48 research outputs found

    Peri-infarktus depolarizáció (PID) akut fokális agyi ischemiában = Peri-infarct depolarization (PID) in acute focal cerebral ischemia

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    Az itt elvégzett kutatás célja az volt, hogy megértsük a stroke során kialakuló peri-infarktus depolarizációk (PID) természetét, és azok szerepét az agyi infarktus kiterjedésének növekedésében. Az előirányzott kísérletek újonnan kifejlesztett képalkotó eljárásokra támaszkodtak, melyeket a stroke különböző patkány modelljeiben alkalmaztunk. A kutatás során három fő célkitűzés teljesült: kifejlesztettünk egy többkomponensű képalkotó eljárást az agyi membránpotenciál-változások és a velük járó hemodinamikai jelenségek direkt megfigyelésére. A laboratóriumunkban kidolgozott módszert egy kísérletes, globális agyi ischemia modellben alkalmaztuk; eredményeink arra engedtek következtetni, hogy az így regisztrált PID-k az agyszövetre káros hatást fejtettek ki, és súlyosbították a stroke kimenetelét. Végül módszerünk segítségével a PID-k tulajdonságait egy kísérletes, fokális agyi ischemia modellben is jellemeztük, amelyben a korai fázisra jellemző PID-k valószínűleg nem növelték az ischemiás károsodás mértékét. Megfigyeléseink árnyalják az eddig érvényben levő hipotézist, mely szerint a PID-k minden esetben károsítják az ischemiás szövetet: azok a PID-k, amelyekkel nem jár repolarizáció és inverz neurovaszkuláris csatolás jellemzi, károsak a sérült agyszövetre, míg azok a PID-k amelyek a mebránpotenciál gyors helyreállásával és tranziens hiperémiával járnak, nem mélyítik at ischemiás károsodást. | Our overall aim was to improve our understanding of the genesis and propagation of stroke-related peri-infarct depolarization (PID), and of their contribution to infarct expansion and maturation. The proposed research relied on novel imaging techniques applied to relevant rat models. The research has obtained 3 goals: First, a multi-modal, live imaging strategy was established to monitor membrane potential variations and associated hemodynamic changes in the brain cortex directly. Second, the technology designed and developed in our lab was applied in a global ischemia model, in which PID proved to be deleterious to the tissue and are proposed to contribute to infarct evolution. Third, our method was used to detect PID in a focal ischemia model, in which early PID appeared to be harmless to the brain, and are suggested not to worsen ischemia outcome. Our observations modify the view held so far, that PID are invariably damaging to the brain tissue. Instead, PID that are not followed by the recovery of membrane potential and involve inverse neurovascular coupling (i.e. decreased CBF) are suggested to be destructive, while PID with repolarization and associated transient functional hyperemia appear not to be harmful to the nervous tissue

    The Critical Role of Spreading Depolarizations in Early Brain Injury: Consensus and Contention

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    Background: When a patient arrives in the emergency department following a stroke, a traumatic brain injury, or sudden cardiac arrest, there is no therapeutic drug available to help protect their jeopardized neurons. One crucial reason is that we have not identified the molecular mechanisms leading to electrical failure, neuronal swelling, and blood vessel constriction in newly injured gray matter. All three result from a process termed spreading depolarization (SD). Because we only partially understand SD, we lack molecular targets and biomarkers to help neurons survive after losing their blood flow and then undergoing recurrent SD. Methods: In this review, we introduce SD as a single or recurring event, generated in gray matter following lost blood flow, which compromises the Na+/K+ pump. Electrical recovery from each SD event requires so much energy that neurons often die over minutes and hours following initial injury, independent of extracellular glutamate. Results: We discuss how SD has been investigated with various pitfalls in numerous experimental preparations, how overtaxing the Na+/K+ ATPase elicits SD. Elevated K+ or glutamate are unlikely natural activators of SD. We then turn to the properties of SD itself, focusing on its initiation and propagation as well as on computer modeling. Conclusions: Finally, we summarize points of consensus and contention among the authors as well as where SD research may be heading. In an accompanying review, we critique the role of the glutamate excitotoxicity theory, how it has shaped SD research, and its questionable importance to the study of early brain injury as compared with SD theory. © 2022, The Author(s)

