9,216 research outputs found

    Multi-modal dictionary learning for image separation with application in art investigation

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    In support of art investigation, we propose a new source separation method that unmixes a single X-ray scan acquired from double-sided paintings. In this problem, the X-ray signals to be separated have similar morphological characteristics, which brings previous source separation methods to their limits. Our solution is to use photographs taken from the front and back-side of the panel to drive the separation process. The crux of our approach relies on the coupling of the two imaging modalities (photographs and X-rays) using a novel coupled dictionary learning framework able to capture both common and disparate features across the modalities using parsimonious representations; the common component models features shared by the multi-modal images, whereas the innovation component captures modality-specific information. As such, our model enables the formulation of appropriately regularized convex optimization procedures that lead to the accurate separation of the X-rays. Our dictionary learning framework can be tailored both to a single- and a multi-scale framework, with the latter leading to a significant performance improvement. Moreover, to improve further on the visual quality of the separated images, we propose to train coupled dictionaries that ignore certain parts of the painting corresponding to craquelure. Experimentation on synthetic and real data - taken from digital acquisition of the Ghent Altarpiece (1432) - confirms the superiority of our method against the state-of-the-art morphological component analysis technique that uses either fixed or trained dictionaries to perform image separation.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Images Processin

    Multi-modal Image Processing based on Coupled Dictionary Learning

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    In real-world scenarios, many data processing problems often involve heterogeneous images associated with different imaging modalities. Since these multimodal images originate from the same phenomenon, it is realistic to assume that they share common attributes or characteristics. In this paper, we propose a multi-modal image processing framework based on coupled dictionary learning to capture similarities and disparities between different image modalities. In particular, our framework can capture favorable structure similarities across different image modalities such as edges, corners, and other elementary primitives in a learned sparse transform domain, instead of the original pixel domain, that can be used to improve a number of image processing tasks such as denoising, inpainting, or super-resolution. Practical experiments demonstrate that incorporating multimodal information using our framework brings notable benefits.Comment: SPAWC 2018, 19th IEEE International Workshop On Signal Processing Advances In Wireless Communication

    X-ray image separation via coupled dictionary learning

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    In support of art investigation, we propose a new source sepa- ration method that unmixes a single X-ray scan acquired from double-sided paintings. Unlike prior source separation meth- ods, which are based on statistical or structural incoherence of the sources, we use visual images taken from the front- and back-side of the panel to drive the separation process. The coupling of the two imaging modalities is achieved via a new multi-scale dictionary learning method. Experimental results demonstrate that our method succeeds in the discrimination of the sources, while state-of-the-art methods fail to do so.Comment: To be presented at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 201

    Source Separation in the Presence of Side-information

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    The source separation problem involves the separation of unknown signals from their mixture. This problem is relevant in a wide range of applications from audio signal processing, communication, biomedical signal processing and art investigation to name a few. There is a vast literature on this problem which is based on either making strong assumption on the source signals or availability of additional data. This thesis proposes new algorithms for source separation with side information where one observes the linear superposition of two source signals plus two additional signals that are correlated with the mixed ones. The first algorithm is based on two ingredients: first, we learn a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) for the joint distribution of a source signal and the corresponding correlated side information signal; second, we separate the signals using standard computationally efficient conditional mean estimators. This also puts forth new recovery guarantees for this source separation algorithm. In particular, under the assumption that the signals can be perfectly described by a GMM model, we characterize necessary and sufficient conditions for reliable source separation in the asymptotic regime of low-noise as a function of the geometry of the underlying signals and their interaction. It is shown that if the subspaces spanned by the innovation components of the source signals with respect to the side information signals have zero intersection, provided that we observe a certain number of linear measurements from the mixture, then we can reliably separate the sources; otherwise we cannot. The second algorithms is based on deep learning where we introduce a novel self-supervised algorithm for the source separation problem. Source separation is intrinsically unsupervised and the lack of training data makes it a difficult task for artificial intelligence to solve. The proposed framework takes advantage of the available data and delivers near perfect separation results in real data scenarios. Our proposed frameworks – which provide new ways to incorporate side information to aid the solution of the source separation problem – are also employed in a real-world art investigation application involving the separation of mixtures of X-Ray images. The simulation results showcase the superiority of our algorithm against other state-of-the-art algorithms

    Source Separation with Side Information Based on Gaussian Mixture Models With Application in Art Investigation

