2,507 research outputs found

    Efficient classification using parallel and scalable compressed model and Its application on intrusion detection

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    In order to achieve high efficiency of classification in intrusion detection, a compressed model is proposed in this paper which combines horizontal compression with vertical compression. OneR is utilized as horizontal com-pression for attribute reduction, and affinity propagation is employed as vertical compression to select small representative exemplars from large training data. As to be able to computationally compress the larger volume of training data with scalability, MapReduce based parallelization approach is then implemented and evaluated for each step of the model compression process abovementioned, on which common but efficient classification methods can be directly used. Experimental application study on two publicly available datasets of intrusion detection, KDD99 and CMDC2012, demonstrates that the classification using the compressed model proposed can effectively speed up the detection procedure at up to 184 times, most importantly at the cost of a minimal accuracy difference with less than 1% on average

    Distributed Holistic Clustering on Linked Data

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    Link discovery is an active field of research to support data integration in the Web of Data. Due to the huge size and number of available data sources, efficient and effective link discovery is a very challenging task. Common pairwise link discovery approaches do not scale to many sources with very large entity sets. We here propose a distributed holistic approach to link many data sources based on a clustering of entities that represent the same real-world object. Our clustering approach provides a compact and fused representation of entities, and can identify errors in existing links as well as many new links. We support a distributed execution of the clustering approach to achieve faster execution times and scalability for large real-world data sets. We provide a novel gold standard for multi-source clustering, and evaluate our methods with respect to effectiveness and efficiency for large data sets from the geographic and music domains

    Garbage collection auto-tuning for Java MapReduce on Multi-Cores

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    MapReduce has been widely accepted as a simple programming pattern that can form the basis for efficient, large-scale, distributed data processing. The success of the MapReduce pattern has led to a variety of implementations for different computational scenarios. In this paper we present MRJ, a MapReduce Java framework for multi-core architectures. We evaluate its scalability on a four-core, hyperthreaded Intel Core i7 processor, using a set of standard MapReduce benchmarks. We investigate the significant impact that Java runtime garbage collection has on the performance and scalability of MRJ. We propose the use of memory management auto-tuning techniques based on machine learning. With our auto-tuning approach, we are able to achieve MRJ performance within 10% of optimal on 75% of our benchmark tests

    A Framework for Genetic Algorithms Based on Hadoop

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    Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are powerful metaheuristic techniques mostly used in many real-world applications. The sequential execution of GAs requires considerable computational power both in time and resources. Nevertheless, GAs are naturally parallel and accessing a parallel platform such as Cloud is easy and cheap. Apache Hadoop is one of the common services that can be used for parallel applications. However, using Hadoop to develop a parallel version of GAs is not simple without facing its inner workings. Even though some sequential frameworks for GAs already exist, there is no framework supporting the development of GA applications that can be executed in parallel. In this paper is described a framework for parallel GAs on the Hadoop platform, following the paradigm of MapReduce. The main purpose of this framework is to allow the user to focus on the aspects of GA that are specific to the problem to be addressed, being sure that this task is going to be correctly executed on the Cloud with a good performance. The framework has been also exploited to develop an application for Feature Subset Selection problem. A preliminary analysis of the performance of the developed GA application has been performed using three datasets and shown very promising performance

    Performance Evaluation of an Independent Time Optimized Infrastructure for Big Data Analytics that Maintains Symmetry

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    Traditional data analytics tools are designed to deal with the asymmetrical type of data i.e., structured, semi-structured, and unstructured. The diverse behavior of data produced by different sources requires the selection of suitable tools. The restriction of recourses to deal with a huge volume of data is a challenge for these tools, which affects the performances of the tool's execution time. Therefore, in the present paper, we proposed a time optimization model, shares common HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) between three Name-node (Master Node), three Data-node, and one Client-node. These nodes work under the DeMilitarized zone (DMZ) to maintain symmetry. Machine learning jobs are explored from an independent platform to realize this model. In the first node (Name-node 1), Mahout is installed with all machine learning libraries through the maven repositories. The second node (Name-node 2), R connected to Hadoop, is running through the shiny-server. Splunk is configured in the third node (Name-node 3) and is used to analyze the logs. Experiments are performed between the proposed and legacy model to evaluate the response time, execution time, and throughput. K-means clustering, Navies Bayes, and recommender algorithms are run on three different data sets, i.e., movie rating, newsgroup, and Spam SMS data set, representing structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, respectively. The selection of tools defines data independence, e.g., Newsgroup data set to run on Mahout as others cannot be compatible with this data. It is evident from the outcome of the data that the performance of the proposed model establishes the hypothesis that our model overcomes the limitation of the resources of the legacy model. In addition, the proposed model can process any kind of algorithm on different sets of data, which resides in its native formats
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