8 research outputs found

    The Effect of Rearrangement of the Most Incompatible Particle on Increase of Convergence Speed of PSO

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    This article presents a new method for increasing the speed of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The particle swarm is an optimization method that was inspired by collective movement of birds and fish looking for food. This method is composed of a group of particles: each particle tries to move in one direction that the best individual and best group of particles occur in that direction. Different articles tried to expand PSO so that global optimization is gained in less time. One of the problems of this model that occurs in most cases is falling of particles in local optimum. By finding the most incompatible particle and its rearrangement in the searching space, we increase convergence speed in some considered methods. Different tests of this method in standard searching space demonstrated that this method takes account of suitable function of increasing the convergece speed of particles.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i2.202

    Vibration modal shapes and strain measurement of the main shaft assembly of a friction hoist

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    In order to evaluate the reliability of the main shaft unit of a friction hoisting system, strain measurement is a significant method. In this paper, a test rig of a friction hoisting system was built, which could applied periodically changing load on its main shaft unit; The mechanical analysis under the test load was conducted and the boundary limits were obtained; A three dimensional model of the main shaft unit was built in Pro-E and its finite element analysis was performed in ANSYS; With the analytical result, measuring points for strain rosettes were initially selected; Vibration modal shapes of the main shaft unit were analyzed, based on which Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) was utilized in the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to make the final decision of the number and positions of the measuring points; A wireless measurement system was developed to acquire strain signals from the optimized measuring positions; The test result verified the efficiency of the methods employed in this paper and revealed how strain of the main shaft unit changes during running process

    Simulating The Impact of Emissions Control on Economic Productivity Using Particle Systems and Puff Dispersion Model

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    A simulation platform is developed for quantifying the change in productivity of an economy under passive and active emission control mechanisms. The program uses object-oriented programming to code a collection of objects resembling typical stakeholders in an economy. These objects include firms, markets, transportation hubs, and boids which are distributed over a 2D surface. Firms are connected using a modified Prim’s Minimum spanning tree algorithm, followed by implementation of an all-pair shortest path Floyd Warshall algorithm for navigation purposes. Firms use a non-linear production function for transformation of land, labor, and capital inputs to finished product. A GA-Vehicle Routing Problem with multiple pickups and drop-offs is implemented for efficient delivery of commodities across multiple nodes in the economy. Boids are autonomous agents which perform several functions in the economy including labor, consumption, renting, saving, and investing. Each boid is programmed with several microeconomic functions including intertemporal choice models, Hicksian and Marshallian demand function, and labor-leisure model. The simulation uses a Puff Dispersion model to simulate the advection and diffusion of emissions from point and mobile sources in the economy. A dose-response function is implemented to quantify depreciation of a Boid’s health upon contact with these emissions. The impact of emissions control on productivity and air quality is examined through a series of passive and active emission control scenarios. Passive control examines the impact of various shutdown times on economic productivity and rate of emissions exposure experienced by boids. The active control strategy examines the effects of acceptable levels of emissions exposure on economic productivity. The key findings on 7 different scenarios of passive and active emissions controls indicate that rate of productivity and consumption in an economy declines with increased scrutiny of emissions from point sources. In terms of exposure rates, the point sources may not be the primary source of average exposure rates, however they significantly impact the maximum exposure rate experienced by a boid. Tightening of emissions control also negatively impacts the transportation sector by reducing the asset utilization rate as well as reducing the total volume of goods transported across the economy

