8,310 research outputs found

    Comparison of Direct Multiobjective Optimization Methods for the Design of Electric Vehicles

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    "System design oriented methodologies" are discussed in this paper through the comparison of multiobjective optimization methods applied to heterogeneous devices in electrical engineering. Avoiding criteria function derivatives, direct optimization algorithms are used. In particular, deterministic geometric methods such as the Hooke & Jeeves heuristic approach are compared with stochastic evolutionary algorithms (Pareto genetic algorithms). Different issues relative to convergence rapidity and robustness on mixed (continuous/discrete), constrained and multiobjective problems are discussed. A typical electrical engineering heterogeneous and multidisciplinary system is considered as a case study: the motor drive of an electric vehicle. Some results emphasize the capacity of each approach to facilitate system analysis and particularly to display couplings between optimization parameters, constraints, objectives and the driving mission

    Evolutionary multiobjective optimization of the multi-location transshipment problem

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    We consider a multi-location inventory system where inventory choices at each location are centrally coordinated. Lateral transshipments are allowed as recourse actions within the same echelon in the inventory system to reduce costs and improve service level. However, this transshipment process usually causes undesirable lead times. In this paper, we propose a multiobjective model of the multi-location transshipment problem which addresses optimizing three conflicting objectives: (1) minimizing the aggregate expected cost, (2) maximizing the expected fill rate, and (3) minimizing the expected transshipment lead times. We apply an evolutionary multiobjective optimization approach using the strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA2), to approximate the optimal Pareto front. Simulation with a wide choice of model parameters shows the different trades-off between the conflicting objectives

    On green routing and scheduling problem

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    The vehicle routing and scheduling problem has been studied with much interest within the last four decades. In this paper, some of the existing literature dealing with routing and scheduling problems with environmental issues is reviewed, and a description is provided of the problems that have been investigated and how they are treated using combinatorial optimization tools

    Multiobjective optimization for multiproduct batch plant design under economic and environmental considerations

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    This work deals with the multicriteria cost–environment design of multiproduct batch plants, where the design variables are the size of the equipment items as well as the operating conditions. The case study is a multiproduct batch plant for the production of four recombinant proteins. Given the important combinatorial aspect of the problem, the approach used consists in coupling a stochastic algorithm, indeed a genetic algorithm (GA) with a discrete-event simulator (DES). Another incentive to use this kind of optimization method is that, there is no easy way of calculating derivatives of the objective functions, which then discards gradient optimization methods. To take into account the conflicting situations that may be encountered at the earliest stage of batch plant design, i.e. compromise situations between cost and environmental consideration, a multiobjective genetic algorithm (MOGA) was developed with a Pareto optimal ranking method. The results show how the methodology can be used to find a range of trade-off solutions for optimizing batch plant design

    Hybridization of multi-objective deterministic particle swarm with derivative-free local searches

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    The paper presents a multi-objective derivative-free and deterministic global/local hybrid algorithm for the efficient and effective solution of simulation-based design optimization (SBDO) problems. The objective is to show how the hybridization of two multi-objective derivative-free global and local algorithms achieves better performance than the separate use of the two algorithms in solving specific SBDO problems for hull-form design. The proposed method belongs to the class of memetic algorithms, where the global exploration capability of multi-objective deterministic particle swarm optimization is enriched by exploiting the local search accuracy of a derivative-free multi-objective line-search method. To the authors best knowledge, studies are still limited on memetic, multi-objective, deterministic, derivative-free, and evolutionary algorithms for an effective and efficient solution of SBDO for hull-form design. The proposed formulation manages global and local searches based on the hypervolume metric. The hybridization scheme uses two parameters to control the local search activation and the number of function calls used by the local algorithm. The most promising values of these parameters were identified using forty analytical tests representative of the SBDO problem of interest. The resulting hybrid algorithm was finally applied to two SBDO problems for hull-form design. For both analytical tests and SBDO problems, the hybrid method achieves better performance than its global and local counterparts

    System optimization by multiobjective genetic algorithms and analysis of the coupling between variables, constraints and objectives

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    This paper presents a methodology based on Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms (MOGA’s) for the design of electrical engineering systems. MOGA’s allow to optimize multiple heterogeneous criteria in complex systems, but also simplify couplings and sensitivity analysis by determining the evolution of design variables along the Pareto-optimal front. A rather simplified case study dealing with the optimal dimensioning of an inverter – permanent magnet motor – reducer – load association is carried out to demonstrate the interest of the approach

    Comparison of Geometric Optimization Methods with Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Solving Integrated Optimal Design Problems

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    In this paper, system design methodologies for optimizing heterogenous power devices in electrical engineering are investigated. The concept of Integrated Optimal Design (IOD) is presented and a simplified but typical example is given. It consists in finding Pareto-optimal configurations for the motor drive of an electric vehicle. For that purpose, a geometric optimization method (i.e the Hooke and Jeeves minimization procedure) associated with an objective weighting sum and a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm (i.e. the NSGA-II) are compared. Several performance issues are discussed such as the accuracy in the determination of Pareto-optimal configurations and the capability to well spread these solutions in the objective space

    Multiobjective synchronization of coupled systems

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    Copyright @ 2011 American Institute of PhysicsSynchronization of coupled chaotic systems has been a subject of great interest and importance, in theory but also various fields of application, such as secure communication and neuroscience. Recently, based on stability theory, synchronization of coupled chaotic systems by designing appropriate coupling has been widely investigated. However, almost all the available results have been focusing on ensuring the synchronization of coupled chaotic systems with as small coupling strengths as possible. In this contribution, we study multiobjective synchronization of coupled chaotic systems by considering two objectives in parallel, i. e., minimizing optimization of coupling strength and convergence speed. The coupling form and coupling strength are optimized by an improved multiobjective evolutionary approach. The constraints on the coupling form are also investigated by formulating the problem into a multiobjective constraint problem. We find that the proposed evolutionary method can outperform conventional adaptive strategy in several respects. The results presented in this paper can be extended into nonlinear time-series analysis, synchronization of complex networks and have various applications