143 research outputs found

    Agent-based self-management of MPLS DiffServ-TE domain

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    MPLS DiffServ-TE presents the solution awaited so much by the network service providers by allowing a differentiation of services and a traffic engineering based on a fast packet switching technology. However, the management of such a network is not a simple function and could not be done manually. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture based on the Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) capable of managing automatically MPLS DiffServ-TE domains. Based on the network states, our intelligent agents take the appropriate decisions. They, for example, reconfigure the network accordingly5th IFIP International Conference on Network Control & Engineering for QoS, Security and MobilityRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A study into scalable transport networks for IoT deployment

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    The growth of the internet towards the Internet of Things (IoT) has impacted the way we live. Intelligent (smart) devices which can act autonomously has resulted in new applications for example industrial automation, smart healthcare systems, autonomous transportation to name just a few. These applications have dramatically improved the way we live as citizens. While the internet is continuing to grow at an unprecedented rate, this has also been coupled with the growing demands for new services e.g. machine-to machine (M2M) communications, smart metering etc. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) architecture was developed decades ago and was not prepared nor designed to meet these exponential demands. This has led to the complexity of the internet coupled with its inflexible and a rigid state. The challenges of reliability, scalability, interoperability, inflexibility and vendor lock-in amongst the many challenges still remain a concern over the existing (traditional) networks. In this study, an evolutionary approach into implementing a "Scalable IoT Data Transmission Network" (S-IoT-N) is proposed while leveraging on existing transport networks. Most Importantly, the proposed evolutionary approach attempts to address the above challenges by using open (existing) standards and by leveraging on the (traditional/existing) transport networks. The Proof-of-Concept (PoC) of the proposed S-IoT-N is attempted on a physical network testbed and is demonstrated along with basic network connectivity services over it. Finally, the results are validated by an experimental performance evaluation of the PoC physical network testbed along with the recommendations for improvement and future work

    Design and Development of a Framework for Traffic Management in a Global Manufacturing Enterprise: The American Standard Case Study

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    Managed Bandwidth Services (MBSs) use Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees to effectively control traffic flows and reduce network delay. In the past, the provision of MBS in a global manufacturing enterprise was a difficult task for network administrators. However, advances in recently emerging technologies, such as Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS), Integrated Services (IntServ), Differentiated Services (DiffServ), and Constraint-based Routing (CBR), hold promise to make MBS implementation more manageable. QoS technologies, such as DiffServ and IntServ, offer the benefits of better application performance and delivery of reliable network service. As a consequence of network traffic loads, packet congestion and latency increases still exist and must be addressed by enterprises that intend to support an MBS solution. In this investigation, the author addressed an issue that is faced by many large manufacturing enterprises, i.e., the addition of latency and congestion sensitive traffic such as Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) to networks with limited bandwidth. The goal of this research was to provide global manufacturing enterprises with a model for bandwidth management in their offices and plants. This model was based on findings from a case study of traffic management at American Standard Companies

    Analysis of Inter-Domain Label Switched Path (LSP) Recovery

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    Loop detection and prevention mechanism in multiprotocol label switching

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    The extended color thread algorithm is based on running a thread hop by hop before the labels are distributed inside a MPLS Cloud Since the path for the data packets is set beforehand, the loop formation occurs at the control path. The shortest paths between selected source and destination have been calculated using Dijkstra\u27s shortest path algorithm and threads are allowed to extend through the routers. With the passage of each next hop, a distributed procedure is executed within the thread, generating a unique color at nodes. This keeps a track on router\u27s control path and at the same time ensures that no loop formation occurs. In loop prevention mode, a router transmits a label mapping, when it rewinds the thread for that particular LSP. Likewise, if a router operates in loop detection mode, it returns a label-mapping message without a thread object, after receiving a colored thread. The scheme is a loop prevention scheme, thus, ensuring loop detection and loop mitigation. The same algorithm is then extended to a proposed MPLS environment with global label space. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Development of an SNMP agent for Ethernet switches

