8 research outputs found

    Multiparty Quantum Signature Schemes

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    Digital signatures are widely used in electronic communications to secure important tasks such as financial transactions, software updates, and legal contracts. The signature schemes that are in use today are based on public-key cryptography and derive their security from computational assumptions. However, it is possible to construct unconditionally secure signature protocols. In particular, using quantum communication, it is possible to construct signature schemes with security based on fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. Several quantum signature protocols have been proposed, but none of them has been explicitly generalized to more than three participants, and their security goals have not been formally defined. Here, we first extend the security definitions of Swanson and Stinson (2011) so that they can apply also to the quantum case, and introduce a formal definition of transferability based on different verification levels. We then prove several properties that multiparty signature protocols with information-theoretic security -- quantum or classical -- must satisfy in order to achieve their security goals. We also express two existing quantum signature protocols with three parties in the security framework we have introduced. Finally, we generalize a quantum signature protocol given in Wallden-Dunjko-Kent-Andersson (2015) to the multiparty case, proving its security against forging, repudiation and non-transferability. Notably, this protocol can be implemented using any point-to-point quantum key distribution network and therefore is ready to be experimentally demonstrated.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    The study of knowledge, attitude and practice among diabetic patients during Ramadan at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan

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    Background: Diabetic patients are permitted to carry out devotion of fasting by following appropriate diet regimen, medication adjustment and recommended daily physical activity. Those who do not follow the medical guideline might increase the risk for acute complication associated with fasting. This study aims to evaluate the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice among diabetic patients on fasting during Ramadan at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA). Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted, where 62 diabetic patients were involved in this study. Convenience sampling was applied, and the study was conducted at HTAA including medical ward, orthopedic ward, surgical ward, eye ward and diabetic clinic. The data were analysis by using one-way ANOVA. Results: There were significant association between level of education factor with the attitude and practice of the diabetic patients during Ramadan with the p-value is lower than 0.05. The mean of the one-way ANOVA for attitude and practice were increased from the lowest to the highest of education level. Meanwhile, for the other sociodemographic variables (such as age, gender and receive health education), there is no significant association (p>0.05) with the level of knowledge, attitude and practice among the diabetic patients. Conclusions: The level of education showing the significant association with the attitude and practice which it implies that those have higher education background possessed better attitude and practice management of diabetic fasting during Ramadan

    Quantum cryptography: key distribution and beyond

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    Uniquely among the sciences, quantum cryptography has driven both foundational research as well as practical real-life applications. We review the progress of quantum cryptography in the last decade, covering quantum key distribution and other applications.Comment: It's a review on quantum cryptography and it is not restricted to QK

    Practical Quantum Communication

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    Current communication networks are based on classical physics and classical information-processing. However, for nearly a century, we have known that at its most fundamental level, the universe is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. With quantum communication, new possibilities arise in our capabilities to transmit and process information which, in many cases, lead to advantages compared to what is classically possible. The entire scope of tasks for which quantum communication can offer improvements has not yet been fully explored, but several quantum protocols are known that can either perform tasks which are impossible with classical resources or can outperform classical protocols. These quantum protocols are well understood from a theoretical point of view, but many of them have never been demonstrated in practice. Thus, in the context of quantum communication, there is a significant gap between theory and experiment that must be removed in order to harness the advantages provided by quantum mechanics in a practical setting. In this thesis, we develop a series of tools for developing and testing practical quantum communication protocols. Our main technique is a theoretical reformulation of existing quantum communication protocols that converts them into a form in which they can be demonstrated with existing experimental techniques. More precisely, they can be implemented using only coherent states of light and linear optics circuits while still retaining the crucial properties of the original abstract protocols. We use this result to construct practical protocols for the Hidden Matching problem and quantum fingerprinting. In the case of quantum fingerprinting, we make a thorough analysis of the role played by experimental errors and show that our practical protocol can still be implemented in the presence of these imperfections. In fact, we report a proof of concept experimental demonstration of a quantum fingerprinting system that is capable of transmitting less information than the best known classical protocol for this problem. Our implementation is based on a modified version of a commercial quantum key distribution system using off-the-shelf optical components over telecom wavelengths, and is practical for messages as large as 100 Mbits, even in the presence of experimental imperfections. Similarly, in the context of cryptography, we propose a multiparty quantum signature protocol that can be implemented from any point-to-point quantum key distribution network, proving its security against forging, repudiation and non-transferability. Crucially, since quantum key distribution is already a practical technology, so is this protocol. However, unlike other tasks in quantum communication, there has not been significant theoretical work on establishing a security model for quantum signature schemes. Consequently, we also constructed a security framework for these schemes and proved several properties that these protocols must satisfy in order to achieve their security goals. Finally, in addition to proposing new practical protocols, we provide a reliable data analysis technique to verify an important property of many quantum communication protocols: the presence of entanglement. Our technique is based on entanglement witnesses and it does not require the specification of a prior distribution nor the assumption of independent measurements. The technique is suitable to be used with nonlinear entanglement witnesses, which we show can be constructed from any linear witness and evaluated from the same experimental data. We also develop numerical tools necessary to employ this approach in practice, rendering the procedure ready to be applied to current experiments. We demonstrate this by analyzing the data of a photonic experiment generating two-photon states whose entanglement is verified with the use of an accessible nonlinear witness

