8,175 research outputs found

    An improved model for trust-aware recommender systems based on multi-faceted trust

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    As customers enjoy the convenience of online shopping today, they face the problem of selecting from hundreds of thousands of products. Recommender systems, which make recommendations by matching products to customers based on the features of the products and the purchasing history of customers, are increasingly being incorporated into e-commerce websites. Collaborative filtering is a major approach to design algorithms for these systems. Much research has been directed toward enhancing the performance of recommender systems by considering various psychological and behavioural factors affecting the behaviour of users, e.g. trust and emotion. While e-commerce firms are keen to exploit information on social trust available on social networks to improve their services, conventional trust-aware collaborative filtering does not consider the multi-facets of social trust. In this research, we assume that a consumer tends to trust different people for recommendations on different types of product. For example, a user trusts a certain reviewer on popular items but may not place as much trust on the same reviewer on unpopular items. Furthermore, this thesis postulates that if we, as online shoppers, choose to establish trust on an individual while we ourselves are reviewing certain products, we value this individual’s opinions on these products and we most likely will value his/her opinions on similar products in future. Based on the above assumptions, this thesis proposes a new collaborative filtering algorithm for deriving multi-faceted trust based on trust establishment time. Experimental results based on historical data from Epinions show that the new algorithm can perform better in terms of accuracy when compared with conventional algorithms

    The impact of trust and power on knowledge sharing in design projects: some empirical evidence from the aerospace industry

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    It is acknowledged by aerospace engineers that relationships between partners are influenced by topics such as trust and that they enable or inhibit knowledge flow. This paper presents findings from interviews with engineers in the aerospace industry on how trust and power within supply chain teams impact knowledge sharing and integration. From a trust perspective, the results of the paper indicate that individually, engineers are aware of its importance but that there is little organisational awareness and consequently no framework or support exists for managing it. With regards to power, we show that there are positive as well as negative impacts on knowledge sharing to be considered

    Similarity-based Techniques for Trust Management

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    A network of people having established trust relations and a model for propagation of related trust scores are fundamental building blocks in many of todayÅ s most successful e-commerce and recommendation systems. Many online communities are only successful if sufficient mu-tual trust between their members exists. Users want to know whom to trust and how muc

    Simultaneous Inference of User Representations and Trust

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    Inferring trust relations between social media users is critical for a number of applications wherein users seek credible information. The fact that available trust relations are scarce and skewed makes trust prediction a challenging task. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on exploring representation learning for trust prediction. We propose an approach that uses only a small amount of binary user-user trust relations to simultaneously learn user embeddings and a model to predict trust between user pairs. We empirically demonstrate that for trust prediction, our approach outperforms classifier-based approaches which use state-of-the-art representation learning methods like DeepWalk and LINE as features. We also conduct experiments which use embeddings pre-trained with DeepWalk and LINE each as an input to our model, resulting in further performance improvement. Experiments with a dataset of ∼\sim356K user pairs show that the proposed method can obtain an high F-score of 92.65%.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of ASONAM'17. Please cite that versio

    A strategy for trust propagation along the more trusted paths

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    The main goal of social networks are sharing and exchanging information among users. With the rapid growth of social networks on the Web, the most of interactions are conducted among unknown individuals. On the other hand, with increasing the biased behaviors in online communities, ability to assess the level of trustworthiness of a person before interacting with him has an important influence on users' decisions. Trust inference is a method used for this purpose. This paper studies propagating trust values along trust relationships in order to estimate the reliability of an anonymous person from the point of view of the user who intends to trust him/her. It describes a new approach for predicting trust values in social networks. The proposed method selects the most reliable trust paths from a source node to a destination node. In order to select the optimal paths, a new relation for calculating trustable coefficient based on previous performance of users in the social network is proposed. In ciao dataset there is a column called helpfulness. Helpfulness values represent previous performance of users in the social network. Advantages of this algorithm is its simplicity in trust calculation, using a new entity in dataset and its improvement in accuracy. The results of the experiments on Ciao dataset indicate that accuracy of the proposed method in evaluating trust values is higher than well-known methods in this area including TidalTrust, MoleTrust methods

    Closing the loop: assisting archival appraisal and information retrieval in one sweep

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    In this article, we examine the similarities between the concept of appraisal, a process that takes place within the archives, and the concept of relevance judgement, a process fundamental to the evaluation of information retrieval systems. More specifically, we revisit selection criteria proposed as result of archival research, and work within the digital curation communities, and, compare them to relevance criteria as discussed within information retrieval's literature based discovery. We illustrate how closely these criteria relate to each other and discuss how understanding the relationships between the these disciplines could form a basis for proposing automated selection for archival processes and initiating multi-objective learning with respect to information retrieval

    Trust and Distrust in Big Data Recommendation Agents

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    Big data technology allows for managing data from a variety of sources, in large amounts, and at a higher velocity than before, impacting several traditional systems, including recommendation agents. Along with these improvements, there are concerns about trust and distrust in RA recommendations. Much prior work on trust has been done in IS, but only a few have examined trust and distrust in the context of big data and analytics. In this vein, the purpose of this study is to study the eight antecedents of trust and distrust in recommendation agents’ cues in the context of the Big Data ecosystem using an experiment. Our study contributes to the literature by integrating big data and recommendation agent IT artifacts, expanding trust and distrust theory in the context of a big data ecosystem, and incorporating the constructs of algorithm innovativeness and process transparency

    Social Relations and Methods in Recommender Systems: A Systematic Review

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    With the constant growth of information, data sparsity problems, and cold start have become a complex problem in obtaining accurate recommendations. Currently, authors consider the user's historical behavior and find contextual information about the user, such as social relationships, time information, and location. In this work, a systematic review of the literature on recommender systems that use the information on social relationships between users was carried out. As the main findings, social relations were classified into three groups: trust, friend activities, and user interactions. Likewise, the collaborative filtering approach was the most used, and with the best results, considering the methods based on memory and model. The most used metrics that we found, and the recommendation methods studied in mobile applications are presented. The information provided by this study can be valuable to increase the precision of the recommendations
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