54 research outputs found

    Multilayer Structured NMF for Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images

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    One of the challenges in hyperspectral data analysis is the presence of mixed pixels. Mixed pixels are the result of low spatial resolution of hyperspectral sensors. Spectral unmixing methods decompose a mixed pixel into a set of endmembers and abundance fractions. Due to nonnegativity constraint on abundance fraction values, NMF based methods are well suited to this problem. In this paper multilayer NMF has been used to improve the results of NMF methods for spectral unmixing of hyperspectral data under the linear mixing framework. Sparseness constraint on both spectral signatures and abundance fractions matrices are used in this paper. Evaluation of the proposed algorithm is done using synthetic and real datasets in terms of spectral angle and abundance angle distances. Results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms other previously proposed methods.Comment: 4 pages, conferenc

    Distributed Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data With Sparsity Constraint

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    Spectral unmixing (SU) is a data processing problem in hyperspectral remote sensing. The significant challenge in the SU problem is how to identify endmembers and their weights, accurately. For estimation of signature and fractional abundance matrices in a blind problem, nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) and its developments are used widely in the SU problem. One of the constraints which was added to NMF is sparsity constraint that was regularized by L 1/2 norm. In this paper, a new algorithm based on distributed optimization has been used for spectral unmixing. In the proposed algorithm, a network including single-node clusters has been employed. Each pixel in hyperspectral images considered as a node in this network. The distributed unmixing with sparsity constraint has been optimized with diffusion LMS strategy, and then the update equations for fractional abundance and signature matrices are obtained. Simulation results based on defined performance metrics, illustrate advantage of the proposed algorithm in spectral unmixing of hyperspectral data compared with other methods. The results show that the AAD and SAD of the proposed approach are improved respectively about 6 and 27 percent toward distributed unmixing in SNR=25dB.Comment: 6 pages, conference pape


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    Subspace Structure Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing

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    Hyperspectral unmixing is a crucial task for hyperspectral images (HSI) processing, which estimates the proportions of constituent materials of a mixed pixel. Usually, the mixed pixels can be approximated using a linear mixing model. Since each material only occurs in a few pixels in real HSI, sparse nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) and its extensions are widely used as solutions. Some recent works assume that materials are distributed in certain structures, which can be added as constraints to sparse NMF model. However, they only consider the spatial distribution within a local neighborhood and define the distribution structure manually, while ignoring the real distribution of materials that is diverse in different images. In this paper, we propose a new unmixing method that learns a subspace structure from the original image and incorporate it into the sparse NMF framework to promote unmixing performance. Based on the self-representation property of data points lying in the same subspace, the learned subspace structure can indicate the global similar graph of pixels that represents the real distribution of materials. Then the similar graph is used as a robust global spatial prior which is expected to be maintained in the decomposed abundance matrix. The experiments conducted on both simulated and real-world HSI datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method

    Hyperspectral Unmixing Overview: Geometrical, Statistical, and Sparse Regression-Based Approaches

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    Imaging spectrometers measure electromagnetic energy scattered in their instantaneous field view in hundreds or thousands of spectral channels with higher spectral resolution than multispectral cameras. Imaging spectrometers are therefore often referred to as hyperspectral cameras (HSCs). Higher spectral resolution enables material identification via spectroscopic analysis, which facilitates countless applications that require identifying materials in scenarios unsuitable for classical spectroscopic analysis. Due to low spatial resolution of HSCs, microscopic material mixing, and multiple scattering, spectra measured by HSCs are mixtures of spectra of materials in a scene. Thus, accurate estimation requires unmixing. Pixels are assumed to be mixtures of a few materials, called endmembers. Unmixing involves estimating all or some of: the number of endmembers, their spectral signatures, and their abundances at each pixel. Unmixing is a challenging, ill-posed inverse problem because of model inaccuracies, observation noise, environmental conditions, endmember variability, and data set size. Researchers have devised and investigated many models searching for robust, stable, tractable, and accurate unmixing algorithms. This paper presents an overview of unmixing methods from the time of Keshava and Mustard's unmixing tutorial [1] to the present. Mixing models are first discussed. Signal-subspace, geometrical, statistical, sparsity-based, and spatial-contextual unmixing algorithms are described. Mathematical problems and potential solutions are described. Algorithm characteristics are illustrated experimentally.Comment: This work has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensin