5 research outputs found

    Trends in nanoscience, nanotechnology, and carbon nanotubes: a bibliometric approach

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    "Carbon nanotubes are currently one of the most important materials due to their strong mechanical resistance, light weight, and transport properties. Since the publication of Ijima’s paper on tubular carbon structures (Iijima, Nature 354:56–58, 1991), approximately 80,000 research articles have been published according to the ISI web of science (WOS) database, using “carbon nanotube*” as the search criterion in the search by topic option. In this work, the development and impact of nanoscience and nanotechnology (N&N) and carbon nanotubes on several research areas, journals, specific papers, and emerging research areas are analyzed and discussed. Considering the production of papers in these areas from 1997 to 2012, quantitatively speaking, the People’s Republic of China is emerging as the leading country in N&N and carbon nanotube research, passing the United States of America. WOS data analysis of nanoscience, nanotechnology, and carbon nanotube research in developed and developing countries is discussed, and some ideas for accelerating the progress in these important research areas are proposed.

    Words by the tail : assessing lexical diversity in scholarly titles using frequency-rank distribution tail fits

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    This research assesses the evolution of lexical diversity in scholarly titles using a new indicator based on zipfian frequency-rank distribution tail fits. At the operational level, while both head and tail fits of zipfian word distributions are more independent of corpus size than other lexical diversity indicators, the latter however neatly outperforms the former in that regard. This benchmark-setting performance of zipfian distribution tails proves extremely handy in distinguishing actual patterns in lexical diversity from the statistical noise generated by other indicators due to corpus size fluctuations. From an empirical perspective, analysis of Web of Science (WoS) article titles from 1975 to 2014 shows that the lexical concentration of scholarly titles in Natural Sciences & Engineering (NSE) and Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) articles increases by a little less than 8% over the whole period. With the exception of the lexically concentrated Mathematics, Earth & Space, and Physics, NSE article titles all increased in lexical concentration, suggesting a probable convergence of concentration levels in the near future. As regards to SSH disciplines, aggregation effects observed at the disciplinary group level suggests that, behind the stable concentration levels of SSH disciplines, a cross-disciplinary homogenization of the highest word frequency ranks may be at work. Overall, these trends suggest a progressive standardization of title wording in scientific article titles, as article titles get written using an increasingly restricted and crossdisciplinary set of words

    Collaboration - changing the global landscape of science: proceedings of 10th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 15th COLLNET Meeting 2014, September 3 - 5, 2014, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany

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    The 10th WIS encourages continued investigation into the field of applied scientometrics. The broad focus of the conference is on collaboration and communication in science and technology, science policy, quantitative aspects of science and combination and integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches in study of scientific practices. The conference thus aims to contribute to evidence-based and informed knowledge about scientific research and practices witch in turn may further provide input to institutional, regional, national and international research and innovation policy making