359 research outputs found

    Implementation of the Downlink Communication System of the LMU CubeSat

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    In this thesis, we present the design and implementation of a CubeSat receiver system using the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) and GNU Radio. The goal of this project is to develop a low-cost and flexible ground station capable of receiving telemetry and payload data from CubeSats in real time. The CubeSat receiver operates in the UHF frequency range with a center frequency of 435 MHz and uses a software-defined radio (SDR) approach to provide wideband signal processing and demodulation capabilities. The satellite transceiver transmits an Ax.25 Transciever packet every 1 second using the Pumpkin CubeSat kit programmed in MPLab. To achieve this goal, we discuss the design considerations for the receiver system, including the selection of suitable hardware components and the development of custom software blocks in GNU Radio. We also developed the GFSK-based transmitter and receiver in GNU Radio, as well as a tracking system for the satellite. To decode the Ax.25 radio packet transmitted by the Pumpkin CubeSat kit, we developed an Ax.25 deframer in GNU Radio to decode the received signal. Our results demonstrate that the CubeSat receiver is capable of receiving and demodulating AX.25 formatted radio signals from Transciever. Additionally, we show that the receiver system is scalable and can be easily adapted for use with other CubeSat missions. Overall, our work provides a practical solution for CubeSat communication and lays the groundwork for future developments in low-cost CubeSat ground station technology

    Dynamic Focusing of Large Arrays for Wireless Power Transfer and Beyond

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    We present architectures, circuits, and algorithms for dynamic 3-D lensing and focusing of electromagnetic power in radiative near- and far-field regions by arrays that can be arbitrary and nonuniform. They can benefit applications such as wireless power transfer at a distance (WPT-AD), volumetric sensing and imaging, high-throughput communications, and optical phased arrays. Theoretical limits on system performance are calculated. An adaptive algorithm focuses the power at the receiver(s) without prior knowledge of its location(s). It uses orthogonal bases to change the phases of multiple elements simultaneously to enhance the dynamic range. One class of such 2-D orthogonal and pseudo-orthogonal masks is constructed using the Hadamard and pseudo-Hadamard matrices. Generation and recovery units (GU and RU) work collaboratively to focus energy quickly and reliably with no need for factory calibration. Orthogonality enables batch processing in high-latency and low-rate communication settings. Secondary vector-based calculations allow instantaneous refocusing at different locations using element-wise calculations. An emulator enables further evaluation of the system. We demonstrate modular WPT-AD GUs of up to 400 elements utilizing arrays of 65-nm CMOS ICs to focus power on RUs that convert the RF power to dc. Each RFIC synthesizes 16 independently phase-controlled RF outputs around 10 GHz from a common single low-frequency reference. Detailed measurements demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of RF lensing techniques presented in this article. More than 2 W of dc power can be recovered through a wireless transfer at distances greater than 1 m. The system can dynamically project power at various angles and at distances greater than 10 m. These developments are another step toward unified wireless power, sensing, and communication solutions in the future

    Interferometry-based Free Space Communication And Information Processing

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    This dissertation studies, analyzes, and experimentally demonstrates the innovative use of interference phenomenon in the field of opto-electronic information processing and optical communications. A number of optical systems using interferometric techniques both in the optical and the electronic domains has been demonstrated in the filed of signal transmission and processing, optical metrology, defense, and physical sensors. Specifically it has been shown that the interference of waves in the form of holography can be exploited to realize a novel optical scanner called Code Multiplexed Optical Scanner (C-MOS). The C-MOS features large aperture, wide scan angles, 3-D beam control, no moving parts, and high beam scanning resolution. A C-MOS based free space optical transceiver for bi-directional communication has also been experimentally demonstrated. For high speed, large bandwidth, and high frequency operation, an optically implemented reconfigurable RF transversal filter design is presented that implements wide range of filtering algorithms. A number of techniques using heterodyne interferometry via acousto-optic device for optical path length measurements have been described. Finally, a whole new class of interferometric sensors for optical metrology and sensing applications is presented. A non-traditional interferometric output signal processing scheme has been developed. Applications include, for example, temperature sensors for harsh environments for a wide temperature range from room temperature to 1000 degree C

