42 research outputs found

    Libro de Actas JCC&BD 2018 : VI Jornadas de Cloud Computing & Big Data

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    Se recopilan las ponencias presentadas en las VI Jornadas de Cloud Computing & Big Data (JCC&BD), realizadas entre el 25 al 29 de junio de 2018 en la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) - Facultad de Informátic

    Research theme reports from April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020

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    Sustainability of Utilizing Renewable and Nuclear Energy in Saudi Arabia Using Different Types of Life Cycle Assessment

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    Evaluating the global environmental impacts of the current and future energy policies in Saudi Arabia using Life cycle assessment (LCA) method was the main objective of this dissertation. First, the attributional life cycle assessment (ALCA) framework was used to evaluate the Saudi’s air conditioning systems, as they are responsible for about 70% of the total Saudi residential electricity consumption. The ALCA’s results showed that the AC use phase produces the largest share of the environmental impact and the magnitude of the environmental impacts is influenced by the type of primary fuel used for electricity generation. Emerging non-fossil sources of electricity may be the intuitive solution to reduce environmental impacts. Saudi Arabia has an ambitious plan to meet 50% of its electricity needs with renewable and nuclear energy. Implementing this plan will free up more of the Saudi oil for export, affecting the country and the rest of the world, since Saudi is the world largest oil exporter. To predict global economic shifts that would be triggered by that plan, a modified version of well-known computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP), was used. The study showed that fossil fuel energy prices and ease of substitution for the fossil fuel electricity technologies are the main drivers for the emergence of renewable and nuclear energy. As the GTAP’s CO2 emissions data only account for burned fossil fuels, there is a need to perform the study using a comprehensive method. That was done by performing a consequential perspective LCA. The results of this LCA showed that harmful environmental impacts would be reduced in Saudi Arabia. For the rest of the world, the impacts were largely negative. Finally, an ex-ante analysis was done to study the economic, social and environmental impacts of large-scale global electricity generation targets to utilize renewable and nuclear energy by 2030. The study showed a deteriorated GDP in most regions. The world would face a loss of 4.45 million jobs. The environment benefits of the targeted renewable and nuclear energy would be slight and not enough to mitigate the global temperature rise

    The global information technology report 2014

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    Executive summary When The Global Information Technology Report (GITR) and the Networked Readiness Index (NRI) were created more than 13 years ago, the attention of decision makers was focused on how to develop strategies that would allow them to benefit from what Time Magazine had described as “the new economy”: a new way of organizing and managing economic activity based on the new opportunities that the Internet provided for businesses. At present, the world is slowly emerging from one of the worst financial and economic crises in decades, and policymakers, business leaders, and civil society are looking into new opportunities that can consolidate growth, generate new employment, and create business opportunities. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) continue to rank high on the list as one of the key sources of new opportunities to foster innovation and boost economic and social prosperity, for both advanced and emerging economies. For more than 13 years, the NRI has provided decision makers with a useful conceptual framework to evaluate the impact of ICTs at a global level and to benchmark the ICT readiness and usage of their economies

    Privacy and/or Trade

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    International privacy and trade law developed together, but now are engaged in significant conflict. Current efforts to reconcile the two are likely to fail, and the result for globalization favors the largest international companies able to navigate the regulatory thicket. In a landmark finding, this Article shows that more than sixty countries outside the European Union are now evaluating whether foreign countries have privacy laws that are adequate to receive personal data. This core test for deciding on the permissibility of global data exchanges is currently applied in a nonuniform fashion with ominous results for the data flows that power trade today.The promise of a global internet, with access for all, including companies from the Global South, is increasingly remote. This Article uncovers the forgotten and fateful history of the international regulation of privacy and trade that led to our current crisis and evaluates possible solutions to the current conflict. It proposes a Global Agreement on Privacy enforced within the trade order, but with external data privacy experts developing the treaty’s substantive norms

    CIRA annual report FY 2016/2017

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    Reporting period April 1, 2016-March 31, 2017