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    In this paper, we propose an algorithm for source separation with side information where one observes the linear superposition of two source signals plus two additional signals that are correlated with the mixed ones. Our algorithm is based on two ingredients: first, we learn a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) for the joint distribution of a source signal and the corresponding correlated side information signal; second, we separate the signals using standard computationally efficient conditional mean estimators. The paper also puts forth new recovery guarantees for this source separation algorithm. In particular, under the assumption that the signals can be perfectly described by a GMM model, we characterize necessary and sufficient conditions for reliable source separation in the asymptotic regime of low-noise as a function of the geometry of the underlying signals and their interaction. It is shown that if the subspaces spanned by the innovation components of the source signals with respect to the side information signals have zero intersection, provided that we observe a certain number of linear measurements from the mixture, then we can reliably separate the sources; otherwise, we cannot. Our proposed framework -- which provides a new way to incorporate side information to aid the solution of source separation problems where the decoder has access to linear projections of superimposed sources and side information — is also employed in a real-world art investigation application involving the separation of mixtures of X-ray images. The simulation results showcase the superiority of our algorithm against other state-of-the-art algorithms

    Sparse Bases and Bayesian Inference of Electromagnetic Scattering

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    Many approaches in CEM rely on the decomposition of complex radiation and scattering behavior with a set of basis vectors. Accurate estimation of the quantities of interest can be synthesized through a weighted sum of these vectors. In addition to basis decompositions, sparse signal processing techniques developed in the CS community can be leveraged when only a small subset of the basis vectors are required to sufficiently represent the quantity of interest. We investigate several concepts in which novel bases are applied to common electromagnetic problems and leverage the sparsity property to improve performance and/or reduce computational burden. The first concept explores the use of multiple types of scattering primitives to reconstruct scattering patterns of electrically large targets. Using a combination of isotropic point scatterers and wedge diffraction primitives as our bases, a 40% reduction in reconstruction error can be achieved. Next, a sparse basis is used to improve DOA estimation. We implement the BSBL technique to determine the angle of arrival of multiple incident signals with only a single snapshot of data from an arbitrary arrangement of non-isotropic antennas. This is an improvement over the current state-of-the-art, where restrictions on the antenna type, configuration, and a priori knowledge of the number of signals are often assumed. Lastly, we investigate the feasibility of a basis set to reconstruct the scattering patterns of electrically small targets. The basis is derived from the TCM and can capture non-localized scattering behavior. Preliminary results indicate that this basis may be used in an interpolation and extrapolation scheme to generate scattering patterns over multiple frequencies

    Blind audio-visual localization and separation via low-rank and sparsity

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    The ability to localize visual objects that are associated with an audio source and at the same time to separate the audio signal is a cornerstone in audio-visual signal-processing applications. However, available methods mainly focus on localizing only the visual objects, without audio separation abilities. Besides that, these methods often rely on either laborious preprocessing steps to segment video frames into semantic regions, or additional supervisions to guide their localization. In this paper, we aim to address the problem of visual source localization and audio separation in an unsupervised manner and avoid all preprocessing or post-processing steps. To this end, we devise a novel structured matrix decomposition method that decomposes the data matrix of each modality as a superposition of three terms: 1) a low-rank matrix capturing the background information; 2) a sparse matrix capturing the correlated components among the two modalities and, hence, uncovering the sound source in visual modality and the associated sound in audio modality; and 3) a third sparse matrix accounting for uncorrelated components, such as distracting objects in visual modality and irrelevant sound in audio modality. The generality of the proposed method is demonstrated by applying it onto three applications, namely: 1) visual localization of a sound source; 2) visually assisted audio separation; and 3) active speaker detection. Experimental results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method on these application domains

    A Learning Based Approach to Separate Mixed X-Ray Images Associated with Artwork with Concealed Designs

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    X-ray images are widely used in the study of paintings. When a painting has hidden sub-surface features (e.g., reuse of the canvas or revision of a composition by the artist), the resulting X-ray images can be hard to interpret as they include contributions from both the surface painting and the hidden design. In this paper we propose a self-supervised deep learning-based image separation approach that can be applied to the X-ray images from such paintings (‘mixed X-ray images’) to separate them into two hypothetical X-ray images, one containing information related to the visible painting only and the other containing the hidden features. The proposed approach involves two steps: (1) separation of the mixed X-ray image into two images, guided by the combined use of a reconstruction and an exclusion loss; (2) even allocation of the error map into the two individual, separated X-ray images, yielding separation results that have an appearance that is more familiar in relation to Xray images. The proposed method was demonstrated on a real painting with hidden content, Doña Isabel de Porcel by Francisco de Goya, to show its effectiveness
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