79 research outputs found

    Unidirectional Quorum-based Cycle Planning for Efficient Resource Utilization and Fault-Tolerance

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    In this paper, we propose a greedy cycle direction heuristic to improve the generalized R\mathbf{R} redundancy quorum cycle technique. When applied using only single cycles rather than the standard paired cycles, the generalized R\mathbf{R} redundancy technique has been shown to almost halve the necessary light-trail resources in the network. Our greedy heuristic improves this cycle-based routing technique's fault-tolerance and dependability. For efficiency and distributed control, it is common in distributed systems and algorithms to group nodes into intersecting sets referred to as quorum sets. Optimal communication quorum sets forming optical cycles based on light-trails have been shown to flexibly and efficiently route both point-to-point and multipoint-to-multipoint traffic requests. Commonly cycle routing techniques will use pairs of cycles to achieve both routing and fault-tolerance, which uses substantial resources and creates the potential for underutilization. Instead, we use a single cycle and intentionally utilize R\mathbf{R} redundancy within the quorum cycles such that every point-to-point communication pairs occur in at least R\mathbf{R} cycles. Without the paired cycles the direction of the quorum cycles becomes critical to the fault tolerance performance. For this we developed a greedy cycle direction heuristic and our single fault network simulations show a reduction of missing pairs by greater than 30%, which translates to significant improvements in fault coverage.Comment: Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 2016 25th International Conference on. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1608.05172, arXiv:1608.05168, arXiv:1608.0517

    Resource efficient redundancy using quorum-based cycle routing in optical networks

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    In this paper we propose a cycle redundancy technique that provides optical networks almost fault-tolerant point-to-point and multipoint-to-multipoint communications. The technique more importantly is shown to approximately halve the necessary light-trail resources in the network while maintaining the fault-tolerance and dependability expected from cycle-based routing. For efficiency and distributed control, it is common in distributed systems and algorithms to group nodes into intersecting sets referred to as quorum sets. Optimal communication quorum sets forming optical cycles based on light-trails have been shown to flexibly and efficiently route both point-to-point and multipoint-to-multipoint traffic requests. Commonly cycle routing techniques will use pairs of cycles to achieve both routing and fault-tolerance, which uses substantial resources and creates the potential for underutilization. Instead, we intentionally utilize redundancy within the quorum cycles for fault-tolerance such that almost every point-to-point communication occurs in more than one cycle. The result is a set of cycles with 96.60% - 99.37% fault coverage, while using 42.9% - 47.18% fewer resources.Comment: 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 5-9 July 2015. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1608.05172, arXiv:1608.0516

    Light-Hierarchy: The Optimal Structure for Multicast Routing in WDM Mesh Networks

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    Based on the false assumption that multicast incapable (MI) nodes could not be traversed twice on the same wavelength, the light-tree structure was always thought to be optimal for multicast routing in sparse splitting Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) networks. In fact, for establishing a multicast session, an MI node could be crosswise visited more than once to switch a light signal towards several destinations with only one wavelength through different input and output pairs. This is called Cross Pair Switching (CPS). Thus, a new multicast routing structure light-hierarchy is proposed for all-optical multicast routing, which permits the cycles introduced by the CPS capability of MI nodes. We proved that the optimal structure for minimizing the cost of multicast routing is a set of light-hierarchies rather than the light-trees in sparse splitting WDM networks. Integer linear programming (ILP) formulations are developed to search the optimal light-hierarchies. Numerical results verified that the light-hierarchy structure could save more cost than the light-tree structure

    Efficient communication using multiple cycles and multiple channels

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    Initially, the use of optical fiber in networks was to create point-to-point links. Optical paths were not altered once they were setup. This limits the ability of the network to respond to changing traffic demands. There were expensive solutions to handle dynamic traffic. One could set up multiple paths for additional traffic. Alternately, traffic that did not have a dedicated optical path needed to be received, the next hop found electronically, and then transmitted again. Current research in optical networking is looking to minimize or even eliminate electronic packet processing in the network. This will reduce the numbers of transmitters, receivers, and processing hardware needed in the network. If a signal can be kept entirely optical, new signal formats can be added to the network by only upgrading systems sending or receiving the new format. Research is currently looking at hardware designs to support electrically changing optical paths, and algorithms to route the optical paths. The topic of this work is the routing algorithms. We wish to keep cost as low as possible, while being able to recover quickly from or completely hide hardware failures. Several strategies exist to meet these expectations that involve a mix of handing routing and failure at the optical or at the electronic layer. This dissertation considers the use of cycles or rings in both establishing optical connections in response to connection requests, and electronic routing on optical cycle\u27s setup when a network is built. Load balancing is an important issue for both approaches. In this dissertation we provide heuristics and integer linear program (ILP) that can be used to find cycles in a network. We report on experiments showing the effectiveness of the heuristics. Simulations show the importance of load balancing. In the case of electronic routing, we setup cycles in the network which allow nodes on the cycle to communicate with each other. We select cycles so that they have two properties. One property is that all node pairs appear on at least one cycle. The other property is that each cycle contains a cyclical quorum. The first property allows for a network to support all-to-all communication entirely in the optical domain. The second property allows for quorum based distributed systems to send a message to an entire quorum in an all optical one-to-many connection. The use of quorums makes distributed systems efficient at tasks such as coordinating mutual exclusion or database replication. There is a need for the optical layer of the network to provide support for keeping latency of this type of communication low because as designers have scarified the benefits of using quorums in higher latency networks. Combined with light trails, cycles based on quorums requires fewer transmitter and receivers than light-paths to support all-to-all traffic

