693 research outputs found

    Post-failure evolution analysis of a rainfall-triggered landslide by multi-temporal interferometry SAR approaches integrated with geotechnical analysis

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    Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) represents one of the most powerful techniques for Earth's surface deformation processes' monitoring, especially for long-term evolution phenomena. In this work, a dataset of 34 TerraSAR-X StripMap images (October 2013–October 2014) has been processed by two PSI techniques - Coherent Pixel Technique-Temporal Sublook Coherence (CPT-TSC) and Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) - in order to study the evolution of a slow-moving landslide which occurred on February 23, 2012 in the Papanice hamlet (Crotone municipality, southern Italy) and induced by a significant rainfall event (185 mm in three days). The mass movement caused structural damage (buildings' collapse), and destruction of utility lines (gas, water and electricity) and roads. The results showed analogous displacement rates (30–40 mm/yr along the Line of Sight – LOS-of the satellite) with respect to the pre-failure phase (2008–2010) analyzed in previous works. Both approaches allowed detect the landslide-affected area, however the higher density of targets identified by means of CPT-TSC enabled to analyze in detail the slope behavior in order to design possible mitigation interventions. For this aim, a slope stability analysis has been carried out, considering the comparison between groundwater oscillations and time-series of displacement. Hence, the crucial role of the interaction between rainfall and groundwater level has been inferred for the landslide triggering. In conclusion, we showed that the integration of geotechnical and remote sensing approaches can be seen as the best practice to support stakeholders to design remedial works.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Integration between ground based and satellite SAR data in landslide mapping: The San Fratello case study

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    AbstractThe potential use of the integration of PSI (Persistent Scatterer Interferometry) and GB-InSAR (Ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry) for landslide hazard mitigation was evaluated for mapping and monitoring activities of the San Fratello landslide (Sicily, Italy). Intense and exceptional rainfall events are the main factors that triggered several slope movements in the study area, which is susceptible to landslides, because of its steep slopes and silty–clayey sedimentary cover.In the last three centuries, the town of San Fratello was affected by three large landslides, developed in different periods: the oldest one occurred in 1754, damaging the northeastern sector of the town; in 1922 a large landslide completely destroyed a wide area in the western hillside of the town. In this paper, the attention is focussed on the most recent landslide that occurred on 14 February 2010: in this case, the phenomenon produced the failure of a large sector of the eastern hillside, causing severe damages to buildings and infrastructures. In particular, several slow-moving rotational and translational slides occurred in the area, making it suitable to monitor ground instability through different InSAR techniques.PS-InSAR™ (permanent scatterers SAR interferometry) techniques, using ERS-1/ERS-2, ENVISAT, RADARSAT-1, and COSMO-SkyMed SAR images, were applied to analyze ground displacements during pre- and post-event phases. Moreover, during the post-event phase in March 2010, a GB-InSAR system, able to acquire data continuously every 14min, was installed collecting ground displacement maps for a period of about three years, until March 2013. Through the integration of space-borne and ground-based data sets, ground deformation velocity maps were obtained, providing a more accurate delimitation of the February 2010 landslide boundary, with respect to the carried out traditional geomorphological field survey. The integration of GB-InSAR and PSI techniques proved to be very effective in landslide mapping in the San Fratello test site, representing a valid scientific support for local authorities and decision makers during the post-emergency management

    Remote sensing as tool for development of landslide databases: The case of the Messina Province (Italy) geodatabase

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    Landslide geodatabases, including inventories and thematic data, today are fundamental tools for national and/or local authorities in susceptibility, hazard and risk management. A well organized landslide geo-database contains different kinds of data such as past information (landslide inventory maps), ancillary data and updated remote sensing (space-borne and ground based) data, which can be integrated in order to produce landslide susceptibility maps, updated landslide inventory maps and hazard and risk assessment maps. Italy is strongly affected by landslide phenomena which cause victims and significant economic damage to buildings and infrastructure, loss of productive soils and pasture lands. In particular, the Messina Province (southern Italy) represents an area where landslides are recurrent and characterized by high magnitude, due to several predisposing factors (e.g. morphology, land use, lithologies) and different triggering mechanisms (meteorological conditions, seismicity, active tectonics and volcanic activity). For this area, a geodatabase was created by using different monitoring techniques, including remote sensing (e.g. SAR satellite ERS1/2, ENVISAT, RADARSAT-1, TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed) data, and in situ measurements (e.g. GBInSAR, damage assessment). In this paper a complete landslide geodatabase of the Messina Province, designed following the requirements of the local and national Civil Protection authorities, is presented. This geo-database was used to produce maps (e.g. susceptibility, ground deformation velocities, damage assessment, risk zonation) which today are constantly used by the Civil Protection authorities to manage the landslide hazard of the Messina Province

