715 research outputs found

    An Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Communication Scheme for Body Sensor Networks

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    A high degree of reliability for critical data transmission is required in body sensor networks (BSNs). However, BSNs are usually vulnerable to channel impairments due to body fading effect and RF interference, which may potentially cause data transmission to be unreliable. In this paper, an adaptive and flexible fault-tolerant communication scheme for BSNs, namely AFTCS, is proposed. AFTCS adopts a channel bandwidth reservation strategy to provide reliable data transmission when channel impairments occur. In order to fulfill the reliability requirements of critical sensors, fault-tolerant priority and queue are employed to adaptively adjust the channel bandwidth allocation. Simulation results show that AFTCS can alleviate the effect of channel impairments, while yielding lower packet loss rate and latency for critical sensors at runtime.Comment: 10 figures, 19 page

    QoS in Body Area Networks: A survey

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    Body Area Networks (BANs) are becoming increasingly popular and have shown great potential in real-time monitoring of the human body. With the promise of being cost-effective and unobtrusive and facilitating continuous monitoring, BANs have attracted a wide range of monitoring applications, including medical and healthcare, sports, and rehabilitation systems. Most of these applications are real time and life critical and require a strict guarantee of Quality of Service (QoS) in terms of timeliness, reliability, and so on. Recently, there has been a number of proposals describing diverse approaches or frameworks to achieve QoS in BANs (i.e., for different layers or tiers and different protocols). This survey put these individual efforts into perspective and presents a more holistic view of the area. In this regard, this article identifies a set of QoS requirements for BAN applications and shows how these requirements are linked in a three-tier BAN system and presents a comprehensive review of the existing proposals against those requirements. In addition, open research issues, challenges, and future research directions in achieving these QoS in BANs are highlighted.</jats:p

    Multi-constrained mechanism for intra-body area network quality-of-service aware routing in wireless body sensor networks

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    Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSNs) have witnessed tremendous research interests in a wide range of medical and non-medical fields. In the delaysensitive application scenarios, the critical data packets are highly delay-sensitive which require some Quality-of-Service (QoS) to reach the intended destinations. The categorization of data packets and selection of poor links may have detrimental impacts on overall performance of the network. In WBSN, various biosensors transmit the sensed data towards a destination for further analysis. However, for an efficient data transmission, it is very important to transmit the sensed data towards the base station by satisfying the QoS multi-constrained requirements of the healthcare applications in terms of least end-to-end delay and high reliability, throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), and route stability performance. Most of the existing WBSN routing schemes consider traffic prioritization to solve the slot allocation problem. Consequently, the data transmission may face high delays, packet losses, retransmissions, lack of bandwidth, and insufficient buffer space. On the other hand, an end-to-end route is discovered either using a single or composite metric for the data transmission. Thus, it affects the delivery of the critical data through a less privileged manner. Furthermore, a conventional route repair method is considered for the reporting of broken links which does not include surrounding interference. As such, this thesis presents the Multi-constrained mechanism for Intra- Body Area Network QoS aware routing (MIQoS) with Low Latency Traffic Prioritization (LLTP), Optimized Route Discovery (ORD), and Interference Adaptive Route Repair (IARR) schemes for the healthcare application of WBSN with an objective of improving performance in terms of end-to-end delay, route stability, and throughput. The proposed LLTP scheme considers various priority queues with an optimized scheduling mechanism that dynamically identifies and prioritizes the critical data traffic in an emergency situation to enhance the critical data transmission. Consequently, this will avoid unnecessary queuing delay. The ORD scheme incorporates an improved and multi-facet routing metric, Link Quality Metric (LQM) optimizes the route selection by considering link delay, link delivery ratio, and link interference ratio. The IARR scheme identifies the links experiencing transmission issues due to channel interference and makes a coherent decision about route breakage based on the long term link performance to avoid unnecessary route discovery notifications. The simulation results verified the improved performance in terms of reducing the end-to-end delay by 29%, increasing the throughput by 22% and route stability by 26% as compared to the existing routing schemes such as TTRP, PA-AODV and standard AODV. In conclusion, MIQoS proves to be a suitable routing mechanism for a wide range of interesting applications of WBSN that require fast, reliable and multi-hop communication in heavily loaded network traffic scenarios

