46 research outputs found

    An Unsupervised Approach to Biography Production using Wikipedia

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    We describe an unsupervised approach to multi-document sentence-extraction based summarization for the task of producing biographies. We utilize Wikipedia to automatically construct a corpus of biographical sentences and TDT4 to construct a corpus of non-biographical sentences. We build a biographical-sentence classiïŹer from these corpora and an SVM regression model for sentence ordering from the Wikipedia corpus. We evaluate our work on the DUC2004 evaluation data and with human judges. Overall, our system signiïŹcantly outperforms all systems that participated in DUC2004, according to the ROUGE-L metric, and is preferred by human subjects

    Topic Retrospection with Storyline-based Summarization on News Reports

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    The electronics newspaper becomes a main source for online news readers. When facing the numerous stories of a series of events, news readers need some supports in order to review a topic in an efficient way. Besides identifying events and presenting the search results with news titles and keywords the TDT (Topic Detection and Tracking) is used to do, a summarized text to present event evolution is necessary for general news readers to review events under a news topic. This paper proposes a topic retrospection process and implements the SToRe system that identifies various events under a news topic, and composes a summary that news readers can get the sketch of event evolution in the topic. It consists of three main functions: event identification, main storyline construction and storyline-based summarization. The constructed main storyline can remove the irrelevant events and present a main theme. The summarization extracts the representative sentences and takes the main theme as the template to compose summary. The summarization not only provides enough information to comprehend the development of a topic, but also serves as an index to help readers to find more detailed information. A lab experiment is conducted to evaluate the SToRe system in the question-and-answer (Q&A) setting. The experimental results show that the SToRe system enables news readers to effectively and efficiently capture the evolution of a news topic

    MultiGBS: A multi-layer graph approach to biomedical summarization

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    Automatic text summarization methods generate a shorter version of the input text to assist the reader in gaining a quick yet informative gist. Existing text summarization methods generally focus on a single aspect of text when selecting sentences, causing the potential loss of essential information. In this study, we propose a domain-specific method that models a document as a multi-layer graph to enable multiple features of the text to be processed at the same time. The features we used in this paper are word similarity, semantic similarity, and co-reference similarity, which are modelled as three different layers. The unsupervised method selects sentences from the multi-layer graph based on the MultiRank algorithm and the number of concepts. The proposed MultiGBS algorithm employs UMLS and extracts the concepts and relationships using different tools such as SemRep, MetaMap, and OGER. Extensive evaluation by ROUGE and BERTScore shows increased F-measure values

    Automatic Summarization

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    It has now been 50 years since the publication of Luhn’s seminal paper on automatic summarization. During these years the practical need for automatic summarization has become increasingly urgent and numerous papers have been published on the topic. As a result, it has become harder to find a single reference that gives an overview of past efforts or a complete view of summarization tasks and necessary system components. This article attempts to fill this void by providing a comprehensive overview of research in summarization, including the more traditional efforts in sentence extraction as well as the most novel recent approaches for determining important content, for domain and genre specific summarization and for evaluation of summarization. We also discuss the challenges that remain open, in particular the need for language generation and deeper semantic understanding of language that would be necessary for future advances in the field

    COMPENDIUM: a text summarisation tool for generating summaries of multiple purposes, domains, and genres

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    In this paper, we present a Text Summarisation tool, compendium, capable of generating the most common types of summaries. Regarding the input, single- and multi-document summaries can be produced; as the output, the summaries can be extractive or abstractive-oriented; and finally, concerning their purpose, the summaries can be generic, query-focused, or sentiment-based. The proposed architecture for compendium is divided in various stages, making a distinction between core and additional stages. The former constitute the backbone of the tool and are common for the generation of any type of summary, whereas the latter are used for enhancing the capabilities of the tool. The main contributions of compendium with respect to the state-of-the-art summarisation systems are that (i) it specifically deals with the problem of redundancy, by means of textual entailment; (ii) it combines statistical and cognitive-based techniques for determining relevant content; and (iii) it proposes an abstractive-oriented approach for facing the challenge of abstractive summarisation. The evaluation performed in different domains and textual genres, comprising traditional texts, as well as texts extracted from the Web 2.0, shows that compendium is very competitive and appropriate to be used as a tool for generating summaries.This research has been supported by the project “Desarrollo de TĂ©cnicas Inteligentes e Interactivas de MinerĂ­a de Textos” (PROMETEO/2009/119) and the project reference ACOMP/2011/001 from the Valencian Government, as well as by the Spanish Government (grant no. TIN2009-13391-C04-01)

    NLP Driven Models for Automatically Generating Survey Articles for Scientific Topics.

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    This thesis presents new methods that use natural language processing (NLP) driven models for summarizing research in scientific fields. Given a topic query in the form of a text string, we present methods for finding research articles relevant to the topic as well as summarization algorithms that use lexical and discourse information present in the text of these articles to generate coherent and readable extractive summaries of past research on the topic. In addition to summarizing prior research, good survey articles should also forecast future trends. With this motivation, we present work on forecasting future impact of scientific publications using NLP driven features.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113407/1/rahuljha_1.pd

    A Review On Automatic Text Summarization Approaches

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    It has been more than 50 years since the initial investigation on automatic text summarization was started.Various techniques have been successfully used to extract the important contents from text document to represent document summary.In this study,we review some of the studies that have been conducted in this still-developing research area.It covers the basics of text summarization,the types of summarization,the methods that have been used and some areas in which text summarization has been applied.Furthermore,this paper also reviews the significant efforts which have been put in studies concerning sentence extraction,domain specific summarization and multi document summarization and provides the theoretical explanation and the fundamental concepts related to it.In addition,the advantages and limitations concerning the approaches commonly used for text summarization are also highlighted in this study