    Building deformation assessment by means of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry analysis on a landslide-affected area: the Volterra (Italy) case study

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    In recent years, space-borne InSAR (interferometric synthetic aperture radar) techniques have shown their capabilities to provide precise measurements of Earth surface displacements for monitoring natural processes. Landslides threaten human lives and structures, especially in urbanized areas, where the density of elements at risk sensitive to ground movements is high. The methodology described in this paper aims at detecting terrain motions and building deformations at the local scale, by means of satellite radar data combined with in situ validation campaigns. The proposed approach consists of deriving maximum settlement directions of the investigated buildings from displacement data revealed by radar measurements and then in the cross-comparison of these values with background geological data, constructive features and on-field evidence. This validation permits better understanding whether or not the detected movements correspond to visible and effective damages to buildings. The method has been applied to the southwestern sector of Volterra (Tuscany region, Italy), which is a landslide-affected and partially urbanized area, through the use of COSMO-SkyMed satellite images as input data. Moreover, we discuss issues and possible misinterpretations when dealing with PSI (Persistent Scatterer Interferometry) data referring to single manufactures and the consequent difficulty of attributing the motion rate to ground displacements, rather than to structural failures

    Satellite interferometric data for landslide intensity evaluation in mountainous regions

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    Multi-Temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MTInSAR) data offer a valuable support to landslide mapping and to landslide activity estimation in mountain environments, where in situ measures are sometimes difficult to gather. Nowadays, the interferometric approach is more and more used for wide-areas analysis, providing useful information for risk management actors but at the same time requiring a lot of efforts to correctly interpret what satellite data are telling us. In this context, hot-spot-like analyses that select and highlight the fastest moving areas in a region of interest, are a good operative solution for reducing the time needed to inspect a whole interferometric dataset composed by thousands or millions of points. In this work, we go beyond the concept of MTInSAR data as simple mapping tools by proposing an approach whose final goal is the quantification of the potential loss experienced by an element at risk hit by a potential landslide. To do so, it is mandatory to evaluate landslide intensity. Here, we estimate intensity using Active Deformation Areas (ADA) extracted from Sentinel-1 MTInSAR data. Depending on the localization of each ADA with respect to the urban areas, intensity is derived in two different ways. Once exposure and vulnerability of the elements at risk are estimated, the potential loss due to a landslide of a given intensity is calculated. We tested our methodology in the Eastern Valle d'Aosta (north-western Italy), along four lateral valleys of the Dora Baltea Valley. This territory is characterized by steep slopes and by numerous active and dormant landslides. The goal of this work is to develop a regional scale methodology based on satellite radar interferometry to assess the potential impact of landslides on the urban fabric

