108 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationStatistical learning theory has garnered attention during the last decade because it provides the theoretical and mathematical framework for solving pattern recognition problems, such as dimensionality reduction, clustering, and shape analysis. In statis

    Monocular Camera Viewpoint-Invariant Vehicular Traffic Segmentation and Classification Utilizing Small Datasets

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    The work presented here develops a computer vision framework that is view angle independent for vehicle segmentation and classification from roadway traffic systems installed by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). An automated technique for extracting a region of interest is discussed to speed up the processing. The VDOT traffic videos are analyzed for vehicle segmentation using an improved robust low-rank matrix decomposition technique. It presents a new and effective thresholding method that improves segmentation accuracy and simultaneously speeds up the segmentation processing. Size and shape physical descriptors from morphological properties and textural features from the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) are extracted from the segmented traffic. Furthermore, a multi-class support vector machine classifier is employed to categorize different traffic vehicle types, including passenger cars, passenger trucks, motorcycles, buses, and small and large utility trucks. It handles multiple vehicle detections through an iterative k-means clustering over-segmentation process. The proposed algorithm reduced the processed data by an average of 40%. Compared to recent techniques, it showed an average improvement of 15% in segmentation accuracy, and it is 55% faster than the compared segmentation techniques on average. Moreover, a comparative analysis of 23 different deep learning architectures is presented. The resulting algorithm outperformed the compared deep learning algorithms for the quality of vehicle classification accuracy. Furthermore, the timing analysis showed that it could operate in real-time scenarios

    Discriminative Clustering by Regularized Information Maximization

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    Is there a principled way to learn a probabilistic discriminative classifier from an unlabeled data set? We present a framework that simultaneously clusters the data and trains a discriminative classifier. We call it Regularized Information Maximization (RIM). RIM optimizes an intuitive information-theoretic objective function which balances class separation, class balance and classifier complexity. The approach can flexibly incorporate different likelihood functions, express prior assumptions about the relative size of different classes and incorporate partial labels for semi-supervised learning. In particular, we instantiate the framework to unsupervised, multi-class kernelized logistic regression. Our empirical evaluation indicates that RIM outperforms existing methods on several real data sets, and demonstrates that RIM is an effective model selection method

    Kernel Feature Extraction Methods for Remote Sensing Data Analysis

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    Technological advances in the last decades have improved our capabilities of collecting and storing high data volumes. However, this makes that in some fields, such as remote sensing several problems are generated in the data processing due to the peculiar characteristics of their data. High data volume, high dimensionality, heterogeneity and their nonlinearity, make that the analysis and extraction of relevant information from these images could be a bottleneck for many real applications. The research applying image processing and machine learning techniques along with feature extraction, allows the reduction of the data dimensionality while keeps the maximum information. Therefore, developments and applications of feature extraction methodologies using these techniques have increased exponentially in remote sensing. This improves the data visualization and the knowledge discovery. Several feature extraction methods have been addressed in the literature depending on the data availability, which can be classified in supervised, semisupervised and unsupervised. In particular, feature extraction can use in combination with kernel methods (nonlinear). The process for obtaining a space that keeps greater information content is facilitated by this combination. One of the most important properties of the combination is that can be directly used for general tasks including classification, regression, clustering, ranking, compression, or data visualization. In this Thesis, we address the problems of different nonlinear feature extraction approaches based on kernel methods for remote sensing data analysis. Several improvements to the current feature extraction methods are proposed to transform the data in order to make high dimensional data tasks easier, such as classification or biophysical parameter estimation. This Thesis focus on three main objectives to reach these improvements in the current feature extraction methods: The first objective is to include invariances into supervised kernel feature extraction methods. Throughout these invariances it is possible to generate virtual samples that help to mitigate the problem of the reduced number of samples in supervised methods. The proposed algorithm is a simple method that essentially generates new (synthetic) training samples from available labeled samples. These samples along with original samples should be used in feature extraction methods obtaining more independent features between them that without virtual samples. The introduction of prior knowledge by means of the virtual samples could obtain classification and biophysical parameter estimation methods more robust than without them. The second objective is to use the generative kernels, i.e. probabilistic kernels, that directly learn by means of clustering techniques from original data by finding local-to-global similarities along the manifold. The proposed kernel is useful for general feature extraction purposes. Furthermore, the kernel attempts to improve the current methods because the kernel not only contains labeled data information but also uses the unlabeled information of the manifold. Moreover, the proposed kernel is parameter free in contrast with the parameterized functions such as, the radial basis function (RBF). Using probabilistic kernels is sought to obtain new unsupervised and semisupervised methods in order to reduce the number and cost of labeled data in remote sensing. Third objective is to develop new kernel feature extraction methods for improving the features obtained by the current methods. Optimizing the functional could obtain improvements in new algorithm. For instance, the Optimized Kernel Entropy Component Analysis (OKECA) method. The method is based on the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) framework resulting more efficient than the standard Kernel Entropy Component Analysis (KECA) method in terms of dimensionality reduction. In this Thesis, the methods are focused on remote sensing data analysis. Nevertheless, feature extraction methods are used to analyze data of several research fields whereas data are multidimensional. For these reasons, the results are illustrated into experimental sequence. First, the projections are analyzed by means of Toy examples. The algorithms are tested through standard databases with supervised information to proceed to the last step, the analysis of remote sensing images by the proposed methods

