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    Treewidth and related graph parameters

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    For modeling some practical problems, graphs play very important roles. Since many modeled problems can be NP-hard in general, some restrictions for inputs are required. Bounding a graph parameter of the inputs is one of the successful approaches. We study this approach in this thesis. More precisely, we study two graph parameters, spanning tree congestion and security number, that are related to treewidth. Let G be a connected graph and T be a spanning tree of G. For e ∈ E(T), the congestion of e is the number of edges in G connecting two components of T − e. The edge congestion of G in T is the maximum congestion over all edges in T. The spanning tree congestion of G is the minimum congestion of G in its spanning trees. In this thesis, we show the spanning tree congestion for the complete k-partite graphs, the two-dimensional tori, and the twodimensional Hamming graphs. We also address lower bounds of spanning tree congestion for the multi-dimensional hypercubes, the multi-dimensional grids, and the multi-dimensional Hamming graphs. The security number of a graph is the cardinality of a smallest vertex subset of the graph such that any “attack” on the subset is “defendable.” In this thesis, we determine the security number of two-dimensional cylinders and tori. This result settles a conjecture of Brigham, Dutton and Hedetniemi [Discrete Appl. Math. 155 (2007) 1708–1714]. We also show that every outerplanar graph has security number at most three. Additionally, we present lower and upper bounds for some classes of graphs.学位記番号:工博甲39

    Setting Parameters by Example

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    We introduce a class of "inverse parametric optimization" problems, in which one is given both a parametric optimization problem and a desired optimal solution; the task is to determine parameter values that lead to the given solution. We describe algorithms for solving such problems for minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, and other "optimal subgraph" problems, and discuss applications in multicast routing, vehicle path planning, resource allocation, and board game programming.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. To be presented at 40th IEEE Symp. Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS '99

    Bicriteria Network Design Problems

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    We study a general class of bicriteria network design problems. A generic problem in this class is as follows: Given an undirected graph and two minimization objectives (under different cost functions), with a budget specified on the first, find a <subgraph \from a given subgraph-class that minimizes the second objective subject to the budget on the first. We consider three different criteria - the total edge cost, the diameter and the maximum degree of the network. Here, we present the first polynomial-time approximation algorithms for a large class of bicriteria network design problems for the above mentioned criteria. The following general types of results are presented. First, we develop a framework for bicriteria problems and their approximations. Second, when the two criteria are the same %(note that the cost functions continue to be different) we present a ``black box'' parametric search technique. This black box takes in as input an (approximation) algorithm for the unicriterion situation and generates an approximation algorithm for the bicriteria case with only a constant factor loss in the performance guarantee. Third, when the two criteria are the diameter and the total edge costs we use a cluster-based approach to devise a approximation algorithms --- the solutions output violate both the criteria by a logarithmic factor. Finally, for the class of treewidth-bounded graphs, we provide pseudopolynomial-time algorithms for a number of bicriteria problems using dynamic programming. We show how these pseudopolynomial-time algorithms can be converted to fully polynomial-time approximation schemes using a scaling technique.Comment: 24 pages 1 figur

    The cavity approach for Steiner trees packing problems

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    The Belief Propagation approximation, or cavity method, has been recently applied to several combinatorial optimization problems in its zero-temperature implementation, the max-sum algorithm. In particular, recent developments to solve the edge-disjoint paths problem and the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem on graphs have shown remarkable results for several classes of graphs and for benchmark instances. Here we propose a generalization of these techniques for two variants of the Steiner trees packing problem where multiple "interacting" trees have to be sought within a given graph. Depending on the interaction among trees we distinguish the vertex-disjoint Steiner trees problem, where trees cannot share nodes, from the edge-disjoint Steiner trees problem, where edges cannot be shared by trees but nodes can be members of multiple trees. Several practical problems of huge interest in network design can be mapped into these two variants, for instance, the physical design of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) chips. The formalism described here relies on two components edge-variables that allows us to formulate a massage-passing algorithm for the V-DStP and two algorithms for the E-DStP differing in the scaling of the computational time with respect to some relevant parameters. We will show that one of the two formalisms used for the edge-disjoint variant allow us to map the max-sum update equations into a weighted maximum matching problem over proper bipartite graphs. We developed a heuristic procedure based on the max-sum equations that shows excellent performance in synthetic networks (in particular outperforming standard multi-step greedy procedures by large margins) and on large benchmark instances of VLSI for which the optimal solution is known, on which the algorithm found the optimum in two cases and the gap to optimality was never larger than 4 %

    A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Bi-level Optimisation with Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Bi-level optimisation problems have gained increasing interest in the field of combinatorial optimisation in recent years. With this paper, we start the runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms for bi-level optimisation problems. We examine two NP-hard problems, the generalised minimum spanning tree problem (GMST), and the generalised travelling salesman problem (GTSP) in the context of parameterised complexity. For the generalised minimum spanning tree problem, we analyse the two approaches presented by Hu and Raidl (2012) with respect to the number of clusters that distinguish each other by the chosen representation of possible solutions. Our results show that a (1+1) EA working with the spanning nodes representation is not a fixed-parameter evolutionary algorithm for the problem, whereas the global structure representation enables to solve the problem in fixed-parameter time. We present hard instances for each approach and show that the two approaches are highly complementary by proving that they solve each other's hard instances very efficiently. For the generalised travelling salesman problem, we analyse the problem with respect to the number of clusters in the problem instance. Our results show that a (1+1) EA working with the global structure representation is a fixed-parameter evolutionary algorithm for the problem