    Reliable, Context-Aware and Energy-Efficient Architecture for Wireless Body Area Networks in Sports Applications

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    RÉSUMÉ Un RĂ©seau Corporel Sans Fil (RCSF, Wireless Body Area Network en anglais ou WBAN) permet de collecter de l'information Ă  partir de capteurs corporels. Cette information est envoyĂ©e Ă  un hub qui la transforme et qui peut aussi effectuer d'autres fonctions comme gĂ©rer des Ă©vĂ©nements corporels, fusionner les donnĂ©es Ă  partir des capteurs, percevoir d’autres paramĂštres, exĂ©cuter les fonctions d’une interface d’utilisateur, et faire un lien vers des infrastructures de plus haut niveau et d’autres parties prenantes. La rĂ©duction de la consommation d'Ă©nergie d’un RCSF est un des aspects les plus importants qui doit ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ© lors de sa conception. Cet aspect peut impliquer le dĂ©veloppement de protocoles de ContrĂŽles d'AccĂšs au Support (CAS, Media Access Control en anglais ou MAC), protocoles de transport et de routage plus efficients. Le contrĂŽle de la congestion est un autre des facteurs les plus importants dans la conception d’un RCSF, parce que la congestion influe directement sur la QualitĂ© De Service (QDS, Quality of Service en anglais ou QoS) et l’efficience en Ă©nergie du rĂ©seau. La congestion dans un RCSF peut produire une grande perte de paquets et une haute consommation d’énergie. La QDS est directement impactĂ©e par la perte de paquets. L’implĂ©mentation de mesures additionnelles est nĂ©cessaire pour attĂ©nuer l’impact sur la communication des RCSF. Les protocoles de CAS pour RCSF devraient permettre aux capteurs corporels d’accĂ©der rapidement au canal de communication et d’envoyer les donnĂ©es au hub, surtout pour les Ă©vĂ©nements urgents tout en rĂ©duisant la consommation d’énergie. Les protocoles de transport pour RCSF doivent fournir de la fiabilitĂ© bout-Ă -bout et de la QDS pour tout le rĂ©seau. Cette tĂąche peut ĂȘtre accomplie par la rĂ©duction du ratio de perte de paquets (Packet Loss Ratio en anglais ou PLR) et de la latence tout en gardant l'Ă©quitĂ© et la faible consommation d'Ă©nergie entre les noeuds. Le standard IEEE 802.15.6 suggĂšre un protocole de CAS qui est destinĂ© Ă  ĂȘtre applicable Ă  tous les types de RCSF; toutefois, ce protocole peut ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ© pour les RCSF utilisĂ©s dans le domaine du sport, oĂč la gestion du trafic pourrait ĂȘtre diffĂ©rente d’autres rĂ©seaux. Le standard IEEE 802.15.6 comprend la QDS, mais cela ne suggĂšre aucun protocole de transport ou systĂšme de contrĂŽle du dĂ©bit. Le but principal de ce projet de recherche est de concevoir une architecture pour RCSF en trois phases : (i) Conception d’un mĂ©canisme sensible au contexte et efficient en Ă©nergie pour fournir une QDS aux RCSF; (ii) Conception d’un mĂ©canisme fiable et efficient en Ă©nergie pour fournir une rĂ©cupĂ©ration des paquets perdus et de l’équitĂ© dans les RCSF; et (iii) Conception d’un systĂšme de contrĂŽle du dĂ©bit sensible au contexte pour fournir un contrĂŽle de congestion aux RCSF. Finalement, ce projet de recherche propose une architecture fiable, sensible au contexte et efficiente en Ă©nergie pour RCSF utilisĂ©s dans le domaine du sport. Cette architecture fait face Ă  quatre dĂ©fis : l'efficacitĂ© de l'Ă©nergie, la sensibilitĂ© au contexte, la qualitĂ© de service et la fiabilitĂ©. La mise en place de cette solution aidera Ă  l’amĂ©lioration des compĂ©tences, de la performance, de l’endurance et des protocoles d’entraĂźnement des athlĂštes, ainsi qu’à la dĂ©tection des points faibles. Cette solution pourrait ĂȘtre prolongĂ©e Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© de vie des enfants, des personnes malades ou ĂągĂ©es, ou encore aux domaines militaires, de la sĂ©curitĂ© et du divertissement. L’évaluation des protocoles et schĂ©mas proposĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© faite par simulations programmĂ©es avec le simulateur OMNeT++ et le systĂšme Castalia. PremiĂšrement, le protocole de CAS proposĂ© a Ă©tĂ© comparĂ© avec les protocoles de CAS suivants : IEEE 802.15.6, IEEE 802.15.4 et T-MAC (Timeout MAC). DeuxiĂšmement, le protocole de CAS proposĂ© a Ă©tĂ© comparĂ© avec le standard IEEE 802.15.6 avec et sans l’utilisation du protocole de transport proposĂ©. Finalement, le protocole de CAS proposĂ© et le standard IEEE 802.15.6 ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s avec et sans l’utilisation du systĂšme de contrĂŽle du dĂ©bit proposĂ©. Le protocole de CAS proposĂ© surpasse les protocoles de CAS IEEE 802.15.6, IEEE 802.15.4 et T-MAC dans le pourcentage de pertes de paquets d’urgence et normaux, l’efficacitĂ© en Ă©nergie, et la latence du trafic d’urgence et du trafic normal. Le protocole de CAS proposĂ© utilisĂ© avec le protocole du transport proposĂ© surpasse la performance du standard IEEE 802.15.6 dans le pourcentage de perte de paquets avec ou sans trafic d’urgence, l’efficacitĂ© en Ă©nergie, et la latence du trafic normal. Le systĂšme de contrĂŽle du dĂ©bit proposĂ© a amĂ©liorĂ© la performance du protocole de CAS proposĂ© et du standard IEEE 802.15.6 dans le pourcentage de perte de paquets avec ou sans trafic d’urgence, l’efficacitĂ© en Ă©nergie, et la latence du trafic d’urgence.