60 research outputs found

    Hardware Implementations for Symmetric Key Cryptosystems

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    The utilization of global communications network for supporting new electronic applications is growing. Many applications provided over the global communications network involve exchange of security-sensitive information between different entities. Often, communicating entities are located at different locations around the globe. This demands deployment of certain mechanisms for providing secure communications channels between these entities. For this purpose, cryptographic algorithms are used by many of today\u27s electronic applications to maintain security. Cryptographic algorithms provide set of primitives for achieving different security goals such as: confidentiality, data integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation. In general, two main categories of cryptographic algorithms can be used to accomplish any of these security goals, namely, asymmetric key algorithms and symmetric key algorithms. The security of asymmetric key algorithms is based on the hardness of the underlying computational problems, which usually require large overhead of space and time complexities. On the other hand, the security of symmetric key algorithms is based on non-linear transformations and permutations, which provide efficient implementations compared to the asymmetric key ones. Therefore, it is common to use asymmetric key algorithms for key exchange, while symmetric key counterparts are deployed in securing the communications sessions. This thesis focuses on finding efficient hardware implementations for symmetric key cryptosystems targeting mobile communications and resource constrained applications. First, efficient lightweight hardware implementations of two members of the Welch-Gong (WG) family of stream ciphers, the WG(29,11)\left(29,11\right) and WG-1616, are considered for the mobile communications domain. Optimizations in the WG(29,11)\left(29,11\right) stream cipher are considered when the GF(229)GF\left(2^{29}\right) elements are represented in either the Optimal normal basis type-II (ONB-II) or the Polynomial basis (PB). For WG-1616, optimizations are considered only for PB representations of the GF(216)GF\left(2^{16}\right) elements. In this regard, optimizations for both ciphers are accomplished mainly at the arithmetic level through reducing the number of field multipliers, based on novel trace properties. In addition, other optimization techniques such as serialization and pipelining, are also considered. After this, the thesis explores efficient hardware implementations for digit-level multiplication over binary extension fields GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right). Efficient digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) multiplications are advantageous for ultra-lightweight implementations, not only in symmetric key algorithms, but also in asymmetric key algorithms. The thesis introduces new architectures for digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) multipliers considering the Gaussian normal basis (GNB) and PB representations of the field elements. The new digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) single multipliers do not require loading of the two input field elements in advance to computations. This feature results in high throughput fast multiplication in resource constrained applications with limited capacity of input data-paths. The new digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) single multipliers are considered for both the GNB and PB. In addition, for the GNB representation, new architectures for digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) hybrid-double and hybrid-triple multipliers are introduced. The new digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) hybrid-double and hybrid-triple GNB multipliers, respectively, accomplish the multiplication of three and four field elements using the latency required for multiplying two field elements. Furthermore, a new hardware architecture for the eight-ary exponentiation scheme is proposed by utilizing the new digit-level GF(2m)GF\left(2^{m}\right) hybrid-triple GNB multipliers

    Low-Resource and Fast Elliptic Curve Implementations over Binary Edwards Curves

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    Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is an ideal choice for low-resource applications because it provides the same level of security with smaller key sizes than other existing public key encryption schemes. For low-resource applications, designing efficient functional units for elliptic curve computations over binary fields results in an effective platform for an embedded co-processor. This thesis investigates co-processor designs for area-constrained devices. Particularly, we discuss an implementation utilizing state of the art binary Edwards curve equations over mixed point addition and doubling. The binary Edwards curve offers the security advantage that it is complete and is, therefore, immune to the exceptional points attack. In conjunction with Montgomery ladder, such a curve is naturally immune to most types of simple power and timing attacks. Finite field operations were performed in the small and efficient Gaussian normal basis. The recently presented formulas for mixed point addition by K. Kim, C. Lee, and C. Negre at Indocrypt 2014 were found to be invalid, but were corrected such that the speed and register usage were maintained. We utilize corrected mixed point addition and doubling formulas to achieve a secure, but still fast implementation of a point multiplication on binary Edwards curves. Our synthesis results over NIST recommended fields for ECC indicate that the proposed co-processor requires about 50% fewer clock cycles for point multiplication and occupies a similar silicon area when compared to the most recent in literature