    Liquid Crystal Optics For Communications, Signal Processing And 3-d Microscopic Imaging

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    This dissertation proposes, studies and experimentally demonstrates novel liquid crystal (LC) optics to solve challenging problems in RF and photonic signal processing, freespace and fiber optic communications and microscopic imaging. These include free-space optical scanners for military and optical wireless applications, variable fiber-optic attenuators for optical communications, photonic control techniques for phased array antennas and radar, and 3-D microscopic imaging. At the heart of the applications demonstrated in this thesis are LC devices that are non-pixelated and can be controlled either electrically or optically. Instead of the typical pixel-by-pixel control as is custom in LC devices, the phase profile across the aperture of these novel LC devices is varied through the use of high impedance layers. Due to the presence of the high impedance layer, there forms a voltage gradient across the aperture of such a device which results in a phase gradient across the LC layer which in turn is accumulated by the optical beam traversing through this LC device. The geometry of the electrical contacts that are used to apply the external voltage will define the nature of the phase gradient present across the optical beam. In order to steer a laser beam in one angular dimension, straight line electrical contacts are used to form a one dimensional phase gradient while an annular electrical contact results in a circularly symmetric phase profile across the optical beam making it suitable for focusing the optical beam. The geometry of the electrical contacts alone is not sufficient to form the linear and the quadratic phase profiles that are required to either deflect or focus an optical beam. Clever use of the phase response of a typical nematic liquid crystal (NLC) is made such that the linear response region is used for the angular beam deflection while the high voltage quadratic response region is used for focusing the beam. Employing an NLC deflector, a device that uses the linear angular deflection, laser beam steering is demonstrated in two orthogonal dimensions whereas an NLC lens is used to address the third dimension to complete a three dimensional (3-D) scanner. Such an NLC deflector was then used in a variable optical attenuator (VOA), whereby a laser beam coupled between two identical single mode fibers (SMF) was mis-aligned away from the output fiber causing the intensity of the output coupled light to decrease as a function of the angular deflection. Since the angular deflection is electrically controlled, hence the VOA operation is fairly simple and repeatable. An extension of this VOA for wavelength tunable operation is also shown in this dissertation. A LC spatial light modulator (SLM) that uses a photo-sensitive high impedance electrode whose impedance can be varied by controlling the light intensity incident on it, is used in a control system for a phased array antenna. Phase is controlled on the Write side of the SLM by controlling the intensity of the Write laser beam which then is accessed by the Read beam from the opposite side of this reflective SLM. Thus the phase of the Read beam is varied by controlling the intensity of the Write beam. A variable fiber-optic delay line is demonstrated in the thesis which uses wavelength sensitive and wavelength insensitive optics to get both analog as well as digital delays. It uses a chirped fiber Bragg grating (FBG), and a 1xN optical switch to achieve multiple time delays. The switch can be implemented using the 3-D optical scanner mentioned earlier. A technique is presented for ultra-low loss laser communication that uses a combination of strong and weak thin lens optics. As opposed to conventional laser communication systems, the Gaussian laser beam is prevented from diverging at the receiving station by using a weak thin lens that places the transmitted beam waist mid-way between a symmetrical transmitter-receiver link design thus saving prime optical power. LC device technology forms an excellent basis to realize such a large aperture weak lens. Using a 1-D array of LC deflectors, a broadband optical add-drop filter (OADF) is proposed for dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) applications. By binary control of the drive signal to the individual LC deflectors in the array, any optical channel can be selectively dropped and added. For demonstration purposes, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) digital micromirrors have been used to implement the OADF. Several key systems issues such as insertion loss, polarization dependent loss, wavelength resolution and response time are analyzed in detail for comparison with the LC deflector approach. A no-moving-parts axial scanning confocal microscope (ASCM) system is designed and demonstrated using a combination of a large diameter LC lens and a classical microscope objective lens. By electrically controlling the 5 mm diameter LC lens, the 633 nm wavelength focal spot is moved continuously over a 48 [micro]m range with measured 3-dB axial resolution of 3.1 [micro]m using a 0.65 numerical aperture (NA) micro-objective lens. The ASCM is successfully used to image an Indium Phosphide twin square optical waveguide sample with a 10.2 [micro]m waveguide pitch and 2.3 [micro]m height and width. Using fine analog electrical control of the LC lens, a super-fine sub-wavelength axial resolution of 270 nm is demonstrated. The proposed ASCM can be useful in various precision three dimensional imaging and profiling applications

    Metasurfaces for ultrathin optical devices with unusual functionalities

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    Metamaterials are artificial materials that are made from periodically arranged structures, showing properties that cannot be found in nature. The response of a metamaterial to the external field is defined by the geometry, orientation, and distribution of the artificial structures. Many groundbreaking discoveries, such as negative refraction, and super image resolution has been demonstrated based on metamaterials. Nevertheless, the difficulty in three-dimensional fabrication, especially when the operating band is located in the optical range, hinders their practical applications. As a two-dimensional counterpart, a metasurface consists of an array of planar optical antennas, which locally modify the properties of the scattered light. Metasurfaces do not require complicated three-dimensional nanofabrication techniques, and the complexity of the fabrication is greatly reduced. Also, the thickness of a metasurface can be deep subwavelength, making it possible to realize ultrathin devices. In this thesis, geometric metasurfaces are utilized to realize a series of optical devices with unusual functionalities. Phase gradient metasurface is used to split the incident light into left-handed polarized (LCP) and right-handed polarized (RCP) components, whose intensities can be used to determine the polarization state of the incident light. Then we propose a method to integrate two optical elements with different functionalities into a single metasurface device, and its overall performance is determined by the polarization of the incident light. After that, a helicity multiplexed metasurface hologram is demonstrated to reconstruct two images with high efficiency and broadband. The two images swap their positions with the helicity reversion of the incident light. Finally, a polarization rotator is presented, which can rotate the incident light to arbitrary polarization direction by using the non-chiral metasurface. The proposed metasurface devices may inspire the development of new optical devices, and expand the applications of metasurfaces in integrated optical systems

    Modern optical astronomy: technology and impact of interferometry

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    The present `state of the art' and the path to future progress in high spatial resolution imaging interferometry is reviewed. The review begins with a treatment of the fundamentals of stellar optical interferometry, the origin, properties, optical effects of turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere, the passive methods that are applied on a single telescope to overcome atmospheric image degradation such as speckle interferometry, and various other techniques. These topics include differential speckle interferometry, speckle spectroscopy and polarimetry, phase diversity, wavefront shearing interferometry, phase-closure methods, dark speckle imaging, as well as the limitations imposed by the detectors on the performance of speckle imaging. A brief account is given of the technological innovation of adaptive-optics (AO) to compensate such atmospheric effects on the image in real time. A major advancement involves the transition from single-aperture to the dilute-aperture interferometry using multiple telescopes. Therefore, the review deals with recent developments involving ground-based, and space-based optical arrays. Emphasis is placed on the problems specific to delay-lines, beam recombination, polarization, dispersion, fringe-tracking, bootstrapping, coherencing and cophasing, and recovery of the visibility functions. The role of AO in enhancing visibilities is also discussed. The applications of interferometry, such as imaging, astrometry, and nulling are described. The mathematical intricacies of the various `post-detection' image-processing techniques are examined critically. The review concludes with a discussion of the astrophysical importance and the perspectives of interferometry.Comment: 65 pages LaTeX file including 23 figures. Reviews of Modern Physics, 2002, to appear in April issu
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