    Advanced exploitation of Sentinel-1 data for supporting landslide risk analysis

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsSatellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) are now consolidated tools for ground movement detection and monitoring. Sentinel-1 (S1) is the first satellite providing free data access and ensuring a regular acquisition worldwide, every 6 days, increasing its potential for long-term monitoring applications. Several regional and national ground motion services are already active, providing products based on S1 data. Soon in 2022 the first European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) will be available and freely provide a displacement map over the whole Europe, with annual updates. This implies a strong expansion of availability of PSI-based displacement maps and an easy access for anyone, with an increasing interest among a wider range of users, including public or governmental institutions, academia, industry, and citizens. The analysis and interpretation of this amount of data is difficult and time consuming, mostly for non-expert InSAR users. The objective of this work is developing methodologies to simplify the operational use of PSI displacement maps, generating derived products with a clear message, easy-to-interpret, and fast to read. We propose a method to be applied over regional scale PSI displacement maps, to fast detect the most significant Active Deformation Areas (ADAs). The ADA map is a first product that allows a fast focusing on the active areas, to prioritize further analysis and investigation. Starting from the ADAs, the potential phenomena are attributed to each area through a preliminary interpretation based on auxiliary data, to derive the Geohazard Activity Map. In this work, a methodology to include the ADA information in the Civil Protection Activities is proposed, with the main output called Vulnerable Elements Activity Maps (VEAM). An application of the VEAM is illustrated in the Canary Islands. Furthermore, the ADA map is used in the Valle d'Aosta Region (Northern of Italy) to generate vulnerability and potential loss maps. Finally, a methodology to derive potential damage maps of the exposed buildings, based on the spatial gradients of movement, is proposed, and applied in a coastal area of the Province of Granada (Spain). A pack of software tools has been developed based on the proposed methods to extract ADA and then classify them to generate a Geohazard Activity Map. The set of tools is called ADATools, it is open-access, easy to use and fast, improving the operational exploitation of PSI regional-scale displacement maps. All the methodologies have been developed in the frame of several European projects (Safety, U-Geohaz, MOMIT and RISKCOAST), and are aimed at supporting the multi-scale territorial management and risk analysis activities, with a specific focus on landslides.La interferometría satelital radar (InSAR) y la interferometría de dispersores persistentes (PSI) son herramientas consolidadas para la detección y el monitoreo de movimientos de la superficie de la Tierra. Sentinel-1 (S1) es el primer satélite que proporciona acceso gratuito a los datos y garantiza una adquisición regular en todo el mundo, cada 6 días, aumentando su potencial para aplicaciones de monitoreo a largo plazo. Varios Ground Motion Services regionales y nacionales ya están activos, proporcionando productos basados en datos S1. Pronto, en 2022, el primer servicio europeo (European Ground Motion Service - EGMS) estará disponible y facilitará libremente un mapa de movimientos de toda Europa, con actualizaciones anuales. Esto implica un aumento de la disponibilidad de mapas de movimientos basados en PSI y un fácil acceso para cualquier persona, con un interés creciente entre una amplia gama de usuarios, incluyendo instituciones públicas o gubernamentales, academias, industrias y ciudadanos. El análisis e interpretación de esta cantidad de datos es difícil y consume mucho tiempo, mayormente para usuarios no expertos en la técnica. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar metodologías para simplificar el uso operativo de los mapas de desplazamiento PSI, generando productos derivados con un mensaje claro, fácil de interpretar, y rápido de leer. Se propone un método para detectar rápidamente las Áreas de Deformación Activas (ADAs) más significativas, a partir de mapas de desplazamiento PSI de escala regional. El mapa de las ADAs es un primer producto que permite un enfoque rápido en las áreas activas, útil para priorizar el análisis y las investigaciones adicionales. A partir de las ADAs, se propone una interpretación preliminar basada en datos auxiliares, que atribuye a cada área el fenómeno que está detrás del movimiento, generando el Geohazard Activity Map (GAM). Después, se propone una metodología para incluir la información de las ADAs en las actividades de protección civil, generando los Vulnerable Element Activity Maps (VEAM), a través de su aplicación en las Islas Canarias. Además, el mapa de las ADAs se utiliza en la región de Valle D'Aosta (norte de Italia) para generar mapas de vulnerabilidad y posibles pérdidas económicas. Finalmente, se propone una metodología para obtener mapas de daños potenciales de los edificios expuestos, basados en los gradientes espaciales de movimiento, y se aplica en un área costera de la provincia de Granada (España). A partir de los métodos propuestos para extraer y clasificar las ADAs, y de otros métodos de análisis existentes, se ha desarrollado un paquete de herramientas, los ADAtools, de acceso abierto, fáciles de usar y rápidas, que optimizan la explotación operativa de los mapas de desplazamiento de escala regional. Todas las metodologías se han desarrollado en el marco de varios proyectos europeos (Safety, U-Geohaz, MOMIT y RISKCOAST), y están dirigidos a apoyar las actividades de gestión territorial y análisis de riesgos, con un enfoque específico a los deslizamientos de tierra.Postprint (published version