    A VLSI synthesis of a Reed-Solomon processor for digital communication systems

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    The Reed-Solomon codes have been widely used in digital communication systems such as computer networks, satellites, VCRs, mobile communications and high- definition television (HDTV), in order to protect digital data against erasures, random and burst errors during transmission. Since the encoding and decoding algorithms for such codes are computationally intensive, special purpose hardware implementations are often required to meet the real time requirements. -- One motivation for this thesis is to investigate and introduce reconfigurable Galois field arithmetic structures which exploit the symmetric properties of available architectures. Another is to design and implement an RS encoder/decoder ASIC which can support a wide family of RS codes. -- An m-programmable Galois field multiplier which uses the standard basis representation of the elements is first introduced. It is then demonstrated that the exponentiator can be used to implement a fast inverter which outperforms the available inverters in GF(2m). Using these basic structures, an ASIC design and synthesis of a reconfigurable Reed-Solomon encoder/decoder processor which implements a large family of RS codes is proposed. The design is parameterized in terms of the block length n, Galois field symbol size m, and error correction capability t for the various RS codes. The design has been captured using the VHDL hardware description language and mapped onto CMOS standard cells available in the 0.8-µm BiCMOS design kits for Cadence and Synopsys tools. The experimental chip contains 218,206 logic gates and supports values of the Galois field symbol size m = 3,4,5,6,7,8 and error correction capability t = 1,2,3, ..., 16. Thus, the block length n is variable from 7 to 255. Error correction t and Galois field symbol size m are pin-selectable. -- Since low design complexity and high throughput are desired in the VLSI chip, the algebraic decoding technique has been investigated instead of the time or transform domain. The encoder uses a self-reciprocal generator polynomial which structures the codewords in a systematic form. At the beginning of the decoding process, received words are initially stored in the first-in-first-out (FIFO) buffer as they enter the syndrome module. The Berlekemp-Massey algorithm is used to determine both the error locator and error evaluator polynomials. The Chien Search and Forney's algorithms operate sequentially to solve for the error locations and error values respectively. The error values are exclusive or-ed with the buffered messages in order to correct the errors, as the processed data leave the chip

    High Speed and Low-Complexity Hardware Architectures for Elliptic Curve-Based Crypto-Processors

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    The elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) has been identified as an efficient scheme for public-key cryptography. This thesis studies efficient implementation of ECC crypto-processors on hardware platforms in a bottom-up approach. We first study efficient and low-complexity architectures for finite field multiplications over Gaussian normal basis (GNB). We propose three new low-complexity digit-level architectures for finite field multiplication. Architectures are modified in order to make them more suitable for hardware implementations specially focusing on reducing the area usage. Then, for the first time, we propose a hybrid digit-level multiplier architecture which performs two multiplications together (double-multiplication) with the same number of clock cycles required as the one for one multiplication. We propose a new hardware architecture for point multiplication on newly introduced binary Edwards and generalized Hessian curves. We investigate higher level parallelization and lower level scheduling for point multiplication on these curves. Also, we propose a highly parallel architecture for point multiplication on Koblitz curves by modifying the addition formulation. Several FPGA implementations exploiting these modifications are presented in this thesis. We employed the proposed hybrid multiplier architecture to reduce the latency of point multiplication in ECC crypto-processors as well as the double-exponentiation. This scheme is the first known method to increase the speed of point multiplication whenever parallelization fails due to the data dependencies amongst lower level arithmetic computations. Our comparison results show that our proposed multiplier architectures outperform the counterparts available in the literature. Furthermore, fast computation of point multiplication on different binary elliptic curves is achieved

    Efficient and Low-complexity Hardware Architecture of Gaussian Normal Basis Multiplication over GF(2m) for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

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    In this paper an efficient high-speed architecture of Gaussian normal basis multiplier over binary finite field GF(2m) is presented. The structure is constructed by using regular modules for computation of exponentiation by powers of 2 and low-cost blocks for multiplication by normal elements of the binary field. Since the exponents are powers of 2, the modules are implemented by some simple cyclic shifts in the normal basis representation. As a result, the multiplier has a simple structure with a low critical path delay. The efficiency of the proposed structure is studied in terms of area and time complexity by using its implementation on Vertix-4 FPGA family and also its ASIC design in 180nm CMOS technology. Comparison results with other structures of the Gaussian normal basis multiplier verify that the proposed architecture has better performance in terms of speed and hardware utilization

    High-speed VLSI implementation of Digit-serial Gaussian normal basis Multiplication over GF(2m)

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    In this paper, by employing the logical effort technique an efficient and high-speed VLSI implementation of the digit-serial Gaussian normal basis multiplier is presented. It is constructed by using AND, XOR and XOR tree components. To have a low-cost implementation with low number of transistors, the block of AND gates are implemented by using NAND gates based on the property of the XOR gates in the XOR tree. To optimally decrease the delay and increase the drive ability of the circuit the logical effort method as an efficient method for sizing the transistors is employed. By using this method and also a 4-input XOR gate structure, the circuit is designed for minimum delay. The digit-serial Gaussian normal basis multiplier is implemented over two binary finite fields GF(2163) and GF(2233) in 0.18μm CMOS technology for three different digit sizes. The results show that the proposed structures, compared to previous structures, have been improved in terms of delay and area parameters