----------ABSTRACT Information collected from body sensors in a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is sent to a hub or coordinator which processes the information and can also perform other functions such as managing body events, merging data from sensors, sensing other parameters, performing the functions of a user interface and bridging the WBAN to higher-level infrastructure and other stakeholders. The reduction of the power consumption of a WBAN is one of the most important aspects to be improved when designing a WBAN. This challenge might imply the development of more efficient Medium Access Control (MAC), transport and routing protocols. Congestion control is another of the most important factors when a WBAN is designed, due to its direct impact in the Quality of Service (QoS) and the energy efficiency of the network. The presence of congestion in a WBAN can produce a big packet loss and high energy consumption. The QoS is also impacted directly by the packet loss. The implementation of additional measures is necessary to mitigate the impact on WBAN communications. The MAC protocols for WBANs should allow body sensors to get quick access to the channel and send data to the hub, especially in emergency events while reducing the power consumption. The transport protocols for WBANs must provide end-to-end reliability and QoS for the whole network. This task can be accomplished through the reduction of both the Packet Loss Ratio (PLR) and the latency while keeping fairness and low power consumption between nodes. The IEEE 802.15.6 standard suggests a MAC protocol which is intended to be applicable for all kinds of WBANs. Nonetheless, it could be improved for sports WBANs where the traffic-types handling could be different from other networks. The IEEE 802.15.6 standard supports QoS, but it does not suggest any transport protocol or rate control scheme. The main objective of this research project is to design an architecture for WBANs in three phases: (i) Designing a context-aware and energy-efficient mechanism for providing QoS in WBANs; (ii) Designing a reliable and energy-efficient mechanism to provide packet loss recovery and fairness in WBANs; and (iii) Designing a context-aware rate control scheme to provide congestion control in WBANs. Finally, this research project proposes a reliable, context-aware and energy-efficient architecture for WBANs used in sports applications, facing four challenges: energy efficiency, context awareness, quality of service and reliability. The benefits of this solution will help to improve skills, performance, endurance and training protocols of athletes, and deficiency detection. Also, it could be extended to enhance the quality of life of children, ill and elderly people, and to security, military and entertainment fields. The evaluation of the proposed protocols and schemes was made through simulations programed in the OMNeT++ simulator and the Castalia framework. First, the proposed MAC protocol was compared against the IEEE 802.15.6 MAC protocol, the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol and the T-MAC (Timeout MAC) protocol. Second, the proposed MAC protocol was compared with the IEEE 802.15.6 standard with and without the use of the proposed transport protocol. Finally, both the proposed MAC protocol and the IEEE 802.15.6 standard were compared with and without the use of the proposed rate control scheme. The proposed MAC protocol outperforms the IEEE 802.15.6 MAC protocol, the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol and the T-MAC protocol in the percentage of emergency and normal packet loss, the energy effectiveness, and the latency of emergency and normal traffic. The proposed MAC protocol working along with the proposed transport protocol outperforms the IEEE 802.15.6 standard in the percentage of the packet loss with or without emergency traffic, the energy effectiveness, and the latency of normal traffic. The proposed rate control scheme improved the performance of both the proposed MAC protocol and the IEEE 802.15.6 standard in the percentage of the packet loss with or without emergency traffic, the energy effectiveness and the latency of emergency traffic

