29 research outputs found

    Optical Wireless Communications Using Intelligent Walls

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    This chapter is devoted to discussing the integration of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs), or intelligent walls, in optical wireless communication (OWC) systems. IRS technology is a revolutionary concept that enables communication systems to harness the surrounding environment to control the propagation of light signals. Based on this, specific key performance indicators could be achieved by altering the electromagnetic response of the IRSs. In the following, we discuss the background theory and applications of IRSs and present a case study for an IRS-assisted indoor light-fidelity (LiFi) system. We then highlight some of the challenges related to this emerging concept and elaborate on future research directions

    Visible Light Communication (VLC)

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    Visible light communication (VLC) using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or laser diodes (LDs) has been envisioned as one of the key enabling technologies for 6G and Internet of Things (IoT) systems, owing to its appealing advantages, including abundant and unregulated spectrum resources, no electromagnetic interference (EMI) radiation and high security. However, despite its many advantages, VLC faces several technical challenges, such as the limited bandwidth and severe nonlinearity of opto-electronic devices, link blockage and user mobility. Therefore, significant efforts are needed from the global VLC community to develop VLC technology further. This Special Issue, “Visible Light Communication (VLC)”, provides an opportunity for global researchers to share their new ideas and cutting-edge techniques to address the above-mentioned challenges. The 16 papers published in this Special Issue represent the fascinating progress of VLC in various contexts, including general indoor and underwater scenarios, and the emerging application of machine learning/artificial intelligence (ML/AI) techniques in VLC

    Efficient Analytical Calculation of Non-line-of-sight Channel Impulse Response in Visible Light Communications

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    This study provides an analytical method to calculate the non-line-of-sight (NLoS) channel impulse response (CIR) in visible light communication (VLC) systems based on intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD). In this method, the NLoS channel is decomposed into a number of components with different propagation categories. These propagation categories are defined according to the number of reflections and the reflective surfaces that the light undergoes. The CIR corresponding to each light propagation category is analysed and the overall NLoS CIR is approximated by the combination of the calculated CIR components in different propagation categories. The proposed method has the major advantage of offering accurate results with very low computational complexity. Typically, a NLoS CIR with a time resolution of 0.1 ns can be generated within a second in MATLAB. Furthermore, the analytical results derived herein could be used as an analytical tool for the VLC channel characterisation study in future research

    Downlink system characterisation in LiFi Attocell networks

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    There is a trend to move the frequency band for wireless transmission to ever higher frequencies in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum to fulfil the exponentially increasing demand in wireless communication capacity. Research work has gone into improving the spectral efficiency of wireless communication system to use the scarce and expensive resources in the most efficient way. However, to make wireless communication future-proof, it is essential to explore ways to transmit wirelessly outside the traditional RF spectrum. The visible light (VL) spectrum bandwidth is 1000 times wider than the entire 300 GHz RF spectrum and is, therefore, a viable alternative. Visible light communication (VLC) enables existing lighting infrastructures to provide not only illumination but also wireless communication. In conjunction with the concept of cell densification, a networked VLC system, light fidelity attocell (LAC) network, has been proposed to offer wide coverage and high speed wireless data transmission. In this study, many issues related to the downlink system in LAC networks have been investigated. When analysing the downlink performance of LAC networks, a large number of random channel samples are required for the empirical calculation of some system metrics, such as the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). However, using state-of-the-art approaches to calculate the non-line-of-sight (NLoS) channel component leads to significant computational complexity and prolonged computation time. An analytical method has been presented in this thesis to efficiently calculate the NLoS channel impulse response (CIR) in VLC systems. The results show that the proposed method offers significant reduction in computation time compared to the state-of-the-art approaches. A comprehensive performance evaluation of the downlink system of LAC networks is carried out in this thesis. Based on the research results in the literature in the field of optical wireless communication (OWC), a system level framework for the downlink system in LAC networks is developed. By using this framework, the downlink performance subject to a large number of parameters is evaluated. Additionally, the effect of varying network size, cell deployment and key system parameters are investigated. The calculation of downlink SINR statistics, cell data rate and outage probability are considered and analysed. The results show that the downlink performance of LAC networks is promising in terms of achievable data rate per unit area compared to other state-of-the-art RF small-cell networks. It is found that co-channel interference (CCI) is a major source of signal impairment in the downlink of LAC network. In order to mitigate the influence of CCI on signal distortion in LAC networks, widely used interference mitigation techniques for RF cellular systems are borrowed and extensively investigated. In this study, fractional frequency reuse (FFR) is adapted to the downlink of LAC networks. The SINR statistics and the spectral efficiency in LAC downlink system with FFR schemes are evaluated. Results show that the FFR technique can greatly improve the performance of cell edge users and as well the overall spectral efficiency. Further performance improvements can be achieved by incorporating angular diversity transmitters (ADTs) with FFR and coordinated multi-point joint transmission (JT) techniques

