2,175 research outputs found

    A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Multicommodity Flows and Multicuts in Treewidth-2 Graphs

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    We study the problem of multicommodity flow and multicut in treewidth-2 graphs and prove bounds on the multiflow-multicut gap. In particular, we give a primal-dual algorithm for computing multicommodity flow and multicut in treewidth-2 graphs and prove the following approximate max-flow min-cut theorem: given a treewidth-2 graph, there exists a multicommodity flow of value f with congestion 4, and a multicut of capacity c such that c ? 20 f. This implies a multiflow-multicut gap of 80 and improves upon the previous best known bounds for such graphs. Our algorithm runs in polynomial time when all the edges have capacity one. Our algorithm is completely combinatorial and builds upon the primal-dual algorithm of Garg, Vazirani and Yannakakis for multicut in trees and the augmenting paths framework of Ford and Fulkerson

    New and simple algorithms for stable flow problems

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    Stable flows generalize the well-known concept of stable matchings to markets in which transactions may involve several agents, forwarding flow from one to another. An instance of the problem consists of a capacitated directed network, in which vertices express their preferences over their incident edges. A network flow is stable if there is no group of vertices that all could benefit from rerouting the flow along a walk. Fleiner established that a stable flow always exists by reducing it to the stable allocation problem. We present an augmenting-path algorithm for computing a stable flow, the first algorithm that achieves polynomial running time for this problem without using stable allocation as a black-box subroutine. We further consider the problem of finding a stable flow such that the flow value on every edge is within a given interval. For this problem, we present an elegant graph transformation and based on this, we devise a simple and fast algorithm, which also can be used to find a solution to the stable marriage problem with forced and forbidden edges. Finally, we study the stable multicommodity flow model introduced by Kir\'{a}ly and Pap. The original model is highly involved and allows for commodity-dependent preference lists at the vertices and commodity-specific edge capacities. We present several graph-based reductions that show equivalence to a significantly simpler model. We further show that it is NP-complete to decide whether an integral solution exists

    Optimizing Emergency Transportation through Multicommodity Quickest Paths

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    In transportation networks with limited capacities and travel times on the arcs, a class of problems attracting a growing scientific interest is represented by the optimal routing and scheduling of given amounts of flow to be transshipped from the origin points to the specific destinations in minimum time. Such problems are of particular concern to emergency transportation where evacuation plans seek to minimize the time evacuees need to clear the affected area and reach the safe zones. Flows over time approaches are among the most suitable mathematical tools to provide a modelling representation of these problems from a macroscopic point of view. Among them, the Quickest Path Problem (QPP), requires an origin-destination flow to be routed on a single path while taking into account inflow limits on the arcs and minimizing the makespan, namely, the time instant when the last unit of flow reaches its destination. In the context of emergency transport, the QPP represents a relevant modelling tool, since its solutions are based on unsplittable dynamic flows that can support the development of evacuation plans which are very easy to be correctly implemented, assigning one single evacuation path to a whole population. This way it is possible to prevent interferences, turbulence, and congestions that may affect the transportation process, worsening the overall clearing time. Nevertheless, the current state-of-the-art presents a lack of studies on multicommodity generalizations of the QPP, where network flows refer to various populations, possibly with different origins and destinations. In this paper we provide a contribution to fill this gap, by considering the Multicommodity Quickest Path Problem (MCQPP), where multiple commodities, each with its own origin, destination and demand, must be routed on a capacitated network with travel times on the arcs, while minimizing the overall makespan and allowing the flow associated to each commodity to be routed on a single path. For this optimization problem, we provide the first mathematical formulation in the scientific literature, based on mixed integer programming and encompassing specific features aimed at empowering the suitability of the arising solutions in real emergency transportation plans. A computational experience performed on a set of benchmark instances is then presented to provide a proof-of-concept for our original model and to evaluate the quality and suitability of the provided solutions together with the required computational effort. Most of the instances are solved at the optimum by a commercial MIP solver, fed with a lower bound deriving from the optimal makespan of a splittable-flow relaxation of the MCQPP

    Quickest Flows Over Time

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    Flows over time (also called dynamic flows) generalize standard network flows by introducing an element of time. They naturally model problems where travel and transmission are not instantaneous. Traditionally, flows over time are solved in time‐expanded networks that contain one copy of the original network for each discrete time step. While this method makes available the whole algorithmic toolbox developed for static flows, its main and often fatal drawback is the enormous size of the time‐expanded network. We present several approaches for coping with this difficulty. First, inspired by the work of Ford and Fulkerson on maximal s‐t‐flows over time (or “maximal dynamic s‐t‐flows”), we show that static length‐bounded flows lead to provably good multicommodity flows over time. Second, we investigate “condensed” time‐expanded networks which rely on a rougher discretization of time. We prove that a solution of arbitrary precision can be computed in polynomial time through an appropriate discretization leading to a condensed time‐expanded network of polynomial size. In particular, our approach yields fully polynomial‐time approximation schemes for the NP‐hard quickest min‐cost and multicommodity flow problems. For single commodity problems, we show that storage of flow at intermediate nodes is unnecessary, and our approximation schemes do not use any

    Separable Concave Optimization Approximately Equals Piecewise-Linear Optimization

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    We study the problem of minimizing a nonnegative separable concave function over a compact feasible set. We approximate this problem to within a factor of 1+epsilon by a piecewise-linear minimization problem over the same feasible set. Our main result is that when the feasible set is a polyhedron, the number of resulting pieces is polynomial in the input size of the polyhedron and linear in 1/epsilon. For many practical concave cost problems, the resulting piecewise-linear cost problem can be formulated as a well-studied discrete optimization problem. As a result, a variety of polynomial-time exact algorithms, approximation algorithms, and polynomial-time heuristics for discrete optimization problems immediately yield fully polynomial-time approximation schemes, approximation algorithms, and polynomial-time heuristics for the corresponding concave cost problems. We illustrate our approach on two problems. For the concave cost multicommodity flow problem, we devise a new heuristic and study its performance using computational experiments. We are able to approximately solve significantly larger test instances than previously possible, and obtain solutions on average within 4.27% of optimality. For the concave cost facility location problem, we obtain a new 1.4991+epsilon approximation algorithm.Comment: Full pape

    On Routing Disjoint Paths in Bounded Treewidth Graphs

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    We study the problem of routing on disjoint paths in bounded treewidth graphs with both edge and node capacities. The input consists of a capacitated graph GG and a collection of kk source-destination pairs M={(s1,t1),,(sk,tk)}\mathcal{M} = \{(s_1, t_1), \dots, (s_k, t_k)\}. The goal is to maximize the number of pairs that can be routed subject to the capacities in the graph. A routing of a subset M\mathcal{M}' of the pairs is a collection P\mathcal{P} of paths such that, for each pair (si,ti)M(s_i, t_i) \in \mathcal{M}', there is a path in P\mathcal{P} connecting sis_i to tit_i. In the Maximum Edge Disjoint Paths (MaxEDP) problem, the graph GG has capacities cap(e)\mathrm{cap}(e) on the edges and a routing P\mathcal{P} is feasible if each edge ee is in at most cap(e)\mathrm{cap}(e) of the paths of P\mathcal{P}. The Maximum Node Disjoint Paths (MaxNDP) problem is the node-capacitated counterpart of MaxEDP. In this paper we obtain an O(r3)O(r^3) approximation for MaxEDP on graphs of treewidth at most rr and a matching approximation for MaxNDP on graphs of pathwidth at most rr. Our results build on and significantly improve the work by Chekuri et al. [ICALP 2013] who obtained an O(r3r)O(r \cdot 3^r) approximation for MaxEDP