263 research outputs found

    Principled methods for mixtures processing

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    This document is my thesis for getting the habilitation à diriger des recherches, which is the french diploma that is required to fully supervise Ph.D. students. It summarizes the research I did in the last 15 years and also provides the short­term research directions and applications I want to investigate. Regarding my past research, I first describe the work I did on probabilistic audio modeling, including the separation of Gaussian and α­stable stochastic processes. Then, I mention my work on deep learning applied to audio, which rapidly turned into a large effort for community service. Finally, I present my contributions in machine learning, with some works on hardware compressed sensing and probabilistic generative models.My research programme involves a theoretical part that revolves around probabilistic machine learning, and an applied part that concerns the processing of time series arising in both audio and life sciences

    Model-based Analysis and Processing of Speech and Audio Signals

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    Compressive Sensing with Low-Power Transfer and Accurate Reconstruction of EEG Signals

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    Tele-monitoring of EEG in WBAN is essential as EEG is the most powerful physiological parameters to diagnose any neurological disorder. Generally, EEG signal needs to record for longer periods which results in a large volume of data leading to huge storage and communication bandwidth requirements in WBAN. Moreover, WBAN sensor nodes are battery operated which consumes lots of energy. The aim of this research is, therefore, low power transmission of EEG signal over WBAN and its accurate reconstruction at the receiver to enable continuous online-monitoring of EEG and real time feedback to the patients from the medical experts. To reduce data rate and consequently reduce power consumption, compressive sensing (CS) may be employed prior to transmission. Nonetheless, for EEG signals, the accuracy of reconstruction of the signal with CS depends on a suitable dictionary in which the signal is sparse. As the EEG signal is not sparse in either time or frequency domain, identifying an appropriate dictionary is paramount. There are a plethora of choices for the dictionary to be used. Wavelet bases are of interest due to the availability of associated systems and methods. However, the attributes of wavelet bases that can lead to good quality of reconstruction are not well understood. For the first time in this study, it is demonstrated that in selecting wavelet dictionaries, the incoherence with the sensing matrix and the number of vanishing moments of the dictionary should be considered at the same time. In this research, a framework is proposed for the selection of an appropriate wavelet dictionary for EEG signal which is used in tandem with sparse binary matrix (SBM) as the sensing matrix and ST-SBL method as the reconstruction algorithm. Beylkin (highly incoherent with SBM and relatively high number of vanishing moments) is identified as the best dictionary to be used amongst the dictionaries are evaluated in this thesis. The power requirements for the proposed framework are also quantified using a power model. The outcomes will assist to realize the computational complexity and online implementation requirements of CS for transmitting EEG in WBAN. The proposed approach facilitates the energy savings budget well into the microwatts range, ensuring a significant savings of battery life and overall system’s power. The study is intended to create a strong base for the use of EEG in the high-accuracy and low-power based biomedical applications in WBAN

    Biophysical modeling of a cochlear implant system: progress on closed-loop design using a novel patient-specific evaluation platform

