243 research outputs found

    Contributions to the efficient use of general purpose coprocessors: kernel density estimation as case study

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    142 p.The high performance computing landscape is shifting from assemblies of homogeneous nodes towards heterogeneous systems, in which nodes consist of a combination of traditional out-of-order execution cores and accelerator devices. Accelerators provide greater theoretical performance compared to traditional multi-core CPUs, but exploiting their computing power remains as a challenging task.This dissertation discusses the issues that arise when trying to efficiently use general purpose accelerators. As a contribution to aid in this task, we present a thorough survey of performance modeling techniques and tools for general purpose coprocessors. Then we use as case study the statistical technique Kernel Density Estimation (KDE). KDE is a memory bound application that poses several challenges for its adaptation to the accelerator-based model. We present a novel algorithm for the computation of KDE that reduces considerably its computational complexity, called S-KDE. Furthermore, we have carried out two parallel implementations of S-KDE, one for multi and many-core processors, and another one for accelerators. The latter has been implemented in OpenCL in order to make it portable across a wide range of devices. We have evaluated the performance of each implementation of S-KDE in a variety of architectures, trying to highlight the bottlenecks and the limits that the code reaches in each device. Finally, we present an application of our S-KDE algorithm in the field of climatology: a novel methodology for the evaluation of environmental models

    Reducing Cache Contention On GPUs

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    The usage of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) as an application accelerator has become increasingly popular because, compared to traditional CPUs, they are more cost-effective, their highly parallel nature complements a CPU, and they are more energy efficient. With the popularity of GPUs, many GPU-based compute-intensive applications (a.k.a., GPGPUs) present significant performance improvement over traditional CPU-based implementations. Caches, which significantly improve CPU performance, are introduced to GPUs to further enhance application performance. However, the effect of caches is not significant for many cases in GPUs and even detrimental for some cases. The massive parallelism of the GPU execution model and the resulting memory accesses cause the GPU memory hierarchy to suffer from significant memory resource contention among threads. One cause of cache contention arises from column-strided memory access patterns that GPU applications commonly generate in many data-intensive applications. When such access patterns are mapped to hardware thread groups, they become memory-divergent instructions whose memory requests are not GPU hardware friendly, resulting in serialized access and performance degradation. Cache contention also arises from cache pollution caused by lines with low reuse. For the cache to be effective, a cached line must be reused before its eviction. Unfortunately, the streaming characteristic of GPGPU workloads and the massively parallel GPU execution model increase the reuse distance, or equivalently reduce reuse frequency of data. In a GPU, the pollution caused by a large reuse distance data is significant. Memory request stall is another contention factor. A stalled Load/Store (LDST) unit does not execute memory requests from any ready warps in the issue stage. This stall prevents the potential hit chances for the ready warps. This dissertation proposes three novel architectural modifications to reduce the contention: 1) contention-aware selective caching detects the memory-divergent instructions caused by the column-strided access patterns, calculates the contending cache sets and locality information and then selectively caches; 2) locality-aware selective caching dynamically calculates the reuse frequency with efficient hardware and caches based on the reuse frequency; and 3) memory request scheduling queues the memory requests from a warp issuing stage, frees the LDST unit stall and schedules items from the queue to the LDST unit by multiple probing of the cache. Through systematic experiments and comprehensive comparisons with existing state-of-the-art techniques, this dissertation demonstrates the effectiveness of our aforementioned techniques and the viability of reducing cache contention through architectural support. Finally, this dissertation suggests other promising opportunities for future research on GPU architecture

    Evaluation of GPU Acceleration for WRF–SFIRE

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    WRF–SFIRE is an open source, atmospheric–wildfire model that couples the WRF model with the level set fire spread model to simulate wildfires in real time. This model has many applications and more scientific questions can be asked and answered if the model can be run faster. Nvidia has put a lot of effort into easing the barrier of entry for accelerating applications with their tools to be run on GPUs. Various physical simulations have been successfully ported to utilize GPUs and have benefited from the speed increase. In this research, we take a look at WRF-SFIRE and try to use the Nvida tools to accelerate portions of code. We were successful in offloading work to the GPU. However, the WRF-SFIRE codebase contains too many data dependencies, deeply nested function calls and I/O to effectively utilize the GPU’s resources. We look at specific examples and try to run them on a Titan V GPU. In the end, the compute intensive portions of WRF-SFIRE need to be rewritten to avoid data dependencies in order to leverage GPUs to improve the execution time

