200 research outputs found

    Data Transparent and Polarization Insensitive All-Optical Switch based on Fibers with Enhanced Nonlinearity

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    We have developed a data transparent optical packet switch prototype employing wavelength conversion based on four-wave mixing. The switch is composed of an electro-optical control unit and an all-optical switching segment. To achieve higher switching efficiencies, Ge-doped silica suspended-core and chalcogenide arsenicselenide single-mode fibers were experimentally evaluated and compared to conventional highly-nonlinear fiber. Improved connectorization technology has been developed for Ge-doped suspended-core fiber, where we achieved connection losses of 0.9 dB. For the arsenic-selenide fiber we present a novel solid joint technology, with connection losses of only 0.25 dB, which is the lowest value presented up-to-date. Conversion efficiency of -13.7 dB was obtained for the highly-nonlinear fiber, which is in perfect correlation with previously published results and thus verifies the functionality of the prototype. Conversion efficiency of -16.1 dB was obtained with arsenic-selenide fiber length reduced to five meters within simulations, based on measurement results with a 26 m long component. Employment of such a short arsenic-selenide fiber segment allows significant broadening of the wavelength conversion spectral range due to possible neglection of dispersion

    Optical time domain add-drop multiplexing employing fiber nonlinearities

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    Het in dit proefschrift beschreven onderzoek richt zich op het ontrafelen van in het tijdsdomein gestapelde optische signalen, ook wel optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) genoemd, en de bijbehorende technologische uitdagingen. Dit werk richt zich in het bijzonder op het toevoegen en extraheren van een specifieke datastroom uit een OTDM signaal. De component die deze functie uitvoert kan worden aangeduid als een add-drop multiplexer (ADM). Deze ADMs kunnen worden onderverdeeld in twee categorieën. De eerste categorie is gebaseerd op oplossingen die gebruik maken van halfgeleider materiaal en de tweede categorie benut de niet-lineariteit van een glasvezel. Een onderzochte halfgeleider materiaal ADM techniek is gebaseerd op het crossabsorption modulation (XAM) effect in een electro-absorptie modulator (EAM). Een model, gebaseerd op propagatie-vergelijkingen in halfgeleider materiaal, is ontwikkeld om de invloed van het XAM effect te kunnen simuleren. Resultaten verkregen met dit model komen goed overeen met experimenteel verkregen resultaten. Foutvrij extraheren (demultiplexen) van een 10 Gb/s datakanaal uit een 80 Gb/s OTDM signaal, met behulp van XAM in een EAM is experimenteel aangetoond. Een nieuw concept genaamd cross-polarisatie rotatie (XPR) is geïntroduceerd om het contrast ratio van de EAM demultiplexer te verbeteren. Ondanks verbetering van het contrast ratio van de demultiplexer is er geen significante verbetering van de prestatie waarneembaar. Mogelijkheden om de EAM in een 160 Gb/s demultiplexer configuratie te gebruiken zijn onderzocht. De kwaliteit van de EAM als optische schakelaar is sterk afhankelijk van het maximaal toegestane ingangsvermogen. Een hoger vermogen van het optische kloksignaal leidt tot een sterker absorptie verzadigingseffect. De