    Channel modelling for visible light communication systems

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    Visible Light Communications (VLCs) have been identified as a potential solution for mitigating the looming Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum crisis. Having the ability to provide illumination and communication at the same time, this technology has been considered as one of the most promising communication technologies for future wireless networks. VLCs are a viable candidate for short-range indoor applications with very high data rates. In terms of outdoor applications, Vehicular VLCs (VVLCs) play an important role in vehicular ad hoc networks and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Adopting visible light in vehicular networks offers a great potential to enhance road safety and traffic efficiency towards accident-free driving. For the sake of VLC system design and performance evaluation, it is indispensable to develop accurate, efficient, and flexible channel models, which can fully reflect the characteristics of VLC channels. In this thesis, we first give a comprehensive and up-to-date literature review of the most important indoor Optical Wireless Communications (OWCs) measurement campaigns and channel models, primarily for Wireless Infrared Communications (WIRCs) and VLCs. Consequently, we can identify that an appropriate channel model for VLC systems is currently missing in the literature. This Ph.D. project is therefore devoted to the modelling of VLC channels for both indoor and outdoor communication systems. Second, a new Two-Dimensional (2D) stationary Field of View (FoV) one-ring Regular-Shape Geometry Based Stochastic Model (RS-GBSM) for VLC Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) channels is proposed. The proposed model considers the Line-of-Sight (LoS) and Single-Bounce (SB) components. VLC channel characteristics are analysed based on different positions of the Photodetector (PD) and FoV constraint. Third, we propose a new 2D stationary multiple-bounce RS-GBSM for VLC SISO channels. The proposed model employs a combined two-ring and confocal ellipse model. This model is sufficiently generic and adaptable to a variety of indoor scenarios since the received signal is constructed as the summation of the LoS, SB, Double-Bounce (DB), and Triple-Bounce (TB) rays with different powers. Fourth, a new 2D mobile RS-GBSM for vehicular VLC SISO channels is proposed. The proposed model combines a two-ring model and a confocal ellipse model, and considers SB and DB components in addition to LoS component. Unlike conventional models, the proposed model considers the light that is reflected off moving vehicles around the Transmitter (Tx) and Receiver (Rx), as well as the light that is reflected off the stationary roadside environments. Vehicular VLC channel characteristics are analysed along different distance ranges between 0 and 70 m and different PD heights. Fifth, we propose a novel Three-Dimensional (3D) mobile RS-GBSM for vehicular VLC Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) channels. The proposed model combines two-sphere and elliptic-cylinder models. Both the LoS component and SB components, which are reflected off moving vehicles and stationary roadside environments, are considered. The proposed 3D RS-GBSM has the ability to study the impact of the vehicular traffic density on the received power and jointly considers the azimuth and elevation angles by using the von Mises-Fisher (VMF) distribution. In summary, this work proposes new realistic VLC channel models which are useful for the design, test, and performance evaluation of advanced indoor and outdoor VLC systems. Furthermore, it identifies important directions that can be considered in future research, and helps propose new applications that require the development of more realistic channel models before the actual implementation

    Performance Analysis of Train Communication Systems

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    Trains are considered as a highly efficient transport mode which generate significant challenges in terms of their communication systems. For improved safety, to cope with the expected rapid increase in traffic, and to meet customer demands, an enhanced and reliable communication system is required for high-speed trains (HSRs). Mobile phone and laptop users would like to make use of the non-negligible time that they spend commuting but current HSR communication systems have a foreseeable end to their lifetime and a reliable, efficient, and fast communication replacement system has become essential. Encouraged by the use of existing power line networks for communication purposes, this research investigates the possibility of developing a train communication system based on the use of overhead line equipment (OLE). The ABCD transfer line model is developed to represent the transfer function of the OLE channel and is evaluated using computer simulations. The simulations of the OLE system used are based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing as the chosen modulation scheme. Within the train, for the provision of broadband services, developing a reliable communication system which is a combination of power line communication and optical wireless communication services using visible light communication (VLC) is considered. Mathematical methods were developed for these networks to assess the overall capacities and outage probabilities of the hybrid systems. Derivation of such analytical expressions offered opportunities to investigate the impact of several system parameters on the performance of the system. To assess the possibility of improving the performance of the proposed integrated systems, their performance in the presence of different relaying protocols has been comprehensively analyzed in terms of capacity and outage probability. This thesis studied the outage probability and energy per bit consumption performance of different relaying protocols over the VLC channel. Accurate analytical expressions for the overall outage probability and energyper-bit consumption of the proposed system configurations, including the single-hop and multi-hop approaches were derived. It was found that the transfer function of the OLE channel can be represented by the two-port network model. It was also revealed that transmission over OLE is negatively affected by the speed of the train, frequency, and length of the OLE link. In train, relay-based communication systems can provide reliable connectivity to the end-user. However, choosing an optimal system configuration can enhance system performance. It was also shown that increasing relay numbers on the network contributes to the total power consumption of the system

