6 research outputs found

    DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations

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    We present DeepWalk, a novel approach for learning latent representations of vertices in a network. These latent representations encode social relations in a continuous vector space, which is easily exploited by statistical models. DeepWalk generalizes recent advancements in language modeling and unsupervised feature learning (or deep learning) from sequences of words to graphs. DeepWalk uses local information obtained from truncated random walks to learn latent representations by treating walks as the equivalent of sentences. We demonstrate DeepWalk's latent representations on several multi-label network classification tasks for social networks such as BlogCatalog, Flickr, and YouTube. Our results show that DeepWalk outperforms challenging baselines which are allowed a global view of the network, especially in the presence of missing information. DeepWalk's representations can provide F1F_1 scores up to 10% higher than competing methods when labeled data is sparse. In some experiments, DeepWalk's representations are able to outperform all baseline methods while using 60% less training data. DeepWalk is also scalable. It is an online learning algorithm which builds useful incremental results, and is trivially parallelizable. These qualities make it suitable for a broad class of real world applications such as network classification, and anomaly detection.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Multilabel Classification for News Article Using Long Short-Term Memory

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    oai:ojs.sjia.ilkom.unsri.ac.id:article/14Multilabel text classification is a task of categorizing text into one or more categories. Like other machine learning, multilabel classification performance is limited when there is small labeled data and leads to the difficulty of capturing semantic relationships. In this case, it requires a multi-label text classification technique that can group four labels from news articles. Deep Learning is a proposed method for solving problems in multi-label text classification techniques. By comparing the seven proposed Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models with large-scale datasets by dividing 4 LSTM models with 1 layer, 2 layer and 3-layer LSTM and Bidirectional LSTM to show that LSTM can achieve good performance in multi-label text classification. The results show that the evaluation of the performance of the 2-layer LSTM model in the training process obtained an accuracy of 96 with the highest testing accuracy of all models at 94.3. The performance results for model 3 with 1-layer LSTM obtained the average value of precision, recall, and f1-score equal to the 94 training process accuracy. This states that model 3 with 1-layer LSTM both training and testing process is better.  The comparison among seven proposed LSTM models shows that model 3 with 1 layer LSTM is the best model

    Multi-Label Relational Neighbor Classification Using Social Context Features

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    Networked data, extracted from social media, web pages, and bibliographic databases, can contain entities of multiple classes, interconnected through different types of links. In this paper, we focus on the problem of performing multi-label classification on networked data, where the instances in the network can be assigned multiple labels. In contrast to traditional content-only classification methods, relational learning succeeds in improving classification performance by leveraging the correlation of the labels between linked instances. However, instances in a network can be linked for various causal reasons, hence treating all links in a homogeneous way can limit the performance of relational classifiers. In this paper, we propose a multi-label iterative relational neighbor classifier that employs social context features (SCRN). Our classifier incorporates a class propagation probability distribution obtained from instances\u27 social features, which are in turn extracted from the network topology. This class-propagation probability captures the node\u27s intrinsic likelihood of belonging to each class, and serves as a prior weight for each class when aggregating the neighbors\u27 class labels in the collective inference procedure. Experiments on several real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed classifier boosts classification performance over common benchmarks on networked multi-label data

    Stochastic Sampling and Machine Learning Techniques for Social Media State Production

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    The rise in the importance of social media platforms as communication tools has been both a blessing and a curse. For scientists, they offer an unparalleled opportunity to study human social networks. However, these platforms have also been used to propagate misinformation and hate speech with alarming velocity and frequency. The overarching aim of our research is to leverage the data from social media platforms to create and evaluate a high-fidelity, at-scale computational simulation of online social behavior which can provide a deep quantitative understanding of adversaries\u27 use of the global information environment. Our hope is that this type of simulation can be used to predict and understand the spread of misinformation, false narratives, fraudulent financial pump and dump schemes, and cybersecurity threats. To do this, our research team has created an agent-based model that can handle a variety of prediction tasks. This dissertation introduces a set of sampling and deep learning techniques that we developed to predict specific aspects of the evolution of online social networks that have proven to be challenging to accurately predict with the agent-based model. First, we compare different strategies for predicting network evolution with sampled historical data based on community features. We demonstrate that our community-based model outperforms the global one at predicting population, user, and content activity, along with network topology over different datasets. Second, we introduce a deep learning model for burst prediction. Bursts may serve as a signal of topics that are of growing real-world interest. Since bursts can be caused by exogenous phenomena and are indicative of burgeoning popularity, leveraging cross-platform social media data is valuable for predicting bursts within a single social media platform. An LSTM model is proposed in order to capture the temporal dependencies and associations based upon activity information. These volume predictions can also serve as a valuable input for our agent-based model. Finally, we conduct an exploration of Graph Convolutional Networks to investigate the value of weak-ties in classifying academic literature with the use of graph convolutional neural networks. Our experiments look at the results of treating weak-ties as if they were strong-ties to determine if that assumption improves performance. We also examine how node removal affects prediction accuracy by selecting nodes according to different centrality measures. These experiments provide insight for which nodes are most important for the performance of targeted graph convolutional networks. Graph Convolutional Networks are important in the social network context as the sociological and anthropological concept of \u27homophily\u27 allows for the method to use network associations in assisting the attribute predictions in a social network