    Wireless body sensor networks for health-monitoring applications

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Physiological Measurement. The publisher is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0967-3334/29/11/R01

    The role of cross-layered designs in wireless body area network

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    With recent advancement, Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) plays an important role to detect various diseases of a patient in advance and informs the medical team about the life threatening situation. WBAN comprises of small intelligent Biomedical sensors which are implanted inside patient body and attached on the surface of a patient to monitor different vital signs, namely; respiratory rate, ECG, EMG, temperature, blood pressure, glucose. The routing layer of WBAN has the same challenging problems as similarly faced in WSN but the unique challenge is the temperature-rise during monitoring of vital signs and data transmission. IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Superframe of WBAN is different from IEEE 802.15.4 MAC of WSN and provides channels to emergency and non-emergency data for transmission. As similarly seen in WSN, PHY layer of IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.6 provide various modulation techniques for data transmission. The purpose of this study is to familiar with routing layer, MAC layer and PHY layer in the cross-layer design of WBA


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    The physical conditions of the area of interest is being collected at the central location using a set of dedicated sensors that forms a network is referred to as Wireless Sensor Network. A dynamic environment is required for a secure multi-hop communication between nodes of the heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network. One such solution is to employ autonomic based learning in a MAC Layer of the UWB TxRx. Over a time period the autonomic based network learns from the previous experience and adapts to the environment significantly. Exploring the Autonomicity would help us in evading the congestion of about 30% in a typical UWB-WSNs. Simulation results showed an improvement of 5% using Local Automate Collision Avoidance Scheme (LACAS-UWB) compared to LACAS

    Particle Swarm Optimization for Interference Mitigation of Wireless Body Area Network: A Systematic Review

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    Wireless body area networks (WBAN) has now become an important technology in supporting services in the health sector and several other fields. Various surveys and research have been carried out massively on the use of swarm intelligent (SI) algorithms in various fields in the last ten years, but the use of SI in wireless body area networks (WBAN) in the last five years has not seen any significant progress. The aim of this research is to clarify and convince as well as to propose a answer to this problem, we have identified opportunities and topic trends using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) procedure as one of the swarm intelligence for optimizing wireless body area network interference mitigation performance. In this research, we analyzes primary studies collected using predefined exploration strings on online databases with the help of Publish or Perish and by the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) way. Articles were carefully selected for further analysis. It was found that very few researchers included optimization methods for swarm intelligence, especially PSO, in mitigating wireless body area network interference, whether for intra, inter, or cross-WBAN interference. This paper contributes to identifying the gap in using PSO for WBAN interference and also offers opportunities for using PSO both standalone and hybrid with other methods to further research on mitigating WBAN interference
