125 research outputs found

    A Decomposition of Gallai Multigraphs

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    An edge-colored cycle is rainbow if its edges are colored with distinct colors. A Gallai (multi)graph is a simple, complete, edge-colored (multi)graph lacking rainbow triangles. As has been previously shown for Gallai graphs, we show that Gallai multigraphs admit a simple iterative construction. We then use this structure to prove Ramsey-type results within Gallai colorings. Moreover, we show that Gallai multigraphs give rise to a surprising and highly structured decomposition into directed trees

    Parameterized Rural Postman Problem

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    The Directed Rural Postman Problem (DRPP) can be formulated as follows: given a strongly connected directed multigraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) with nonnegative integral weights on the arcs, a subset RR of AA and a nonnegative integer ℓ\ell, decide whether DD has a closed directed walk containing every arc of RR and of total weight at most ℓ\ell. Let kk be the number of weakly connected components in the the subgraph of DD induced by RR. Sorge et al. (2012) ask whether the DRPP is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) when parameterized by kk, i.e., whether there is an algorithm of running time O∗(f(k))O^*(f(k)) where ff is a function of kk only and the O∗O^* notation suppresses polynomial factors. Sorge et al. (2012) note that this question is of significant practical relevance and has been open for more than thirty years. Using an algebraic approach, we prove that DRPP has a randomized algorithm of running time O∗(2k)O^*(2^k) when ℓ\ell is bounded by a polynomial in the number of vertices in DD. We also show that the same result holds for the undirected version of DRPP, where DD is a connected undirected multigraph

    The graph bottleneck identity

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    A matrix S=(sij)∈Rn×nS=(s_{ij})\in{\mathbb R}^{n\times n} is said to determine a \emph{transitional measure} for a digraph GG on nn vertices if for all i,j,k∈{1,.˙.,n},i,j,k\in\{1,\...,n\}, the \emph{transition inequality} sijsjk≤siksjjs_{ij} s_{jk}\le s_{ik} s_{jj} holds and reduces to the equality (called the \emph{graph bottleneck identity}) if and only if every path in GG from ii to kk contains jj. We show that every positive transitional measure produces a distance by means of a logarithmic transformation. Moreover, the resulting distance d(⋅,⋅)d(\cdot,\cdot) is \emph{graph-geodetic}, that is, d(i,j)+d(j,k)=d(i,k)d(i,j)+d(j,k)=d(i,k) holds if and only if every path in GG connecting ii and kk contains jj. Five types of matrices that determine transitional measures for a digraph are considered, namely, the matrices of path weights, connection reliabilities, route weights, and the weights of in-forests and out-forests. The results obtained have undirected counterparts. In [P. Chebotarev, A class of graph-geodetic distances generalizing the shortest-path and the resistance distances, Discrete Appl. Math., URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2010.11.017] the present approach is used to fill the gap between the shortest path distance and the resistance distance.Comment: 12 pages, 18 references. Advances in Applied Mathematic

    Random cubic planar graphs converge to the Brownian sphere

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    In this paper, the scaling limit of random connected cubic planar graphs (respectively multigraphs) is shown to be the Brownian sphere. The proof consists in essentially two main steps. First, thanks to the known decomposition of cubic planar graphs into their 3-connected components, the metric structure of a random cubic planar graph is shown to be well approximated by its unique 3-connected component of linear size, with modified distances. Then, Whitney's theorem ensures that a 3-connected cubic planar graph is the dual of a simple triangulation, for which it is known that the scaling limit is the Brownian sphere. Curien and Le Gall have recently developed a framework to study the modification of distances in general triangulations and in their dual. By extending this framework to simple triangulations, it is shown that 3-connected cubic planar graphs with modified distances converge jointly with their dual triangulation to the Brownian sphere

    Random cubic planar graphs converge to the Brownian sphere

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    In this paper, the scaling limit of random connected cubic planar graphs (respectively multigraphs) is shown to be the Brownian sphere. The proof consists in essentially two main steps. First, thanks to the known decomposition of cubic planar graphs into their 3-connected components, the metric structure of a random cubic planar graph is shown to be well approximated by its unique 3-connected component of linear size, with modified distances. Then, Whitney's theorem ensures that a 3-connected cubic planar graph is the dual of a simple triangulation, for which it is known that the scaling limit is the Brownian sphere. Curien and Le Gall have recently developed a framework to study the modification of distances in general triangulations and in their dual. By extending this framework to simple triangulations, it is shown that 3-connected cubic planar graphs with modified distances converge jointly with their dual triangulation to the Brownian sphere.Comment: 55 page

    Weak degeneracy of graphs

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    Motivated by the study of greedy algorithms for graph coloring, we introduce a new graph parameter, which we call weak degeneracy. By definition, every dd-degenerate graph is also weakly dd-degenerate. On the other hand, if GG is weakly dd-degenerate, then χ(G)≤d+1\chi(G) \leq d + 1 (and, moreover, the same bound holds for the list-chromatic and even the DP-chromatic number of GG). It turns out that several upper bounds in graph coloring theory can be phrased in terms of weak degeneracy. For example, we show that planar graphs are weakly 44-degenerate, which implies Thomassen's famous theorem that planar graphs are 55-list-colorable. We also prove a version of Brooks's theorem for weak degeneracy: a connected graph GG of maximum degree d≥3d \geq 3 is weakly (d−1)(d-1)-degenerate unless G≅Kd+1G \cong K_{d + 1}. (By contrast, all dd-regular graphs have degeneracy dd.) We actually prove an even stronger result, namely that for every d≥3d \geq 3, there is ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 such that if GG is a graph of weak degeneracy at least dd, then either GG contains a (d+1)(d+1)-clique or the maximum average degree of GG is at least d+ϵd + \epsilon. Finally, we show that graphs of maximum degree dd and either of girth at least 55 or of bounded chromatic number are weakly (d−Ω(d))(d - \Omega(\sqrt{d}))-degenerate, which is best possible up to the value of the implied constant.Comment: 21 p
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