466 research outputs found


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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are collections of wireless mobile devices with restricted broadcast range and resources and no fixed infrastructure. Communication is achieved by communicating data along suitable routes that are dynamically discovered and maintained through association between the nodes. Discovery of such routes is a major task both from good organization and security points of view. Recently a security model tailored to the specific requirements of MANETs. A novel route discovery algorithm called endairA is also proposed together with a claimed security proof within the same model. In this paper we show the security proof for the route discovery algorithm endairA is malfunctioning and moreover this algorithm is vulnerable to a hidden channel attack. We also analyze the security framework that is used for route discovery and argue the compos ability is an essential feature for ubiquitous applications. We conclude by discussing some of the major security challenges for route discovery in MANETs

    Predicting and Recovering Link Failure Localization Using Competitive Swarm Optimization for DSR Protocol in MANET

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    Portable impromptu organization is a self-putting together, major construction-less, independent remote versatile hub that exists without even a trace of a determined base station or government association. MANET requires no extraordinary foundation as the organization is unique. Multicasting is an urgent issue in correspondence organizations. Multicast is one of the effective methods in MANET. In multicasting, information parcels from one hub are communicated to a bunch of recipient hubs all at once, at a similar time. In this research work, Failure Node Detection and Efficient Node Localization in a MANET situation are proposed. Localization in MANET is a main area that attracts significant research interest. Localization is a method to determine the nodes’ location in the communication network. A novel routing algorithm, which is used for Predicting and Recovering Link Failure Localization using a Genetic Algorithm with Competitive Swarm Optimization (PRLFL-GACSO) Algorithm is proposed in this study to calculate and recover link failure in MANET. The process of link failure detection is accomplished using mathematical modelling of the genetic algorithm and the routing is attained using the Competitive Swarm optimization technique. The result proposed MANET method makes use of the CSO algorithm, which facilitates a well-organized packet transfer from the source node to the destination node and enhances DSR routing performance. Based on node movement, link value, and endwise delay, the optimal route is found. The main benefit of the PRLFL-GACSO Algorithm is it achieves multiple optimal solutions over global information. Further, premature convergence is avoided using Competitive Swarm Optimization (CSO). The suggested work is measured based on the Ns simulator. The presentation metrix are PDR, endwise delay, power consumption, hit ratio, etc. The presentation of the proposed method is almost 4% and 5% greater than the present TEA-MDRP, RSTA-AOMDV, and RMQS-ua methods. After, the suggested method attains greater performance for detecting and recovering link failure. In future work, the hybrid multiway routing protocols are presented to provide link failure and route breakages and liability tolerance at the time of node failure, and it also increases the worth of service aspects, respectively

    Secure Routing Environment with Enhancing QoS in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    A mobile adhoc network is infrastructure-free and self configured network connected without wire. As it is infrastructure-free and no centralized control, such type of network are suitable only for conditional inter communication link. So initially maintaining Quality of Service and security aware routing is a difficult task. The main purpose of QoS aware routing is to find an optimal secure route from source to destination which will satisfy two or more QoS constrain. In this paper, we propose a net based multicasting routing scheme to discovery all possible secure path using Secure closest spot trust certification protocol (SCSTC) and the optimal link path is derived from Dolphin Echolocation algorithm (DEA). The numerical result and performance analysis clearly describe that our provided proposal routing protocol generates better packet delivery ratio, decreases packet delay reduces overhead in secured environment

    A Novel Approach towards Link Stability in MANET’s Using Coordinate Position

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    Advances in remote innovation and hand-held processing systems have acquired transformation in mobile communication’s area. The expanding mobility of people over the globe created interest for infrastructureless and rapidly deployable portable systems. Such systems are alluded to as Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET). Generally, nodes in MANETs additionally work as a router while they are allowed to roam while transmitting with each other. This paper gives a proposal approach towards the coordinate based link stability and the same is shown with the help of proposed flowchart

    Enhancing QoS in Wireless Network using Distributed Routing Protocol

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    Distributing the Qos resources in the applications of multimedia on the wireless network task has got challenging. Here we developed cross layer architecture, the services are provided. It also enabled at the physical layer of the layered architecture. Here the QoS-guaranteed and respected users proposed different technique provide good utilization of bandwidth also simultaneously increased. Furthermore, the cross-layer architecture should enables the low-complexity implementation and analysis, provides service across the network and increases the scalability. QoS reduces the transmission delay. Respective protocols are used in this paper to enhance the quality of service. Effective performance of quality of service is checked and faces robustness issues are briefly discussed. Various examples demonstrate the increased performance in multiple and single users as the network behavior for a large number of users should also be matters. Hence the data transmission will be secured across the wireless networks. The QoS increases the network capacity and increases the scalability of Various examples demonstrate the increased performance for a single and multiple users, as well as the network behavior for a large number of users should also be matters. the network. This should also increases the life tie of a network. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15035

