivity and other dynamic adaptation. We investigate the current technologies available to create such presentations and their shortcomings, and suggest a mechanism for addressing these shortcomings. This mechanism, SMIL State, can be used to add user-defined state to declarative time-based languages such as SMIL or SVG animation, thereby enabling the author to create control flows that are difficult to realize within the temporal containment model of the host languages. In addition, SMIL State can be used as a bridging mechanism between languages, enabling easy integration of external components into the web application. Finally, SMIL State enables richer expressions for content control. This paper defines SMIL State in terms of an introductory example, followed by a detailed specification of the State model. Next, the implementation of this model is discussed. We conclude with a set of potential use cases, including dynamic content adaptation and delayed insertion of custom content such as advertisements. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Il markup automatico su documenti legislativi in lingua albanese

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    La presente dissertazione si basa sull’aggiunta di una funzionalità all’interno dell’editor LIME, la cui principale funzione è il trattamento di documenti legislativi redatti nello standard Akoma Ntoso, basato sul linguaggio XML. Tale funzionalità implementata riguarda l’estensione della funzione di markup automatico anche ai documenti legislativi Albanesi, essa era già presente per i testi in lingua italiana, inglese, spagnola, russa e rumena. Tale funzione utilizza parser basati su espressioni regex permettono la rilevazione automatica degli elementi presenti all’interno del testo legislativo. All’interno della dissertazione verrà spiegato nel dettaglio il funzionamento di tale funzione di markup automatico, dei relativi parser e delle relative espressioni regolari utilizzate da essi per rilevazione degli elementi all’interno dei documenti


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    Despite huge incentives and investments in information technology (IT) standards, many firms still fail to fully benefit from their implementations. To explain such failures, we examine why some firms benefit more from IT standard implementation than others. Specifically, we look at the implementation of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) from a technological diffusion perspective, and investigate under what contextual conditions the extent of XML implementation has the greatest effect on business process outcomes. Using empirical data from the publishing industry (N=188), we find that the extent of XML implementation impacts business process outcomes, and both business process radicalness of XML implementation and related XML knowledge play moderating roles. For information systems (IS) practice, this study helps managers direct their attention to the most promising factors and elaborates on their differential effects on business process outcomes. For IS research, it integrates innovation diffusion theory into our current knowledge of IT implementation and provides theoretical explanations for XML implementation successes and failures

    CSS Spa: A System for Parsing & Aggregation of Cascading Style Sheets

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    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) represent a powerful means for Web designers to separate HTML content from presentation. CSS solves many design-related issues, but it also creates new ones, including document management issues and "code bloat." The CSS Spa has been created to assist designers with CSS management. After spidering a Web site's CSS content, the CSS Spa follows a series of rules to accomplish this: enforcement of atomic separation; elimination of non-CSS style elements; elimination of inline styles; normalization attributes and values; creation of new CSS "superclasses;" and finally removal of any unused CSS. The CSS Spa tool was developed using PHP and MySQL, then tested on two sets of sites: three simple learning cases and three real-world Web sites. Each of these test sites represents a different CSS challenge: reliance on older HTML styles; heavy use of inline styles; and enhancement of an already-efficient design

    XML Integrated Environment for Service-Oriented Data Management

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    The proliferation of XML as a family of related standards including a markup language (XML), formatting semantics (XSL style sheets), a linking syntax (XLINK), and appropriate data schema standards have emerged as a de facto standard for encoding and sharing data between various applications. XML is designed to be simple, easily parsed and self-describing. XML is based on and support the idea of separation of concerns: information content is separated from information rendering, and relationships between data elements are provided via simple nesting and references. As the XML content grows, the ability to handle schemaless XML documents becomes more critical as most XML documents do not have schema or Document Type Definitions (DTDs). In addition, XML content and XML tools are often required to be combined in effective ways for better performance and higher flexibility. In this research, we proposed XML Integrated Environment (XIE) which is a general-purpose service-oriented architecture for processing XML documents in a scalable and efficient fashion. The XIE supports a new software service model that provides a proper abstraction to describe a service and divide it into four components: structure, connection, interface and logic. We also proposed and implemented XIE Service Language (XIESL) that can capture the creation and maintenance of the XML processes and the data flow specified by the user and then orchestrates the interactions between different XIE services. Moreover, XIESL manages the complexity of XML processing by implementing an XML processing pipeline that enables better management, control, interpretation and presentation of the XML data even for non-professional users. The XML Integrated Environment is envisioned to revolutionize the way non-professional programmers see, work and manage their XML assets. It offers them powerful tools and constructs to fully utilize the XML processing power embedded in its unified framework and service-oriented architecture

    Forder Application

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaIn Portugal eating out is a part of the lifestyle. People meet in coffee shops and restaurants, creating business opportunities for the owners of the places. In the summer season there are many bars that open their terrace service. Like many business, there are some ‘quiet times’ during the day – moments, when the place doesn’t receive so many clients. This project proposes an idea on how to maintain the efficiency of the outdoor service with possibly lower costs for the company. The application presented in the given project enables clients to make their requests directly from the table using a cellphone. In the next step the employee receives a notification with the request and he can prepare and deliver the order. Combining Proximity Communication Technologies and a web and mobile application, the communication between a client and an employee may turn out to be fast and comfortable. This solution can have an impact on the number of employees during a calmer time. It is also expected that the client will be able to receive his order in the faster way, through the implemented innovation

    Adding state to declarative languages to enable web applications

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    On the web, media tend to be encoded in declarative formats, which facilitate accessibility, reuse, and transformation. Web applications, on the other hand, are created with more procedural technology and do not enjoy these benefits. In this thesis we examine how this can be fixed. We examine a small part of the problem space, adaptive time based applications, and investigate how we can extend existing declarative languages to fa

    Framework para gerenciar dados de interação do usuário em ambientes hipermídia de aprendizagem

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Este trabalho propõe um framework, ou seja, uma infra-estrutura reutilizável de software para gerenciar dados de interação de usuários em ambientes hipermídia de aprendizagem. Apresenta-se uma arquitetura de três camadas para o monitoramento das interações do usuário bem como seu armazenamento e recuperação em banco de dados relacional. Os resultados desse trabalho servem de base para a realização de diferentes pesquisas visando o aprimoramento dos ambientes de EIAC, especificamente as hipermídias pedagógicas