    Quantum Cryptography: Key Distribution and Beyond

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    Uniquely among the sciences, quantum cryptography has driven both foundational research as well as practical real-life applications. We review the progress of quantum cryptography in the last decade, covering quantum key distribution and other applications.Quanta 2017; 6: 1–47

    Quantum Turing Machines and Quantum Prover-Verifier Interactions

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    We present results on quantum Turing machines and on prover-verifier interactions. In our work on quantum Turing machines, we continue the line of research opened by Yao (1993), who proved that quantum Turing machines and quantum circuits are polynomially equivalent computational models: t ≥ n steps of a quantum Turing machine running on an input of length n can be simulated by a uniformly generated family of quantum circuits with size quadratic in t, and a polynomial-time uniformly generated family of quantum circuits can be simulated by a quantum Turing machine running in polynomial time. We then first revisit the simulation of quantum Turing machines with uniformly generated quantum circuits, and present a variation on the simulation method employed by Yao together with an analysis of it. This analysis reveals that the simulation of quantum Turing machines can be performed by quantum circuits having depth linear in t, rather than quadratic depth, and can be extended easily to many variants of quantum Turing machines, such as ones having multi-dimensional tapes. Our analysis is based on an extension of a method of Arrighi, Nesme, and Werner (2011) that allows for the localization of causal unitary evolutions, involving abstract lemmas that might be of independent interest. We also consider the more complex extension of our variant to the circuit simulation of multi-tape quantum Turing machines, where our variant provides a circuit with O(t^k) size and O(t^{k-1}) depth for the simulation of t steps of a machine with k tapes. This can be contrasted with the O(t^{k}) depth corresponding to the generalization of Yao's simulation by Nishimura and Ozawa (2002). Our usage of abstract techniques regarding the localization of causal unitary evolutions allows again for a simplification of the algebraic manipulation aspects of the construction. We also discuss the further extension to the case of oracle quantum Turing machines. In our work on prover-verifier interactions, we first consider a protocol under the name of perfect/conclusive quantum state exclusion. This means to be able to discard with certainty at least one out of n possible quantum state preparations by performing a measurement of the resulting state. When all the preparations correspond to pure states and there are no more of them than their common dimension, it is an open problem whether POVMs give any additional power for this task with respect to projective measurements. This is the case even for the simple case of three states in three dimensions, which is discussed by Caves, Fuchs and Schack (2002) as unsuccessfully tackled. In our work, we give an analytical proof that in this case POVMs do indeed not give any additional power with respect to projective measurements. We also discuss possible generalizations of our work, including an application of Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming that might be of special interest. We additionally consider the problem of quantum hedging, a particular kind of quantum correlation that arises between parallel instances of prover-verifier interactions. M. and Watrous (2012) studied a protocol that exhibited a perfect form of quantum hedging, where the risk for the prover of losing a first game can completely offset the corresponding risk for a second game. We take a step towards a better understanding of this hedging phenomenon by giving a characterization of the prover's optimal behavior for a natural generalization of this protocol. Furthermore, we discuss how the usage of the logarithmic utility principle to analyze prover-verifier interactions could justify further study of quantum hedging