    The Critical Role of Spreading Depolarizations in Early Brain Injury: Consensus and Contention

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    Background: When a patient arrives in the emergency department following a stroke, a traumatic brain injury, or sudden cardiac arrest, there is no therapeutic drug available to help protect their jeopardized neurons. One crucial reason is that we have not identified the molecular mechanisms leading to electrical failure, neuronal swelling, and blood vessel constriction in newly injured gray matter. All three result from a process termed spreading depolarization (SD). Because we only partially understand SD, we lack molecular targets and biomarkers to help neurons survive after losing their blood flow and then undergoing recurrent SD. Methods: In this review, we introduce SD as a single or recurring event, generated in gray matter following lost blood flow, which compromises the Na/K pump. Electrical recovery from each SD event requires so much energy that neurons often die over minutes and hours following initial injury, independent of extracellular glutamate. Results: We discuss how SD has been investigated with various pitfalls in numerous experimental preparations, how overtaxing the Na/K ATPase elicits SD. Elevated K or glutamate are unlikely natural activators of SD. We then turn to the properties of SD itself, focusing on its initiation and propagation as well as on computer modeling. Conclusions: Finally, we summarize points of consensus and contention among the authors as well as where SD research may be heading. In an accompanying review, we critique the role of the glutamate excitotoxicity theory, how it has shaped SD research, and its questionable importance to the study of early brain injury as compared with SD theory.This work was supported by grants from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada to RDA, an NIH grant (NS106901) to CWS, a National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary grant (K1343777) and EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (739953) to EF and from DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Council) (DFG DR 323/5-1), DFG DR 323/10-1, and BMBF Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (EraNet Neuron EBio2, with funds from BMBF 01EW2004) to JPD

    The continuum of spreading depolarizations in acute cortical lesion development: Examining Leão's legacy.

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    A modern understanding of how cerebral cortical lesions develop after acute brain injury is based on Aristides Leão's historic discoveries of spreading depression and asphyxial/anoxic depolarization. Treated as separate entities for decades, we now appreciate that these events define a continuum of spreading mass depolarizations, a concept that is central to understanding their pathologic effects. Within minutes of acute severe ischemia, the onset of persistent depolarization triggers the breakdown of ion homeostasis and development of cytotoxic edema. These persistent changes are diagnosed as diffusion restriction in magnetic resonance imaging and define the ischemic core. In delayed lesion growth, transient spreading depolarizations arise spontaneously in the ischemic penumbra and induce further persistent depolarization and excitotoxic damage, progressively expanding the ischemic core. The causal role of these waves in lesion development has been proven by real-time monitoring of electrophysiology, blood flow, and cytotoxic edema. The spreading depolarization continuum further applies to other models of acute cortical lesions, suggesting that it is a universal principle of cortical lesion development. These pathophysiologic concepts establish a working hypothesis for translation to human disease, where complex patterns of depolarizations are observed in acute brain injury and appear to mediate and signal ongoing secondary damage

    The continuum of spreading depolarizations in acute cortical lesion development: Examining Leao's legacy.

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    A modern understanding of how cerebral cortical lesions develop after acute brain injury is based on Aristides Leao's historic discoveries of spreading depression and asphyxial/anoxic depolarization. Treated as separate entities for decades, we now appreciate that these events define a continuum of spreading mass depolarizations, a concept that is central to understanding their pathologic effects. Within minutes of acute severe ischemia, the onset of persistent depolarization triggers the breakdown of ion homeostasis and development of cytotoxic edema. These persistent changes are diagnosed as diffusion restriction in magnetic resonance imaging and define the ischemic core. In delayed lesion growth, transient spreading depolarizations arise spontaneously in the ischemic penumbra and induce further persistent depolarization and excitotoxic damage, progressively expanding the ischemic core. The causal role of these waves in lesion development has been proven by real-time monitoring of electrophysiology, blood flow, and cytotoxic edema. The spreading depolarization continuum further applies to other models of acute cortical lesions, suggesting that it is a universal principle of cortical lesion development. These pathophysiologic concepts establish a working hypothesis for translation to human disease, where complex patterns of depolarizations are observed in acute brain injury and appear to mediate and signal ongoing secondary damage

