8 research outputs found

    Direct data-driven filter design for automotive controlled suspensions

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    This paper investigates the filter design problem for automotive controlled suspensions when no mathematical model of the system is available, but a set of initial experiments can be performed, where also the variable to be estimated is measured. The problem of designing suitable linear time-invariant filters is here investigated, focusing the attention on the estimation of the relative vertical speed between chassis and wheel, using the data provided by two accelerometers measuring the chassis and wheel accelerations. Disturbances and noises are supposed to be norm-bounded and optimality refers to the minimization of the induced norm from disturbances to the estimation error. A Set Membership formulation is followed and, for classes of filters with exponentially decaying impulse response, an approximating set is determined guaranteed to contain all the solutions to the optimal filtering problem. A method is proposed for designing almost-optimal filters with finite impulse response, whose worst-case estimation error is at most twice the lowest achievable one. Numerical simulations using standard "benchmark" road profiles illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed solutions

    Control and Evaluation of Slow-Active Suspensions with Preview for a Full Car

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    An optimal control design method based on the use of the correlation between the front and rear wheel inputs (wheelbase preview) is introduced and then applied to the optimum design of a slow-active suspension system. The suspension consists of a limited bandwidth actuator in series with a passive spring, the combination being in parallel with a passive damper. A three-dimensional seven degrees of freedom car riding model subjected to four correlated random road inputs is considered. The performance potential of the limited bandwidth system with wheelbase preview in comparison with the nonpreview (uncorrelated inputs) case is investigated

    Improving the Dynamic Characteristics of Body-in-White Structure Using Structural Optimization

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    The dynamic behavior of a body-in-white (BIW) structure has significant influence on the noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) and crashworthiness of a car. Therefore, by improving the dynamic characteristics of BIW, problems and failures associated with resonance and fatigue can be prevented. The design objectives attempt to improve the existing torsion and bending modes by using structural optimization subjected to dynamic load without compromising other factors such as mass and stiffness of the structure. The natural frequency of the design was modified by identifying and reinforcing the structure at critical locations. These crucial points are first identified by topology optimization using mass and natural frequencies as the design variables. The individual components obtained from the analysis go through a size optimization step to find their target thickness of the structure. The thickness of affected regions of the components will be modified according to the analysis. The results of both optimization steps suggest several design modifications to achieve the target vibration specifications without compromising the stiffness of the structure. A method of combining both optimization approaches is proposed to improve the design modification process

    Investigation on electric motor braking control system for electric powered wheelchair

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    In recent years, research on Electric Powered Wheelchair (EPW) has been widely studied due to its high importance of mobility for disabled people. During descent on a slope, the manual braking system is commonly used to control the speed by gripping the brake lever. However, the task becomes difficult if the user is an elderly or paralyzed due to their body’s deficiencies. As a result, the possibilities of collision and injuries to occur are high. In this study, the automatic electric motor braking control that is known as Hill Descent Control (HDC) is proposed to increase the safety of EPW during descending on slopes. Since the electric motor has an advantage which can generate the torque during braking, the plugging braking is integrated with the HDC system to control the speed of the EPW according to the desired speed from the user. The analysis of this study is divided into three phases; investigation of braking performance using electrical braking, development of active braking control system in the embedded system as well as the simulation environment and analysis on active braking control system in experimental and simulation work. From the experimental results, the plugging brake is most suitable to integrate with the active brake control system compared to the regenerative and dynamic brake. In the plugging brake, by changing the plugging voltage from 0.5 V to 4.5 V, a variety of dynamic behaviour effects such as braking distance, tire speed and slip ratio can be achieved. Meanwhile, from the analysis of active braking control system that was integrated with plugging braking, both of the experimental and simulation analysis results show the speed of EPW can be maintained at the desired speed o

    Optimisation of racing car suspensions featuring inerters

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    Racing car suspensions are a critical system in the overall performance of the vehicle. They must be able to accurately control ride dynamics as well as influencing the handling characteristics of the vehicle and providing stability under the action of external forces. This work is a research study on the design and optimisation of high performance vehicle suspensions using inerters. The starting point is a theoretical investigation of the dynamics of a system fitted with an ideal inerter. This sets the foundation for developing a more complex and novel vehicle suspension model incorporating real inerters. The accuracy and predictability of this model has been assessed and validated against experimental data from 4- post rig testing. In order to maximise overall vehicle performance, a race car suspension must meet a large number of conflicting objectives. Hence, suspension design and optimisation is a complex task where a compromised solution among a set of objectives needs to be adopted. The first task in this process is to define a set of performance based objective functions. The approach taken was to relate the ride dynamic behaviour of the suspension to the overall performance of the race car. The second task of the optimisation process is to develop an efficient and robust optimisation methodology. To address this, a multi-stage optimisation algorithm has been developed. The algorithm is based on two stages, a hybrid surrogate model based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to obtain a set of non-dominated optimal suspension solutions and a transient lap-time simulation tool to incorporate external factors to the decision process and provide a final optimal solution. A transient lap-time simulation tool has been developed. The minimum time manoeuvring problem has been defined as an Optimal Control problem. A novel solution method based on a multi-level algorithm and a closed-loop driver steering control has been proposed to find the optimal lap time. The results obtained suggest that performance gains can be obtained by incorporating inerters into the suspension system. The work suggests that the use of inerters provides the car with an optimised aerodynamic platform and the overall stability of the vehicle is improved