snelheid van de EAM als optische schakelaar is begrensd door de hersteltijd van de vrije elektronen en gaten in de halfgeleider, gezamenlijk de carriers genoemd. Een verhoging van de negatieve biasspanning leidt tot een verkorting van de carrier hersteltijd. Een nadeel van het gebruik van een hogere biasspanning is de bijkomende hogere absorptie wat resulteert in een hoger vereist ingangsvermogen om de absorptie te verzadigen, omdat anders een verslechtering van de signaal-ruis verhouding onvermijdelijk is. Een belangrijk deel van het proefschrift richt zich op ADMs die de niet-lineariteit van een glasvezel benutten. Een van de meest veelbelovende oplossingen is gebaseerd op de nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM). Een geheel optische tijdsdomein ADM gebaseerd op een NOLM structuur is voor het eerst gedemonstreerd op datasnelheden boven de 80 Gb/s. Simulaties en experimenteel onderzoek zijn uitgevoerd op 160 Gb/s en 320 Gb/s. De prestatie limiterende factoren in de NOLM gebaseerde ADM zijn overspraak van naburige kanalen voor het extraheren van een kanaal en incomplete verwijdering van het geëxtraheerde kanaal voor het toevoegen van een nieuw kanaal. De jitter op het controle- en datasignaal en een niet geoptimaliseerde NOLM ingangskoppelaar verslechteren de kwaliteit van de ADM. De behaalde resultaten openen mogelijkheden om in de toekomst het systeem op te waarderen naar 640 Gb/s. De conversie van twee 10 Gb/s non-return to zero (NRZ) golflengte gestapelde kanalen (WDM) naar één 20 Gbs return-to-zero (RZ) OTDM signaal is experimenteel gekarakteriseerd. Het conversie principe is gebaseerd op four-wave mixing (FWM) in een sterk niet-lineare vezel (HNLF). Een voordeel van deze conversie techniek is dat er geen extra NRZ naar RZ conversiestap vereist is. Een tweede voordeel is de transparantie van FWM ten opzichte van de gebruikte modulatie techniek. Zo is deze techniek bijvoorbeeld ook geschikt voor fasegemoduleerde datasignalen. De beperkingen van deze conversie techniek zijn onderzocht. Conversie van 2x10 Gb/s WDM naar 20 Gb/s OTDM is experimenteel aangetoond, maar simulaties wijzen uit dat deze techniek niet geschikt is voor conversie van 4x40 Gb/s WDM naar 160 Gb/s OTDM, omdat het optische vermogen van het geconverteerde signaal erg laag is als gevolg van de lage efficiëntie van het FWM proces. Een alternatieve ADM techniek die ook bestudeerd is, is gebaseerd op cross-phase modulatie (XPM) spectrale verbreding in combinatie met filtering. Het voordeel van deze techniek is het geringere aantal benodigde componenten voor de constructie van een complete ADM in vergelijking met een ADM gebaseerd op een NOLM of een Kerr shutter. Simulaties en experimenteel werk demonstreren de mogelijkheden van deze techniek. Een geheel optische tijddomein ADM voor fasegemoduleerde signalen is voor de eerste maal aangetoond. Add-drop multiplexing van een 80 Gb/s RZ-DPSK OTDM signaal gebaseerd op de Kerr shutter met 375 meter HNLF is experimenteel gedemonstreerd. De fase-informatie in het signaal is behouden in de complete ADM. Praktische beperkingen in de experimentele set-up begrensden de datasnelheid tot 80 Gb/s. Een ADM experiment op 320 Gb/s met amplitude gemoduleerde signalen geeft een indicatie van de mogelijkheden van de Kerr shutter als ultrasnelle schakelaar

    Detection and processing of phase modulated optical signals at 40 Gbit/s and beyond

