17,286 research outputs found

    Contextual Attention Recurrent Architecture for Context-aware Venue Recommendation

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    Venue recommendation systems aim to effectively rank a list of interesting venues users should visit based on their historical feedback (e.g. checkins). Such systems are increasingly deployed by Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs) such as Foursquare and Yelp to enhance their usefulness to users. Recently, various RNN architectures have been proposed to incorporate contextual information associated with the users' sequence of checkins (e.g. time of the day, location of venues) to effectively capture the users' dynamic preferences. However, these architectures assume that different types of contexts have an identical impact on the users' preferences, which may not hold in practice. For example, an ordinary context such as the time of the day reflects the user's current contextual preferences, whereas a transition context - such as a time interval from their last visited venue - indicates a transition effect from past behaviour to future behaviour. To address these challenges, we propose a novel Contextual Attention Recurrent Architecture (CARA) that leverages both sequences of feedback and contextual information associated with the sequences to capture the users' dynamic preferences. Our proposed recurrent architecture consists of two types of gating mechanisms, namely 1) a contextual attention gate that controls the influence of the ordinary context on the users' contextual preferences and 2) a time- and geo-based gate that controls the influence of the hidden state from the previous checkin based on the transition context. Thorough experiments on three large checkin and rating datasets from commercial LBSNs demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed CARA architecture by significantly outperforming many state-of-the-art RNN architectures and factorisation approaches

    Improved depth recovery in consumer depth cameras via disparity space fusion within cross-spectral stereo.

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    We address the issue of improving depth coverage in consumer depth cameras based on the combined use of cross-spectral stereo and near infra-red structured light sensing. Specifically we show that fusion of disparity over these modalities, within the disparity space image, prior to disparity optimization facilitates the recovery of scene depth information in regions where structured light sensing fails. We show that this joint approach, leveraging disparity information from both structured light and cross-spectral sensing, facilitates the joint recovery of global scene depth comprising both texture-less object depth, where conventional stereo otherwise fails, and highly reflective object depth, where structured light (and similar) active sensing commonly fails. The proposed solution is illustrated using dense gradient feature matching and shown to outperform prior approaches that use late-stage fused cross-spectral stereo depth as a facet of improved sensing for consumer depth cameras

    A Survey on IT-Techniques for a Dynamic Emergency Management in Large Infrastructures

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    This deliverable is a survey on the IT techniques that are relevant to the three use cases of the project EMILI. It describes the state-of-the-art in four complementary IT areas: Data cleansing, supervisory control and data acquisition, wireless sensor networks and complex event processing. Even though the deliverable’s authors have tried to avoid a too technical language and have tried to explain every concept referred to, the deliverable might seem rather technical to readers so far little familiar with the techniques it describes

    Using Links to prototype a Database Wiki

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    Both relational databases and wikis have strengths that make them attractive for use in collaborative applications. In the last decade, database-backed Web applications have been used extensively to develop valuable shared biological references called curated databases. Databases offer many advantages such as scalability, query optimization and concurrency control, but are not easy to use and lack other features needed for collaboration. Wikis have become very popular for early-stage biocuration projects because they are easy to use, encourage sharing and collaboration, and provide built-in support for archiving, history-tracking and annotation. However, curation projects often outgrow the limited capabilities of wikis for structuring and efficiently querying data at scale, necessitating a painful phase transition to a database-backed Web application. We perceive a need for a new class of general-purpose system, which we call a Database Wiki, that combines flexible wiki-like support for collaboration with robust database-like capabilities for structuring and querying data. This paper presents DBWiki, a design prototype for such a system written in the Web programming language Links. We present the architecture, typical use, and wiki markup language design for DBWiki and discuss features of Links that provided unique advantages for rapid Web/database application prototyping

    Predictive intelligence to the edge through approximate collaborative context reasoning

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    We focus on Internet of Things (IoT) environments where a network of sensing and computing devices are responsible to locally process contextual data, reason and collaboratively infer the appearance of a specific phenomenon (event). Pushing processing and knowledge inference to the edge of the IoT network allows the complexity of the event reasoning process to be distributed into many manageable pieces and to be physically located at the source of the contextual information. This enables a huge amount of rich data streams to be processed in real time that would be prohibitively complex and costly to deliver on a traditional centralized Cloud system. We propose a lightweight, energy-efficient, distributed, adaptive, multiple-context perspective event reasoning model under uncertainty on each IoT device (sensor/actuator). Each device senses and processes context data and infers events based on different local context perspectives: (i) expert knowledge on event representation, (ii) outliers inference, and (iii) deviation from locally predicted context. Such novel approximate reasoning paradigm is achieved through a contextualized, collaborative belief-driven clustering process, where clusters of devices are formed according to their belief on the presence of events. Our distributed and federated intelligence model efficiently identifies any localized abnormality on the contextual data in light of event reasoning through aggregating local degrees of belief, updates, and adjusts its knowledge to contextual data outliers and novelty detection. We provide comprehensive experimental and comparison assessment of our model over real contextual data with other localized and centralized event detection models and show the benefits stemmed from its adoption by achieving up to three orders of magnitude less energy consumption and high quality of inference