    The Critical Role of Spreading Depolarizations in Early Brain Injury: Consensus and Contention

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    Background: When a patient arrives in the emergency department following a stroke, a traumatic brain injury, or sudden cardiac arrest, there is no therapeutic drug available to help protect their jeopardized neurons. One crucial reason is that we have not identified the molecular mechanisms leading to electrical failure, neuronal swelling, and blood vessel constriction in newly injured gray matter. All three result from a process termed spreading depolarization (SD). Because we only partially understand SD, we lack molecular targets and biomarkers to help neurons survive after losing their blood flow and then undergoing recurrent SD. Methods: In this review, we introduce SD as a single or recurring event, generated in gray matter following lost blood flow, which compromises the Na+/K+ pump. Electrical recovery from each SD event requires so much energy that neurons often die over minutes and hours following initial injury, independent of extracellular glutamate. Results: We discuss how SD has been investigated with various pitfalls in numerous experimental preparations, how overtaxing the Na+/K+ ATPase elicits SD. Elevated K+ or glutamate are unlikely natural activators of SD. We then turn to the properties of SD itself, focusing on its initiation and propagation as well as on computer modeling. Conclusions: Finally, we summarize points of consensus and contention among the authors as well as where SD research may be heading. In an accompanying review, we critique the role of the glutamate excitotoxicity theory, how it has shaped SD research, and its questionable importance to the study of early brain injury as compared with SD theory. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Dibucaine Mitigates Spreading Depolarization in Human Neocortical Slices and Prevents Acute Dendritic Injury in the Ischemic Rodent Neocortex

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    Spreading depolarizations that occur in patients with malignant stroke, subarachnoid/intracranial hemorrhage, and traumatic brain injury are known to facilitate neuronal damage in metabolically compromised brain tissue. The dramatic failure of brain ion homeostasis caused by propagating spreading depolarizations results in neuronal and astroglial swelling. In essence, swelling is the initial response and a sign of the acute neuronal injury that follows if energy deprivation is maintained. Choosing spreading depolarizations as a target for therapeutic intervention, we have used human brain slices and in vivo real-time two-photon laser scanning microscopy in the mouse neocortex to study potentially useful therapeutics against spreading depolarization-induced injury.We have shown that anoxic or terminal depolarization, a spreading depolarization wave ignited in the ischemic core where neurons cannot repolarize, can be evoked in human slices from pediatric brains during simulated ischemia induced by oxygen/glucose deprivation or by exposure to ouabain. Changes in light transmittance (LT) tracked terminal depolarization in time and space. Though spreading depolarizations are notoriously difficult to block, terminal depolarization onset was delayed by dibucaine, a local amide anesthetic and sodium channel blocker. Remarkably, the occurrence of ouabain-induced terminal depolarization was delayed at a concentration of 1 µM that preserves synaptic function. Moreover, in vivo two-photon imaging in the penumbra revealed that, though spreading depolarizations did still occur, spreading depolarization-induced dendritic injury was inhibited by dibucaine administered intravenously at 2.5 mg/kg in a mouse stroke model.Dibucaine mitigated the effects of spreading depolarization at a concentration that could be well-tolerated therapeutically. Hence, dibucaine is a promising candidate to protect the brain from ischemic injury with an approach that does not rely on the complete abolishment of spreading depolarizations

    The continuum of spreading depolarizations in acute cortical lesion development: Examining Leao's legacy

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    A modern understanding of how cerebral cortical lesions develop after acute brain injury is based on Aristides Leao's historic discoveries of spreading depression and asphyxial/anoxic depolarization. Treated as separate entities for decades, we now appreciate that these events define a continuum of spreading mass depolarizations, a concept that is central to understanding their pathologic effects. Within minutes of acute severe ischemia, the onset of persistent depolarization triggers the breakdown of ion homeostasis and development of cytotoxic edema. These persistent changes are diagnosed as diffusion restriction in magnetic resonance imaging and define the ischemic core. In delayed lesion growth, transient spreading depolarizations arise spontaneously in the ischemic penumbra and induce further persistent depolarization and excitotoxic damage, progressively expanding the ischemic core. The causal role of these waves in lesion development has been proven by real-time monitoring of electrophysiology, blood flow, and cytotoxic edema. The spreading depolarization continuum further applies to other models of acute cortical lesions, suggesting that it is a universal principle of cortical lesion development. These pathophysiologic concepts establish a working hypothesis for translation to human disease, where complex patterns of depolarizations are observed in acute brain injury and appear to mediate and signal ongoing secondary damage