    Performance analysis and acceleration of nuclear physics application on high-performance computing platforms using GPGPUs and topology-aware mapping techniques

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    The number of nodes on current generation of high performance computing (HPC) platforms increases with a steady rate, and nodes of these computing platforms support multiple/many core hardware designs. As the number of cores per node increase, either CPU or accelerator based, we need to make use of all those cores. Thus, one has to use the accelerators as much as possible inside scientific applications. Furthermore, with the increase of the number of nodes, the communication time between nodes is likely to increase, which necessitates application specific network topology-aware mapping techniques for efficient utilization of these platforms. In addition, one also needs to construct network models in order to study the benefits of specific network mapping. The specific topology-aware mapping techniques will help to distribute the computational tasks so that the communication patterns make optimal use of the underlying network hardware. This research will mainly focus on the Many Fermion Dynamics nuclear (MFDn) application developed at Iowa State University, a computational tool for low-energy nuclear physics, which utilizes the so-called Lanczos algorithm (LA), an algorithm for diagonalization of sparse matrices that is widely used in the scientific parallel computing domain. We present techniques applied to this application which enhance its performance with the utilization of general purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs). Additionally, we compare the performance of the sparse matrix vector multiplication (SpMVM), the main computationally intensive kernel in the LA, with other efficient approaches presented in the literature. We compare results for the total HPC platforms\u27 resources needed for different SpMVM implementations, present and analyze the implementation of communication and computation overlapping method, and extend a model for the analysis of network topology presented in the literature. Finally, we present network topology-aware mapping techniques, focused at the LA stage, for IBM Blue Gene/Q (BG/Q) supercomputers, which enhance the performance as compared to the default mapping, and validate the results of our test using the network model


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    Modern desktop machines now use multi-core CPUs to enable improved performance. However, achieving high performance on multi-core machines without optimized software support is still difficult even in a single machine, because contention for shared resources can make it hard to exploit multiple computing resources efficiently. Moreover, more diverse and heterogeneous hardware platforms (e.g. general-purpose GPU and Cell processors) have emerged and begun to impact grid computing. Given that heterogeneity and diversity are now a major trend going forward, grid computing must support these environmental changes. In this dissertation, I design and evaluate a decentralized resource management scheme to exploit heterogeneous multiple computing resources effectively. I suggest resource management algorithms that can efficiently utilize a diverse computational environment, including multiple symmetric computing entities and heterogeneous multi-computing entities, and achieve good load-balancing and high total system throughput. Moreover, I propose expressive resource description techniques to accommodate more heterogeneous environments, allowing incoming jobs with complex requirements to be matched to available resources. First, I develop decentralized resource management frameworks and job scheduling schemes to exploit multi-core nodes in peer-to-peer grids. I present two new load-balancing schemes that explicitly account for resource sharing and contention across multiple cores within a single machine, and propose a simple performance prediction model that can represent a continuum of resource sharing among cores of a CPU. Second, I provide scalable resource discovery and load balancing techniques to accommodate nodes with many types of computing elements, such as multi-core CPUs and GPUs, in a peer-to-peer grid architecture. My scheme takes into account diverse aspects of heterogeneous nodes to maximize overall system throughput as well as minimize messaging costs without sacrificing the failure resilience provided by an underlying peer-to-peer overlay network. Finally, I propose an expressive resource discovery method to support multi-attribute, range-based job constraints. The common approach of using simple attribute indexes does not suffice, as range-based constraints may be satisfied by more than a single value. I design a compact ID-based representation for resource characteristics, and integrate this representation into the decentralized resource discovery framework. By extensive experimental results via simulation, I show that my schemes can match heterogeneous jobs to heterogeneous resources both effectively (good matches are found, load is balanced), and efficiently (the new functionality imposes little overhead)

    Efficient Machine Learning Approach for Optimizing Scientific Computing Applications on Emerging HPC Architectures