    Data mining using concepts of independence, unimodality and homophily

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    With the widespread use of information technologies, more and more complex data is generated and collected every day. Such complex data is various in structure, size, type and format, e.g. time series, texts, images, videos and graphs. Complex data is often high-dimensional and heterogeneous, which makes the separation of the wheat (knowledge) from the chaff (noise) more difficult. Clustering is a main mode of knowledge discovery from complex data, which groups objects in such a way that intra-group objects are more similar than inter-group objects. Traditional clustering methods such as k-means, Expectation-Maximization clustering (EM), DBSCAN and spectral clustering are either deceived by "the curse of dimensionality" or spoiled by heterogenous information. So, how to effectively explore complex data? In some cases, people may only have some partial information about the complex data. For example, in social networks, not every user provides his/her profile information such as the personal interests. Can we leverage the limited user information and friendship network wisely to infer the likely labels of the unlabeled users so that the advertisers can do accurate advertising? This is the problem of learning from labeled and unlabeled data, which is literarily attributed to semi-supervised classification. To gain insights into these problems, this thesis focuses on developing clustering and semi-supervised classification methods that are driven by the concepts of independence, unimodality and homophily. The proposed methods leverage techniques from diverse areas, such as statistics, information theory, graph theory, signal processing, optimization and machine learning. Specifically, this thesis develops four methods, i.e. FUSE, ISAAC, UNCut, and wvGN. FUSE and ISAAC are clustering techniques to discover statistically independent patterns from high-dimensional numerical data. UNCut is a clustering technique to discover unimodal clusters in attributed graphs in which not all the attributes are relevant to the graph structure. wvGN is a semi-supervised classification technique using the theory of homophily to infer the labels of the unlabeled vertices in graphs. We have verified our clustering and semi-supervised classification methods on various synthetic and real-world data sets. The results are superior to those of the state-of-the-art.Täglich werden durch den weit verbreiteten Einsatz von Informationstechnologien mehr und mehr komplexe Daten generiert und gesammelt. Diese komplexen Daten unterscheiden sich in der Struktur, Größe, Art und Format. Häufig anzutreffen sind beispielsweise Zeitreihen, Texte, Bilder, Videos und Graphen. Dabei sind diese Daten meist hochdimensional und heterogen, was die Trennung des Weizens ( Wissen ) von der Spreu ( Rauschen ) erschwert. Die Cluster Analyse ist dabei eine der wichtigsten Methoden um aus komplexen Daten wssen zu extrahieren. Dabei werden die Objekte eines Datensatzes in einer solchen Weise gruppiert, dass intra-gruppierte Objekte ähnlicher sind als Objekte anderer Gruppen. Der Einsatz von traditionellen Clustering-Methoden wie k-Means, Expectation-Maximization (EM), DBSCAN und Spektralclustering wird dabei entweder "durch der Fluch der Dimensionalität" erschwert oder ist angesichts der heterogenen Information nicht möglich. Wie erforscht man also solch komplexe Daten effektiv? Darüber hinaus ist es oft der Fall, dass für Objekte solcher Datensätze nur partiell Informationen vorliegen. So gibt in sozialen Netzwerken nicht jeder Benutzer seine Profil-Informationen wie die persönlichen Interessen frei. Können wir diese eingeschränkten Benutzerinformation trotzdem in Kombination mit dem Freundschaftsnetzwerk nutzen, um von von wenigen, einer Klasse zugeordneten Nutzern auf die anderen zu schließen. Beispielsweise um zielgerichtete Werbung zu schalten? Dieses Problem des Lernens aus klassifizierten und nicht klassifizierten Daten wird dem semi-supversised Learning zugeordnet. Um Einblicke in diese Probleme zu gewinnen, konzentriert sich diese Arbeit auf die Entwicklung von Clustering- und semi-überwachten Klassifikationsmethoden, die von den Konzepten der Unabhängigkeit, Unimodalität und Homophilie angetrieben werden. Die vorgeschlagenen Methoden nutzen Techniken aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Statistik, Informationstheorie, Graphentheorie, Signalverarbeitung, Optimierung und des maschinelles Lernen. Dabei stellt diese Arbeit vier Techniken vor: FUSE, ISAAC, UNCut, sowie wvGN. FUSE und ISAAC sind Clustering-Techniken, um statistisch unabhängige Muster aus hochdimensionalen numerischen Daten zu entdecken. UNCut ist eine Clustering-Technik, um unimodale Cluster in attributierten Graphen zu entdecken, in denen die Kanten und Attribute heterogene Informationen liefern. wvGN ist eine halbüberwachte Klassifikationstechnik, die Homophilie verwendet, um von gelabelten Kanten auf ungelabelte Kanten im Graphen zu schließen. Wir haben diese Clustering und semi-überwachten Klassifizierungsmethoden auf verschiedenen synthetischen und realen Datensätze überprüft. Die Ergebnisse sind denen von bisherigen State-of-the-Art-Methoden überlegen