252 research outputs found

    In-line and cascaded DWDM transmission using a 15dB net-gain polarization-insensitive fiber optical parametric amplifier

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    We demonstrate and characterize polarization-division multiplexed (PDM) DWDM data transmission for the first time in a range of systems incorporating a net-gain polarization-insensitive fiber optical parametric amplifier (PI-FOPA) for loss compensation. The PI-FOPA comprises a modified diversity-loop architecture to achieve 15dB net-gain, and up to 2.3THz (~18nm) bandwidth. Three representative systems are characterized using a 100Gb/s PDM-QPSK signal in conjunction with emulated DWDM neighbouring channels: (a) a 4x75km in-line fiber transmission system incorporating multiple EDFAs and a single PI-FOPA (b) N cascaded PI-FOPA amplification stages in an unlevelled Nx25km recirculating loop arrangement, with no EDFAs used within the loop signal path, and (c) M cascaded PI-FOPA amplification stages as part of an Mx75.6km gain-flattened recirculating loop system with the FOPA compensating for the transmission fiber loss, and EDFA compensation for loop switching and levelling loss. For the 4x75km in-line system (a), we transmit 45x50GHz-spaced signals (‘equivalent’ data-rate of 4.5Tb/s) with average OSNR penalty of 1.3dB over the band at 10−3 BER. For the unlevelled ‘FOPA-only’ 25.2km cascaded system (b), we report a maximum of eight recirculations for all 10x100GHz-spaced signals, and five recirculations for 20x50GHz-spaced signals. For the 75.6km levelled system (c), we achieve eight recirculations for all 20x50GHz signals resulting in a total transmission distance of 604.8km

    Sustainable economic development : concept, principles and management from Islamic perspective

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    The basic concern of development in Islamic economic system is on human welfare. This is in line with the very basic objective of Islamic jurisprudence (Shari’ah ) which puts important to the welfare of the people and their relief from hardship. Economic development should be consistent with this central objective of shari`ah. The center for development process in Islam relies on man as an economic agent. It is man to be educated on the entire development process by integrating sosial development, economic development and environmental conservation and protection. This paper attempts to explain the concept, principles and management of sustainable economic development from Islamic perspective. The paper would start by defining the concept of sustainable economic development and development goals. Next, the Islamic principles for sustainable economic development would be discussed, followed by the discussion on the management of sustainable economic development from Islamic perspective. In conclusion, the paper strongly suggests the economic development process to fully adhere to the Islamic principles as the key for sustainable development which covers both the material and non-material aspects of life. Keywords: Sustainable development, Economic development, management, Islamic economics, economic syste

    Advanced techniques for the improvement of optical transmission systems

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    This thesis presents the experimental investigation into two novel techniques which can be incorporated into current optical systems. These techniques have the capability to improve the performance of transmission and the recovery of the transmitted signal at the receiver. The experimental objectives are described and the results for each technique are presented in two sections: The first experimental section is on work related to Ultra-long Raman Fibre lasers (ULRFLs). The fibre lasers have become an important research topic in recent years due to the significant improvement they give over lumped Raman amplification and their potential use in the development of system with large bandwidths and very low losses. The experiments involved the use of ASK and DPSK modulation types over a distance of 240km and DPSK over a distance of 320km. These results are compared to the current state of-the-art and against other types of ultra-long transmission amplification techniques. The second technique investigated involves asymmetrical, or offset, filtering. This technique is important because it deals with the strong filtering regimes that are a part of optical systems and networks in modern high-speed communications. It allows the improvement of the received signal by offsetting the central frequency of a filter after the output of a Delay Line Interferometer (DLI), which induces significant improvement in BER and/or Qvalues at the receiver and therefore an increase in signal quality. The experimental results are then concluded against the objectives of the experimental work and potential future work discussed

    Investigation of high bit rate optical transmission systems employing a channel data rate of 40 Gb/s