    Investigating TCP performance in mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have become increasingly important in view of their promise of ubiquitous connectivity beyond traditional fixed infrastructure networks. Such networks, consisting of potentially highly mobile nodes, have provided new challenges by introducing special consideration stemming from the unique characteristics of the wireless medium and the dynamic nature of the network topology. The TCP protocol, which has been widely deployed on a multitude of internetworks including the Internet, is naturally viewed as the de facto reliable transport protocol for use in MANETs. However, assumptions made at TCP’s inception reflected characteristics of the prevalent wired infrastructure of networks at the time and could subsequently lead to sub-optimal performance when used in wireless ad hoc environments. The basic presupposition underlying TCP congestion control is that packet losses are predominantly an indication of congestion in the network. The detrimental effect of such an assumption on TCP’s performance in MANET environments has been a long-standing research problem. Hence, previous work has focused on addressing the ambiguity behind the cause of packet loss as perceived by TCP by proposing changes at various levels across the network protocol stack, such as at the MAC mechanism of the transceiver or via coupling with the routing protocol at the network layer. The main challenge addressed by the current work is to propose new methods to ameliorate the illness-effects of TCP’s misinterpretation of the causes of packet loss in MANETs. An assumed restriction on any proposed modifications is that resulting performance increases should be achievable by introducing limited changes confined to the transport layer. Such a restriction aids incremental adoption and ease of deployment by requiring minimal implementation effort. Further, the issue of packet loss ambiguity, from a transport layer perspective, has, by definition, to be dealt with in an end-to-end fashion. As such, a proposed solution may involve implementation at the sender, the receiver or both to address TCP shortcomings. Some attempts at describing TCP behaviour in MANETs have been previously reported in the literature. However, a thorough enquiry into the performance of those TCP agents popular in terms of research and adoption has been lacking. Specifically, very little work has been performed on an exhaustive analysis of TCP variants across different MANET routing protocols and under various mobility conditions. The first part of the dissertation addresses this shortcoming through extensive simulation evaluation in order to ascertain the relative performance merits of each TCP variant in terms of achieved goodput over dynamic topologies. Careful examination reveals sub-par performance of TCP Reno, the largely equivalent performance of NewReno and SACK, whilst the effectiveness of a proactive TCP variant (Vegas) is explicitly stated and justified for the first time in a dynamic MANET environment. Examination of the literature reveals that in addition to losses caused by route breakages, the hidden terminal effect contributes significantly to non-congestion induced packet losses in MANETs, which in turn has noticeably negative impact on TCP goodput. By adapting the conservative slow start mechanism of TCP Vegas into a form suitable for reactive TCP agents, like Reno, NewReno and SACK, the second part of the dissertation proposes a new Reno-based congestion avoidance mechanism which increases TCP goodput considerably across long paths by mitigating the negative effects of hidden terminals and alleviating some of the ambiguity of non-congestion related packet loss in MANETs. The proposed changes maintain intact the end-to-end semantics of TCP and are solely applicable to the sender. The new mechanism is further contrasted with an existing transport layer-focused solution and is shown to perform significantly better in a range of dynamic scenarios. As solution from an end-to-end perspective may be applicable to either or both communicating ends, the idea of implementing receiver-side alterations is also explored. Previous work has been primarily concerned with reducing receiver-generated cumulative ACK responses by “bundling” them into as few packets as possible thereby reducing misinterpretations of packet loss due to hidden terminals. However, a thorough evaluation of such receiver-side solutions reveals limitations in common evaluation practices and the solutions themselves. In an effort to address this shortcoming, the third part of this research work first specifies a tighter problem domain, identifying the circumstances under which the problem may be tackled by an end-to-end solution. Subsequent original analysis reveals that by taking into account optimisations possible in wireless communications, namely the partial or complete omission of the RTS/CTS handshake, noticeable improvements in TCP goodput are achievable especially over long paths. This novel modification is activated in a variety of topologies and is assessed using new metrics to more accurately gauge its effectiveness in a wireless multihop environment