    High-speed Hardware Implementations of Point Multiplication for Binary Edwards and Generalized Hessian Curves

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    In this paper high-speed hardware architectures of point multiplication based on Montgomery ladder algorithm for binary Edwards and generalized Hessian curves in Gaussian normal basis are presented. Computations of the point addition and point doubling in the proposed architecture are concurrently performed by pipelined digit-serial finite field multipliers. The multipliers in parallel form are scheduled for lower number of clock cycles. The structure of proposed digit-serial Gaussian normal basis multiplier is constructed based on regular and low-cost modules of exponentiation by powers of two and multiplication by normal elements. Therefore, the structures are area efficient and have low critical path delay. Implementation results of the proposed architectures on Virtex-5 XC5VLX110 FPGA show that then execution time of the point multiplication for binary Edwards and generalized Hessian curves over GF(2163) and GF(2233) are 8.62µs and 11.03µs respectively. The proposed architectures have high-performance and high-speed compared to other works

    Efficient Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography on FPGAs

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    This work presents the design strategies of an FPGA-based elliptic curve co-processor. Elliptic curve cryptography is an important topic in cryptography due to its relatively short key length and higher efficiency as compared to other well-known public key crypto-systems like RSA. The most important contributions of this work are: - Analyzing how different representations of finite fields and points on elliptic curves effect the performance of an elliptic curve co-processor and implementing a high performance co-processor. - Proposing a novel dynamic programming approach to find the optimum combination of different recursive polynomial multiplication methods. Here optimum means the method which has the smallest number of bit operations. - Designing a new normal-basis multiplier which is based on polynomial multipliers. The most important part of this multiplier is a circuit of size O(nlogn)O(n \log n) for changing the representation between polynomial and normal basis

    Unified field multiplier for GF(p) and GF(2 n) with novel digit encoding

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    In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for unified field multipliers for Elliptic Curve Cryptography in the electronics industry because they provide flexibility for customers to choose between Prime (GF(p)) and Binary (GF(2")) Galois Fields. Also, having the ability to carry out arithmetic over both GF(p) and GF(2") in the same hardware provides the possibility of performing any cryptographic operation that requires the use of both fields. The unified field multiplier is relatively future proof compared with multipliers that only perform arithmetic over a single chosen field. The security provided by the architecture is also very important. It is known that the longer the key length, the more susceptible the system is to differential power attacks due to the increased amount of data leakage. Therefore, it is beneficial to design hardware that is scalable, so that more data can be processed per cycle. Another advantage of designing a multiplier that is capable of dealing with long word length is improvement in performance in terms of delay, because less cycles are needed. This is very important because typical elliptic curve cryptography involves key size of 160 bits. A novel unified field radix-4 multiplier using Montgomery Multiplication for the use of G(p) and GF(2") has been proposed. This design makes use of the unexploited state in number representation for operation in GF(2") where all carries are suppressed. The addition is carried out using a modified (4:2) redundant adder to accommodate the extra 1 * state. The proposed adder and the partial product generator design are capable of radix-4 operation, which reduces the number of computation cycles required. Also, the proposed adder is more scalable than existing designs.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Hardware Implementations of Scalable and Unified Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Processors

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    As the amount of information exchanged through the network grows, so does the demand for increased security over the transmission of this information. As the growth of computers increased in the past few decades, more sophisticated methods of cryptography have been developed. One method of transmitting data securely over the network is by using symmetric-key cryptography. However, a drawback of symmetric-key cryptography is the need to exchange the shared key securely. One of the solutions is to use public-key cryptography. One of the modern public-key cryptography algorithms is called Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). The advantage of ECC over some older algorithms is the smaller number of key sizes to provide a similar level of security. As a result, implementations of ECC are much faster and consume fewer resources. In order to achieve better performance, ECC operations are often offloaded onto hardware to alleviate the workload from the servers' processors. The most important and complex operation in ECC schemes is the elliptic curve point multiplication (ECPM). This thesis explores the implementation of hardware accelerators that offload the ECPM operation to hardware. These processors are referred to as ECC processors, or simply ECPs. This thesis targets the efficient hardware implementation of ECPs specifically for the 15 elliptic curves recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The main contribution of this thesis is the implementation of highly efficient hardware for scalable and unified finite field arithmetic units that are used in the design of ECPs. In this thesis, scalability refers to the processor's ability to support multiple key sizes without the need to reconfigure the hardware. By doing so, the hardware does not need to be redesigned for the server to handle different levels of security. Unified refers to the ability of the ECP to handle both prime and binary fields. The resultant designs are valuable to the research community and industry, as a single hardware device is able to handle a wide range of ECC operations efficiently and at high speeds. Thus, improving the ability of network servers to handle secure transaction more quickly and improve productivity at lower costs