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    Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war eine detaillierte Untersuchung von hoch bit ratigen optischen Übertragungssystemen mit einer Kanaldatenrate von 40 Gbit/s, die als wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) Systeme realisiert sind. Die Erkenntnisse, die durch umfangreiche numerische Untersuchungen gewonnen worden sind, wurden fĂŒr die Erarbeitung von Designkriterien fĂŒr die Übertragungssysteme der nĂ€chsten Generation verwendet. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt dabei an 40 Gbit/s basierten WDM Systemen mit amplitudenmodulierten optischen Signalen. Nach einer umfangreichen Beschreibung der Funktionsweise und des Standes der Technik von Systemkomponenten, die in optischen Übertragungssystemen zum Einsatz kommen, wurden die Übertragungseffekte (z.B. chromatische Dispersion, Kerr-Effekt) erklĂ€rt und beschrieben, die eine störungsfreie Übertragung von optischen Pulsen in Übertragungsstrecken beeintrĂ€chtigen. Wegen der Fokussierung der Arbeit auf amplitudenmodulierte Systeme, wurden Erzeugungsmethoden und Spektraleneigenschaften von zahlreichen amplitude-shift-keying (ASK) basierten Modulationsformaten erklĂ€rt. Die untersuchten Modulationsformate wurden in drei Gruppen unterteilt: Non-return-to-zero (NRZ) basierende Formate, Return-to-zero (RZ) basierende Formate und neue Modulationsformate. Zu der Gruppe von NRZ basierten Modulationsformaten gehören konventionelles NRZ und Duobinary Modulation. In der Gruppe von RZ basierten Formaten wurden konventionelles RZ, Carrier-suppressed RZ (CSRZ) und Single-side-band RZ (SSB-RZ) eingefĂŒhrt. Die Gruppe der neuen Formate beinhaltet Modulationsformate, die vom Autor im Rahmen der Arbeit vorgeschlagen und weiterentwickelt worden sind: Alternate-chirped NRZ (alCNRZ), Novel-chirped RZ (nCRZ), Alternate-polarized NRZ (alPNRZ) und Alternate-polarized RZ (alPRZ). Die Anforderungen, die bei der Entwicklung von neuen Modulationsformaten berĂŒcksichtigt worden sind, waren die Verbesserung der nichtlinearen Übertragungseigenschaften (z.B. nichtlineare Toleranz) der Übertragungsstrecke und eine effizientere Ausnutzung der zur VerfĂŒgung stehenden Systembandbreite (z.B. Erhöhung der spektralen Effizienz), wobei die vorgeschlagenen Modulationsformate kompatibel mit herkömmlichen Systemkonfigurationen (z.B. EmpfĂ€nger) sein sollten. Aufgrund numerischer Natur der Arbeit wurden diverse Auswertekriterien eingefĂŒhrt, die eine genaue Evaluierung der ÜbertragungsqualitĂ€t ermöglichen und im Rahmen der Arbeit verwendet worden sind. Die Vor- und Nachteile der Auswertekriterien wie Bitfehlerrate (BER), Q-Faktor, optischer Signalrauschabstand (OSNR) und Augendiagramme wurden erlĂ€utert, und ein Vergleich zwischen allen Kriterien ist gemacht worden. Die 40 Gbit/s basierten numerischen Untersuchungen wurden fĂŒr Einkanal- und MehrkanalĂŒbertragungssysteme durchgefĂŒhrt. Dabei wurde im Mehrkanalfall zwischen WDM-Systemen mit einer spektralen Effizienz von 0.4 bit/s/Hz und effizienteren dense WDM (DWDM) Systemen mit einer spektralen Effizienz von 0.8 bit/s/Hz unterschieden. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchungen war eine 40 Gbit/s Systemoptimierung durch Bestimmung von optimalen Übertragungsfasern, optimalen Dispersionskompensationsschemen und optimalen Leistungsbereichen, in denen die zukĂŒnftigen Systeme betrieben werden sollen. Dabei wurden alle Untersuchungen unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von unterschiedlichen Modulationsformaten durchgefĂŒhrt, um einen Vergleich zwischen den Modulationsformaten gewĂ€hrleisten zu können. Die Ergebnisse der Einkanaluntersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass NRZ basierten Modulationsformate durch eine hohe Dispersionstoleranz (ca. ±50 ps/nm) und eine niedrige nichtlineare Toleranz charakterisiert sind, was eine BeschrĂ€nkung der maximaler ÜbertragungslĂ€nge verursacht. Die wichtigsten Störeffekte stellen in diesem Fall Selbstphasenmodulation (SPM) und die Interaktion zwischen SPM und chromatischer Dispersion dar. Die RZ basierten Verfahren zeichnen sich durch eine reduzierte Dispersionstoleranz (ca. ±25 ps/nm) aus, aber ermöglichen wegen erhöhter nichtlinearer Toleranz eine Verbesserung der maximalen ÜbertragungslĂ€nge verglichen zu NRZ Formaten. Die limitierenden Effekte in einer RZ basierten Übertragung sind Intrakanaleffekte (z.B. Intrakanalkreuzphasenmodulation IXPM), die bei höheren Signalleistungen von SPM begleitet sind. Die wichtigste Eigenschaft der neuen Modulationsverfahren ist die große nichtlineare Toleranz, die besonders bei