645 research outputs found

    Learning to detect chest radiographs containing lung nodules using visual attention networks

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    Machine learning approaches hold great potential for the automated detection of lung nodules in chest radiographs, but training the algorithms requires vary large amounts of manually annotated images, which are difficult to obtain. Weak labels indicating whether a radiograph is likely to contain pulmonary nodules are typically easier to obtain at scale by parsing historical free-text radiological reports associated to the radiographs. Using a repositotory of over 700,000 chest radiographs, in this study we demonstrate that promising nodule detection performance can be achieved using weak labels through convolutional neural networks for radiograph classification. We propose two network architectures for the classification of images likely to contain pulmonary nodules using both weak labels and manually-delineated bounding boxes, when these are available. Annotated nodules are used at training time to deliver a visual attention mechanism informing the model about its localisation performance. The first architecture extracts saliency maps from high-level convolutional layers and compares the estimated position of a nodule against the ground truth, when this is available. A corresponding localisation error is then back-propagated along with the softmax classification error. The second approach consists of a recurrent attention model that learns to observe a short sequence of smaller image portions through reinforcement learning. When a nodule annotation is available at training time, the reward function is modified accordingly so that exploring portions of the radiographs away from a nodule incurs a larger penalty. Our empirical results demonstrate the potential advantages of these architectures in comparison to competing methodologies

    Self-Guided Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Disease Classification and Localization in Chest Radiographs

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    The lack of fine-grained annotations hinders the deployment of automated diagnosis systems, which require human-interpretable justification for their decision process. In this paper, we address the problem of weakly supervised identification and localization of abnormalities in chest radiographs. To that end, we introduce a novel loss function for training convolutional neural networks increasing the \emph{localization confidence} and assisting the overall \emph{disease identification}. The loss leverages both image- and patch-level predictions to generate auxiliary supervision. Rather than forming strictly binary from the predictions as done in previous loss formulations, we create targets in a more customized manner, which allows the loss to account for possible misclassification. We show that the supervision provided within the proposed learning scheme leads to better performance and more precise predictions on prevalent datasets for multiple-instance learning as well as on the NIH~ChestX-Ray14 benchmark for disease recognition than previously used losses

    Longitudinal detection of radiological abnormalities with time-modulated LSTM

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been successfully employed in recent years for the detection of radiological abnormalities in medical images such as plain x-rays. To date, most studies use CNNs on individual examinations in isolation and discard previously available clinical information. In this study we set out to explore whether Long-Short-Term-Memory networks (LSTMs) can be used to improve classification performance when modelling the entire sequence of radiographs that may be available for a given patient, including their reports. A limitation of traditional LSTMs, though, is that they implicitly assume equally-spaced observations, whereas the radiological exams are event-based, and therefore irregularly sampled. Using both a simulated dataset and a large-scale chest x-ray dataset, we demonstrate that a simple modification of the LSTM architecture, which explicitly takes into account the time lag between consecutive observations, can boost classification performance. Our empirical results demonstrate improved detection of commonly reported abnormalities on chest x-rays such as cardiomegaly, consolidation, pleural effusion and hiatus hernia.Comment: Submitted to 4th MICCAI Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Imaging Analysi

    Cross-Modal Data Programming Enables Rapid Medical Machine Learning

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    Labeling training datasets has become a key barrier to building medical machine learning models. One strategy is to generate training labels programmatically, for example by applying natural language processing pipelines to text reports associated with imaging studies. We propose cross-modal data programming, which generalizes this intuitive strategy in a theoretically-grounded way that enables simpler, clinician-driven input, reduces required labeling time, and improves with additional unlabeled data. In this approach, clinicians generate training labels for models defined over a target modality (e.g. images or time series) by writing rules over an auxiliary modality (e.g. text reports). The resulting technical challenge consists of estimating the accuracies and correlations of these rules; we extend a recent unsupervised generative modeling technique to handle this cross-modal setting in a provably consistent way. Across four applications in radiography, computed tomography, and electroencephalography, and using only several hours of clinician time, our approach matches or exceeds the efficacy of physician-months of hand-labeling with statistical significance, demonstrating a fundamentally faster and more flexible way of building machine learning models in medicine

    Self-Guided Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Thoracic DiseaseClassification and Localizationin Chest Radiographs

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    Due to the high complexity of medical images and the scarcity of trained personnel, most large-scale radiological datasets are lacking fine-grained annotations and are often only described on image-level. These shortcomings hinder the deployment of automated diagnosis systems, which require human-interpretable justification for their decision process. In this paper, we address the problem of weakly supervised identification and localization of abnormalities in chest radiographs in a multiple-instance learning setting. To that end, we introduce a novel loss function for training convolutional neural networks increasing the localization confidence and assisting the overall disease identification. The loss leverages both image-and patch-level predictions to generate auxiliary supervision and enables specific training at patch-level. Rather than forming strictly binary from the predictions as done in previous loss formulations, we create targets in a more customized manner. This way, the loss accounts for possible misclassification of less certain instances. We show that the supervision provided within the proposed learning scheme leads to better performance and more precise predictions on prevalent datasets for multiple-instance learning as well as on the NIH ChestX-Ray14 benchmark for disease recognition than previously used losses
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