    An Ensemble Semi-Supervised Adaptive Resonance Theory Model with Explanation Capability for Pattern Classification

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    Most semi-supervised learning (SSL) models entail complex structures and iterative training processes as well as face difficulties in interpreting their predictions to users. To address these issues, this paper proposes a new interpretable SSL model using the supervised and unsupervised Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) family of networks, which is denoted as SSL-ART. Firstly, SSL-ART adopts an unsupervised fuzzy ART network to create a number of prototype nodes using unlabeled samples. Then, it leverages a supervised fuzzy ARTMAP structure to map the established prototype nodes to the target classes using labeled samples. Specifically, a one-to-many (OtM) mapping scheme is devised to associate a prototype node with more than one class label. The main advantages of SSL-ART include the capability of: (i) performing online learning, (ii) reducing the number of redundant prototype nodes through the OtM mapping scheme and minimizing the effects of noisy samples, and (iii) providing an explanation facility for users to interpret the predicted outcomes. In addition, a weighted voting strategy is introduced to form an ensemble SSL-ART model, which is denoted as WESSL-ART. Every ensemble member, i.e., SSL-ART, assigns {\color{black}a different weight} to each class based on its performance pertaining to the corresponding class. The aim is to mitigate the effects of training data sequences on all SSL-ART members and improve the overall performance of WESSL-ART. The experimental results on eighteen benchmark data sets, three artificially generated data sets, and a real-world case study indicate the benefits of the proposed SSL-ART and WESSL-ART models for tackling pattern classification problems.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Improving Classification Performance through an Advanced Ensemble Based Heterogeneous Extreme Learning Machines

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    Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is a fast-learning algorithm for a single-hidden layer feedforward neural network (SLFN). It often has good generalization performance. However, there are chances that it might overfit the training data due to having more hidden nodes than needed. To address the generalization performance, we use a heterogeneous ensemble approach. We propose an Advanced ELM Ensemble (AELME) for classification, which includes Regularized-ELM, L2-norm-optimized ELM (ELML2), and Kernel-ELM. The ensemble is constructed by training a randomly chosen ELM classifier on a subset of training data selected through random resampling. The proposed AELM-Ensemble is evolved by employing an objective function of increasing diversity and accuracy among the final ensemble. Finally, the class label of unseen data is predicted using majority vote approach. Splitting the training data into subsets and incorporation of heterogeneous ELM classifiers result in higher prediction accuracy, better generalization, and a lower number of base classifiers, as compared to other models (Adaboost, Bagging, Dynamic ELM ensemble, data splitting ELM ensemble, and ELM ensemble). The validity of AELME is confirmed through classification on several real-world benchmark datasets

    Hyperspectral Image Classification With Independent Component Discriminant Analysis

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