    Approche LPV pour la commande robuste de la dynamique des véhicules (amélioration conjointe du confort et de la sécurité)

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    Ce travail concerne le développement de méthodes de commandes avancées pour les suspensions automobiles afin d'améliorer la tenue de route des véhicules et le confort des passagers, tout en respectant les contraintes technologiques liées aux actionneurs de suspension (passivité, non-linéarités, limite structurelle). Dans la 1ère partie, nous proposons deux schémas de commande par approche LPV polytopique (Linéaire à Paramètre Variant) et Stabilisation Forte (Strong Stabilization) avec optimisation par algorithme génétique pour résoudre les conflits confort/tenue de route et confort/débattement de suspension. Dans la 2ème partie, pour résoudre le problème complet de commande de suspensions semi-actives, nous développons d'abord une stratégie générique pour les systèmes LPV généraux soumis à la saturation des actionneurs et à des contraintes d'état. Le problème est étudié sous la forme de résolution d'inégalités linéaires matricielles (LMI) qui permettent de synthétiser un contrôleur LPV et un gain anti wind-up garantissant la stabilité et la performance du système en boucle fermée. Ensuite, cette stratégie est appliquée au cas de la commande des suspensions semi-actives. Les méthodes proposées sont validées par une évaluation basée sur un critère industriel et des simulations effectuées sur un modèle non-linéaire de quart de véhicule.This work concerns the development of advanced control methods for automotive suspensions to improve road holding and passenger comfort, while satisfying the technological constraints related to the suspension actuators (passivity, nonlinearity, structural limit). In the first part, we propose two control schemes by polytopic LPV (Linear Parameter Varying) approach and by Strong Stabilization with genetic algorithm optimization to solve the comfort/handling and comfort/suspension travel conflits. In the second part, to solve the full semi-active suspension problem, we develop first a generic strategy for general LPV systems subject to actuator saturation and state constraints. The problem is studied in the form of resolution matrix of linear inequalities (LMI) that allows synthesizing an LPV controller and an anti-windup gain to ensure the stability and performance of the closed-loop system. Second, the theoretical result is applied to the case of semi-active suspension control. The proposed methods are validated by an evaluation based on an industrial standard and simulations on a nonlinear quarter vehicle model.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Performance measures and control laws for active and semi-active suspensions

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    This thesis concentrates on two competing performance requirements of general suspension systems: "smoothness" and tracking. The focus of the thesis is on real-time feedback controls which can be applied in microprocessors with relatively limited capacity. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are used as a tool in the investigation of a wide range of control algorithms. Jerk (the rate of change of acceleration) is used as the basis of the suspension comfort performance measure, and a nonlinear cost function is applied to tracking, which targets the travel limits of the suspension (termed the "rattlespace"). Tracking measures currently in use generally fail to explicitly refer to the working space width. This matter is analysed, showing that driver slowdown is a complicating factor. The test rig of the physical experiment is of the semi-active type. High performing semi-active controls are generally based on active controls. Thus active controls are also investigated in this thesis. By stiffening the suspension as it moves away from equilibrium it can be made to combine softness over smooth roads with the capacity to react to large bumps when needed. Electronic control produces a much greater range of possible responses than is possible with just rubber or neoprene bump stops. Electronic, real-time control can attempt to target a smooth chassis trajectory within the possible future limits of rattlespace. Two general methods are proposed and analysed: one that adjusts the suspension stiffening according to the current road state, and another that targets edge trajectories within the possible future movements of the rattlespace. Some of these controls performed very well. With further investigation, they may be developed into extremely high performance controls, especially because of their high adaptability to varying conditions. The problem of avoiding collisions with rattlespace limits is related to the problem of avoiding overshoot of a limit distance. It becomes apparent that the residual acceleration at the point of closest approach needs to be limited, otherwise instability results. This led to the search for controls that attain rest without overshooting the final rest position. It was found that the minimum jerk needed for a general minimum-time control that does not overshoot zero displacement is always the control with just one intermediate switch of control, instead of two switches that are generally needed. This was proven to be optimal, and because of its optimality it works consistently when applied as a closed-loop, real-time optimal control. This control deals with the most difficult part of the trajectory: the final, "docking" manoeuvre. The control proved to be robust in physical experiments and it may itself have a number of applications. Some heuristics have been developed here to account for stochastic movement of the rattlespace edges in suspension controls, and these have proven quite successful in numerical experiments. Semi-active suspensions have a limit on the forces they can apply (the passivity constraint), but clipped versions are known to produce uncomfortable jerk. One method developed in this thesis produces a vast improvement in semi-active controls in the numerical experiments