alternierend polarisierten Modulationsverfahren (z.B. alPNRZ, alPRZ) zur Geltung kommt. Es wurde gezeigt, dass in allen untersuchten FĂ€llen die ÜbertragungsqualitĂ€t von eine mittleren Faserdispersion (ca. 4-8 ps/nm·km) profitiert und dass Dispersionskompensationsschemen mit einem bestimmten Prozent (variiert von Format zu Format) der Vorkompensation das Optimum darstellen. Die Mehrkanaluntersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass solange die spektrale Effizienz eines 40 Gbit/s basierten WDM systems klein (ÂŁ 0.4 bit/s/Hz) ist, die Einkanaleffekte (z.B. SPM, IXPM) die dominierenden Effekten sind. Demzufolge haben WDM und Einkanalsysteme Ă€hnliche optimale Systemparameter, was ein einfaches System- und KapazitĂ€tsupgrade ermöglichen wĂŒrde. Des weiteren wurde gezeigt, dass fĂŒr die Realisierung von DWDM Systemen eine schmalbandige optische Filterung sowohl am Sender als auch am EmpfĂ€nger notwendig ist, deren Folge die Zerstörung der RZ Pulsform ist, wodurch die untersuchten RZ und NRZ basierten Modulationsformate identische Übertragungseigenschaften in DWDM Systemen aufweisen. Eine Ă€hnliche Tendenz wurde auch bei manchen neuen Formaten (z.B. alCNRZ) beobachtet, was mit einem breiten Signalspektrum zu erklĂ€ren ist. Auf der anderen Seite zeigten alternierend polarisierte Modulationsverfahren (z.B. alPNRZ) auch in DWDM Systemen eine Verbesserung hinsichtlich Filtertoleranz und Toleranz zu Mehrkanaleffekten (z.B. XPM), und empfĂ€hlen sich als optimaler Kandidat fĂŒr die zukĂŒnftigen 40 Gbit/s Systeme. Es wurde gezeigt, dass der optimale Fasertyp fĂŒr eine DWDM Übertragung weitgehend unabhĂ€ngig vom Modulationsformat ist und dass Faser eine möglichst hohe Dispersion besitzen sollen, um eine UnterdrĂŒckung der Mehrkanaleffekte ermöglichen zu können. Um zu erkennen, wie eine weitere Verbesserung der Übertragungseigenschaften in 40 Gbit/s Systemen ermöglicht werden könnte, wurden Verfahren wie orthogonal polarisierte KanĂ€le sowie phase shift keying (PSK) basierte Modulationsformate (z.B. DPSK, DQPSK) untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die orthogonale Polarisation zwischen den KanĂ€len als eine Verbesserungsmethode auf eine ÜbertragungslĂ€nge von ca. 200 km begrenzt ist. PSK-Formate ermöglichen eine Verbesserung der Übertragungseigenschaften der Strecke, wobei die notwendigen komplizierten Sender- und EmpfĂ€ngerrealisierungen vom Nachteil sein könnten.The focus of this work was set on 40 Gb/s based optical transmission systems with a varying number of channels and various spectral efficiencies in order to investigate the potential of 40 Gb/s technologies for the implementation in the next generation optical transmission networks. The results of this work can be used as design guidelines enabling a better understanding of propagation limitations in high bit rate transmission systems and give useful insights needed for the capacity upgrade of existing transmission lines. Using conventional amplitude-shift-keying (ASK) based modulation formats and by the author proposed novel modulation formats, the optimization of the system settings is performed in 40 Gb/s based single channel, wavelength division multiplex (WDM) and dense WDM (DWDM) transmission lines, in order to enable a comparison between different modulation formats in terms of the total transmission distance and the maximum achievable spectral efficiency. The signal generation and dominant transmission characteristics of various conventional non return-to-zero (NRZ), return-to-zero (RZ), duobinary, single side band RZ (SSB-RZ), carrier suppressed RZ (CSRZ) - and novel modulation formats alternate chirped NRZ (alCNRZ), novel chirped RZ (nCRZ), alternate polarized (N)RZ (alP(N)RZ) were introduced. The idea behind the development of novel modulation formats was the performance improvement of the existing transmission lines with possibly low signal generation complexity, employing conventional ASK-based receiver configuration for the signal detection. Dividing all modulation formats in two groups NRZ- and RZ-based - their tolerances to linear and nonlinear transmission disturbances are investigated in single channel transmission, indicating that an implementation of NRZ-based modulation formats provides a better dispersion tolerance, but suffers from strong nonlinear limitations. The use of novel NRZ-based formats enables a significant improvement of nonlinear transmission characteristics at the cost of a slightly increased transmitter complexity. RZ-based formats are characterized by an increased sensitivity to residual dispersion and a significant nonlinear tolerance. It is shown