2,680 research outputs found

    Ethnographic monitoring and the study of complexity

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    In this chapter, we explore the value of long-term fieldwork in the context of ever-increasing complexity in social life. This complexity stems from the phenomenon of ‘superdiversity’(Vertovec, 2007) and the effects of globalization. These effects are visible in the contact between languages and cultures, which has spawned a range of new language-cultural phenomena. Sociolinguists and ethnographers concerned with superdiversity argue that the concepts of language and culture themselves, as separate, bounded entities, have become highly problematic and now invite new methodological approaches (Blommaert & Rampton, 2011). Linguistic and cultural change is the rule and not the exception

    Opening Governance

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    Open government and open data are new areas of research, advocacy and activism that have entered the governance field alongside the more established areas of transparency and accountability. In this IDS Bulletin, articles review recent scholarship to pinpoint contributions to more open, transparent, accountable and responsive governance via improved practice, projects and programmes in the context of the ideas, relationships, processes, behaviours, policy frameworks and aid funding practices of the last five years. They also discuss questions and weaknesses that limit the effectiveness and impact of this work, offer a series of definitions to help overcome conceptual ambiguities, and identify hype and euphemism. The contributions – by researchers and practitioners – approach contemporary challenges of achieving transparency, accountability and openness from a wide range of subject positions and professional and disciplinary angles. Together these articles give a sense of what has changed in this fast-moving field, and what has not – this IDS Bulletin is an invitation to all stakeholders to take stock and reflect. The ambiguity around the ‘open’ in governance today might be helpful in that its very breadth brings in actors who would otherwise be unlikely adherents. But if the fuzzier idea of ‘open government’ or the allure of ‘open data’ displace the task of clear transparency, hard accountability and fairer distribution of power as what this is all about, then what started as an inspired movement of governance visionaries may end up merely putting a more open face on an unjust and unaccountable status quo

    Nordic Childhoods in the Digital Age

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    "This book adds to the international research literature on contemporary Nordic childhoods in the context of fast-evolving technologies. It draws on the workshop program of the Nordic Research Network on Digital Childhoods funded by the Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS) during the years 2019–2021. Bringing together researchers from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland, the book addresses pressing issues around children’s communication, learning and education in the digital age. The volume sheds light on cultural values, educational policies and conceptions of children and childhood, and child–media relationships inherent in Nordic societies. The book argues for the importance of understanding local cultures, values and communication practices that make up contemporary digital childhoods and extends current discourses on children’s screen time to bring in new insights about the nature of children’s digital engagement. This book will appeal to researchers, graduate students, educators and policy makers in the fields of childhood education, educational technology and communication.

    The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children: engaging with emergent research: proceedings of the first Training School of COST Action IS1410, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 6th - 8th June, 2016

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    CIEd - Centro de Investigação em Educação, UID/CED/01661/, Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho, através de fundos nacionais da FCT/MCTES-P

    Gender Mainstreaming in Journalism Education

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    In a time of swift technological changes in the news media, much of journalism education is focused on preparing students for careers in a new media landscape instead of focusing on gender or other diversity issues. For example, Pavlik (2013, p.213) argued in a recent article that a curriculum that ‘emphasized innovation and digital media entrepreneurship is one of the keys to a robust professional future for the field and students seeking a media career’. Even so, Pavlik (2013, p.217) recognised that most programmes in media education are holding on to an outdated professional model of journalism and mass communication, which he described as ‘a nostalgic journey to the past,’ and ‘a view aligned to the mostly white, male and gray-bearded titans of old-school media’. Pavlik (2013) did state, though, that entrepreneurial journalism education, as compared to traditional journalism education, provides the opportunity for more diversity in news content

    The impact of using social networking sites on academic relations and student learning in University setting