    Задача ефективного розподілу навантаження між електростанціями

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    Магістерська дисертація: 107 с., 22 рис., 29 табл., 7 додатків, 77 джерел. Актуальність. На сьогоднішній день важко уявити наше життя без пристроїв, що споживають електроенергію. У порівнянні із XX століттям споживання електроенергії зросло більше, ніж у 100 разів. Розташування електростанцій залежить від можливості постачання енергоносіїв, через що вони, зазвичай, розмішуються з огляду на можливість їх безперешкодного та простого постачання. Електростанції часто розташовуються досить далеко від основних споживачів електроенергії, тому частина електроенергії втрачається під час транспортування. Але значно більш важливою проблемою є неможливість економічно ефективного зберігання виробленої електроенергії, що спричинює значні матеріальні втрати при неправильному плануванні економічного навантаження між електростанціями. Розроблено ряд методів та алгоритмів для заходження ефективного розподілу навантаження між електростанціями в електромережі, але кожен із них має певні недоліки, що дозволяє його ефективне використання лише для певної підможини задачі економічного розподілу навантаження та динамічного розподілу навантаження. З огляду на це дана задача є актуальною сьогодні. Її особливість полягає у нелінійності функцій генерації електроенергії, що у значній мірі ускладнює розробку ефективного алгоритму. Мета дослідження – розробка математичного апарату, застосування якого спрямоване на зменшення витрат палива на виробництво електроенергії Для досягнення поставленої мети необхідно виконати наступні завдання: виконати огляд існуючих методів розв’язування поставленої задачі; формалізувати задачі економічного розподілу навантаження та динамічного розподілу навантаження із врахуванням обмежень, які виникають під час виробництва електроенергії; розробити алгоритми розв’язування поставлених задач; здійснити програмну реалізацію запропонованих алгоритмів; провести експериментальні дослідження розроблених алгоритмів; виконати аналіз отриманих результатів. Об’єкт дослідження – процес розподілу навантаження між електростанціями для замкнутої енергетичної системи. Предмет дослідження – методи ефективного розподілу навантаження між електростанціями. Наукова новизна отриманих результатів – розроблено оригінальний алгоритм вовчої зграї для розв’язування задач економічного розподілу навантаження та динамічного розподілу навантаження. Наведено спосіб зведення отриманого розв’язку до допустимого для поставлених задач. Публікації. Матеріали роботи опубліковані в статті в міжнародному науковому журналі «Науковий огляд» [1,2]. Зв'язок роботи з науковими програмами, планами, темами. Робота виконувалась у філії кафедри автоматизованих систем обробки інформації та управління Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут ім. Ігоря Сікорського» в рамках науково-дослідної теми Інституту кібернетики ім. В. М. Глушкова НАН України: «Розробити математичний апарат, орієнтований на створення інтелектуальних інформаційних технологій розв’язування проблем комбінаторної оптимізації та інформаційної безпеки» (шифр теми: ВФ.180.11).Master’s thesis: 107 pages, 22 figures, 29 tables, 7 appendix, 77 references. Relevance. Today, it's impossible to imagine our life without appliances that consume electricity. Compared with the 20th century, electricity consumption has grown more than 100 times. The location of power plants depends on the ability to supply energy, which is why they are usually hugged with the possibility of their unobstructed and simple supply. Because of this, power stations are often located far enough away from the main consumers of electricity, which is why part of the electricity is lost during transportation. But a much more important problem is the impossibility of economically efficient storage of produced electricity, which causes significant material losses in case of improper planning of economic load between power plants. A lot of methods and algorithms have been developed for the establishment of a cost-effective distribution of the load between the power plants in the grid, but each of them has certain disadvantages, which allows its effective use only for a certain part of the task of economic load dispatch and dynamic load dispatch. Given this, the task is relevant today. Its feature is the nonlinearity of the functions of generating electricity, which greatly complicates the development of an efficient algorithm. Purpose and objectives of the study is reduction of fuel consumption for electricity production due to efficient allocation of load between power plants. To achieve the goal must perform the following tasks: to perform an overview of existing methods of solving the task; to formalize the task of economic load dispatch and dynamic load dispatch; implement algorithms for the tasks; develop a software implementation of a modified algorithm; to conduct experimental research of existing and developed algorithms; to perform the analysis of the results. The object of the study is the process of distributing the load between the power plants for a closed power system. Subject of the study is methods of effective distribution of load between power plants. Scientific novelty of the results. The modification of the grey wolf optimizer for solving the problems of economic load distribution and dynamic load distribution has been developed. The method of transforming received solution of the defined problem to the possible one is provided. Publications. Publications Materials of the work are published in the article in the international scientific journal “Scientific Review” [1,2]. Relationship of work with scientific programs, plans, themes. Connection of the thesis with scientific programs, plans, topics. The thesis was written at the branch of The Department of Department of Computer-aided management and data processing systems of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” at the V. M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine under the topic “Develop a mathematical apparatus aimed at creating of intellectual information technologies for solving combinatorial optimization and information security problems” (topic’s index is ВФ.180.11)

    Nidus Idearum. Scilogs, X: via neutrosophica

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    In this tenth book of scilogs – called via neutrosophica (the neutrosophic way) –, one may find new and old questions and solutions, referring mostly to topics on NEUTROSOPHY, but also MULTISPACE, with miscellaneous addition of topics on Physics, Mathematics, or Sociology – email messages to research colleagues, or replies, notes about authors, articles, or books, spontaneous ideas, and so on. Exchanging ideas with A. Elhassouny, Junhui Kim, Jeong Gon Lee, Kul Hur, Hojjatollah Farahani, W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Said Broumi, Mumtaz Ali, Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Ozen Ozer, Madad Khan, Gheorghe Săvoiu, John Mordeson, Adesina Agboola, Waldyr Rodrigues, Ajay Sharma, Stephen Crothers, Vlad, Dmitri Rabounski, Victor Christianto, Trung Duyên, Mirela Teodorescu, Ioan Aurel Pop.‬‬

    Optimization-based Analysis and Training of Human Decision Making

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    In the research domain Complex Problem Solving (CPS) in psychology, computer-supported tests are used to analyze complex human decision making and problem solving. The approach is to use computer-based microworlds and to evaluate the performance of participants in such test-scenarios and correlate it to certain characteristics. However, these test-scenarios have usually been defined on a trial-and-error basis, until certain characteristics became apparent. The more complex models become, the more likely it is that unforeseen and unwanted characteristics emerge in studies. In this thesis,we use mathematical optimization methods as an analysis and training tool for Complex Problem Solving, but also show how optimization should be used in the design stage of new complex problem scenarios in the future. We present the IWR Tailorshop, a novel test scenario with functional relations and model parameters that have been formulated based on optimization results. The IWR Tailorshop is the first CPS test-scenario designed for the application of optimization and is based on the economic framing of another famous microworld, the Tailorshop. We describe an optimization-based analysis approach and extend it to optimization-based feedback with different approaches for both feedback computation and feedback presentation. Additionally, we investigate differentiable reformulations for an unavoidable minimum expression and show the according numerical results. To address the difficulties of computing globally optimal solutions for this test-scenario, which yields non-convex mixed-integer optimization problems, we present a decomposition approach for the IWR Tailorshop. The new test-scenario has been implemented in a web-based interface together with an analysis software for collected data, which both are available as open-source software and allow for an easy adaption to other test-scenarios. In this work, we also apply our methodology in a web-based feedback study using the IWR Tailorshop in which participants are trained to control the microworld by optimization-based feedback. In this study with 148 participants, we show that such a feedback can significantly improve participants’ performance in a complex microworld with a possibly huge difference to a control group. However, the performance improvement depends on the representation of the feedback. We give a detailed analysis of the study and report on new insights about human decision making which only have been possible through the IWR Tailorshop and our optimization-based analysis and training approach