that an additional phase or polarization modulation of RZ pulses enables more compact signal spectra and a further improvement of nonlinear transmission robustness, thus enlarging the maximum transmission distance. Strong intra-channel limitations were indicated as the dominant transmission limitation especially in RZ-based formats characterized by strong interactions of consecutive pulses within the bit stream, due to the fast broadening of short optical pulses at 40 Gb/s. This effect is accompanied by self-phase modulation (SPM) group velocity dispersion (GVD) interplay, which becomes evident in both format groups at larger channel powers. It is shown that the dominance of intra-channel effects requires implementation of transmission fibers with moderate dispersion values. Furthermore, it was shown, that as long as intra-channel effects dominate transmission performance, the best dispersion compensation scheme is characterized by a small amount of dispersion pre-compensation, due to suppression of interactions between adjacent pulses. Thereby, right amount of dispersion pre-compensation is dependent on the modulation format in use, because of the interplay between the pulse internal chirp induced during modulation and the local dispersion in transmission line. The importance of pre-compensation increases in long-haul transmission lines employing dispersion compensation on a span-by-span basis, because of constructive superposition of intrachannel cross-phase modulation (IXPM) contributions in each span. The modulation formats employing polarization switching between consecutive pulses were identified as best solution for the performance enhancement in 40 Gb/s single channel based transmission lines. The 40 Gb/s based WDM systems with spectral efficiency of 0.4 bit/s/Hz showed identical transmission behavior as in single channel transmission for all modulation formats, which can be explained by the dominance of single-channel effects in 40 Gb/s systems with a channel spacing of 100 GHz. This leads to the conclusion that a system upgrade from single channel to WDM at 40 Gb/s channel data rate can be made using identical transmission infrastructure. As in the single channel case, RZ-based formats indicated a significant robustness to nonlinear propagation effects, which could be further improved by the use of novel modulation formats. Basically, RZ-based modulation formats outperform the NRZ-based ones in 40 Gb/s single channel and WDM transmissions, and transmission advantages of RZ based formats become even more evident with an increased transmission distance. It was shown that an increase of spectral efficiency to 0.8 bit/s/Hz in 40 Gb/s based DWDM systems results in increased pulse distortions, because of the reduced tolerance to implemented narrow-band filtering and larger impact of multi-channel nonlinearities (particularly XPM). The differences between RZ- and NRZ-based modulation formats vanish in DWDM transmissions, because of the distortion of RZ pulse shape due to narrow-band filtering needed at the transmitter side. It was shown that transmission performance of DWDM systems could profit from implementation of transmission fibers with a large chromatic dispersion, due to suppression of multi-channel effects independently of the modulation format in use. Accordingly, already deployed fibers (e.g. G.652) can be further used in next generation of DWDM transmission systems. Furthermore, considering concatenation of identical spans in a DWDM transmission line, it was observed that XPM-induced impacts superpose constructively from span to span independently of the implemented dispersion compensation scheme, resulting in an transmission penalty, which is in high power regime proportional to number of concatenated spans. This behavior enables together with already know transmission rules (e.g. Pmax) an efficient estimation of the maximum transmission performance and maximum transmission distance in 40 Gb/s DWDM systems. This work is completed by representation of some promising technologies, e.g. polarization orthogonality between the channels or phase-shift-keying (PSK) based modulation formats, which enable a further increase of spectral efficiency (beyond 0.8 bit/s/Hz) and an enhanced maximum transmission distance. The investigations of PSK-based modulation formats showed that not all recently proposed PSK-based system could compete with ASK-based formats for implementation in DWDM systems. Differential quadrature PSK (DQPSK) based modulation formats were identified as a potential candidate for the implementation in future spectrally efficient DWDM systems