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    This study investigates academic relations of educators, tutors, and students in university settings. Academic relations refer to the controlling and productive relations of power that operate at both societal and interpersonal level between academic actors and through them, knowledge is produced and identities are constructed. From a Critical theoretical point of view, power is unequally distributed in society and psychological development is fundamentally mediated by power relations which are socially and historically constituted. Given the capacity of power configurations to influence learning coupled with the fact that such relations are both relational and psychological, the notion of unequal social power is critical to understanding academic relations in university settings. The psychological and relational aspects of power suggest that underprepared students from disadvantaged academic backgrounds may suffer a sense of powerlessness and social domination as they interact with academics and more capable peers from privileged academic backgrounds. Research suggests that students (especially the previously disadvantaged) form peer-based knowledge sharing clusters (for example, study groups) to augment their intellectual potential and resource limitations. Mindful of these underprepared students' social domination (social and psychological) by high achieving peers and academics, and the capacity of peer-based clusters/ relations to democratise academic relations through presenting opportunities for exchange of perspectives, these peer-based relations present viable proxies for unpacking academic relations. The problem, therefore, is that while academic relations (lecturer-student, tutor-student, and student-peer) in face-to-face contact are quite central to student meaningful learning and transformation, capturing and studying these relations is complex. This complexity is explicated by the incapacity of traditional classrooms to capture and sustain academic relations due to: 1) The temporality, time and spatially bounded nature of academic relations in class, 2) Class sizes, academics' huge workloads and time constraints that limit one-on-one lecturer-student engagements especially at undergraduate level 3) Transmission pedagogy and classroom space configuration that mute lateral discourses, and 4) Student complex histories and cultural diversity. Research suggests that student knowledge sharing clusters are shifting from face-to-face to social networking sites (SNS), that is, online social networks that support group collaboration vii and support. The persistence of these online interactions, opportunities for peer-based discourses, peer-generation of artefacts on SNS challenge the limitations of traditional classrooms, making SNS essential for unpacking classroom lecturer-student and student-peer relations by proxy (if academics participate). These opportunities, and computer-mediated communication theory' suggestion that computer-mediated nature of textual interaction has potential to undermine status, gender and power asymmetries built in face-to-face interaction inform my thesis that SNS interaction has potential to equalise power relations of academic actors. The goal of this study was therefore, to use lecturer-student, student-peer interaction on SNS as proxies for unpacking academic relations and learning that unfold in traditional academic settings (classrooms, computer laboratories). The research question instigated the impact of lecturer-student, student-peer interaction on the academic /power relations and learning of academics and students in formal university settings. Using a Critical ethnographic approach, the research investigated power relations and learning manifested in: 1. academics and student text-based messages posted on SNS (Facebook), 2. lecturer and student experiences of using Facebook and its influence on classroom interactions, and 3. Lecturer-student and student peer interactions in class. Mindful of the democratisation potential of computer-mediated communication (CMC) on previously disadvantaged learners, the relational nature of power, the influence of structural forces on mediated interaction and higher mental development, this research was informed by three theories namely, Critical Theory of Technology (CTT), Critical Theories of Power (CTP), and Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), respectively. As a participant observer in online ethnography, the researcher employed CTT to examine the democratisation potential and constraints of computer-mediated communication (that is SNS) on learning and academic relations. While CTT was useful for examining the technological effects on mediated learning, the theory was less insightful for unpacking the power contestations in text-mediated discourses. To this end, Critical Discourse Analysis' (CDA) (which draws on CTP) was employed to examine how vertical and horizontal relational power were articulated and contested via textual messages, to complement CTT in its limitations. Although CTP was insightful for the examination of power manifested in lecturer-student, and peer-based interaction, CTP equally proved inadequate for the examination of mediated learning, that is, the role of artefact-mediated action on psychological development. Mindful viii of CHAT's focus on the influence of symbolic mediation on psychological development, CHAT offered a rational complement to CTP for the examination of mediated learning. This was important given that this research on academic/power relations and student learning unfolded in a technology-mediated learning environment (that is SNS). CHAT was adopted as a theoretical and methodological approach to examine how mediated interaction and the interplay of different elements of the lecture activity system impacted on student psychological development and lecturer's teaching practices. In summary, the study examined these empirical materials: text-based interactions (lecturer and student Facebook postings), lecturer and student narratives of lectures and Facebook interactions (interview transcripts, lecturer debriefings after classroom observations), in-class actions and discourses (lecture observations and focus group discussions). The findings of this study are that SNS democratized academic relations and communication for academically inclined students through: widening the academic networking space, breaching lecturer-student social boundaries that often hindered student access to knowledge resources, and offering 'safe haven' for student contestation of unpopular academic practices. Facebook also allowed shy and timid students to be more assertive in requesting academic support. The unintended effect of SNS was that it reconfigured peer-based relations as high achievers assumed additional vertical, 'super tutor' roles of advising peers. Facebook also regulated in-class interaction by hiving off mundane questions on course administration and practicals from the class. SNS thus augmented classroom interaction as online and classroom learning cross fertilised each other. The practical contribution of this work is in the insight into how student informal academic and social support online networks could be drawn upon in student in-class learning. The study proposed a 'best practice' pedagogical model/ strategy that draws on: 1) Informal peer-based and lecturer-student knowledge sharing on Facebook and associated SN tools, 2). Student reflexivity on self-generated and peer-generated content, and 3). Self and peer-based evaluation as a basis for academic empowerment. The theoretical contribution lies in the methodology or approach for analysing the interplay between academic relations and student learning using SNS as proxy. In particular, this work contributes a new body of knowledge through the integration of Critical Theories (Critical Theories of Power and Critical Theories of Technology) and CHAT
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