1,875 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Optimization of Reversible Circuits - A Survey

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    Reversible logic circuits have been historically motivated by theoretical research in low-power electronics as well as practical improvement of bit-manipulation transforms in cryptography and computer graphics. Recently, reversible circuits have attracted interest as components of quantum algorithms, as well as in photonic and nano-computing technologies where some switching devices offer no signal gain. Research in generating reversible logic distinguishes between circuit synthesis, post-synthesis optimization, and technology mapping. In this survey, we review algorithmic paradigms --- search-based, cycle-based, transformation-based, and BDD-based --- as well as specific algorithms for reversible synthesis, both exact and heuristic. We conclude the survey by outlining key open challenges in synthesis of reversible and quantum logic, as well as most common misconceptions.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Multi-Output ESOP Synthesis with Cascades of New Reversible Gate Family

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    A reversible gate maps each output vector into a unique input vector and vice versa. The importance of reversible logic lies in the technological necessity that most near-future and all long-term future technologies will have to use reversible gates in order to reduce power. In this paper, a new generalized k*k reversible gate family is proposed. A synthesis method for multi-output (factorized) ESOP using cascades of the new gate family is presented. For utilizing the benefit of product sharing among the ESOPs, two graph-based data structures -connectivity tree and implementation graph are used. Experimental results with some MCNC benchmark functions show that the number of gates in the multioutput ESOP cascades is almost equal to the number of products in the multi-output ESOP. However, this cascaded realization of multi-output ESOP generates a large number of garbage outputs and requires a large number of input constants, which need to be reduced in the future research. This synthesis method is technology-independent and can be used in association with any known or future reversible technology

    Scalable Design and Synthesis of Reversible Circuits

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    The expectations on circuits are rising with their number of applications, and technologies alternative to CMOS are becoming more important day by day. A promising alternative is reversible computation, a computing paradigm with applications in quantum computation, adiabatic circuits, program inversion, etc. An elaborated design flow is not available to reversible circuit design yet. In this work, two directions are considered: Exploiting the conventional design flow and developing a new flow according to the properties of reversible circuits. Which direction should be taken is not obvious, so we discuss the possible assets and drawbacks of taking either direction. We present ideas which can be exploited and outline open challenges which still have to be addressed. Preliminary results obtained by initial implementations illustrate the way to go. By this we present and discuss two promising and complementary directions for the scalable design and synthesis of reversible circuits

    Programming Quantum Computers Using Design Automation

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    Recent developments in quantum hardware indicate that systems featuring more than 50 physical qubits are within reach. At this scale, classical simulation will no longer be feasible and there is a possibility that such quantum devices may outperform even classical supercomputers at certain tasks. With the rapid growth of qubit numbers and coherence times comes the increasingly difficult challenge of quantum program compilation. This entails the translation of a high-level description of a quantum algorithm to hardware-specific low-level operations which can be carried out by the quantum device. Some parts of the calculation may still be performed manually due to the lack of efficient methods. This, in turn, may lead to a design gap, which will prevent the programming of a quantum computer. In this paper, we discuss the challenges in fully-automatic quantum compilation. We motivate directions for future research to tackle these challenges. Yet, with the algorithms and approaches that exist today, we demonstrate how to automatically perform the quantum programming flow from algorithm to a physical quantum computer for a simple algorithmic benchmark, namely the hidden shift problem. We present and use two tool flows which invoke RevKit. One which is based on ProjectQ and which targets the IBM Quantum Experience or a local simulator, and one which is based on Microsoft's quantum programming language Q#\#.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. To appear in: Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2018

    Cellular Automata Realization of Regular Logic

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    This paper presents a cellular-automatic model of a reversible regular structure called Davio lattice. Regular circuits are investigated because of the requirement of future (nano-) technologies where long wires should be avoided. Reversibility is a valuable feature because it means much lower energy dissipation. A circuit is reversible if the number of its inputs equals the number of its outputs and there is a one-to-one mapping between spaces of input vectors and output vectors. It is believed that one day regular reversible structures will be implemented as nanoscale 3-dimensional chips. This paper introduces the notion of the Toffoli gate and its cellular-automatic implementation, as well as an example of the Davio lattice built exclusively of Toffoli gates and run on a special cellular automaton called CAM-Brain Machine (CBM)

    Photon temporal modes: a complete framework for quantum information science

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    Field-orthogonal temporal modes of photonic quantum states provide a new framework for quantum information science (QIS). They intrinsically span a high-dimensional Hilbert space and lend themselves to integration into existing single-mode fiber communication networks. We show that the three main requirements to construct a valid framework for QIS -- the controlled generation of resource states, the targeted and highly efficient manipulation of temporal modes and their efficient detection -- can be fulfilled with current technology. We suggest implementations of diverse QIS applications based on this complete set of building blocks.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure
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