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    This thesis addresses demodulation in direct detection systems and signal processing of high speed phase modulated signals in future all-optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) communication systems where differential phase shift keying (DPSK) or differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK) are used to transport information. All-optical network functionalities -such as optical labeling, wavelength conversion and signal regeneration- are experimentally investigated. Direct detection of phase modulated signals requires phase-to-intensity modulation conversion in a demodulator at the receiver side. This is typically implemented in a one bit delay Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI). Two alternative ways of performing phase-to-intensity modulation conversion are presented. Successful demodulation of DPSK signals up to 40 Gbit/s is demonstrated using the proposed two devices. Optical labeling has been proposed as an efficient way to implement packet routing and forwarding functionalities in future IP-over-WDM networks. An in-band subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) labeled signal using 40 Gbit/s DSPK payload and 25 Mbit/s non return-to-zero(NRZ) SCM label, is successfully transmitted over 80 km post-compensated non-zero dispersion shifted fiber (NZDSF) span. Using orthogonal labeling, an amplitude shift keying (ASK)/DPSK labeled signal using 40 Gbit/s return-to-zero (RZ) payload and 2.5 Gbit/s DPSK label, is generated. WDM transmission and label swapping are demonstrated for such a signal. In future all-optical WDM networks, wavelength conversion is an essential functionality to provide wavelength flexibility and avoid wavelength blocking. Using a 50 m long highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (HNL-PCF), with a simple four-wave mixing (FWM) scheme, wavelength conversion of single channel and multi-channel high-speed DPSK signals is presented. Wavelength conversion of an 80 Gbit/s RZ-DPSK-ASK signal generated by combining different modulation formats is also reported. Amplitude distortion accumulated over transmission spans will eventually be converted into nonlinear phase noise, and consequently degrade the performance of systems making use of RZ-DPSK format. All-optical signal regeneration avoiding O-E-O conversion is desired to improve signal quality in ultra long-haul transmission systems. Proof-of-principle numerical simulation results are provided, that suggest the amplitude regeneration capability based on FWM in a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). The first reported experimental demonstration of amplitude equalization of 40 Gbit/s RZ-DPSK signals using a 500 m long HNLF is presented. Using four possible phase levels to carry the information, DQPSK allows generation of high-speed optical signals at bit rate that is twice the operating speed of the electronics involved. Generation of an 80 Gbit/s DQPSK signal is demonstrated using 40 Gbit/s equipment. The first demonstration of wavelength conversion of such a high-speed signal is implemented using FWM in a 1 km long HNLF. No indication of error floor is observed. Using polarization multiplexing and combination of DQPSK with ASK and RZ pulse carving at a symbol rate of 40 Gbaud, a 240 Gbit/s RZ-DQPSK-ASK signal is generated and transmitted over 50 km fiber span with no power penalty. In summary, we show that direct detection and all-optical signal processing -including optical labeling, wavelength conversion and signal regeneration- that already have been studied intensively for signals using conventional on-off keying (OOK) format, can also be successfully implemented for high-speed phase modulated signals. The results obtained in this work are believed to enhance the feasibility of phase modulation in future ultra-high speed spectrally efficient optical communication systems

    Optical Signal Processing: Data Exchange

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    Optical packet networks : enabling innovative switching technologies