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    Efficient parallel implementations of scientific applications on multi-core CPUs with accelerators such as GPUs and Xeon Phis is challenging. This requires - exploiting the data parallel architecture of the accelerator along with the vector pipelines of modern x86 CPU architectures, load balancing, and efficient memory transfer between different devices. It is relatively easy to meet these requirements for highly-structured scientific applications. In contrast, a number of scientific and engineering applications are unstructured. Getting performance on accelerators for these applications is extremely challenging because many of these applications employ irregular algorithms which exhibit data-dependent control-flow and irregular memory accesses. Furthermore, these applications are often iterative with dependency between steps, and thus making it hard to parallelize across steps. As a result, parallelism in these applications is often limited to a single step. Numerical simulation of charged particles beam dynamics is one such application where the distribution of work and memory access pattern at each time step is irregular. Applications with these properties tend to present significant branch and memory divergence, load imbalance between different processor cores, and poor compute and memory utilization. Prior research on parallelizing such irregular applications have been focused around optimizing the irregular, data-dependent memory accesses and control-flow during a single step of the application independent of the other steps, with the assumption that these patterns are completely unpredictable. We observed that the structure of computation leading to control-flow divergence and irregular memory accesses in one step is similar to that in the next step. It is possible to predict this structure in the current step by observing the computation structure of previous steps. In this dissertation, we present novel machine learning based optimization techniques to address the parallel implementation challenges of such irregular applications on different HPC architectures. In particular, we use supervised learning to predict the computation structure and use it to address the control-flow and memory access irregularities in the parallel implementation of such applications on GPUs, Xeon Phis, and heterogeneous architectures composed of multi-core CPUs with GPUs or Xeon Phis. We use numerical simulation of charged particles beam dynamics simulation as a motivating example throughout the dissertation to present our new approach, though they should be equally applicable to a wide range of irregular applications. The machine learning approach presented here use predictive analytics and forecasting techniques to adaptively model and track the irregular memory access pattern at each time step of the simulation to anticipate the future memory access pattern. Access pattern forecasts can then be used to formulate optimization decisions during application execution which improves the performance of the application at a future time step based on the observations from earlier time steps. In heterogeneous architectures, forecasts can also be used to improve the memory performance and resource utilization of all the processing units to deliver a good aggregate performance. We used these optimization techniques and anticipation strategy to design a cache-aware, memory efficient parallel algorithm to address the irregularities in the parallel implementation of charged particles beam dynamics simulation on different HPC architectures. Experimental result using a diverse mix of HPC architectures shows that our approach in using anticipation strategy is effective in maximizing data reuse, ensuring workload balance, minimizing branch and memory divergence, and in improving resource utilization

    Toward optimised skeletons for heterogeneous parallel architecture with performance cost model

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    High performance architectures are increasingly heterogeneous with shared and distributed memory components, and accelerators like GPUs. Programming such architectures is complicated and performance portability is a major issue as the architectures evolve. This thesis explores the potential for algorithmic skeletons integrating a dynamically parametrised static cost model, to deliver portable performance for mostly regular data parallel programs on heterogeneous archi- tectures. The rst contribution of this thesis is to address the challenges of program- ming heterogeneous architectures by providing two skeleton-based programming libraries: i.e. HWSkel for heterogeneous multicore clusters and GPU-HWSkel that enables GPUs to be exploited as general purpose multi-processor devices. Both libraries provide heterogeneous data parallel algorithmic skeletons including hMap, hMapAll, hReduce, hMapReduce, and hMapReduceAll. The second contribution is the development of cost models for workload dis- tribution. First, we construct an architectural cost model (CM1) to optimise overall processing time for HWSkel heterogeneous skeletons on a heterogeneous system composed of networks of arbitrary numbers of nodes, each with an ar- bitrary number of cores sharing arbitrary amounts of memory. The cost model characterises the components of the architecture by the number of cores, clock speed, and crucially the size of the L2 cache. Second, we extend the HWSkel cost model (CM1) to account for GPU performance. The extended cost model (CM2) is used in the GPU-HWSkel library to automatically nd a good distribution for both a single heterogeneous multicore/GPU node, and clusters of heteroge- neous multicore/GPU nodes. Experiments are carried out on three heterogeneous multicore clusters, four heterogeneous multicore/GPU clusters, and three single heterogeneous multicore/GPU nodes. The results of experimental evaluations for four data parallel benchmarks, i.e. sumEuler, Image matching, Fibonacci, and Matrix Multiplication, show that our combined heterogeneous skeletons and cost models can make good use of resources in heterogeneous systems. Moreover using cores together with a GPU in the same host can deliver good performance either on a single node or on multiple node architectures