179,742 research outputs found

    Resource Management and Scheduling for Big Data Applications in Cloud Computing Environments

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    This chapter presents software architectures of the big data processing platforms. It will provide an in-depth knowledge on resource management techniques involved while deploying big data processing systems on cloud environment. It starts from the very basics and gradually introduce the core components of resource management which we have divided in multiple layers. It covers the state-of-art practices and researches done in SLA-based resource management with a specific focus on the job scheduling mechanisms.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Scientific Computing Meets Big Data Technology: An Astronomy Use Case

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    Scientific analyses commonly compose multiple single-process programs into a dataflow. An end-to-end dataflow of single-process programs is known as a many-task application. Typically, tools from the HPC software stack are used to parallelize these analyses. In this work, we investigate an alternate approach that uses Apache Spark -- a modern big data platform -- to parallelize many-task applications. We present Kira, a flexible and distributed astronomy image processing toolkit using Apache Spark. We then use the Kira toolkit to implement a Source Extractor application for astronomy images, called Kira SE. With Kira SE as the use case, we study the programming flexibility, dataflow richness, scheduling capacity and performance of Apache Spark running on the EC2 cloud. By exploiting data locality, Kira SE achieves a 2.5x speedup over an equivalent C program when analyzing a 1TB dataset using 512 cores on the Amazon EC2 cloud. Furthermore, we show that by leveraging software originally designed for big data infrastructure, Kira SE achieves competitive performance to the C implementation running on the NERSC Edison supercomputer. Our experience with Kira indicates that emerging Big Data platforms such as Apache Spark are a performant alternative for many-task scientific applications

    Building Efficient Large-Scale Big Data Processing Platforms

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    In the era of big data, many cluster platforms and resource management schemes are created to satisfy the increasing demands on processing a large volume of data. A general setting of big data processing jobs consists of multiple stages, and each stage represents generally defined data operation such as ltering and sorting. To parallelize the job execution in a cluster, each stage includes a number of identical tasks that can be concurrently launched at multiple servers. Practical clusters often involve hundreds or thousands of servers processing a large batch of jobs. Resource management, that manages cluster resource allocation and job execution, is extremely critical for the system performance. Generally speaking, there are three main challenges in resource management of the new big data processing systems. First, while there are various pending tasks from dierent jobs and stages, it is difficult to determine which ones deserve the priority to obtain the resources for execution, considering the tasks\u27 different characteristics such as resource demand and execution time. Second, there exists dependency among the tasks that can be concurrently running. For any two consecutive stages of a job, the output data of the former stage is the input data of the later one. The resource management has to comply with such dependency. The third challenge is the inconsistent performance of the cluster nodes. In practice, run-time performance of every server is varying. The resource management needs to dynamically adjust the resource allocation according to the performance change of each server. The resource management in the existing platforms and prior work often rely on fixed user-specific configurations, and assumes consistent performance in each node. The performance, however, is not satisfactory under various workloads. This dissertation aims to explore new approaches to improving the eciency of large-scale big data processing platforms. In particular, the run-time dynamic factors are carefully considered when the system allocates the resources. New algorithms are developed to collect run-time data and predict the characteristics of jobs and the cluster. We further develop resource management schemes that dynamically tune the resource allocation for each stage of every running job in the cluster. New findings and techniques in this dissertation will certainly provide valuable and inspiring insights to other similar problems in the research community