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    Les réseaux informatiques avec une grande capacité nécessitent des liaisons de transmission de données rapides et fiables pour prendre en charge les applications web en pleine croissance. Comme le nombre de serveurs interconnectés et la capacité de stockage des médias ne cessent daugmenter, les communications optiques et les technologies de routage sont devenues intéressantes grâce au taux binaire élevé et à lencombrement minimum offert par la fibre optique. Les réseaux optiques à commutation de paquets (OPSNs) offrent une flexibilité accrue dans la gestion de réseau. OPSNs exploitent les convertisseurs de longueur donde accordables (WC) pour minimiser la probabilité de blocage et fournir une allocation dynamique des longueurs donde. Les émetteurs optiques basés sur des sources multi-longueurs donde se présentent comme une solution intéressante en termes de coût, dencombrement et defficacité énergétique par rapport aux autres types de lasers. Les convertisseurs de longueurs donde doivent permettre des taux binaires élevés et une transparence à une grande variété de formats de modulation, tout en offrant une réponse rapide, des niveaux de puissance modérés et un rapport de signal à bruit optique (OSNR) acceptable à la sortie. Plusieurs technologies de conversion de longueur donde ont été proposées dans la littérature. Lutilisation du mélange à quatre ondes (FWM) dans les amplificateurs optiques à semi-conducteurs (SOA) permet lutilisation de faibles niveaux de puissance dentrée et offre une bonne efficacité de conversion ainsi que la possibilité dintégration photonique. Les SOAs offrent donc un excellent compromis par rapport aux autres solutions. Pour couvrir une plus large bande de conversion, nous utilisons le schéma exploitant le FWM avec doubles pompes dans les SOAs. Pour la stabilité de phase, les pompes viennent d’un laser en mode bloqué (QDMLL) qui sert comme source multi-longueurs donde. Deux modes du QDMLL sont sélectionnés par un filtrage accordable et servent comme doubles pompes. Un filtre accordable placé à la sortie du SOA sert à sélectionner le produit du FWM pour le signal final. Nous étudions le convertisseur de longueur donde proposé et comparons sa performance pour différents formats de modulation (modulation dintensité et de phase) et à différents débits binaires (10 et 40 Gbit/s). Le taux derreur binaire, lefficacité de conversion et la mesure de lOSNR sont présentés. Nous démontrons aussi la possibilité de simultanément convertir en longueurs donde les données et l’étiquette. Les données à haut débit et l’étiquette à faible débit se retrouvent dans une seule bande de longueurs d’onde, et ils sont convertis ensemble avec une bonne efficacité. Notre démonstration se concentre sur les performances de conversion, donc les données et létiquette sont des signaux continus plutôt que de paquets optiques. Des mesures de taux derreur binaire ont été effectuées à la fois pour les données et pour létiquette. Nous proposons aussi lutilisation de QDMLL comme source de transmetteurs WDM pour deux applications différentes: unicast et multicast. Nous démontrons aussi sa compatibilité avec le format de transmission DQPSK à haut débit binaire. Nous évaluons la performance du DQPSK en terme de taux derreur binaire et comparons sa performance à celle dune source laser à cavité externe.Large scale computer networks require fast and reliable data links in order to support growing web applications. As the number of interconnected servers and storage media increases, optical communications and routing technologies become interesting because of the high speed and small footprint of optical fiber links. Furthermore, optical packet switched networks (OPSN) provide increased flexibility in network management. Future networks are envisaged to be wavelength dependent routing, therefore OPSN will exploit tunable wavelength converters (WC) to enable contention resolution, reduce wavelength blocking in wavelength routing and switching, and provide dynamic wavelength assignment. Optical transmitters based on multi-wavelength sources are presented as an attrative solution compared to a set of single distributed feedback lasers in terms of cost, footprint and power consumption. Wavelength converters should support high bit rates and a variety of signal formats, have fast setup time, moderate input power levels and high optical signal-to-noise ratio at the output. Several wavelength conversion technologies have been demonstrated. The use of four wave mixing (FWM) in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) provides low input power levels, acceptable conversion efficiency and the possibility of photonic integration. SOAs therefore offer excellent trade-offs compared to other solutions. To achieve wide wavelength coverage and integrability, we use a dual pump scheme exploiting four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers. For phase stability, we use a quantum-dash mode-locked laser (QD-MLL) as a multi-wavelength source for the dual pumps, with tunability provided by the frequency selective filter. We investigate the proposed wavelength converter and compare its performance of wavelength conversion for different non-return-to-zero (NRZ) intensity and phase modulation formats at different bit rates (10 and 40 Gbit/s). Bit error rate, conversion efficiency and optical signal-to-noise ratio measurements are reported. We demonstrate the possibility of tightly packed payload and label wavelength conversion at very high data baud rate over wide tuning range with good conversion efficiency. Our demonstration concentrates on conversion performance, hence continuous payload and label signals were used without gating into packets. Bit error measurements for both payload and label were performed. We propose the use of QD-MLL as multi-wavelength source for WDM unicast and multicast applications and we investigated its compatibility with DQPSK transmission at high bit rate. We quantify DQPSK performance via bit error rate measurements and compare performance to that of an external cavity laser (ECL) source

