5 research outputs found

    Localizing Defects in Multithreaded Programs by Mining Dynamic Call Graphs

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    Writing multithreaded software for multicore computers confronts many developers with the difficulty of finding parallel programming errors. In the past, most parallel debugging techniques have concentrated on finding race conditions due to wrong usage of synchronization constructs. A widely unexplored issue, however, is that a wrong usage of non-parallel programming constructs may also cause wrong parallel application behavior. This paper presents a novel defect-localization technique for multithreaded shared-memory programs that is based on analyzing execution anomalies. Compared to race detectors that report just on wrong synchronization, this method can detect a wider range of defects affecting parallel execution. It works on a condensed representation of the call graphs of multithreaded applications and employs data-mining techniques to locate a method containing a defect. Our results from controlled application experiments show that we found race conditions, but also other programming errors leading to incorrect parallel program behavior. On average, our approach reduced in our benchmark the amount of code to be inspected to just 7.1% of all methods

    Localizing Defects in Multithreaded Programs by Mining Dynamic Call Graphs

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    Writing multithreaded software for multicore computers confronts many developers with the difficulty of finding parallel programming errors. In the past, most parallel debugging techniques have concentrated on finding race conditions due to wrong usage of synchronization constructs. A widely unexplored issue, however, is that a wrong usage of non-parallel programming constructs may also cause wrong parallel application behavior. This paper presents a novel defect-localization technique for multithreaded shared-memory programs that is based on analyzing execution anomalies. Compared to race detectors that report just on wrong synchronization, this method can detect a wider range of defects affecting parallel execution. It works on a condensed representation of the call graphs of multithreaded applications and employs data-mining techniques to locate a method containing a defect. Our results from controlled application experiments show that we found race conditions, but also other programming errors leading to incorrect parallel program behavior. On average, our approach reduced in our benchmark the amount of code to be inspected to just 7.1% of all methods

    An Extensible Open-Source Compiler Infrastructure for Testing

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    Testing forms a critical part of the development process for large-scale software, and there is growing need for automated tools that can read, represent, analyze, and transform the application's source code to help carry out testing tasks. However, the support required to compile applications written in common general purpose languages is generally inaccessible to the testing research community. In this paper, we report on an extensible, open-source compiler infrastructure called ROSE, which is currently in development at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. ROSE specifically targets developers who wish to build source-based tools that implement customized analyses and optimizations for large-scale C, C++, and Fortran90 scientific computing applications (on the order of a million lines of code or more). However, much of this infrastructure can also be used to address problems in testing, and ROSE is by design broadly accessible to those without a formal compiler background. This paper details the interactions between testing of applications and the ways in which compiler technology can aid in the understanding of those applications. We emphasize the particular aspects of ROSE, such as support for the general analysis of whole programs, that are particularly well-suited to the testing research community and the scale of the problems that community solves

    Guided Testing of Concurrent Programs Using Value Schedules

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    Testing concurrent programs remains a difficult task due to the non-deterministic nature of concurrent execution. Many approaches have been proposed to tackle the complexity of uncovering potential concurrency bugs. Static analysis tackles the problem by analyzing a concurrent program looking for situations/patterns that might lead to possible errors during execution. In general, static analysis cannot precisely locate all possible concurrent errors. Dynamic testing examines and controls a program during its execution also looking for situations/patterns that might lead to possible errors during execution. In general, dynamic testing needs to examine all possible execution paths to detect all errors, which is intractable. Motivated by these observation, a new testing technique is developed that uses a collaboration between static analysis and dynamic testing to find the first potential error but using less time and space. In the new collaboration scheme, static analysis and dynamic testing interact iteratively throughout the testing process. Static analysis provides coarse-grained flow-information to guide the dynamic testing through the relevant search space, while dynamic testing collects concrete runtime-information during the guided exploration. The concrete runtime-information provides feedback to the static analysis to refine its analysis, which is then feed forward to provide more precise guidance of the dynamic testing. The new collaborative technique is able to uncover the first concurrency-related bug in a program faster using less storage than the state-of-the-art dynamic testing-tool Java PathFinder. The implementation of the collaborative technique consists of a static-analysis module based on Soot and a dynamic-analysis module based on Java PathFinder