2,801 research outputs found

    Intergrating the Fruin LOS into the Multi-Objective Ant Colony System

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    Building evacuation simulation provides the planners and designers an opportunity to analyse the designs and plan a precise, scenario specific instruction for disaster times. Nevertheless, when disaster strikes, the unexpected may happen and many egress paths may get blocked or the conditions of evacuees may not let the execution of emergency plans go smoothly. During disaster times, effective route-finding methods can help efficient evacuation process, in which the directors are able to react to the sudden changes in the environment. This research tries to integrate the highly accepted human dynamics methods proposed by Fruin into the Ant-Colony optimisation route-finding method. The proposed method is designed as a multi-objective ant colony system, which tries to minimize the congestions in the bottlenecks during evacuations, in addition to the egress time, and total traversed time by evacuees. This method embodies the standard crowd dynamics method in the literature, which are Fruin LOS and pedestrian speed. The proposed method will be tested against a baseline method, that is shortest path, in terms of the objective functions, which are evacuation time and congestion degree. The results of the experiment show that a multi-objective ant colony system performance is able to reduce both egress time and congestion degree in an effective manner, however, the method efficiency drops when the evacuee population is small. The integration of Fruin LOS also produces more meaningful results, as the load responds to the Level of Service, rather than the density of the crowd, and the Level of Service is specifically designed for the sake of measuring the ease of crowd movement

    Toward cognitive digital twins using a BIM-GIS asset management system for a diffused university

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    The integrated use of building information modeling (BIM) and geographic information system (GIS) is promising for the development of asset management systems (AMSs) for operation and maintenance (O & M) in smart university campuses. The combination of BIM-GIS with cognitive digital twins (CDTs) can further facilitate the management of complex systems such as university building stock. CDTs enable buildings to behave as autonomous entities, dynamically reacting to environmental changes. Timely decisions based on the actual conditions of buildings and surroundings can be provided, both in emergency scenarios or when optimized and adaptive performances are required. The research aims to develop a BIM-GIS-based AMS for improving user experience and enabling the optimal use of resources in the O & M phase of an Italian university. Campuses are complex assets, mainly diffused with buildings spread across the territory, managed with still document-based and fragmented databases handled by several subjects. This results in incomplete and asymmetrical information, often leading to ineffective and untimely decisions. The paper presents a methodology for the development of a BIM-GIS web-based platform (i.e., AMS-app) providing the real-time visualization of the asset in an interactive 3D map connected to analytical dashboards for management support. Two buildings of the University of Turin are adopted as demonstrators, illustrating the development of an easily accessible, centralized database by integrating spatial and functional data, useful also to develop future CDTs. As a first attempt to show the AMS app potential, crowd simulations have been conducted to understand the buildings' actual level of safety in case of fire emergency and demonstrate how CDTs could improve it. The identification of data needed, also gathered through the future implementation of suitable sensors and Internet of Things networks, is the core issue together with the definition of effective asset visualization and monitoring methods. Future developments will explore the integration of artificial intelligence and immersive technologies to enable space use optimization and real-time wayfinding during evacuation, exploiting digital tools to alert and drive users or authorities for safety improvement. The ability to easily optimize the paths with respect to the actual occupancy and conditions of both the asset and surroundings will be enabled

    Heuristic search methods and cellular automata modelling for layout design

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Spatial layout design must consider not only ease of movement for pedestrians under normal conditions, but also their safety in panic situations, such as an emergency evacuation in a theatre, stadium or hospital. Using pedestrian simulation statistics, the movement of crowds can be used to study the consequences of different spatial layouts. Previous works either create an optimal spatial arrangement or an optimal pedestrian circulation. They do not automatically optimise both problems simultaneously. Thus, the idea behind the research in this thesis is to achieve a vital architectural design goal by automatically producing an optimal spatial layout that will enable smooth pedestrian flow. The automated process developed here allows the rapid identification of layouts for large, complex, spatial layout problems. This is achieved by using Cellular Automata (CA) to model pedestrian simulation so that pedestrian flow can be explored at a microscopic level and designing a fitness function for heuristic search that maximises these pedestrian flow statistics in the CA simulation. An analysis of pedestrian flow statistics generated from feasible novel design solutions generated using the heuristic search techniques (hill climbing, simulated annealing and genetic algorithm style operators) is conducted. The statistics that are obtained from the pedestrian simulation is used to measure and analyse pedestrian flow behaviour. The analysis from the statistical results also provides the indication of the quality of the spatial layout design generated. The technique has shown promising results in finding acceptable solutions to this problem when incorporated with the pedestrian simulator when demonstrated on simulated and real-world layouts with real pedestrian data.This study was funded by the University Science of Malaysia and Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia

    Controlling Hazardous Releases While Protecting Passengers in Civil Infrastructure Systems

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    The threat of accidental or deliberate toxic chemicals released into public spaces is a significant concern to public safety, and the real-time detection and mitigation of such hazardous contaminants has the potential to minimize harm and save lives. Furthermore, the safe evacuation of occupants during such a catastrophe is of utmost importance. This research entails a comprehensive means to address such scenarios, through both the sensing and control of contaminants, and the modeling of and potential communication to occupants as they evacuate. First, a computational fluid dynamics model has been developed that is capable of detecting and mitigating the hazardous contaminant over several time horizons using model predictive control optimization. Next, an evacuation agent-based model has been designed and coupled with the flow control model to simulate agents evacuating while interacting with a dynamic, threatening environment. Finally, a physical prototype (blower wind tunnel) has been constructed with capability of detection (via Ethernet-connected camera) of and mitigation (via compressed-air operated actuators) of a `contaminant' (i.e. smoke) to test the real-time feasibility of the computational fluid dynamics flow control model.PHDEnvironmental EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135812/1/srimer_1.pd