    Label-controlled optical switching nodes

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    Optical networks are evolving from initially static optical circuits and subsequently optical circuit switching towards optical packet switching in order to take advan- tage of the high transport capacity made available by WDM systems in a more °exible and e±cient way. Optically labeling of packets and routing the packets's payload optically under control of its label allows the network nodes to route and forward IP data without having to process the payload, thus keeping it in the optical domain; this is a promising solution to avoid electronic bottlenecks in routers. All-optical label switching can therefore be used to route and forward packets independent of their length and payload bitrate. Several optical signal labeling techniques have been proposed in previous re- search reported in literature; orthogonal labeling and time-serial labeling have been studied in this thesis. This thesis studies two orthogonal modulation label- ing techniques: one based on FSK labels with an IM payload, and another one on SCM labeling for a DPSK modulated payload. A time-serial labeling method based on IM labels with IM or DPSK payload is also presented and studied. The ¯rst two techniques assume electronic processing of the labels in the node, and hence assume that labels can be transmitted at a much lower bitrate than the payload data rate. The third technique assumes all-optical signal processing in the nodes, capable of handling a label at the same bitrate or slightly lower than the payload data. Labels at low bitrate in comparison with the payload bitrate are desirable in systems where the label processing will be conducted in the electrical domain, while labels at the same bitrate as the payload can be used in systems where the processing is conducted in the optical domain, exploiting all-optical processing techniques. These three techniques have been chosen because they are compatible with the existing networks, since the modulation format, bitrates, transmission properties, and other features of the signals are similar to the ones used for commercially available applications. Thus, they can be considered important candidates for migration scenarios from optical circuit switching towards optical burst switching networking. Orthogonal labeling based on FSK/IM is a promising scheme for implementing the labeling of optical signals, and it is the technology of choice in the STOLAS project. This technique o®ers advantageous features such as a relaxed timing de- lineation between payload and label, and ease of label erasure and re-writing of new labels. By using wavelength-agile tunable laser sources with FSK modula- tion capability, wavelength converters, and passive wavelength routing elements, a scalable modular label-controlled router featuring high reliability can be built. In this thesis, several aspects of the physical parameters of an FSK/IM labeling scheme within a routing node have been studied and presented. Optical ¯ltering requires special care, since the combined FSK/IM scheme has a broader spectrum than that of pure intensity modulated signals. The requirements on the limited extinction ratio for the IM signal can be relaxed at low bitrates of the label signal or, alternatively, by introducing data encoding. Optical labeling by using FSK/IM represents a simple and attractive way of implementing hybrid optical circuit and burst switching in optical networks. Architecturally, similar advantages can be mentioned for the second orthogo- nal labeling technique studied in this thesis, based on SCM labels and a DPSK payload. In-band subcarriers carrying low bitrate labels located at a frequency equal to half the bitrate of the payload signal can be inserted introducing only low power penalties. Wavelength conversion can be implemented by using passive highly nonlinear ¯bers and exploiting the four-wave mixing e®ect. This thesis also studies the design of two functional blocks of an all-optical core node proposed in the LASAGNE project, namely the all-optical label and payload separator and the wavelength converter unit for a time-serial labeling scheme. The label and payload processor can be realized exploiting nonlinear e®ects in SOAs. An implementation using polarization division multiplexing to transport the external control light for an IM/IM time-serial scheme was demon- strated. Label and payload processors with self-contained control signals were also demonstrated, either using a DPSK signal to simultaneously transport the payload data and the control signal or inserting a CW dummy in between the label and the payload, which were based on IM-RZ format. A study on single- and multi- wavelength conversion based on FWM in a HNLF was presented. This approach allows transparent wavelength conversion (independent of the data format used) at high bitrates (the nonlinear e®ects in a ¯ber are obtained at ultrafast speeds). The labeling techniques explored have indicated a viable way of migration towards optical burst packet switched networks while signi¯cantly improving the throughput of the routing nodes

    Optical Signal Processing for High-Order Quadrature- Amplitude Modulation Formats

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    In this book chapter, optical signal processing technology, including optical wavelength conversion, wavelength exchange and wavelength multicasting, for phase-noise-sensitive high-order quadrature-amplitude modulation (QAM) signals will be discussed. Due to the susceptibility of high-order QAM signals against phase noise, it is imperative to avoid the phase noise in the optical signal processing subsystems. To design high-performance optical signal processing subsystems, both linear and nonlinear phase noise and distortions are the main concerns in the system design. We will first investigate the effective monitoring approach to optimize the performance of wavelength conversion for avoiding undesired nonlinear phase noise and distortions, and then propose coherent pumping scheme to eliminate the linear phase noise from local pumps in order to realize pump-phase-noise-free wavelength conversion, wavelength exchange and multicasting for high-order QAM signals. All of the discussions are based on experimental investigation