110,908 research outputs found

    Multiple-Implementation Testing of Supervised Learning Software

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    Machine learning (ML) software, used to implement an ML algorithm, is widely used in many application domains such as financial, business, and engineering domains. Faults in ML software can cause substantial losses in these application domains. Thus, it is very critical to conduct effective testing of ML software to detect and eliminate its faults. However, testing ML software is difficult, especially on producing test oracles used for checking behavior correctness (such as using expected properties or expected test outputs). To tackle the test-oracle issue, in this paper, we present a novel black-box approach of multiple-implementation testing for supervised learning software. The insight underlying our approach is that there can be multiple implementations (independently written) for a supervised learning algorithm, and majority of them may produce the expected output for a test input (even if none of these implementations are fault-free). In particular, our approach derives a pseudo-oracle for a test input by running the test input on n implementations of the supervised learning algorithm, and then using the common test output produced by a majority (determined by a percentage threshold) of these n implementations. Our approach includes techniques to address challenges in multiple-implementation testing (or generally testing) of supervised learning software: definition of a test case in testing supervised learning software, along with resolution of inconsistent algorithm configurations across implementations. The evaluations on our approach show that our multiple-implementation testing is effective in detecting real faults in real-world ML software (even popularly used ones), including 5 faults from 10 NaiveBayes implementations and 4 faults from 20 k-nearest neighbor implementations.Ope

    Multiple-implementation testing of supervised learning software

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    Machine Learning (ML) software, used to implement an ML algorithm, is widely used in many application domains such as financial, business, and engineering domains. Faults in ML software can cause substantial losses in these application domains. Thus, it is very critical to conduct effective testing of ML software to detect and eliminate its faults. However, testing ML software is difficult, especially on producing test oracles used for checking behavior correctness (such as using expected properties or expected test outputs). To tackle the test-oracle issue, this thesis presents a novel black-box approach of multiple-implementation testing for supervised learning software. The insight underlying the approach is that there can be multiple implementations (independently written) for a supervised learning algorithm, and majority of them may produce the expected output for a test input (even if none of these implementations are fault-free). In particular, the proposed approach derives a pseudo oracle for a test input by running the test input on n implementations of the supervised learning algorithm, and then using the common test output produced by a majority (determined by a percentage threshold) of these n implementations. The proposed approach includes techniques to address challenges in multiple-implementation testing (or generally testing) of supervised learning software: the definition of test cases in testing supervised learning software, along with resolution of inconsistent algorithm configurations across implementations. In addition, to improve dependability of supervised learning software during in-field usage while incurring low runtime overhead, The approach includes a multiple-implementation monitoring technique. The evaluations on the proposed approach show that multiple-implementation testing is effective in detecting real faults in real-world ML software (even popularly used ones), including 5 faults from 10 NaiveBayes implementations and 4 faults from 20 k-nearest neighbor implementations, and the proposed technique of multiple-implementation monitoring substantially reduces the need of running multiple implementations with high prediction accuracy

    SLIMSVM : a simple implementation of support vector machine for analysis of microarray data

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    Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised machine learning technique being widely used in multiple areas of biological analysis including microarray data analysis. SlimSVM has been developed with the intention of replacing OSU SVM as the classification component of GenoIterSVM in order to make it independent of other SVM packages. GenolterSVM, developed by Dr. Marc Ma, is a SVM implementation with an iterative refinement algorithm for improved accuracy of classification of genotype microarray data. SlimSVM is an object-oriented, modular, and easy-to-use implementation written in C++. It supports dot (linear) and polynomial (non-linear) kernels. The program has been tested with artificial non-biological and microarray data. Testing with microarray data was performed to observe how SlimSVM handles medium-sized data files (containing thousands of data points) since it would ultimately be used to analyze them. The results were compared to those of LIBSVM, a leading SVM software, and the comparison demonstrates that implementation of SlimS VM was carried out accurately