    Semiconductor optical amplifier based wavelength conversion of Nyquist-16QAM for flex-grid optical networks

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    We experimentally demonstrate semiconductor opti-cal amplifier (SOA) based wavelength conversion of 3×25 Gbaud Nyquist-16QAM signal for a flex-grid network. The conversion efficiency and power penalty of each of three channels during sin-gle pumped SOA wavelength conversion are studied with respect to three different channel spacings (or frequency grids). The BER performance of all converted channels fall below the FEC thresh-old of 3.8e-3, even with a 50 GHz grid. The results show the trade-off between channel spacing, conversion efficiency and BER power penalty. Closely packed channels, which clearly increase spectral efficiency, are also shown to decrease conversion power penalty, potentially counter balancing increased crosstalk levels. These re-sults can be used to optimize routing and spectrum allocation strategy when SOA wavelength converter(s) are present in the optical link

    Investigation of performance issues affecting optical circuit and packet switched WDM networks

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    Optical switching represents the next step in the evolution of optical networks. This thesis describes work that was carried out to examine performance issues which can occur in two distinct varieties of optical switching networks. Slow optical switching in which lightpaths are requested, provisioned and torn down when no longer required is known as optical circuit switching (OCS). Services enabled by OCS include wavelength routing, dynamic bandwidth allocation and protection switching. With network elements such as reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs) and optical cross connects (OXCs) now being deployed along with the generalized multiprotocol label switching (GMPLS) control plane this represents the current state of the art in commercial networks. These networks often employ erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) to boost the optical signal to noise ratio of the WDM channels and as channel configurations change, wavelength dependent gain variations in the EDFAs can lead to channel power divergence that can result in significant performance degradation. This issue is examined in detail using a reconfigurable wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) network testbed and results show the severe impact that channel reconfiguration can have on transmission performance. Following the slow switching work the focus shifts to one of the key enabling technologies for fast optical switching, namely the tunable laser. Tunable lasers which can switch on the nanosecond timescale will be required in the transmitters and wavelength converters of optical packet switching networks. The switching times and frequency drifts, both of commercially available lasers, and of novel devices are investigated and performance issues which can arise due to this frequency drift are examined. An optical packet switching transmitter based on a novel label switching technique and employing one of the fast tunable lasers is designed and employed in a dual channel WDM packet switching system. In depth performance evaluations of this labelling scheme and packet switching system show the detrimental impact that wavelength drift can have on such systems

    4-channel 200 Gb/s WDM O-band silicon photonic transceiver sub-assembly

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    We demonstrate a 200G capable WDM O-band optical transceiver comprising a 4-element array of Silicon Photonics ring modulators (RM) and Ge photodiodes (PD) co-packaged with a SiGe BiCMOS integrated driver and a SiGe transimpedance amplifier (TIA) chip. A 4 x 50 Gb/s data modulation experiment revealed an average extinction ratio (ER) of 3.17 dB, with the transmitter exhibiting a total energy efficiency of 2 pJ/bit. Data reception has been experimentally validated at 50 Gb/s per lane, achieving an interpolated 10E-12 bit error rate (BER) for an input optical modulation amplitude (OMA) of -9.5 dBm and a power efficiency of 2.2 pJ/bit, yielding a total power efficiency of 4.2 pJ/bit for the transceiver, including heater tuning requirements. This electro-optic subassembly provides the highest aggregate data-rate among O-band RM-based silicon photonic transceiver implementations, highlighting its potential for next generation WDM Ethernet transceivers. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

    Raman fibre laser based amplification in coherent transmission systems

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    The thesis presents a detailed study of different Raman fibre laser (RFL) based amplification techniques and their applications in long-haul/unrepeatered coherent transmission systems. RFL based amplifications techniques were characterised from different aspects, including signal/noise power distributions, relative intensity noise (RIN), mode structures of induced Raman fibre lasers, and so on. It was found for the first time that RFL based amplification techniques could be divided into three categories in terms of the fibre laser regime, which were Fabry-Perot fibre laser with two FBGs, weak Fabry-Perot fibre laser with one FBG and very low reflection near the input, and random distributed feedback (DFB) fibre laser with one FBG. It was also found that lowering the reflection near the input could mitigate the RIN of the signal significantly, thanks to the reduced efficiency of the Stokes shift from the FW-propagated pump. In order to evaluate the transmission performance, different RFL based amplifiers were evaluated and optimised in long-haul coherent transmission systems. The results showed that Fabry-Perot fibre laser based amplifier with two FBGs gave >4.15 dB Q factor penalty using symmetrical bidirectional pumping, as the RIN of the signal was increased significantly. However, random distributed feedback fibre laser based amplifier with one FBG could mitigate the RIN of the signal, which enabled the use of bidirectional second order pumping and consequently give the best transmission performance up to 7915 km. Furthermore, using random DFB fibre laser based amplifier was proved to be effective to combat the nonlinear impairment, and the maximum reach was enhanced by >28% in mid-link single/dual band optical phase conjugator (OPC) transmission systems. In addition, unrepeatered transmission over >350 km fibre length using RFL based amplification technique were presented experimentally using DP-QPSK and DP-16QAM transmitter