    Multicast routing from a set of data centers in elastic optical networks

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    This paper introduces the Multi-Server Multicast (MSM) approach for Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) delivering services offered by a set of Data Centers (DCs). All DCs offer the same services. The network is an Elastic Optical Network (EON) and for a good performance, routing is performed directly at the optical layer. Optical switches have heterogeneous capacities, that is, light splitting is not available in all switches. Moreover, frequency slot conversion is not possible in any of them. We account for the degradation that optical signals suffer both in the splitting nodes, as well as across fiber links to compute their transmission reach. The optimal solution of the MSM is a set of light-hierarchies. This multicast route contains a light trail from one of the DCs to each of the destinations with respect to the optical constraints while optimizing an objective (e.g., minimizing a function). Finding such a structure is often an NP-hard problem. The light-hierarchies initiated from different DCs permit delivering the multicast session to all end-users with a better utilization of the optical resources, while also reducing multicast session latencies, as contents can be delivered from such DCs closer to end-users. We propose an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation to optimally decide on which light-hierarchies should be setup. Simulation results illustrate the benefits of MSM in two reference backbone networks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Design of power efficient multicast algorithms for sparse split WDM networks

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    Recent years witnessed tremendous increase in data traffic as new Internet applications were launched. Optical networks employing recent technologies such as DWDM and EDFA`s emerged as the most prominent and most promising solutions in terms of their ability to keep with the demand on bandwidth. However for a class of applications bandwidth is not the only important requirement, These applications require efficient multicast operations. They include data bases, audio/video conferencing, distributed computing etc. Multicasting in the optical domain however has its own unique set of problems. First, an optical signal can be split among the outputs of a node but the power due to splitting can be significantly reduced. Second, the hardware for split nodes is relatively expensive and therefore we cannot afford to employ it at every node. Third, there are other sources of losses such as attenuation losses and multiplexing /de-multiplexing losses. This thesis deals with the important issue of Power Efficient multicast in WDM optical networks. We report three new algorithms for constructing power efficient multicast trees and forests. Our algorithms are the first to take into account all possible sources of power losses while constructing the trees. We utilize the techniques of backtracking and tree pruning judiciously to achieve very power efficient multicast trees. The first two algorithms use modified versions of the shortest path heuristic to build the tree. The third algorithm however, uses a novel concept and considers power at every tree building step. In this algorithm, the order of inclusion of destination nodes into the tree is based on the power distribution in the tree and not distance. All three algorithms prune the trees if the power levels at the destinations are not acceptable. The performance of these three algorithms under several constraints is studied on several irregular topologies. All three algorithms reported in this work produce significant improvements in signal strength at the set of destinations over the existing multicast algorithms. Numerical results show that our third algorithm outperforms the first two algorithms as well as the existing multicasting algorithms

    All optical multicasting in wavelength routing mesh networks with power considerations: design and operation

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    Wavelength routing Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) are optical networks that support all-optical services. They have become the most appealing candidate for wide area backbone networks. Their huge available bandwidth provides the solution for the exponential growth in trayc demands that is due to the increase in the number of users and the surge of more bandwidth intensive network applications and services. A sizable fraction of these applications and services are of multi-point nature. Therefore, supporting multicast service in this network environment is very critical and unique. The all-optical support of various services has advantages, which includes achieving the signal transparency to its content. Nevertheless, the all-optical operational support comes with an associated cost and new issues that make this problem very challenging. In this thesis, we investigate the power-related issues for supporting multicast service in the optical domain, referred to as All-Optical Multicasting (AOM). Our study treats these issues from two networking contexts, namely, Network Provisioning and Connection Provisioning. We propose a number of optimal and heuristic solutions with a unique objective function for each context. In this regard, the objective function for the network provisioning problem is to reduce the network cost, while the solutions for the connection provisioning problem aim to reduce the connection blocking ratio. The optimal formulations are inherently non-linear. However, we introduce novel methods for linearizing them and formulate the problems as Mixed Integer Linear Programs. Also, the design of the heuristic solutions takes into account various optimization factors which results in efficient heuristics that can produce fast solutions that are relatively close to their optimal counterparts, as shown in the numerical results we present
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