    Scaling out Big Data Distributed Pricing in Gaming Industry

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    Game companies have millions of customers, billions of transactions and petabytes of other data related to game events. The vast volume and complexity of this data make it practically impossible to process and analyze it using traditional relational database models (RDBMs). This kind of data can be identified as Big Data, and in order to handle it in efficient manner, multiple issues have to be taken into account. It is more straightforward to answer to these problems when developing completely new system, that can be implemented with all the new techniques and platforms to support big data handling. However, if it is needed to modify an existing system to accommodate data volumes of big data, there are more issues to be taken into account. This thesis starts with the clarification of the definition 'big data'. Scalability and parallelism are key factors for handling big data, thus they will be explained and some of the conventions to do them will be reviewed. Next, different tools and platforms that do parallel programming, are presented. The relevance of big data in gaming industry is briefly explained, as well as the different monetization models that games have. Furthermore, price elasticity of demand is explained to give better understanding of a Dynamic Pricing Engine and what does it do. In this thesis, I solve a bottleneck that emerges in data transfer and processing when introducing big data to an existing system, a Dynamic Pricing Engine, by using parallel programming in order to scale the system. Spark will be used to deal with fetching and processing distributed data. The main focus is in the impact of using parallel programming in comparison to the current solution, which is done with PHP and MySQL. Furthermore, Spark implementations are done against different data storage solutions, such as MySQL, Hadoop and HDFS, and their performance is also compared. The results for utilizing Spark for the implementation show significant improvement in performance time for processing the data. However, the importance of choosing the right data storage for fetching the data can't be understated, as the speed for fetching the data can widely variate.Peliyhtiöillä on miljoonia asiakkaita, miljardeja maksutapahtumia ja petatavuja pelin tapahtumiin liittyvää dataa. Tämän datan suuri määrä ja kompleksisuus tekevät sen prosessoimisesta sekä analysoimisesta lähes mahdotonta tavallisilla relaatiotietokannoilla. Tällaista dataa voidaan kutsua Big Dataksi, ja jotta sen käsittely olisi tehokasta, useita asioita on otettava huomioon. Uuden järjestelmän toteutuksessa näihin ongelmiin pystytään vastaamaan melko johdonmukaisesti, sillä uusimmat tekniikat ja alustat voidaan ottaa tällöin helposti käyttöön. Jos kyseessä on jo olemassa oleva järjestelmä, jota halutaan muuttaa vastaamaan big datamaisiin datamääriin, huomioon otettavien asioden määrä kasvaa. Tämän diplomityön aluksi selitetään termi 'Big Data'. Big Datan kanssa työskentelyyn tarvitaan skaalautuvuutta ja rinnakkaisuutta, joten nämä termit, sekä näiden yleisimmät käytännöt käydään läpi. Seuraavaksi esitellään työkaluja ja alustoja, joilla on mahdollista tehdä rinnakkaisohjelmointia. Big Datan merkitys peliteollisuudessa selitetään lyhyesti, kuten myös eri monetisaatiomallit, joita peliyritykset käyttävät. Lisäksi kysynnän hintajousto käydään läpi, jotta lukijalle olisi helpompaa ymmärtää, mikä seuraavaksi esitelty Apprien on ja mihin sitä käytetään. Tässä diplomityössä etsin ratkaisua Big Datan siirrossa ja prosessoinnissa ilmenevään ongelmaan jo olemassa olevalle järjestelmälle, Apprienille. Tämä pullonkaula ratkaistaan käyttämällä rinnakkaisohjelmointia Sparkin avulla. Pääasiallinen painopiste on selvittää rinnakkaisohjelmoinnilla saavutettu hyöty verrattuna nykyiseen ratkaisuun, joka on toteutettu PHP:llä ja MySQL:llä. Tämän lisäksi, Spark toteusta hyödynnetään eri datan säilytysmalleilla (MySQL, Hadoop+HDFS), ja niiden suorityskykyä vertaillaan. Tulokset, jotka saatiin Spark toteutusta hyödyntämällä, osoittavat merkittävän parannuksen suoritusajassa datan prosessoimisessa. Oikean tietomallin valitsemisen tärkeyttä ei pidä aliarvioida, sillä datan siirtämiseen käytetty aika vaihtelee myös huomattavasti alustasta riippuen

    Critical Analysis of Solutions to Hadoop Small File Problem

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    Hadoop big data platform is designed to process large volume of data Small file problem is a performance bottleneck in Hadoop processing Small files lower than the block size of Hadoop creates huge storage overhead at Namenode s and also wastes computational resources due to spawning of many map tasks Various solutions like merging small files mapping multiple map threads to same java virtual machine instance etc have been proposed to solve the small file problems in Hadoop This survey does a critical analysis of existing works addressing small file problems in Hadoop and its variant platforms like Spark The aim is to understand their effectiveness in reducing the storage computational overhead and identify the open issues for further researc