507 research outputs found

    Deep Reflectance Maps

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    Undoing the image formation process and therefore decomposing appearance into its intrinsic properties is a challenging task due to the under-constraint nature of this inverse problem. While significant progress has been made on inferring shape, materials and illumination from images only, progress in an unconstrained setting is still limited. We propose a convolutional neural architecture to estimate reflectance maps of specular materials in natural lighting conditions. We achieve this in an end-to-end learning formulation that directly predicts a reflectance map from the image itself. We show how to improve estimates by facilitating additional supervision in an indirect scheme that first predicts surface orientation and afterwards predicts the reflectance map by a learning-based sparse data interpolation. In order to analyze performance on this difficult task, we propose a new challenge of Specular MAterials on SHapes with complex IllumiNation (SMASHINg) using both synthetic and real images. Furthermore, we show the application of our method to a range of image-based editing tasks on real images.Comment: project page: http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~krematas/DRM

    Color Constancy Using CNNs

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    In this work we describe a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to accurately predict the scene illumination. Taking image patches as input, the CNN works in the spatial domain without using hand-crafted features that are employed by most previous methods. The network consists of one convolutional layer with max pooling, one fully connected layer and three output nodes. Within the network structure, feature learning and regression are integrated into one optimization process, which leads to a more effective model for estimating scene illumination. This approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on a standard dataset of RAW images. Preliminary experiments on images with spatially varying illumination demonstrate the stability of the local illuminant estimation ability of our CNN.Comment: Accepted at DeepVision: Deep Learning in Computer Vision 2015 (CVPR 2015 workshop

    Fully Point-wise Convolutional Neural Network for Modeling Statistical Regularities in Natural Images

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    Modeling statistical regularity plays an essential role in ill-posed image processing problems. Recently, deep learning based methods have been presented to implicitly learn statistical representation of pixel distributions in natural images and leverage it as a constraint to facilitate subsequent tasks, such as color constancy and image dehazing. However, the existing CNN architecture is prone to variability and diversity of pixel intensity within and between local regions, which may result in inaccurate statistical representation. To address this problem, this paper presents a novel fully point-wise CNN architecture for modeling statistical regularities in natural images. Specifically, we propose to randomly shuffle the pixels in the origin images and leverage the shuffled image as input to make CNN more concerned with the statistical properties. Moreover, since the pixels in the shuffled image are independent identically distributed, we can replace all the large convolution kernels in CNN with point-wise (1∗11*1) convolution kernels while maintaining the representation ability. Experimental results on two applications: color constancy and image dehazing, demonstrate the superiority of our proposed network over the existing architectures, i.e., using 1/10∼\sim1/100 network parameters and computational cost while achieving comparable performance.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. To appear in ACM MM 201

    A PCA approach to the object constancy for faces using view-based models of the face

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    The analysis of object and face recognition by humans attracts a great deal of interest, mainly because of its many applications in various fields, including psychology, security, computer technology, medicine and computer graphics. The aim of this work is to investigate whether a PCA-based mapping approach can offer a new perspective on models of object constancy for faces in human vision. An existing system for facial motion capture and animation developed for performance-driven animation of avatars is adapted, improved and repurposed to study face representation in the context of viewpoint and lighting invariance. The main goal of the thesis is to develop and evaluate a new approach to viewpoint invariance that is view-based and allows mapping of facial variation between different views to construct a multi-view representation of the face. The thesis describes a computer implementation of a model that uses PCA to generate example- based models of the face. The work explores the joint encoding of expression and viewpoint using PCA and the mapping between viewspecific PCA spaces. The simultaneous, synchronised video recording of 6 views of the face was used to construct multi-view representations, which helped to investigate how well multiple views could be recovered from a single view via the content addressable memory property of PCA. A similar approach was taken to lighting invariance. Finally, the possibility of constructing a multi-view representation from asynchronous view-based data was explored. The results of this thesis have implications for a continuing research problem in computer vision – the problem of recognising faces and objects from different perspectives and in different lighting. It also provides a new approach to understanding viewpoint invariance and lighting invariance in human observers

    Physics-based Shading Reconstruction for Intrinsic Image Decomposition

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    We investigate the use of photometric invariance and deep learning to compute intrinsic images (albedo and shading). We propose albedo and shading gradient descriptors which are derived from physics-based models. Using the descriptors, albedo transitions are masked out and an initial sparse shading map is calculated directly from the corresponding RGB image gradients in a learning-free unsupervised manner. Then, an optimization method is proposed to reconstruct the full dense shading map. Finally, we integrate the generated shading map into a novel deep learning framework to refine it and also to predict corresponding albedo image to achieve intrinsic image decomposition. By doing so, we are the first to directly address the texture and intensity ambiguity problems of the shading estimations. Large scale experiments show that our approach steered by physics-based invariant descriptors achieve superior results on MIT Intrinsics, NIR-RGB Intrinsics, Multi-Illuminant Intrinsic Images, Spectral Intrinsic Images, As Realistic As Possible, and competitive results on Intrinsic Images in the Wild datasets while achieving state-of-the-art shading estimations.Comment: Submitted to Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU

    VIDIT: Virtual Image Dataset for Illumination Transfer

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    Deep image relighting is gaining more interest lately, as it allows photo enhancement through illumination-specific retouching without human effort. Aside from aesthetic enhancement and photo montage, image relighting is valuable for domain adaptation, whether to augment datasets for training or to normalize input test data. Accurate relighting is, however, very challenging for various reasons, such as the difficulty in removing and recasting shadows and the modeling of different surfaces. We present a novel dataset, the Virtual Image Dataset for Illumination Transfer (VIDIT), in an effort to create a reference evaluation benchmark and to push forward the development of illumination manipulation methods. Virtual datasets are not only an important step towards achieving real-image performance but have also proven capable of improving training even when real datasets are possible to acquire and available. VIDIT contains 300 virtual scenes used for training, where every scene is captured 40 times in total: from 8 equally-spaced azimuthal angles, each lit with 5 different illuminants.Comment: For further information and data, see https://github.com/majedelhelou/VIDI
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