
Gender Mainstreaming in Journalism Education


In a time of swift technological changes in the news media, much of journalism education is focused on preparing students for careers in a new media landscape instead of focusing on gender or other diversity issues. For example, Pavlik (2013, p.213) argued in a recent article that a curriculum that ‘emphasized innovation and digital media entrepreneurship is one of the keys to a robust professional future for the field and students seeking a media career’. Even so, Pavlik (2013, p.217) recognised that most programmes in media education are holding on to an outdated professional model of journalism and mass communication, which he described as ‘a nostalgic journey to the past,’ and ‘a view aligned to the mostly white, male and gray-bearded titans of old-school media’. Pavlik (2013) did state, though, that entrepreneurial journalism education, as compared to traditional journalism education, provides the opportunity for more diversity in news content

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