51,775 research outputs found

    Coverage and Vacuity in Network Formation Games

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    The frameworks of coverage and vacuity in formal verification analyze the effect of mutations applied to systems or their specifications. We adopt these notions to network formation games, analyzing the effect of a change in the cost of a resource. We consider two measures to be affected: the cost of the Social Optimum and extremums of costs of Nash Equilibria. Our results offer a formal framework to the effect of mutations in network formation games and include a complexity analysis of related decision problems. They also tighten the relation between algorithmic game theory and formal verification, suggesting refined definitions of coverage and vacuity for the latter

    Checking Dynamic Consistency of Conditional Hyper Temporal Networks via Mean Payoff Games (Hardness and (pseudo) Singly-Exponential Time Algorithm)

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    In this work we introduce the \emph{Conditional Hyper Temporal Network (CHyTN)} model, which is a natural extension and generalization of both the \CSTN and the \HTN model. Our contribution goes as follows. We show that deciding whether a given \CSTN or CHyTN is dynamically consistent is \coNP-hard. Then, we offer a proof that deciding whether a given CHyTN is dynamically consistent is \PSPACE-hard, provided that the input instances are allowed to include both multi-head and multi-tail hyperarcs. In light of this, we continue our study by focusing on CHyTNs that allow only multi-head or only multi-tail hyperarcs, and we offer the first deterministic (pseudo) singly-exponential time algorithm for the problem of checking the dynamic-consistency of such CHyTNs, also producing a dynamic execution strategy whenever the input CHyTN is dynamically consistent. Since \CSTN{s} are a special case of CHyTNs, this provides as a byproduct the first sound-and-complete (pseudo) singly-exponential time algorithm for checking dynamic-consistency in CSTNs. The proposed algorithm is based on a novel connection between CSTN{s}/CHyTN{s} and Mean Payoff Games. The presentation of the connection between \CSTN{s}/CHyTNs and \MPG{s} is mediated by the \HTN model. In order to analyze the algorithm, we introduce a refined notion of dynamic-consistency, named ϵ\epsilon-dynamic-consistency, and present a sharp lower bounding analysis on the critical value of the reaction time ε^\hat{\varepsilon} where a \CSTN/CHyTN transits from being, to not being, dynamically consistent. The proof technique introduced in this analysis of ε^\hat{\varepsilon} is applicable more generally when dealing with linear difference constraints which include strict inequalities.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1505.0082

    Controllability in partial and uncertain environments

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    © 2014 IEEE.Controller synthesis is a well studied problem that attempts to automatically generate an operational behaviour model of the system-to-be that satisfies a given goal when deployed in a given domain model that behaves according to specified assumptions. A limitation of many controller synthesis techniques is that they require complete descriptions of the problem domain. This is limiting in the context of modern incremental development processes when a fully described problem domain is unavailable, undesirable or uneconomical. Previous work on Modal Transition Systems (MTS) control problems exists, however it is restricted to deterministic MTSs and deterministic Labelled Transition Systems (LTS) implementations. In this paper we study the Modal Transition System Control Problem in its full generality, allowing for nondeterministic MTSs modelling the environments behaviour and nondeterministic LTS implementations. Given an nondeterministic MTS we ask if all, none or some of the nondeterministic LTSs it describes admit an LTS controller that guarantees a given property. We show a technique that solves effectively the MTS realisability problem and it can be, in some cases, reduced to deterministic control problems. In all cases the MTS realisability problem is in same complexity class as the corresponding LTS problem

    Strategy Synthesis for Autonomous Agents Using PRISM

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    We present probabilistic models for autonomous agent search and retrieve missions derived from Simulink models for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and show how probabilistic model checking and the probabilistic model checker PRISM can be used for optimal controller generation. We introduce a sequence of scenarios relevant to UAVs and other autonomous agents such as underwater and ground vehicles. For each scenario we demonstrate how it can be modelled using the PRISM language, give model checking statistics and present the synthesised optimal controllers. We conclude with a discussion of the limitations when using probabilistic model checking and PRISM in this context and what steps can be taken to overcome them. In addition, we consider how the controllers can be returned to the UAV and adapted for use on larger search areas

    The Complexity of Model Checking Higher-Order Fixpoint Logic

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    Higher-Order Fixpoint Logic (HFL) is a hybrid of the simply typed \lambda-calculus and the modal \lambda-calculus. This makes it a highly expressive temporal logic that is capable of expressing various interesting correctness properties of programs that are not expressible in the modal \lambda-calculus. This paper provides complexity results for its model checking problem. In particular we consider those fragments of HFL built by using only types of bounded order k and arity m. We establish k-fold exponential time completeness for model checking each such fragment. For the upper bound we use fixpoint elimination to obtain reachability games that are singly-exponential in the size of the formula and k-fold exponential in the size of the underlying transition system. These games can be solved in deterministic linear time. As a simple consequence, we obtain an exponential time upper bound on the expression complexity of each such fragment. The lower bound is established by a reduction from the word problem for alternating (k-1)-fold exponential space bounded Turing Machines. Since there are fixed machines of that type whose word problems are already hard with respect to k-fold exponential time, we obtain, as a corollary, k-fold exponential time completeness for the data complexity of our fragments of HFL, provided m exceeds 3. This also yields a hierarchy result in expressive power.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Generating and Solving Symbolic Parity Games

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    We present a new tool for verification of modal mu-calculus formulae for process specifications, based on symbolic parity games. It enhances an existing method, that first encodes the problem to a Parameterised Boolean Equation System (PBES) and then instantiates the PBES to a parity game. We improved the translation from specification to PBES to preserve the structure of the specification in the PBES, we extended LTSmin to instantiate PBESs to symbolic parity games, and implemented the recursive parity game solving algorithm by Zielonka for symbolic parity games. We use Multi-valued Decision Diagrams (MDDs) to represent sets and relations, thus enabling the tools to deal with very large systems. The transition relation is partitioned based on the structure of the specification, which allows for efficient manipulation of the MDDs. We performed two case studies on modular specifications, that demonstrate that the new method has better time and memory performance than existing PBES based tools and can be faster (but slightly less memory efficient) than the symbolic model checker NuSMV.Comment: In Proceedings GRAPHITE 2014, arXiv:1407.767
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