    Terminal spreading depolarization and electrical silence in death of human cerebral cortex

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    Objective: Restoring the circulation is the primary goal in emergency treatment of cerebral ischemia. However, better understanding of how the brain responds to energy depletion could help predict the time available for resuscitation until irreversible damage and advance development of interventions that prolong this span. Experimentally, injury to central neurons begins only with anoxic depolarization. This potentially reversible, spreading wave typically starts 2 to 5 minutes after the onset of severe ischemia, marking the onset of a toxic intraneuronal change that eventually results in irreversible injury. Methods: To investigate this in the human brain, we performed recordings with either subdural electrode strips (n = 4) or intraparenchymal electrode arrays (n = 5) in patients with devastating brain injury that resulted in activation of a Do Not Resuscitate–Comfort Care order followed by terminal extubation. Results: Withdrawal of life‐sustaining therapies produced a decline in brain tissue partial pressure of oxygen (ptiO2) and circulatory arrest. Silencing of spontaneous electrical activity developed simultaneously across regional electrode arrays in 8 patients. This silencing, termed “nonspreading depression,” developed during the steep falling phase of ptiO2 (intraparenchymal sensor, n = 6) at 11 (interquartile range [IQR] = 7–14) mmHg. Terminal spreading depolarizations started to propagate between electrodes 3.9 (IQR = 2.6–6.3) minutes after onset of the final drop in perfusion and 13 to 266 seconds after nonspreading depression. In 1 patient, terminal spreading depolarization induced the initial electrocerebral silence in a spreading depression pattern; circulatory arrest developed thereafter. Interpretation: These results provide fundamental insight into the neurobiology of dying and have important implications for survivable cerebral ischemic insults. Ann Neurol 2018;83:295–31

    Vascular Response to Spreading Depolarization Predicts Stroke Outcome

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    Background: Cortical spreading depolarization (CSD) is a massive neuro-glial depolarization wave, which propagates across the cerebral cortex. In stroke, CSD is a necessary and ubiquitous mechanism for the development of neuronal lesions that initiates in the ischemic core and propagates through the penumbra extending the tissue injury. Although CSD propagation induces dramatic changes in cerebral blood flow, the vascular responses in different ischemic regions and their consequences on reperfusion and recovery remain to be defined. Methods: Ischemia was performed using the thrombin model of stroke and reperfusion was induced by r-tPA (recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator) administration in mice. We used in vivo electrophysiology and laser speckle contrast imaging simultaneously to assess both electrophysiological and hemodynamic characteristics of CSD after ischemia onset. Neurological deficits were assessed on day 1, 3, and 7. Furthermore, infarct sizes were quantified using 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride on day 7. Results: After ischemia, CSDs were evidenced by the characteristic propagating DC shift extending far beyond the ischemic area. On the vascular level, we observed 2 types of responses: some mice showed spreading hyperemia confined to the penumbra area (penumbral spreading hyperemia) while other showed spreading hyperemia propagating in the full hemisphere (full hemisphere spreading hyperemia). Penumbral spreading hyperemia was associated with severe stroke-induced damage, while full hemisphere spreading hyperemia indicated beneficial infarct outcome and potential viability of the infarct core. In all animals, thrombolysis with r-tPA modified the shape of the vascular response to CSD and reduced lesion volume. Conclusions: Our results show that different types of spreading hyperemia occur spontaneously after the onset of ischemia. Depending on their shape and distribution, they predict severity of injury and outcome. Furthermore, our data show that modulating the hemodynamic response to CSD may be a promising therapeutic strategy to attenuate stroke outcome