7 research outputs found

    Secure and efficient application monitoring and replication

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    Memory corruption vulnerabilities remain a grave threat to systems software written in C/C++. Current best practices dictate compiling programs with exploit mitigations such as stack canaries, address space layout randomization, and control-flow integrity. However, adversaries quickly find ways to circumvent such mitigations, sometimes even before these mitigations are widely deployed. In this paper, we focus on an "orthogonal" defense that amplifies the effectiveness of traditional exploit mitigations. The key idea is to create multiple diversified replicas of a vulnerable program and then execute these replicas in lockstep on identical inputs while simultaneously monitoring their behavior. A malicious input that causes the diversified replicas to diverge in their behavior will be detected by the monitor; this allows discovery of previously unknown attacks such as zero-day exploits. So far, such multi-variant execution environments (MVEEs) have been held back by substantial runtime overheads. This paper presents a new design, ReMon, that is non-intrusive, secure, and highly efficient. Whereas previous schemes either monitor every system call or none at all, our system enforces cross-checking only for security critical system calls while supporting more relaxed monitoring policies for system calls that are not security critical. We achieve this by splitting the monitoring and replication logic into an in-process component and a cross-process component. Our evaluation shows that ReMon offers same level of security as conservative MVEEs and run realistic server benchmarks at near-native speeds

    Advanced techniques for multi-variant execution

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    Multi-variant execution environments

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    Sharing is caring : secure and efficient shared memory support for MVEEs

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    Multi-Variant Execution Environments (MVEEs) are a powerful tool for protecting legacy software against memory corruption attacks. MVEEs employ software diversity to run multiple variants of the same program in lockstep, whilst providing them with the same inputs and comparing their behavior. Well-constructed variants will behave equivalently under normal operating conditions but diverge when under attack. The MVEE detects these divergences and takes action before compromised variants can damage the host system. Prior research has shown that multi-variant execution only works if the variants receive identical inputs. Existing MVEEs replicate inputs at the system call boundary, and therefore do not support programs that use shared-memory IPC with other processes, since shared memory pages can be read from and written to directly without system calls. We analyzed modern applications, ranging from web servers, over media players, to browsers, and observe that they rely heavily on shared memory, in some cases for their basic functioning and in other cases for enabling more advanced functionality. It follows that modern applications cannot enjoy the security provided by MVEEs unless those MVEEs support shared-memory IPC. This paper first identifies the requirements for supporting shared-memory IPC in an MVEE. We propose a design that involves techniques to identify and instrument accesses to shared memory pages, as well as techniques to replicate I/O through shared-memory IPC. We implemented these techniques in a prototype MVEE and report our findings through an evaluation of a range of benchmark programs. Our contributions enable the use of MVEEs on a far wider range of programs than previously supported. By overcoming one of the major remaining limitations of MVEEs, our contributions can help to bolster their real-world adoption