    Consulting report – Agencia B12 – launching of comparatodo in Perú

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    Agencia B12 is a Spanish company specialized in digital marketing with offices in Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Peru. The firm has innovation at its core, and constantly develops tailor-made digital and traditional marketing strategies for its clients based on four values: innovation, passion, integrity and trust. Agencia B12 works primarily with clients in the telecommunications industry, and most of its revenue come from large players in their respective regions (such as Movistar, Claro and Entel in Peru). Given its highly concentrated client portfolio, Agencia B12 constantly seeks new business ventures to diversify their sources of revenue. As part of the firm’s diversification efforts, Comparatodo, a Price Comparison Website (PCW), was developed internally to benefit from such a growing and attractive industry (PCW). Comparatodo is currently operating in Spain, and Agencia B12 is planning to expand the website’s presence in other Latin American countries, starting in Peru. This report conducts an extensive research about Peru’s most promising industries and products for Comparatodo based on market size, pricing, and complexity of sales. Additionally, an analysis of direct and indirect competitors in Peru was conducted. As a result, the proposed solution is to first position Comparatodo as a PCW player in the telecommunications and financial services industry in Peru. The implementation plan is to be executed in 17 weeks and it involves different business units and personnel in the organization responsible for launching and maintaining Comparatodo. The key enablers supporting Comparatodo’s expansion in Peru are: already developed platform in Spain, internal IT department, experienced staff, extensive knowledge of digital marketing, few competitors, and opportunities in multiple industries.Agencia B12 es una compañía española especializada en marketing digital con oficinas en España, México, Colombia y Perú. La empresa tiene como enfoque principal la innovación y desarrolla constantemente estrategias de marketing digital y tradicional a la medida para sus clientes en base a cuatro valores: innovación, pasión, integridad y confianza. Agencia B12 trabaja principalmente con clientes de la industria de telecomunicaciones y la mayoría de sus ingresos provienen de los jugadores más grandes en las regiones donde opera (como Movistar, Claro y Entel en Perú). Dada su cartera de clientes altamente concentrada, Agencia B12 se encuentra en la búsqueda de nuevos negocios para diversificar sus fuentes de ingresos. Como parte de los esfuerzos de diversificación de la empresa se ha desarrollado de manera interna Comparatodo, un sitio web de comparación de precios, con el fin de beneficiarse de esta industria tan atractiva y en crecimiento. Comparatodo opera actualmente en España y la empresa planea expandir su presencia en otros países de Latinoamérica, iniciando en Perú. Este reporte realiza una extensa investigación de las industrias y productos con mayor promesa en el Perú para Comparatodo en función a su tamaño del mercado, precios y complejidad de ventas. Además, se realizó un análisis de competidores directos e indirectos en el mercado peruano. Como resultado, la solución propuesta es posicionar a Comparatodo como un sitio web de comparación de precios en la industria de servicios financieros y telecomunicaciones en Perú. El plan de implementación consta de 17 semanas e involucra a diferentes unidades de negocio y personal de la empresa responsable del lanzamiento y mantenimiento de Comparatodo. Los habilitadores claves que respaldan la expansión de Comparatodo en Perú son: contar con la plataforma ya desarrollada en España, departamento de TI interno, personal experimentado, amplio conocimiento de marketing digital, poca competencia y oportunidades en diversas industrias.Tesi

    Promoting rural prosperity in the Americas:management report 2002-2008: IICA's contribution to the sustainable development of agriculture, food security and rural prosperity in the Americas.

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    Posee edición español e inglésContiene: Informe hemisférico, La visión: reposicionando el IICA para enfrentar los retos del siglo XXI,Un nuevo modelo de cooperación técnica basado en la participación, la rendición de cuentas, la consulta y la transparencia, Logros del IICA en la implementación de los mandatos del Proceso de las Cumbres de las Américas y de las reuniones ministeriales sobre agricultura y vida rural, Logros en la provisión de servicios de cooperación técnica: implementación de los planes de mediano plazo para los períodos 2002-2006 y 2006-2010, Fortalecimiento y consolidación de alianzas con socios estratégicos, Modernización institucional, Logros del Centro de Liderazgo en Agricultura, La contribución real de la agricultura al desarrollo, Logros en la promoción de la cooperación técnica horizontal, Logros en la captación de recursos externos y en la ejecución de proyectos de inversión, Informes especiales, Documentación y Publicaciones, La renovación del IICA: Reposicionando el Instituto para enfrentar los retos del Siglo XXI, La contribución del IICA al desarrollo de la agricultura y la vida rural en la Región Andina La contribución del IICA al desarrollo de la agricultura y la vida rural en la Región Caribe, La contribución del IICA al desarrollo de la agricultura y la vida rural en la Región Central, La contribución del IICA al desarrollo de la agricultura y la vida rural en la Región Norte, La contribución del IICA al desarrollo de la agricultura y la vida rural en la Región Sur

    Public policy modeling and applications

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