    The 1st International Electronic Conference on Algorithms

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    This book presents 22 of the accepted presentations at the 1st International Electronic Conference on Algorithms which was held completely online from September 27 to October 10, 2021. It contains 16 proceeding papers as well as 6 extended abstracts. The works presented in the book cover a wide range of fields dealing with the development of algorithms. Many of contributions are related to machine learning, in particular deep learning. Another main focus among the contributions is on problems dealing with graphs and networks, e.g., in connection with evacuation planning problems

    Hybrid Modelling for Vineyard Harvesting Operations

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    Hiring workers under seasonal recruiting contracts causes significant variation of workers skills in the vineyards. This leads to inconsistent workers performance, reduction in harvesting efficiency, and increasing in grape losses rates. The objective of this research is to investigate how the variation in workers experience could impact vineyard harvesting productivity and operational cost. The complexity of the problem means that it is difficult to analyze the system parameters and their relationships using individual analytical model. Hence, a hybrid model integrating discrete event simulation (DES) and agent based modeling (ABM) is developed and applied on a vineyard to achieve research objective. DES models harvesting operation and simulates process performance, while ABM addresses the seasonal workers heterogeneous characteristics, particularly experience variations and disparity of working days in the vineyard. The model is used to evaluate two seasonal recruiting policies against vineyard productivity, grape losses quantities, and total operational cost

    Data-driven modelling of biological multi-scale processes

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    Biological processes involve a variety of spatial and temporal scales. A holistic understanding of many biological processes therefore requires multi-scale models which capture the relevant properties on all these scales. In this manuscript we review mathematical modelling approaches used to describe the individual spatial scales and how they are integrated into holistic models. We discuss the relation between spatial and temporal scales and the implication of that on multi-scale modelling. Based upon this overview over state-of-the-art modelling approaches, we formulate key challenges in mathematical and computational modelling of biological multi-scale and multi-physics processes. In particular, we considered the availability of analysis tools for multi-scale models and model-based multi-scale data integration. We provide a compact review of methods for model-based data integration and model-based hypothesis testing. Furthermore, novel approaches and recent trends are discussed, including computation time reduction using reduced order and surrogate models, which contribute to the solution of inference problems. We conclude the manuscript by providing a few ideas for the development of tailored multi-scale inference methods.Comment: This manuscript will appear in the Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics (American Scientific Publishers

    Quantifying restoration costs in the aftermath of an extreme event using system dynamics and dynamic mathematical modeling approaches

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    Extreme events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and the like, lead to devastating effects that may render multiple supply chain critical infrastructure elements inoperable. The economic losses caused by extreme events continue well after the emergency response phase has ended and are a key factor in determining the best path for post-disaster restoration. It is essential to develop efficient restoration and disaster management strategies to ameliorate the losses from such events. This dissertation extends the existing knowledge base on disaster management and restoration through the creation of models and tools that identify the relationship between production losses and restoration costs. The first research contribution is a system dynamics inoperability model that determines inputs, outputs, and flows for roadway networks. This model can be used to identify the connectivity of road segments and better understand how inoperability contributes to economic consequences. The second contribution is an algorithm that integrates critical infrastructure data derived from bottom-up cost estimation technique as part of an object-oriented software tool that can be used to determine the impact of system disruptions. The third contribution is a dynamic mathematical model that establishes a framework to estimate post-disaster restoration costs from a whole system perspective. Engineering managers, city planners, and policy makers can use the methodologies developed in this research to develop effective disaster planning schemas and to prioritize post-disaster restoration operations --Abstract, page iv

    A Study of the Hexakis Icosahedron Vacuum Lighter Than Air Vehicle and the Effects of Air Evacuation on the Structural Integrity

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    The research this paper focuses on is comparing the structural differences between the icosahedron and hexakis icosahedron frame and skin for use as a vacuum lighter than air vehicle (VLTAV), analyzing the stress concentrations in the hexakis icosahedron both with and without the skin, and finding the optimal location and size of the air evacuation method for creating the internal vacuum. Previous research to date has identified dynamic loading on the structure and optimization of the structure, but this will be the first research to analyze the manufacturing of the structure through the development of the air evacuation design. Findings demonstrated that the hexakis icosahedron was significantly stiffer when compared to the icosahedron, and the W=B ratio of the hexakis icosahedron was smaller for the same structural and material characterizations. The hexakis-icosahedron came the closest to the yield stress of the material in the frame by its self, consisting of the Carbon Nano-Tube (CNT)/Bismaleimide (BMI) composite at 3.38 GPa, with the yield stress being 3.8 GPa. The near zero stress in the frame considering individual beams was found to lie at approximately 20% and 66% of the beam length. Placing small holes for air evacuation resulted in minimal stress changes for the entrance to the evacuation system, but created failure points at the positions of the structure where the exit to the air evacuation system was located. Adding material to the exit system solved the failure point and kept the stress levels below yielding. Further research into the geometry of the vertex revealed interactions between the 10 beams conjoining on a single location and led to the development of a second air evacuation design and analysis. Analyzing the simplified model of the air evacuation resulted in a maximum stress of 3.484 GPa, which again is below the yield limit of the material and gave the structure an overall safety factor of 1.09
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