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    To answer some of the present requests for the networks appears GMPLS. However the implantation of this technology is difficult because still there are a lot of non capable GMPLS elements in the network. DRAGON is a software that solves this problem in the Ethernet networks using SNMP to control this elements and making these equipments capable for working in a GMPLS network. The objective of this thesis is make the Click Router, a open source software for building routers, capable of working , with the help of DRAGON, in a GMPLS network

    Étude et développement d'outils d'optimisation de gestion de services dans les réseaux MPLS

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    Beaucoup d'efforts se concentrent actuellement sur l'opération, administration et maintenance des réseaux MPLS, les fournisseurs de service ayant bien compris que pour générer des profits, les services doivent être gérés efficacement. Différents outils ont ainsi été développés par des équipes de recherche et par l'industrie, adressant un ou plusieurs aspects de la gestion de réseaux. Cependant, aucun outil ne permet à lui seul de visualiser la configuration d'un réseau hétérogène MPLS, avec ses applications principales, l'ingénierie de trafic et les VPN. En outre, la problématique de détection des pannes n'est abordée qu'en théorie. Pour répondre à ce besoin, nous avons conçu un nouvel outil, permettant de fournir à l'administrateur une vue globale de son réseau MPLS via une interface Web. Il s'intègre avec un outil dédié à la qualité de service pour former QoS MPLS Assistant (QMA). La collecte d'informations est définie selon des standards établis, rendant QMA interopérable, fonctionnel quel que soit le constructeur des équipements. Par ailleurs, une méthode de surveillance de réseau a été mise au point, après étude et analyse des mécanismes actuellement proposés ou en cours de développement. Lors du développement de cet outil, il a fallu tenir compte de l'écart constaté entre standards publiés et implémentations effectives dans les routeurs. De fait, certaines des fonctionnalités de QMA élaborées en théorie n'ont pu être concrètement mises en place. Pour autant, QMA est un outil riche, offrant à l'administrateur un moyen ergonomique et convivial de visualisation d'un réseau MPLS. Il a été testé avec succès sur une plateforme de tests de notre partenaire industriel Bell Canada. Conçu avec une approche modulaire, pour faciliter son évolution, QMA pourra être repris dans le cadre d'un autre projet, et inclure de nouvelles fonctionnalités, voire même s'intégrer dans une solution professionnelle de gestion des réseaux

    Contribución en el análisis y simulación de una red MPLS con la Internet de los servicios diferenciados DIFFSERV

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    -- The advent of Internet and the globalization have modified the forms of communication in the world and the enterprises. All this has brought the search of facilities of communications permanents and secures with quality of service to improve the Internet The studies of the news networks with MPLS are in a process that consists in finding news focus to improve the quality of service and rerouting. This thesis consists in analyzing and simulates MPLS with DiffServ to demonstrate that the use of the L-LSP is a good solution to improve the throughput in the network. The other side, it proposes a new method for updating time to rerouting in the network uses OSPF. Finally, it does an analysis and simulation of the network behavior, in case of the fail a link. It is to say the resilence of the network.se realiza; un estudio de las nuevas arquitecturas como IntServ, DiffServ, MPLS, un análisis y simulación el comportamiento de una red MPLS con Servicios Diferenciados con L-LSPs con múltiples rutas en una red. También se propone un algoritmo predictivo para la determinación del ancho de banda disponible para cada enlace en cada nodo de una red MPLS-DiffServ y establecer la mejor ruta de extremo a extremo, durante el periodo de actualización de datos de ancho de banda disponible usando el protocolo OSPF lo que permite mejorar el re-enrutamiento y finalmente se realiza un análisis de la red MPLS-DiffServ para el re-enrutamiento en caso de pérdida de un enlace.Tesi

    Agent-based self-management of MPLS DiffServ-TE domain

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    MPLS DiffServ-TE presents the solution awaited so much by the network service providers by allowing a differentiation of services and a traffic engineering based on a fast packet switching technology. However, the management of such a network is not a simple function and could not be done manually. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture based on the Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) capable of managing automatically MPLS DiffServ-TE domains. Based on the network states, our intelligent agents take the appropriate decisions. They, for example, reconfigure the network accordingly5th IFIP International Conference on Network Control & Engineering for QoS, Security and MobilityRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI