14 research outputs found

    Fractionally Predictive Spiking Neurons

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    Recent experimental work has suggested that the neural firing rate can be interpreted as a fractional derivative, at least when signal variation induces neural adaptation. Here, we show that the actual neural spike-train itself can be considered as the fractional derivative, provided that the neural signal is approximated by a sum of power-law kernels. A simple standard thresholding spiking neuron suffices to carry out such an approximation, given a suitable refractory response. Empirically, we find that the online approximation of signals with a sum of power-law kernels is beneficial for encoding signals with slowly varying components, like long-memory self-similar signals. For such signals, the online power-law kernel approximation typically required less than half the number of spikes for similar SNR as compared to sums of similar but exponentially decaying kernels. As power-law kernels can be accurately approximated using sums or cascades of weighted exponentials, we demonstrate that the corresponding decoding of spike-trains by a receiving neuron allows for natural and transparent temporal signal filtering by tuning the weights of the decoding kernel.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, in Advances in Neural Information Processing 201

    Neural coding of naturalistic motion stimuli

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    We study a wide field motion sensitive neuron in the visual system of the blowfly {\em Calliphora vicina}. By rotating the fly on a stepper motor outside in a wooded area, and along an angular motion trajectory representative of natural flight, we stimulate the fly's visual system with input that approaches the natural situation. The neural response is analyzed in the framework of information theory, using methods that are free from assumptions. We demonstrate that information about the motion trajectory increases as the light level increases over a natural range. This indicates that the fly's brain utilizes the increase in photon flux to extract more information from the photoreceptor array, suggesting that imprecision in neural signals is dominated by photon shot noise in the physical input, rather than by noise generated within the nervous system itself.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Book reports

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    Learning with a network of competing synapses

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    Competition between synapses arises in some forms of correlation-based plasticity. Here we propose a game theory-inspired model of synaptic interactions whose dynamics is driven by competition between synapses in their weak and strong states, which are characterized by different timescales. The learning of inputs and memory are meaningfully definable in an effective description of networked synaptic populations. We study, numerically and analytically, the dynamic responses of the effective system to various signal types, particularly with reference to an existing empirical motor adaptation model. The dependence of the system-level behavior on the synaptic parameters, and the signal strength, is brought out in a clear manner, thus illuminating issues such as those of optimal performance, and the functional role of multiple timescales.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures; published in PLoS ON

    Time scales in cognitive neuroscience

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    Cognitive neuroscience boils down to describing the ways in which cognitive function results from brain activity. In turn, brain activity shows complex fluctuations, with structure at many spatio-temporal scales. Exactly how cognitive function inherits the physical dimensions of neural activity, though, is highly non-trivial, and so are generally the corresponding dimensions of cognitive phenomena. As for any physical phenomenon, when studying cognitive function, the first conceptual step should be that of establishing its dimensions. Here, we provide a systematic presentation of the temporal aspects of task-related brain activity, from the smallest scale of the brain imaging technique's resolution, to the observation time of a given experiment, through the characteristic time scales of the process under study. We first review some standard assumptions on the temporal scales of cognitive function. In spite of their general use, these assumptions hold true to a high degree of approximation for many cognitive (viz. fast perceptual) processes, but have their limitations for other ones (e.g., thinking or reasoning). We define in a rigorous way the temporal quantifiers of cognition at all scales, and illustrate how they qualitatively vary as a function of the properties of the cognitive process under study. We propose that each phenomenon should be approached with its own set of theoretical, methodological and analytical tools. In particular, we show that when treating cognitive processes such as thinking or reasoning, complex properties of ongoing brain activity, which can be drastically simplified when considering fast (e.g., perceptual) processes, start playing a major role, and not only characterize the temporal properties of task-related brain activity, but also determine the conditions for proper observation of the phenomena. Finally, some implications on the design of experiments, data analyses, and the choice of recording parameters are discussed

    The response of cortical neurons to in vivo-like input current: theory and experiment: II. Time-varying and spatially distributed inputs

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    The response of a population of neurons to time-varying synaptic inputs can show a rich phenomenology, hardly predictable from the dynamical properties of the membrane's inherent time constants. For example, a network of neurons in a state of spontaneous activity can respond significantly more rapidly than each single neuron taken individually. Under the assumption that the statistics of the synaptic input is the same for a population of similarly behaving neurons (mean field approximation), it is possible to greatly simplify the study of neural circuits, both in the case in which the statistics of the input are stationary (reviewed in La Camera et al. in Biol Cybern, 2008) and in the case in which they are time varying and unevenly distributed over the dendritic tree. Here, we review theoretical and experimental results on the single-neuron properties that are relevant for the dynamical collective behavior of a population of neurons. We focus on the response of integrate-and-fire neurons and real cortical neurons to long-lasting, noisy, in vivo-like stationary inputs and show how the theory can predict the observed rhythmic activity of cultures of neurons. We then show how cortical neurons adapt on multiple time scales in response to input with stationary statistics in vitro. Next, we review how it is possible to study the general response properties of a neural circuit to time-varying inputs by estimating the response of single neurons to noisy sinusoidal currents. Finally, we address the dendrite-soma interactions in cortical neurons leading to gain modulation and spike bursts, and show how these effects can be captured by a two-compartment integrate-and-fire neuron. Most of the experimental results reviewed in this article have been successfully reproduced by simple integrate-and-fire model neuron

    Fractals in the Nervous System: conceptual Implications for Theoretical Neuroscience

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    This essay is presented with two principal objectives in mind: first, to document the prevalence of fractals at all levels of the nervous system, giving credence to the notion of their functional relevance; and second, to draw attention to the as yet still unresolved issues of the detailed relationships among power law scaling, self-similarity, and self-organized criticality. As regards criticality, I will document that it has become a pivotal reference point in Neurodynamics. Furthermore, I will emphasize the not yet fully appreciated significance of allometric control processes. For dynamic fractals, I will assemble reasons for attributing to them the capacity to adapt task execution to contextual changes across a range of scales. The final Section consists of general reflections on the implications of the reviewed data, and identifies what appear to be issues of fundamental importance for future research in the rapidly evolving topic of this review

    Improving Scalability of Evolutionary Robotics with Reformulation

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    Creating systems that can operate autonomously in complex environments is a challenge for contemporary engineering techniques. Automatic design methods offer a promising alternative, but so far they have not been able to produce agents that outperform manual designs. One such method is evolutionary robotics. It has been shown to be a robust and versatile tool for designing robots to perform simple tasks, but more challenging tasks at present remain out of reach of the method. In this thesis I discuss and attack some problems underlying the scalability issues associated with the method. I present a new technique for evolving modular networks. I show that the performance of modularity-biased evolution depends heavily on the morphology of the robot’s body and present a new method for co-evolving morphology and modular control. To be able to reason about the new technique I develop reformulation framework: a general way to describe and reason about metaoptimization approaches. Within this framework I describe a new heuristic for developing metaoptimization approaches that is based on the technique for co-evolving morphology and modularity. I validate the framework by applying it to a practical task of zero-g autonomous assembly of structures with a fleet of small robots. Although this work focuses on the evolutionary robotics, methods and approaches developed within it can be applied to optimization problems in any domain