6 research outputs found

    Análisis de la situación actual del mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad RCM

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the current situation of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) in the industry, as well as to show in detail a methodology for its application. To complement this objective, a bibliographic analysis was carried out, for which the main databases containing specialized literature on this subject were consulted, in addition to a logical historical study of the emergence and evolution of this type of maintenance management. The results, expose the theoretical bases and foundations of maintenance management focused on reliability with respect to the current aspects, traditions, and particularities of efficient maintenance management. The procedure for the elaboration of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) was also detailed, showing that both the RCM procedure and the FMEA methodology are systematic and start from a logical sequence, oriented to prioritize the equipment and reduce the costs of the maintenance activity to the extent that an operational reliability is created. Keywords: Reliability, RCM, Maintenance, Management.El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en realizar un análisis de la situación actual del mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad (RCM) en la industria, así como mostrar en forma detallada una metodología para su aplicación. Para complementar dicho objetivo se realizó un análisis bibliográfico, para lo cual se consultaron las principales bases de datos que contienen literatura especializada sobre esta temática, además se realizó un estudio histórico lógico del surgimiento y evolución de este tipo de gestión de mantenimiento. Los resultados, exponen las bases teóricas y fundamentan la gestión del mantenimiento centrada en la confiabilidad con respecto a los aspectos actuales, tradiciones y particularidades de la gestión eficiente del mantenimiento. Se detalló, además el procedimiento para la elaboración del análisis de modos y efectos de fallas (AMEF), mostrando que tanto el procedimiento RCM como la metodología AMEF son sistemáticos y parten de una secuencia lógica, orientada a priorizar los equipos y reducir los costos de la actividad de mantenimiento en la medida que se crea una confiabilidad operacional. Palabras clave: Confiabilidad, RCM, Mantenimiento, Gestión. Abstract The objective of this paper is to analyze the current situation of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) in the industry, as well as to show in detail a methodology for its application. To complement this objective, a bibliographic analysis was carried out, for which the main databases containing specialized literature on this subject were consulted, in addition to a logical historical study of the emergence and evolution of this type of maintenance management. The results, expose the theoretical bases and foundations of maintenance management focused on reliability with respect to the current aspects, traditions, and particularities of efficient maintenance management. The procedure for the elaboration of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) was also detailed, showing that both the RCM procedure and the FMEA methodology are systematic and start from a logical sequence, oriented to prioritize the equipment and reduce the costs of the maintenance activity to the extent that an operational reliability is created. Keywords: Reliability, RCM, Maintenance, Management. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 03 de mayo de 2021.Fecha de aceptación: 21 de junio de 2021.Fecha de publicación: 09 de julio de 2021

    Impact of Preventive Maintenance and Machine Breakdown on Performance of Stochastic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling with Setup Time

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    Real-time scheduling problems increase the practical implementation of the manufacturing system. In this study, using a single objective performance measure i.e., Number of Tardy Jobs (NTJ), the influence of 5 input constraints, i.e., reliability level (R_L), percentage of machine failure (%McF), mean time to repair for random machine breakdown (MTR_RMcB), due date tightness factor (Ғ), and routing flexibility level (R_FL) were evaluated for considered stochastic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (FJSSP). The study integrated reliability-centered preventive maintenance (PMRC) and random machine breakdown (RMcB) environment with sequence-dependent setup time in the considered problem. A statistical response surface methodology was used to assesses NTJ. A second-order regression model was obtained to compute correlation between input constraints and NOTJ at 95% confidence level. The results demonstrate that main effects of R_L, %McF, Ғ, and R_FL; the interaction effects of R_L and Ғ, %McF and R_FL, MTR_RMcB and R­_FL, and Ғ and R_FL; and quadratic effects of Ғ and R_FL, have significant impact on NTJ performance measure. Ғ has emerged as the major factor affecting NTJ. The confirmatory data demonstrate that error is less than 5%, confirming model can be used for future computations. Further, the novelties of the work are shown by the fact that it takes into account the uncertainties in the scheduling issue, as well as the dynamic tasks arrival environment. The aforementioned findings will assist production managers in planning and scheduling flexible job shops in order to satisfy customer demand on time

    CBM Challenges and Opportunities for O&M of the Johan Sverdrup Oil and Gas Field

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Paper describes the challenges and forward developments to face up on Operation and Maintenance (O&M) issues at the Johan Sverdrup field (Blocks: PL 501, PL 265 and PL 502), on the phases (Concept and Design, Construction and Hook-up, Commissioning, Operations and Maintenance, and Recycling), and a research study of the Oil&Gas profitability. Estimated reserves are between 1.8 billion to 2.8 billion bbl, so assessing the total risk of the field development is crucial. Although, development is estimated to cost up to 31billion,butthefulllifecyclepricetag,includingoperatingcoststhrough2068,isaround31 billion, but the full life-cycle price tag, including operating costs through 2068, is around 58.33 billion. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a conceptual methodology analysis framework, for understanding how analysis of cost and benefits, are carry out for assessment and implementation of the Condition Base Monitoring (CBM) and measure the total OPEX (Operate Expenditure/Operating Cost). As well as a specific maintenance philosophy and conceptual approach on the business cases studies of the project lead, to a cost-effective solution. Paper begins by providing a background for analyzing the life-cycle impacts during the life of the field (50 years), and describing measures to implement during the O&M strategies. Follows by targeting the expectations, which one rest on profitability and optimization of the field, with oil prices above $60 per barrel (proved on Case 3). The harvest will, therefore, be profitable even after the price crash. Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis (Alternatives A and B) focuses and identifies “Cost Items” (Cost Drivers) that the project carries. Achieved a reliable “concept development” is the greatest ambition, but uncertainties on Maintenance strategies and programs, have showed high cost at early phases. The aim was to measure the actual costs against predicted LCC and to calculate the cumulative costs throughout a product's Life Cycle (LC) of the assets. Discussed and summarized the extent to which these costs and benefits may already take into account and how the CBM strategy mechanism should be works based on a model built. Finally, is demonstrated through calculating an ″downtime scenario″ that could happens, which one creates Deferred Production Costs. Also, has been estimate the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) might be applicable on the researched project development ratio (cost vs. benefit), with overall maintenance effectiveness strategy under study on the LCC Alternative 2. Therefore, describing the maintenance support functionality, based on input obtained from CBM systems and a predictive, periodic maintenance plan is indispensable, in order to cut off potential costs, target future benefits and guaranty a safety robust production installation. At the end, the paper addresses the future performance outlook development in the Oil&Gas Industry as whole, stating essential optimization valuable principles

    A Prescriptive Maintenance Aligned Production Planning and Control Reference Process

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    Digital innovations can improve various business processes, such as production planning and control (PPC). In the last years, prescriptive maintenance (PxM) emerged as a strategy to increase overall production performance, but an alignment of the PPC process with PxM has not been examined yet. To tackle this problem, a PxM-aligned PPC process is designed and evaluated in this study using a reference model development methodology, including a narrative literature review, a multivocal literature review, and eight expert interviews. The reference model shows where process elements benefit from PxM alignment, how alignment can be achieved from a process and output, data, function, and organization view, and where fits and gaps between theory and practice are