25 research outputs found

    Multilevel interterritorial convergence and additive multidimensional inequality decomposition.

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    In this paper we justify the use of the between-groups S-convex relative inequality to measure interregional convergence, within an axiomatic normative context. In addition, the use of additive decomposable inequality indices makes the additive multidimensional (and multilevel) inequality decomposition possible, and help us better understand the evolution of the between- and the withingroups inequality terms (and convergence) when the number of regions increases. We have detected a weak interterritorial divergence process in Spain in the period 1980-1995 using the Eurostat per capita GDP data at all levels, although it is mainly generated at the broad NUTS 1 areas, which is compatible with high level of increasing polarization at this level.Regional convergence; Multidimensional inequality decomposition;

    Multilevel interterritorial convergence and additive multidimensional inequality decomposition

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    In this paper we justify the use of the between-groups S-convex relative inequality to measure interregional convergence, within an axiomatic normative context. In addition, the use of additive decomposable inequality indices makes the additive multidimensional (and multilevel) inequality decomposition possible, and help us better understand the evolution of the between- and the withingroups inequality terms (and convergence) when the number of regions increases. We have detected a weak interterritorial divergence process in Spain in the period 1980-1995 using the Eurostat per capita GDP data at all levels, although it is mainly generated at the broad NUTS 1 areas, which is compatible with high level of increasing polarization at this level

    Monk business: an example of the dynamics of organizations.

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    In this paper we present a dynamic model of an organization. It is shown that the quality of the members of the organization may cycle and that even if the organization promotes excellency, the organization may end up populated by mediocre agents only.Overlapping generations; Quanty organization;

    The effect of female participation on fertility in Spain: how does it change as the birth comes closer.

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    In this paper we anaIyze the effect of female labor force participation on fertility decisions. We focus on two issues that emerge when estimating such effect: (i) the endogeneity between fertility and participation; and (ii) the period in which participation is measured with respect to fertility. We account for the first problem by using an empirical model based on the assumption that women decide on labor force participation and childbearing in response to incentives provided by prices and incomes. The second issue is addressed exploiting the panel structure of our data (matched EPA files). which allow us to measure women labor force participation at several points in the time preceding a birth. Our results show that it is important to account for the endogeneity between participation and fertility and that women's attitude toward the labour market changes along the pregnancy.Fertility; Femal labor force participation; Endogeneity;

    A non-welfarist solution for two-person bargaining situations.

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    In this paper we present a non-welfarist solution which is applicable to a broad spectrum of twoagent bargaining problems, such as exchange economies, location problems and division problems. In contrast to welfarist bargaining solutions, it depends only on the agents' preferences. not on their specific utility representation, and takes explicitly into account the underlying space of alternatives. We offer a simple sequential move mechanism, without chance moves, that implements our solution in subgame perfect equilibrium. Moreover, an axiomatic characterization of the solution is provided. It is shown that the solution coincides with the Kalai-Rosenthal bargaining solution after choosing a suitable utility representation of the preferences. When applied to exchange economies with equal initial endowments for both agents, the solution generates envy-free, Pare to efficient egalitarian equivalent allocations.Bargaining; Nash program; Welfarism; Non-welfarism; Exchange economies; Location problems; Implementation;

    Monk business: an example of the dynamics of organizations

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    In this paper we present a dynamic model of an organization. It is shown that the quality of the members of the organization may cycle and that even if the organization promotes excellency, the organization may end up populated by mediocre agents only

    Rationality in the joint allocation of private and public goods.

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    This paper presents an extension of "collective models" that rationalize household demands as efficient allocations, allowing for the joint allocation of public and private goods. Starting from the problem of efficiency, and adding a separability assumption between public goods and exclusive private goods, we obtain two results. Firstly, we find some new restrictions upon the derivatives of the demand functions. Secondly, we predict how the sharing of household expenditures between the man and the woman changes when the exclusive good's prices changes, and we measure the effect of the consumption of public goods on this change.Collective choice; Public goods; Separability;

    The effect of female participation on fertility in Spain : how does it change as the birth comes closer

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    In this paper we anaIyze the effect of female labor force participation on fertility decisions. We focus on two issues that emerge when estimating such effect: (i) the endogeneity between fertility and participation; and (ii) the period in which participation is measured with respect to fertility. We account for the first problem by using an empirical model based on the assumption that women decide on labor force participation and childbearing in response to incentives provided by prices and incomes. The second issue is addressed exploiting the panel structure of our data (matched EPA files). which allow us to measure women labor force participation at several points in the time preceding a birth. Our results show that it is important to account for the endogeneity between participation and fertility and that women's attitude toward the labour market changes along the pregnancy

    A non-welfarist solution for two-person bargaining situations

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    In this paper we present a non-welfarist solution which is applicable to a broad spectrum of twoagent bargaining problems, such as exchange economies, location problems and division problems. In contrast to welfarist bargaining solutions, it depends only on the agents' preferences. not on their specific utility representation, and takes explicitly into account the underlying space of alternatives. We offer a simple sequential move mechanism, without chance moves, that implements our solution in subgame perfect equilibrium. Moreover, an axiomatic characterization of the solution is provided. It is shown that the solution coincides with the Kalai-Rosenthal bargaining solution after choosing a suitable utility representation of the preferences. When applied to exchange economies with equal initial endowments for both agents, the solution generates envy-free, Pare to efficient egalitarian equivalent allocations

    Training and transitions out of employment in Spain.

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    In this paper we investigate the relationship between firm-provided training and transitions out of employment in Spain. Using microeconomic data for Spain obtained from the first wave of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP), we apply a recursive model with qualitative variables. The main result is that workers who receive training during 1993 face a lower probability of being non-employed in the following year than workers who did not receive training. Also, there is strong evidence that a stable employment realitonship increases the probability of receiving training within the firm.Firm-provided training; Labour force transitions; Recursive models;