    Visible Light Communications for Indoor Applications

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    The field of visible light communications (VLC) has undergone a rapid development in recent years. The increased utilization of light emitting diodes (LEDs) has opened new possibilities for especially indoor services such as broadband internet connection and po- sitioning. Thus, a research within VLC is the main focus of the thesis and is divided into two main parts. At rst, the multiband carrier-less amplitude and phase (m-CAP) mod- ulation, introducing a newly adopted format for spectrally e cient VLC links, is under investigation using both theoretical and experimental approaches. The recommendations for m-CAP transmitter site design are proposed. Next, the channel modeling of indoor VLC is investigated with emphasis on the dynamically changing environments caused by moving people and non-line of sight (NLOS) propagation and new statistical models are derived.Katedra elektromagnetického pol

    High speed energy efficient incoherent optical wireless communications

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    The growing demand for wireless communication capacity and the overutilisation of the conventional radio frequency (RF) spectrum have inspired research into using alternative spectrum regions for communication. Using optical wireless communications (OWC), for example, offers significant advantages over RF communication in terms of higher bandwidth, lower implementation costs and energy savings. In OWC systems, the information signal has to be real and non-negative. Therefore, modifications to the conventional communication algorithms are required. Multicarrier modulation schemes like orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) promise to deliver a more efficient use of the communication capacity through adaptive bit and energy loading techniques. Three OFDM-based schemes – direct-current-biased OFDM (DCO-OFDM), asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM(ACO-OFDM), and pulse-amplitude modulated discrete multitone (PAM-DMT) – have been introduced in the literature. The current work investigates the recently introduced scheme subcarrier-index modulation OFDM as a potential energy-efficient modulation technique with reduced peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) suitable for applications in OWC. A theoretical model for the analysis of SIM-OFDMin a linear additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel is provided. A closed-form solution for the PAPR in SIM-OFDM is also proposed. Following the work on SIM-OFDM, a novel inherently unipolar modulation scheme, unipolar orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (U-OFDM), is proposed as an alternative to the existing similar schemes: ACO-OFDMand PAM-DMT. Furthermore, an enhanced U-OFDMsignal generation algorithm is introduced which allows the spectral efficiency gap between the inherently unipolar modulation schemes – U-OFDM, ACO-OFDM, PAM-DMT – and the conventionally used DCO-OFDM to be closed. This results in an OFDM-based modulation approach which is electrically and optically more efficient than any other OFDM-based technique proposed so far for intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) communication systems. Non-linear distortion in the optical front-end elements is one of the major limitations for high-speed communication in OWC. This work presents a generalised approach for analysing nonlinear distortion in OFDM-based modulation schemes. The presented technique leads to a closed-form analytical solution for an arbitrary memoryless distortion of the information signal and has been proven to work for the majority of the known unipolar OFDM-based modulation techniques - DCO-OFDM, ACO-OFDM, PAM-DMT and U-OFDM. The high-speed communication capabilities of novel Gallium Nitride based μm-sized light emitting diodes (μLEDs) are investigated, and a record-setting result of 3.5Gb/s using a single 50-μm device is demonstrated. The capabilities of using such devices at practical transmission distances are also investigated, and a 1 Gb/s link using a single device is demonstrated at a distance of up to 10m. Furthermore, a proof-of-concept experiment is realised where a 50-μm LED is successfully modulated using U-OFDM and enhanced U-OFDM to achieve notable energy savings in comparison to DCO-OFDM

    Broadband optical wireless communications for the teleoperation of mining equipment

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    The current level of technological advancement of our civilization serving more than seven billion human population requires new sources of biotic and abiotic natural resources. The depletion and scarcity of high-grade mineral deposits in dry land are forcing the Natural Re- sources industry to look for alternate sources in underwater environments and outer space, requiring the creation of reliable broadband omnidirectional wireless communication systems that allows the teleoperation of exploration and production equipment. Within these ob- jectives, Optical Wireless Communications (OWC) are starting to be used as an alternative or complement to standard radio systems, due to important advantages that optical wave- lengths have to transmit data: potential for Terabit/s bit rates, broadband operation in underwater environments, energy e ciency and better protection against interference and eavesdropping. This research focus in two crucial design aspects required to implement broadband OWC systems for the teleoperation of mining equipment: high bandwidth wide beam photon emission and low noise omnidirectional Free-Space Optical (FSO) receivers. Novel OWC omnidirectional receivers using guided wavelength-shifting photon concentra- tion are experimented in over 100 meters range vehicle teleoperation.Master of Science (MSc) in Natural Resources Engineerin