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    The modern cochlear implant is one of the most successful neural stimulation devices, which partially mimics the workings of the auditory periphery. In the last few decades it has created a paradigm shift in hearing restoration of the deaf population, which has led to more than 324,000 cochlear implant users today. Despite its great success there is great disparity in patient outcomes without clear understanding of the aetiology of this variance in implant performance. Furthermore speech recognition in adverse conditions or music appreciation is still not attainable with today's commercial technology. This motivates the research for the next generation of cochlear implants that takes advantage of recent developments in electronics, neuroscience, nanotechnology, micro-mechanics, polymer chemistry and molecular biology to deliver high fidelity sound. The main difficulties in determining the root of the problem in the cases where the cochlear implant does not perform well are two fold: first there is not a clear paradigm on how the electrical stimulation is perceived as sound by the brain, and second there is limited understanding on the plasticity effects, or learning, of the brain in response to electrical stimulation. These significant knowledge limitations impede the design of novel cochlear implant technologies, as the technical specifications that can lead to better performing implants remain undefined. The motivation of the work presented in this thesis is to compare and contrast the cochlear implant neural stimulation with the operation of the physiological healthy auditory periphery up to the level of the auditory nerve. As such design of novel cochlear implant systems can become feasible by gaining insight on the question `how well does a specific cochlear implant system approximate the healthy auditory periphery?' circumventing the necessity of complete understanding of the brain's comprehension of patterned electrical stimulation delivered from a generic cochlear implant device. A computational model, termed Digital Cochlea Stimulation and Evaluation Tool (‘DiCoStET’) has been developed to provide an objective estimate of cochlear implant performance based on neuronal activation measures, such as vector strength and average activation. A patient-specific cochlea 3D geometry is generated using a model derived by a single anatomical measurement from a patient, using non-invasive high resolution computed tomography (HRCT), and anatomically invariant human metrics and relations. Human measurements of the neuron route within the inner ear enable an innervation pattern to be modelled which joins the space from the organ of Corti to the spiral ganglion subsequently descending into the auditory nerve bundle. An electrode is inserted in the cochlea at a depth that is determined by the user of the tool. The geometric relation between the stimulation sites on the electrode and the spiral ganglion are used to estimate an activating function that will be unique for the specific patient's cochlear shape and electrode placement. This `transfer function', so to speak, between electrode and spiral ganglion serves as a `digital patient' for validating novel cochlear implant systems. The novel computational tool is intended for use by bioengineers, surgeons, audiologists and neuroscientists alike. In addition to ‘DiCoStET’ a second computational model is presented in this thesis aiming at enhancing the understanding of the physiological mechanisms of hearing, specifically the workings of the auditory synapse. The purpose of this model is to provide insight on the sound encoding mechanisms of the synapse. A hypothetical mechanism is suggested in the release of neurotransmitter vesicles that permits the auditory synapse to encode temporal patterns of sound separately from sound intensity. DiCoStET was used to examine the performance of two different types of filters used for spectral analysis in the cochlear implant system, the Gammatone type filter and the Butterworth type filter. The model outputs suggest that the Gammatone type filter performs better than the Butterworth type filter. Furthermore two stimulation strategies, the Continuous Interleaved Stimulation (CIS) and Asynchronous Interleaved Stimulation (AIS) have been compared. The estimated neuronal stimulation spatiotemporal patterns for each strategy suggest that the overall stimulation pattern is not greatly affected by the temporal sequence change. However the finer detail of neuronal activation is different between the two strategies, and when compared to healthy neuronal activation patterns the conjecture is made that the sequential stimulation of CIS hinders the transmission of sound fine structure information to the brain. The effect of the two models developed is the feasibility of collaborative work emanating from various disciplines; especially electrical engineering, auditory physiology and neuroscience for the development of novel cochlear implant systems. This is achieved by using the concept of a `digital patient' whose artificial neuronal activation is compared to a healthy scenario in a computationally efficient manner to allow practical simulation times.Open Acces

    Proceedings of the second "international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST'14)

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    The implicit objective of the biennial "international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST) is to foster collaboration between international scientific teams by disseminating ideas through both specific oral/poster presentations and free discussions. For its second edition, the iTWIST workshop took place in the medieval and picturesque town of Namur in Belgium, from Wednesday August 27th till Friday August 29th, 2014. The workshop was conveniently located in "The Arsenal" building within walking distance of both hotels and town center. iTWIST'14 has gathered about 70 international participants and has featured 9 invited talks, 10 oral presentations, and 14 posters on the following themes, all related to the theory, application and generalization of the "sparsity paradigm": Sparsity-driven data sensing and processing; Union of low dimensional subspaces; Beyond linear and convex inverse problem; Matrix/manifold/graph sensing/processing; Blind inverse problems and dictionary learning; Sparsity and computational neuroscience; Information theory, geometry and randomness; Complexity/accuracy tradeoffs in numerical methods; Sparsity? What's next?; Sparse machine learning and inference.Comment: 69 pages, 24 extended abstracts, iTWIST'14 website: http://sites.google.com/site/itwist1

    Musical Haptics

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    Haptic Musical Instruments; Haptic Psychophysics; Interface Design and Evaluation; User Experience; Musical Performanc

    Video Quality Metrics

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    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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    Musical Haptics

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    Haptic Musical Instruments; Haptic Psychophysics; Interface Design and Evaluation; User Experience; Musical Performanc
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