    Advanced exploitation of Sentinel-1 data for supporting landslide risk analysis

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsSatellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) are now consolidated tools for ground movement detection and monitoring. Sentinel-1 (S1) is the first satellite providing free data access and ensuring a regular acquisition worldwide, every 6 days, increasing its potential for long-term monitoring applications. Several regional and national ground motion services are already active, providing products based on S1 data. Soon in 2022 the first European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) will be available and freely provide a displacement map over the whole Europe, with annual updates. This implies a strong expansion of availability of PSI-based displacement maps and an easy access for anyone, with an increasing interest among a wider range of users, including public or governmental institutions, academia, industry, and citizens. The analysis and interpretation of this amount of data is difficult and time consuming, mostly for non-expert InSAR users. The objective of this work is developing methodologies to simplify the operational use of PSI displacement maps, generating derived products with a clear message, easy-to-interpret, and fast to read. We propose a method to be applied over regional scale PSI displacement maps, to fast detect the most significant Active Deformation Areas (ADAs). The ADA map is a first product that allows a fast focusing on the active areas, to prioritize further analysis and investigation. Starting from the ADAs, the potential phenomena are attributed to each area through a preliminary interpretation based on auxiliary data, to derive the Geohazard Activity Map. In this work, a methodology to include the ADA information in the Civil Protection Activities is proposed, with the main output called Vulnerable Elements Activity Maps (VEAM). An application of the VEAM is illustrated in the Canary Islands. Furthermore, the ADA map is used in the Valle d'Aosta Region (Northern of Italy) to generate vulnerability and potential loss maps. Finally, a methodology to derive potential damage maps of the exposed buildings, based on the spatial gradients of movement, is proposed, and applied in a coastal area of the Province of Granada (Spain). A pack of software tools has been developed based on the proposed methods to extract ADA and then classify them to generate a Geohazard Activity Map. The set of tools is called ADATools, it is open-access, easy to use and fast, improving the operational exploitation of PSI regional-scale displacement maps. All the methodologies have been developed in the frame of several European projects (Safety, U-Geohaz, MOMIT and RISKCOAST), and are aimed at supporting the multi-scale territorial management and risk analysis activities, with a specific focus on landslides.La interferometría satelital radar (InSAR) y la interferometría de dispersores persistentes (PSI) son herramientas consolidadas para la detección y el monitoreo de movimientos de la superficie de la Tierra. Sentinel-1 (S1) es el primer satélite que proporciona acceso gratuito a los datos y garantiza una adquisición regular en todo el mundo, cada 6 días, aumentando su potencial para aplicaciones de monitoreo a largo plazo. Varios Ground Motion Services regionales y nacionales ya están activos, proporcionando productos basados en datos S1. Pronto, en 2022, el primer servicio europeo (European Ground Motion Service - EGMS) estará disponible y facilitará libremente un mapa de movimientos de toda Europa, con actualizaciones anuales. Esto implica un aumento de la disponibilidad de mapas de movimientos basados en PSI y un fácil acceso para cualquier persona, con un interés creciente entre una amplia gama de usuarios, incluyendo instituciones públicas o gubernamentales, academias, industrias y ciudadanos. El análisis e interpretación de esta cantidad de datos es difícil y consume mucho tiempo, mayormente para usuarios no expertos en la técnica. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar metodologías para simplificar el uso operativo de los mapas de desplazamiento PSI, generando productos derivados con un mensaje claro, fácil de interpretar, y rápido de leer. Se propone un método para detectar rápidamente las Áreas de Deformación Activas (ADAs) más significativas, a partir de mapas de desplazamiento PSI de escala regional. El mapa de las ADAs es un primer producto que permite un enfoque rápido en las áreas activas, útil para priorizar el análisis y las investigaciones adicionales. A partir de las ADAs, se propone una interpretación preliminar basada en datos auxiliares, que atribuye a cada área el fenómeno que está detrás del movimiento, generando el Geohazard Activity Map (GAM). Después, se propone una metodología para incluir la información de las ADAs en las actividades de protección civil, generando los Vulnerable Element Activity Maps (VEAM), a través de su aplicación en las Islas Canarias. Además, el mapa de las ADAs se utiliza en la región de Valle D'Aosta (norte de Italia) para generar mapas de vulnerabilidad y posibles pérdidas económicas. Finalmente, se propone una metodología para obtener mapas de daños potenciales de los edificios expuestos, basados en los gradientes espaciales de movimiento, y se aplica en un área costera de la provincia de Granada (España). A partir de los métodos propuestos para extraer y clasificar las ADAs, y de otros métodos de análisis existentes, se ha desarrollado un paquete de herramientas, los ADAtools, de acceso abierto, fáciles de usar y rápidas, que optimizan la explotación operativa de los mapas de desplazamiento de escala regional. Todas las metodologías se han desarrollado en el marco de varios proyectos europeos (Safety, U-Geohaz, MOMIT y RISKCOAST), y están dirigidos a apoyar las actividades de gestión territorial y análisis de riesgos, con un enfoque específico a los deslizamientos de tierra.Enginyeria del terren

    Advanced radar-interpretation of InSAR time series for mapping and characterization of geological processes

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    We present a new post-processing methodology for the analysis of InSAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry) multi-temporal measures, based on the temporal under-sampling of displacement time series, the identification of potential changes occurring during the monitoring period and, eventually, the classification of different deformation behaviours. The potentials of this approach for the analysis of geological processes were tested on the case study of Naro (Italy), specifically selected due to its geological setting and related ground instability of unknown causes that occurred in February 2005. The time series analysis of past (ERS1/2 descending data; 1992–2000) and current (RADARSAT-1 ascending data; 2003–2007) ground movements highlighted significant displacement rates (up to 6 mm yr<sup>−1</sup>) in 2003–2007, followed by a post-event stabilization. The deformational behaviours of instable areas involved in the 2005 event were also detected, clarifying typology and kinematics of ground instability. The urban sectors affected and unaffected by the event were finally mapped, consequently re-defining and enlarging the influenced area previously detected by field observations. Through the integration of InSAR data and conventional field surveys (i.e. geological, geomorphologic and geostructural campaigns), the causes of instability were finally attributed to tectonics