2,330 research outputs found

    Kernel Cross-Correlator

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    Cross-correlator plays a significant role in many visual perception tasks, such as object detection and tracking. Beyond the linear cross-correlator, this paper proposes a kernel cross-correlator (KCC) that breaks traditional limitations. First, by introducing the kernel trick, the KCC extends the linear cross-correlation to non-linear space, which is more robust to signal noises and distortions. Second, the connection to the existing works shows that KCC provides a unified solution for correlation filters. Third, KCC is applicable to any kernel function and is not limited to circulant structure on training data, thus it is able to predict affine transformations with customized properties. Last, by leveraging the fast Fourier transform (FFT), KCC eliminates direct calculation of kernel vectors, thus achieves better performance yet still with a reasonable computational cost. Comprehensive experiments on visual tracking and human activity recognition using wearable devices demonstrate its robustness, flexibility, and efficiency. The source codes of both experiments are released at https://github.com/wang-chen/KCCComment: The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18

    Learning midlevel image features for natural scene and texture classification

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    This paper deals with coding of natural scenes in order to extract semantic information. We present a new scheme to project natural scenes onto a basis in which each dimension encodes statistically independent information. Basis extraction is performed by independent component analysis (ICA) applied to image patches culled from natural scenes. The study of the resulting coding units (coding filters) extracted from well-chosen categories of images shows that they adapt and respond selectively to discriminant features in natural scenes. Given this basis, we define global and local image signatures relying on the maximal activity of filters on the input image. Locally, the construction of the signature takes into account the spatial distribution of the maximal responses within the image. We propose a criterion to reduce the size of the space of representation for faster computation. The proposed approach is tested in the context of texture classification (111 classes), as well as natural scenes classification (11 categories, 2037 images). Using a common protocol, the other commonly used descriptors have at most 47.7% accuracy on average while our method obtains performances of up to 63.8%. We show that this advantage does not depend on the size of the signature and demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed criterion to select ICA filters and reduce the dimensio

    Support matrix machine: A review

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    Support vector machine (SVM) is one of the most studied paradigms in the realm of machine learning for classification and regression problems. It relies on vectorized input data. However, a significant portion of the real-world data exists in matrix format, which is given as input to SVM by reshaping the matrices into vectors. The process of reshaping disrupts the spatial correlations inherent in the matrix data. Also, converting matrices into vectors results in input data with a high dimensionality, which introduces significant computational complexity. To overcome these issues in classifying matrix input data, support matrix machine (SMM) is proposed. It represents one of the emerging methodologies tailored for handling matrix input data. The SMM method preserves the structural information of the matrix data by using the spectral elastic net property which is a combination of the nuclear norm and Frobenius norm. This article provides the first in-depth analysis of the development of the SMM model, which can be used as a thorough summary by both novices and experts. We discuss numerous SMM variants, such as robust, sparse, class imbalance, and multi-class classification models. We also analyze the applications of the SMM model and conclude the article by outlining potential future research avenues and possibilities that may motivate academics to advance the SMM algorithm

    Discriminatively Trained Latent Ordinal Model for Video Classification

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    We study the problem of video classification for facial analysis and human action recognition. We propose a novel weakly supervised learning method that models the video as a sequence of automatically mined, discriminative sub-events (eg. onset and offset phase for "smile", running and jumping for "highjump"). The proposed model is inspired by the recent works on Multiple Instance Learning and latent SVM/HCRF -- it extends such frameworks to model the ordinal aspect in the videos, approximately. We obtain consistent improvements over relevant competitive baselines on four challenging and publicly available video based facial analysis datasets for prediction of expression, clinical pain and intent in dyadic conversations and on three challenging human action datasets. We also validate the method with qualitative results and show that they largely support the intuitions behind the method.Comment: Paper accepted in IEEE TPAMI. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1604.0150

    Exemplar Based Deep Discriminative and Shareable Feature Learning for Scene Image Classification

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    In order to encode the class correlation and class specific information in image representation, we propose a new local feature learning approach named Deep Discriminative and Shareable Feature Learning (DDSFL). DDSFL aims to hierarchically learn feature transformation filter banks to transform raw pixel image patches to features. The learned filter banks are expected to: (1) encode common visual patterns of a flexible number of categories; (2) encode discriminative information; and (3) hierarchically extract patterns at different visual levels. Particularly, in each single layer of DDSFL, shareable filters are jointly learned for classes which share the similar patterns. Discriminative power of the filters is achieved by enforcing the features from the same category to be close, while features from different categories to be far away from each other. Furthermore, we also propose two exemplar selection methods to iteratively select training data for more efficient and effective learning. Based on the experimental results, DDSFL can achieve very promising performance, and it also shows great complementary effect to the state-of-the-art Caffe features.Comment: Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, 201