    Fault Detection Effectiveness of Metamorphic Relations Developed for Testing Supervised Classifiers

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    In machine learning, supervised classifiers are used to obtain predictions for unlabeled data by inferring prediction functions using labeled data. Supervised classifiers are widely applied in domains such as computational biology, computational physics and healthcare to make critical decisions. However, it is often hard to test supervised classifiers since the expected answers are unknown. This is commonly known as the \emph{oracle problem} and metamorphic testing (MT) has been used to test such programs. In MT, metamorphic relations (MRs) are developed from intrinsic characteristics of the software under test (SUT). These MRs are used to generate test data and to verify the correctness of the test results without the presence of a test oracle. Effectiveness of MT heavily depends on the MRs used for testing. In this paper we have conducted an extensive empirical study to evaluate the fault detection effectiveness of MRs that have been used in multiple previous studies to test supervised classifiers. Our study uses a total of 709 reachable mutants generated by multiple mutation engines and uses data sets with varying characteristics to test the SUT. Our results reveal that only 14.8\% of these mutants are detected using the MRs and that the fault detection effectiveness of these MRs do not scale with the increased number of mutants when compared to what was reported in previous studies.Comment: 8 pages, AITesting 201

    Automatic generation of hardware Tree Classifiers

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    Machine Learning is growing in popularity and spreading across different fields for various applications. Due to this trend, machine learning algorithms use different hardware platforms and are being experimented to obtain high test accuracy and throughput. FPGAs are well-suited hardware platform for machine learning because of its re-programmability and lower power consumption. Programming using FPGAs for machine learning algorithms requires substantial engineering time and effort compared to software implementation. We propose a software assisted design flow to program FPGA for machine learning algorithms using our hardware library. The hardware library is highly parameterized and it accommodates Tree Classifiers. As of now, our library consists of the components required to implement decision trees and random forests. The whole automation is wrapped around using a python script which takes you from the first step of having a dataset and design choices to the last step of having a hardware descriptive code for the trained machine learning model

    Learning-based Analysis on the Exploitability of Security Vulnerabilities

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    The purpose of this thesis is to develop a tool that uses machine learning techniques to make predictions about whether or not a given vulnerability will be exploited. Such a tool could help organizations such as electric utilities to prioritize their security patching operations. Three different models, based on a deep neural network, a random forest, and a support vector machine respectively, are designed and implemented. Training data for these models is compiled from a variety of sources, including the National Vulnerability Database published by NIST and the Exploit Database published by Offensive Security. Extensive experiments are conducted, including testing the accuracy of each model, dynamically training the models on a rolling window of training data, and filtering the training data by various features. Of the chosen models, the deep neural network and the support vector machine show the highest accuracy (approximately 94% and 93%, respectively), and could be developed by future researchers into an effective tool for vulnerability analysis

    Analysis and Detection of Information Types of Open Source Software Issue Discussions

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    Most modern Issue Tracking Systems (ITSs) for open source software (OSS) projects allow users to add comments to issues. Over time, these comments accumulate into discussion threads embedded with rich information about the software project, which can potentially satisfy the diverse needs of OSS stakeholders. However, discovering and retrieving relevant information from the discussion threads is a challenging task, especially when the discussions are lengthy and the number of issues in ITSs are vast. In this paper, we address this challenge by identifying the information types presented in OSS issue discussions. Through qualitative content analysis of 15 complex issue threads across three projects hosted on GitHub, we uncovered 16 information types and created a labeled corpus containing 4656 sentences. Our investigation of supervised, automated classification techniques indicated that, when prior knowledge about the issue is available, Random Forest can effectively detect most sentence types using conversational features such as the sentence length and its position. When classifying sentences from new issues, Logistic Regression can yield satisfactory performance using textual features for certain information types, while falling short on others. Our work represents a nontrivial first step towards tools and techniques for identifying and obtaining the rich information recorded in the ITSs to support various software engineering activities and to satisfy the diverse needs of OSS stakeholders.Comment: 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2019