584 research outputs found

    A Total Fractional-Order Variation Model for Image Restoration with Non-homogeneous Boundary Conditions and its Numerical Solution

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    To overcome the weakness of a total variation based model for image restoration, various high order (typically second order) regularization models have been proposed and studied recently. In this paper we analyze and test a fractional-order derivative based total α\alpha-order variation model, which can outperform the currently popular high order regularization models. There exist several previous works using total α\alpha-order variations for image restoration; however first no analysis is done yet and second all tested formulations, differing from each other, utilize the zero Dirichlet boundary conditions which are not realistic (while non-zero boundary conditions violate definitions of fractional-order derivatives). This paper first reviews some results of fractional-order derivatives and then analyzes the theoretical properties of the proposed total α\alpha-order variational model rigorously. It then develops four algorithms for solving the variational problem, one based on the variational Split-Bregman idea and three based on direct solution of the discretise-optimization problem. Numerical experiments show that, in terms of restoration quality and solution efficiency, the proposed model can produce highly competitive results, for smooth images, to two established high order models: the mean curvature and the total generalized variation.Comment: 26 page

    Multigrid Backprojection Super-Resolution and Deep Filter Visualization

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    We introduce a novel deep-learning architecture for image upscaling by large factors (e.g. 4x, 8x) based on examples of pristine high-resolution images. Our target is to reconstruct high-resolution images from their downscale versions. The proposed system performs a multi-level progressive upscaling, starting from small factors (2x) and updating for higher factors (4x and 8x). The system is recursive as it repeats the same procedure at each level. It is also residual since we use the network to update the outputs of a classic upscaler. The network residuals are improved by Iterative Back-Projections (IBP) computed in the features of a convolutional network. To work in multiple levels we extend the standard back-projection algorithm using a recursion analogous to Multi-Grid algorithms commonly used as solvers of large systems of linear equations. We finally show how the network can be interpreted as a standard upsampling-and-filter upscaler with a space-variant filter that adapts to the geometry. This approach allows us to visualize how the network learns to upscale. Finally, our system reaches state of the art quality for models with relatively few number of parameters.Comment: Spotlight paper in the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19

    A novel variational model for image registration using Gaussian curvature

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    Image registration is one important task in many image processing applications. It aims to align two or more images so that useful information can be extracted through comparison, combination or superposition. This is achieved by constructing an optimal trans- formation which ensures that the template image becomes similar to a given reference image. Although many models exist, designing a model capable of modelling large and smooth deformation field continues to pose a challenge. This paper proposes a novel variational model for image registration using the Gaussian curvature as a regulariser. The model is motivated by the surface restoration work in geometric processing [Elsey and Esedoglu, Multiscale Model. Simul., (2009), pp. 1549-1573]. An effective numerical solver is provided for the model using an augmented Lagrangian method. Numerical experiments can show that the new model outperforms three competing models based on, respectively, a linear curvature [Fischer and Modersitzki, J. Math. Imaging Vis., (2003), pp. 81- 85], the mean curvature [Chumchob, Chen and Brito, Multiscale Model. Simul., (2011), pp. 89-128] and the diffeomorphic demon model [Vercauteren at al., NeuroImage, (2009), pp. 61-72] in terms of robustness and accuracy.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. Key words: Image registration, Non-parametric image registration, Regularisation, Gaussian curvature, surface mappin

    Enhancing Compressed Sensing 4D Photoacoustic Tomography by Simultaneous Motion Estimation

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    A crucial limitation of current high-resolution 3D photoacoustic tomography (PAT) devices that employ sequential scanning is their long acquisition time. In previous work, we demonstrated how to use compressed sensing techniques to improve upon this: images with good spatial resolution and contrast can be obtained from suitably sub-sampled PAT data acquired by novel acoustic scanning systems if sparsity-constrained image reconstruction techniques such as total variation regularization are used. Now, we show how a further increase of image quality can be achieved for imaging dynamic processes in living tissue (4D PAT). The key idea is to exploit the additional temporal redundancy of the data by coupling the previously used spatial image reconstruction models with sparsity-constrained motion estimation models. While simulated data from a two-dimensional numerical phantom will be used to illustrate the main properties of this recently developed joint-image-reconstruction-and-motion-estimation framework, measured data from a dynamic experimental phantom will also be used to demonstrate their potential for challenging, large-scale, real-world, three-dimensional scenarios. The latter only becomes feasible if a carefully designed combination of tailored optimization schemes is employed, which we describe and examine in more detail

    Colour image segmentation by the vector-valued Allen-Cahn phase-field model: a multigrid solution

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    We propose a new method for the numerical solution of a PDE-driven model for colour image segmentation and give numerical examples of the results. The method combines the vector-valued Allen-Cahn phase field equation with initial data fitting terms. This method is known to be closely related to the Mumford-Shah problem and the level set segmentation by Chan and Vese. Our numerical solution is performed using a multigrid splitting of a finite element space, thereby producing an efficient and robust method for the segmentation of large images.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure
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