3 research outputs found

    Yüksek seviyeli mimari (HLA) temelli dağıtık imalat benzetimi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Benzetim, bir karar verme aracı olarak her zaman kullanılagelmiştir. Benzetimin en çok kullanıldığı alanların başında imalat gelmektedir. Ancak geleneksel benzetim teknikleri tek başına karmaşık dağıtık imalat problemlerini modellemeye yetmemektedir. Son yıllarda imalat süreci oldukça karmaşık hale geldiğinden ve çoğu zaman dağıtık ortamlarda gerçekleştirildiğinden dağıtık imalat benzetimi modellerine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Farklı benzetim modellerini bir araya getirerek bilgi alışverişini gerçekleştirecek ortak mimariye olan ihtiyaç, başlangıçta askeri alanlarda ortaya çıkmıştır. Benzer ihtiyac, dağıtık imalat benzetiminde de hissedilmektedir. Böyle bir mimari benzetim modellerinin yeniden kullanılabilirlik ve karşılıklı işleyebilirlik özelliklerine sahip olmasını sağlayabilmelidir. Bununla birlikte, bilgi alışverişinde bulunacak olan benzetim modelleri farklı platformlarda, farklı ticari benzetim paketleriyle veya farklı uygulama yazılımları ile modellenmiş olabilmektedir. HLA, bu tür problemleri çözmekte kullanılabilecek dağıtık benzetim mimarisidir. Amerikan Savunma Bakanlığı tarafından askeri benzetim sistemlerinde kullanılmak üzere 1995'lerden itibaren geliştirilen bu mimari, imalatta ve diğer sivil alanlarda da uygulanmaktadır. 2000 yılında IEEE tarafından 1516 kodu ile dağıtık benzetim standardı olarak kabul edilmesiyle sivil alanlarda kullanımı yaygınlaşmıştır.Bu çalışmada HLA temelli dağıtık imalat benzetimi ele alınmıştır. Dağıtık imalat benzetiminin yararları, HLA'nın imalatta kullanım gerekçesi, HLA temelli dağıtık imalat benzetimi geliştirmek için neler yapılması gerektiği açıklanmıştır. Çeşitli HLA temelli dağıtık imalat tasarım örnekleri verilmiştir. Örnek bir uygulama ile HLA'nın pratik olarak dağıtık imalat benzetiminde nasıl uygulandığı ortaya konulmuştur.Manufacturing is one of the areas where simulation is used more widely as a decision making tool. But traditional simulation techniques are not capable to simulate complex manufacturing systems. Since manufacturing processes became more complex and mostly performed in distributed environments, distributed manufacturing simulation models are needed. So, a common framework is required to integrate and exchange information of different manufacturing simulation models. The framework should have the capability of reusability and interoperability since simulation models could be modeled at different environments with different application programming languages. HLA can meet all of the requirements mentioned above. HLA was developed by American Department of Defense (DoD) since 1995 for military simulations, and after it was accepted as an IEEE standart (No:1516) in year 2000, HLA is being used not only for military simulations but also for civil applications.In this study HLA based distributed manufacturing simulation is examined. The benefits of distributed manufacturing simulation, reasons why HLA is used in manufacturing, what sould be done in order to develop HLA based distributed manufacturing simulation is explained in the study. It will also be put forward how HLA is implemented practically in distributed manufacturing simulation through a given scenario

    Architecture de communication à QoS garantie pour la simulation distribuée

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    Les travaux décrits dans cette thèse s'articulent autour des architectures de communication en réseaux locaux et réseaux distants pour les applications de simulation distribuée interactive, particulièrement dans le cadre du projet Platsim. Nous avons traité dans un premier temps, les aspects gestion de la QoS pour les simulations distribuées basées sur les middlewares HLA et DDS en réseaux locaux, et ensuite nous avons étendu cette contribution avec DDS sur des réseaux grandes distances. La première contribution consiste à enrichir PlatSim par un modèle formel pour la gestion de la QoS que nous avons implémentée sur HLA pour combler les manques de QoS dont souffre ce middleware. Ensuite, nous avons proposé une architecture pour l'interconnexion des simulateurs distribués avec le middleware DDS. L'utilisation de DDS est intéressante pour la simplicité de son implémentation et ses performances de communication déjà prouvées sur des systèmes complexes. Dans la deuxième contribution, nous avons développé un algorithme de navigation à l'estime (dead-reckoning) pour l'anticipation du comportement des entités simulées. Cette approche permet d'émuler leur comportement lors de la détermination de l'erreur maximale admissible satisfaisant les contraintes de la QoS requise, ce qui, en cas de défaillance du système de communication, permet d'estimer le comportement des objets simulés. Ensuite, nous avons présenté une proposition pour l'interconnexion des simulations distribuées DDS et cette approche de dead-reckoning, par deux mécanismes différents: dans un premier temps, nous avons montré qu'il est possible d'utiliser le service de routage DDS pour mettre en place un "pont-fédéré" DDS permettant d'interconnecter des domaines DDS différents dans un même domaine IP, et ensuite nous avons proposé un "Proxy DDS" qui permet d'interconnecter des simulations DDS situées dans des domaines DDS différents et des domaines IP hétérogènes. Enfin, nos deux dernières contributions concernent l'étude et la mise en place d'une architecture de communication à grande distance à QoS garantie pour les simulations distribuées sur DDS. Tout d'abord, nous avons présenté une architecture de signalisation de la QoS pour en se basant sur l'utilisation conjointe du protocole COPS et de la signalisation SIP. Ensuite, nous avons étendu des travaux réalisés au LAAS-CNRS dans le cadre du projet européen EuQoS. Nous avons alors utilisé des composants de cette architecture que nous avons adaptés pour fournir, à l'utilisateur final ou à l'administrateur de l'application, des interfaces simples lui permettant de demander le type de service requis pour son application sans avoir besoin de changer le protocole de signalisation.Stimulated by the growth of network-based applications, middleware technologies for Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) applications are taking an increasing importance in large scale systems, and motivate the need to achieve end-to-end Quality-of-Service (QoS) over local and large-scale networks. The aims of this thesis revolve around network communication architecture for DIS applications in LAN and WAN. Its first contribution is to design and implement high performance Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) application using the HLA (High Level Architecture) and DDS (Data Distribution Service) middleware in LANs: HLA is used in conjonction with Hierarchical Timed Stream Petri Nets (HTSPN) to allow a powerful analysis techniques for validating and implementing QoS mechanisms in the application layer. Then, we show how DDS can successfully deliver the needed capabilities of DIS applications, provides fast and predictable distribution of real-time critical data in local area network. In the second contribution we suggest a novel extension of Dead Reckoning to increase the network availability and fulfill the required QoS in large-scale DIS applications. The proposed algorithm is based on a fuzzy inference system which is trained by the learning algorithm derived from the neuronal networks and fuzzy inference theory. The proposed mechanism is based on the optimization approach to calculate the error threshold violation in networking games. Then, We show the limitations of the usage DDS Routing Services over the Internet and suggests a Proxy DDS to overcome those shortcomings. In the last contributions we present a dynamic ressource allocation SIP-based framework for the signaling plane DDS-based DIS applications. We give the design and implementation of this framework, the new concepts of the extended SIP to improve the QoS management mechanisms. Then, we present an QoS approach using the EuQoS (End-to-End QoS over Heterogeneous Networks) architecture to define a NGN (Next Generation Network) architecture for distributed interactive simulation that builds, uses and manages end-to-end QoS across different administrative domains and heterogeneous networks