    MANETs: Internet Connectivity and Transport Protocols

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    A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes connected together over a wireless medium, which self-organize into an autonomous multi-hop wireless network. This kind of networks allows people and devices to seamlessly internetwork in areas with no pre-existing communication infrastructure, e.g., disaster recovery environments. Ad hoc networking is not a new concept, having been around in various forms for over 20 years. However, in the past only tactical networks followed the ad hoc networking paradigm. Recently, the introduction of new technologies such as IEEE 802.11, are moved the application field of MANETs to a more commercial field. These evolutions have been generating a renewed and growing interest in the research and development of MANETs. It is widely recognized that a prerequisite for the commercial penetration of the ad hoc networking technologies is the integration with existing wired/wireless infrastructure-based networks to provide an easy and transparent access to the Internet and its services. However, most of the existing solutions for enabling the interconnection between MANETs and the Internet are based on complex and inefficient mechanisms, as Mobile-IP and IP tunnelling. This thesis describes an alternative approach to build multi-hop and heterogeneous proactive ad hoc networks, which can be used as flexible and low-cost extensions of traditional wired LANs. The proposed architecture provides transparent global Internet connectivity and address autocofiguration capabilities to mobile nodes without requiring configuration changes in the pre-existing wired LAN, and relying on basic layer-2 functionalities. This thesis also includes an experimental evaluation of the proposed architecture and a comparison between this architecture with a well-known alternative NAT-based solution. The experimental outcomes confirm that the proposed technique ensures higher per-connection throughputs than the NAT-based solution. This thesis also examines the problems encountered by TCP over multi-hop ad hoc networks. Research on efficient transport protocols for ad hoc networks is one of the most active topics in the MANET community. Such a great interest is basically motivated by numerous observations showing that, in general, TCP is not able to efficiently deal with the unstable and very dynamic environment provided by multi-hop ad hoc networks. This is because some assumptions, in TCP design, are clearly inspired by the characteristics of wired networks dominant at the time when it was conceived. More specifically, TCP implicitly assumes that packet loss is almost always due to congestion phenomena causing buffer overflows at intermediate routers. Furthermore, it also assumes that nodes are static (i.e., they do not change their position over time). Unfortunately, these assumptions do not hold in MANETs, since in this kind of networks packet losses due to interference and link-layer contentions are largely predominant, and nodes may be mobile. The typical approach to solve these problems is patching TCP to fix its inefficiencies while preserving compatibility with the original protocol. This thesis explores a different approach. Specifically, this thesis presents a new transport protocol (TPA) designed from scratch, and address TCP interoperability at a late design stage. In this way, TPA can include all desired features in a neat and coherent way. This thesis also includes an experimental, as well as, a simulative evaluation of TPA, and a comparison between TCP and TPA performance (in terms of throughput, number of unnecessary transmissions and fairness). The presented analysis considers several of possible configurations of the protocols parameters, different routing protocols, and various networking scenarios. In all the cases taken into consideration TPA significantly outperforms TCP

    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs): Security and Privacy Issues and Solutions

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become one of the current research areas, and it proves to be a very supportive technology for various applications such as environmental-, military-, health-, home-, and office-based applications. WSN can either be mobile wireless sensor network (MWSN) or static wireless sensor network (SWSN). MWSN is a specialized wireless network consisting of considerable number of mobile sensors, however the instability of its topology introduces several performance issues during data routing. SWSNs consisting of static nodes with static topology also share some of the security challenges of MWSNs due to some constraints associated with the sensor nodes. Security, privacy, computation and energy constraints, and reliability issues are the major challenges facing WSNs, especially during routing. To solve these challenges, WSN routing protocols must ensure confidentiality, integrity, privacy preservation, and reliability in the network. Thus, efficient and energy-aware countermeasures have to be designed to prevent intrusion in the network. In this chapter, we describe different forms of WSNs, challenges, solutions, and a point-to-point multi-hop-based secure solution for effective routing in WSNs

    A Routing Delay Predication Based on Packet Loss and Explicit Delay Acknowledgement for Congestion Control in MANET

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    In Mobile Ad hoc Networks congestion control and prevention are demanding because of network node mobility and dynamic topology. Congestion occurs primarily due to the large traffic volume in the case of data flow because the rate of inflow of data traffic is higher than the rate of data packets on the node. This alteration in sending rate results in routing delays and low throughput. The Rate control is a significant concern in streaming applications, especially in wireless networks. The TCP friendly rate control method is extensively recognized as a rate control mechanism for wired networks, which is effective in minimizing packet loss (PL) in the event of congestion. In this paper, we propose a routing delay prediction based on PL and Explicit Delay Acknowledgement (EDA) mechanism for data rate and congestion control in MANET to control data rate to minimize the loss of packets and improve the throughput. The experiment is performed over a reactive routing protocol to reduce the packet loss, jitter, and improvisation of throughput

    Towards video streaming in IoT environments: vehicular communication perspective

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    Multimedia oriented Internet of Things (IoT) enables pervasive and real-time communication of video, audio and image data among devices in an immediate surroundings. Today's vehicles have the capability of supporting real time multimedia acquisition. Vehicles with high illuminating infrared cameras and customized sensors can communicate with other on-road devices using dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) and 5G enabled communication technologies. Real time incidence of both urban and highway vehicular traffic environment can be captured and transmitted using vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication modes. Video streaming in vehicular IoT (VSV-IoT) environments is in growing stage with several challenges that need to be addressed ranging from limited resources in IoT devices, intermittent connection in vehicular networks, heterogeneous devices, dynamism and scalability in video encoding, bandwidth underutilization in video delivery, and attaining application-precise quality of service in video streaming. In this context, this paper presents a comprehensive review on video streaming in IoT environments focusing on vehicular communication perspective. Specifically, significance of video streaming in vehicular IoT environments is highlighted focusing on integration of vehicular communication with 5G enabled IoT technologies, and smart city oriented application areas for VSV-IoT. A taxonomy is presented for the classification of related literature on video streaming in vehicular network environments. Following the taxonomy, critical review of literature is performed focusing on major functional model, strengths and weaknesses. Metrics for video streaming in vehicular IoT environments are derived and comparatively analyzed in terms of their usage and evaluation capabilities. Open research challenges in VSV-IoT are identified as future directions of research in the area. The survey would benefit both IoT and vehicle industry practitioners and researchers, in terms of augmenting understanding of vehicular video streaming and its IoT related trends and issues