5 research outputs found

    Minimax Registration for Point Cloud Alignment

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    The alignment, or rigid registration, of three-dimensional (3D) point clouds plays an important role in many applications, such as robotics and computer vision. Recently, with the improvement in high precision and automated 3D scanners, the registration algorithm has become critical in a manufacturing setting for tolerance analysis, quality inspection, or reverse engineering purposes. Most of the currently developed registration algorithms focus on aligning the point clouds by minimizing the average squared deviations. However, in manufacturing practices, especially those involving the assembly of multiple parts, an envelope principle is widely used, which is based on minimax criteria. Our present work models the registration as a minimization problem of the maximum deviation between two point clouds, which can be recast as a second-order cone program. Variants for both pairwise and multiple point clouds registrations are discussed. We compared the performance of the proposed algorithm with other well-known registration algorithms, such as iterative closest point and partial Procrustes registration, on a variety of simulation studies and scanned data. Case studies in both additive manufacturing and reverse engineering applications are presented to demonstrate the usage of the proposed method

    Robust non-rigid feature matching for image registration using geometry preserving

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    In this paper, a robust non-rigid feature matching approach for image registration with geometry constraints is proposed. The non-rigid feature matching approach is formulated as a maximum likelihood (ML) estimation problem. The feature points of one image are represented by Gaussian mixture model (GMM) centroids, and are fitted to the feature points of the other image by moving coherently to encode the global structure. To preserve the local geometry of these feature points, two local structure descriptors of the connectivity matrix and Laplacian coordinate are constructed. The expectation maximization (EM) algorithm is applied to solve this ML problem. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach has better performance than current state-of-the-art methods

    A review of point set registration: from pairwise registration to groupwise registration

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    Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive literature review on point set registration. The state-of-the-art modeling methods and algorithms for point set registration are discussed and summarized. Special attention is paid to methods for pairwise registration and groupwise registration. Some of the most prominent representative methods are selected to conduct qualitative and quantitative experiments. From the experiments we have conducted on 2D and 3D data, CPD-GL pairwise registration algorithm [1] and JRMPC groupwise registration algorithm [2,3] seem to outperform their rivals both in accuracy and computational complexity. Furthermore, future research directions and avenues in the area are identified